Hey everyone! I just want to thank everyone for the reviews! Keep reviewing and maybe I'll post chapters quicker ;) Honestly I never fully understood just how motivating reviews are for fanfic writers, but after posting my first one, I understand the high you get from them. As of right now I will updating this story every Monday. Please continue to review. Thank you!

This story is rated M for future lemon (No NSFW in this chapter)

Fairy Tail does not belong to me

Please Enjoy!

-Normal POV-

Eternal darkness was not exactly what Gajeel had in mind whenever he thought of the underworld. He was sure that it would look like the inside of an active volcano and there be demons all over the place, but the cold darkness was definitely unexpected. Bradman had disappeared as soon as they got to this place, but Gajeel could still feel him somewhere.

That bastard better not come back. I'll beat 'im into oblivion.

Gajeel felt as though he was peacefully floating in the middle of the ocean, not a care in the world. The darkness was surprisingly comforting, even if it was quite cold. To his amazement, the Magic Barrier Particles he had assimilated with were slowly starting to seep into the blackness around him as well, like maybe Hell was trying save him.

Maybe this ain't the underworld.

Gajeel let out a long, deep sigh and closed his eyes. Even though it was just as dark with his eyes closed, it felt more as if he was sleeping than being in Hell. Suddenly, Levy's bright smile flashed in his mind and his eyes snapped open. Groaning in frustration, her image changed from her normally smiling face to the one of desperation and anguish he saw before he was taken away from her.

"Goddammit!" he growled, greatly wanting something to beat the shit out of.

Tears fell down his cheeks as his frustration grew. It seemed like Hell was feeding off of his sadness, and amplified everything he was feeling. All Gajeel wanted to do after this war was to finally tell Levy how he felt, start a life with her and Lily, and beat the shit out if Salamander at the guild daily. He hated himself for having to use iron cuffs to pin her to that rock. Memories of crucifying her, Jet, and Droy started replaying in his mind, and the tears fell harder from his eyes. If he was feeling this bad, he can only imagine how she is feeling about basically being crucified by him once more.

Gajeel roared into the darkness. He was pissed at himself for not being able to find another way to protect Levy, one that involved him keeping his promise. Just a day ago he was promising her he would lock her up in the guilds basement when this war was over, and now he was unable to do so. At this very moment, all he wanted was to hug her close to him and breath in her unique and calming scent. Levy always smelled like lavender, old paper, and ink, no matter what shampoo or lotion she was using. It was Gajeel's favorite scent in the world, just smelling it from across the guildhall instantly calmed his heart.

"Levy…" Gajeel choked as he started to full on sob.

Thank Mavis Salamander ain't 'ere to see this. I'd never 'ear the end of of it.

-Levy POV-

The moment I jumped through the portal, I have felt like I was falling with no end in sight. The surrounding darkness was not what I was expecting when she ended Hell. From what I had read in fiction novels and saw from Bradman's attacks, I was thinking it would be more like skulls, dead souls, and green flames. This place looked more like an in-between dimension of world than an actual Hell.

I can't focus on what Hell should look like. I need to find Gajeel!

After what seemed like hours of falling, I came to a soft stop and just floated in the middle of the blackness. At first I was terrified of pitch-black, but it was oddly comforting. The strangest part of all this was that I could feel the Magic Barrier Particles leave my body. I didn't let my thoughts linger anymore on the strange peacefulness I was feeling in what I think is Hell. Anxiety suddenly bubbled up in my stomach and spread through my body.

What if the spell didn't work?! Oh Mavis what if this isn't Hell?!

Tremors racked my body as the anxiety and despair took over completely. All around me, I could feel the once comforting darkness start to become something more sinister. It felt as if it was not only absorbing the Magic Barrier Particles from my body, but also amplifying any dark thoughts or feelings I was experiencing. Whispers of how I will fail and that I will join Gajeel drifted to my ears. I clutched my head in pain, trying to cover my ears and silence the whispers. I realized that no matter how much I screamed in anguish, no noise left my mouth.

What the hell is happening?! I need to get out of here and find Gajeel. NOW!

Suddenly something wrapped around my wrists and ankles, dragging further into the darkness. I struggled against the restraints, but nothing I tried worked and I could feel them start to cut into where it was wrapped around me. I tried screaming for Gajeel and Lily, but still nothing came out. As I continued to be dragged deeper into the Underworld, I realized I was really on my own and that I needed to get myself out of this mess.

I. Am. Not. A. Damsel. In. Distress.

Even though I could not yell it out loud, and had difficulty moving my arms, I was able to conjure up a Solid Script: Light spell. Whatever held me, released me as soon as the light from my spell hit it. I must have fallen just a few feet, since I didn't feel any major damage when I landed onto a hard surface. My voice also returned when the tendrils of darkness released me.

"Ugh dammit that hurt," I groaned, standing up and rubbing my butt.

The light from my spell only illuminated about a 10-foot radius from where I stood; the word floating just above my head. From what I could see, the terrain was covered in sickly gray colored jagged rocks and ugly mustard sand. As my senses come back to me, I can smell the stench of dead and decaying bodies. It is heavy in the air and makes me choke while throwing up twice the moment it hits my nose. Using Solid Script: Mask, I am able to breathe once more.

"Maybe I should just start walking around…" I say to myself aloud. "No that won't work… I need to find a way to track Gajeel, so I don't get lost in this place."

As I start going through my mind trying to find a spell to use, a sudden rumble literally shakes me from my thoughts. I can't see anything in my limited sightline. It isn't until the second rumble, that I can see something reflecting off the light from my spell.

What the- That is getting closer!

A deafening roar reaches my ears and I am forced to my knees from the strength of it. A giant mass crashes down in front of me, trapping me within its talons. When it speaks, it sounds like metal rubbing up against metal, and I swear I have heard it before. From the position of my Light spell, I am blinded by the glare from it reflecting off the metal of the beast. I mentally move my spell so that I can see my suspicions confirmed.

"Well, well, well, look what we have here. What's a little fairy like you doing in the Underworld?" Metalicana, the Great Iron Dragon and Gajeel's foster father, chuckled above me.