Why can't you see?

That you can't clip a robin's wings?

The robin is me

And my wings are my freedom

You say I am too young

When I have more experience than you

You say i'm too innocent

When i've seen more horrible things than you

You say I am not ready

But we all know I am more ready than you

I know how to fight

I know how to protect

I know how to stand my ground

But I also know how to pretend

I pretend that it doesn't hurt

I pretend to only be upset for a short while

I pretend that it doesn't affect me a lot

But when you clip a robin's wings

You are practically killing the bird

A bird belongs in the sky

The sky is its home

And I belong in the sky

Because I am a robin

You're killing me inside

Without even knowing

And that is the worst type of murder

In the whole entire world

So please, unclip my wings

Set me free

Let my fly

Let me flee

I can't take it

It hurts too much

The sky is calling for me

Demanding me to come home

If you don't do it soon

I will flee

I'll become a runaway bird

And fly far away

I'll find another home

One where I can be free

I know I will miss you

But all I want is my freedom

I want to fly again

I want to be free

So why can't you see?

That you can't clip a robin's wings

Because when you do

You're practically killing the robin

And don't you forget

The robin is me

HEY GUYS! THIS IS THE FIRST THING I HAVE EVER POSTED! I Really hope You like it. Please send feedback and stuff like that. Also give some advice. It would be appreciated! I might make this into a story, not sure. Hope you enjoyed it thou, I love dick Grayson! I also started a youtube account and posted a video called Dick Grayson ~ enter the circus. My channel is Redlover 13. Please check it out. I just started doing these type of stuff recently since I have such a big imagination. Anyway bye! :p