At Yuya's words, Yuzu looked up to find that the bottle had stopped to face her for now the third time in a row; immediately she felt a headache start to form.

Before they had officially started spin the bottle, Gongenzaka had suggested they make the punishment slowly scale up in intensity so that nobody would be truly forced to do anything they were uncomfortable with; and while, Yuzu understood his concern, she didn't know if she could take her crush leaning into so close she could feel his breath, just to brush his lips against her forehead or cheek.

She tried to stay patience as giggles spread across the room, as Yuya blushed and made his way over to her, but the minute he began to mutter another apology for the "weird bottle," Yuzu snapped.

She let him know exactly what she thought of the bottle by pushing him down and kissing him until all his earlier apologies were lost to the party's screaming.