Chapter 1

18 Years Later

When Sasuke Uchiha walked into a room, she caught everyone's attention. The demons wanted her and the she-demons wanted to be her. She carried the soft, innocent features that were considered ideal for a she-demon in this society. Her beautiful long black waves framed an even more beautiful face. She had round, intelligent black eyes covered by long eye lashes, a sweet button nose, and plump pink lips that made every demon's mouth water. Her petit, 5'1 frame had the perfect curves; with a small waist, slender legs and arms, and an ample sized behind and breasts.

Everyone in the Uchiha kingdom knew Sasuke as their gentle and innocent princess who would soon make a beautiful bride and trophy to a powerful king. However, she was much more then a pretty face. To fulfill his wife's dying wish, Fugaku had gotten the best teachers from around the world to educate Sasuke in secret. She was well versed in politics, warcraft, and history and was an extremely talented archer and knife thrower. She loved attending these lessons.

Unfortunately, she also had to attend classes on how to be a proper lady. She was forced to learn domestic duties such as cooking, cleaning, and sewing. She was taught the art of submission where she learned how to pleasure and obey her future husband. Her father gave her incentive to try in her female lessons by saying that he would not let her continue her real education unless she put an effort into them.

On this particular day, Sasuke was standing in front of her father, mouth wide open. Her cheeks were red with anger. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN I'M GETTING MARRIED?"

Fugaku sighed. He knew this would be her reaction. "Sasuke it's time. You are already eighteen. I've let you stay with me for two extra years then I should have."

"But father there's still so much I want to learn." Sasuke cried.

"You can continue your lessons if your husband allows it." Fugaku tried to reason.

"If my husband allows it? Father I have to spend the rest of my life obeying some man that I don't even know. What kind of life even is that?"

"Sasuke I can teach you everything a king has to know, but that does not change the fact that you are a lady, and it is time for you to accept that. You cannot be the king. Besides, Naruto is a good, honorable man. If you respect and obey him, he will treat you well and take care of you."

"NARUTO? YOU WANT ME TO MARRY THAT DOBE?" Sasuke exploded. Naruto Uzamaki was the son of the Uchiha army's commander, Minato Namikaze. Sasuke had met him once years ago. He was a scrawny, loud mouthed idiot who claimed she had cooties and refused to get within 5 feet of her.

Fugaku chuckled. "Sasuke he has changed since the last time you have met him."

"Yeah but how much can a person really change?"

"Well you'll see for yourself. We are going to visit Naruto and his father today at his house-" Fugaku said standing up.

"WHAT!" Sasuke interrupted.

"And you will be on your best behavior do you understand? You will marry Naruto whether you like it or not so you may as well try to get to like him. Now the dressers are here to get you ready." Fugaku finished.

Sasuke sighed, defeated. Two hours later, she came down to meet her father all dressed and ready. Fugaku smiled. His daughter looked so much like her mother that he felt as if it was Mikoto standing in front of him.

Naruto could not believe that he was about to take Princess Sasuke as his bride. He had heard myths about her beauty, but he had only actually seen her once in person when he was twelve. He only vaguely remembered what she looked like. Now 13 years later, at age 25, he was about to marry the little five year old he had once tried to play with so many years ago.

Naruto and his father stood waiting as King Fugaku's carriage arrived. He bowed to the king as he ascended the carriage and almost took an audible gasp when the princess stepped out. Naruto had seen many beautiful ladies in his life thanks to his adventures with his perverted uncle Jiraya, but Sasuke made them all look like witches. Minato smirked at his son's taken aback state and hugged his old friend Fugaku. Sasuke met Naruto's eyes for a second but then immediately looked down as was custom.

Naruto took her delicate wrist and brought it up to his lips. "Welcome Princess." He breathed.

Her cheeks flushed. "Just Sasuke is fine Naruto-sama." Her voice was sweet.

Naruto smirked. "Just Naruto is fine Sasuke."

Sasuke sat silently as her father discussed the terms of her marriage with Naruto and Minato. Naruto was not at all what she had expected. First off he was a lot taller then she had expected. The top of her head barely came up to his shoulder. Secondly, he was a lot handsomer than she had expected. He had a chiseled jaw, high cheek bones, and his eyes; god those eyes were so endearing it took all she had to look away from them and to the ground. They were the blue the sky became when the sun was just beginning to set. She had never seen more beautiful eyes. Finally, he was strong. Even through his clothes, she could see the raw muscle that covered his arms, chest, and legs.

It was decided that the wedding would take place in two weeks time and Sasuke would move out of the castle and into Naruto's house. She liked it. Although it was smaller then she was used to, it was secluded and cozy.

Sasuke found herself dreaming about Naruto for many nights. Naruto's eyes, his smile, his gaze. Naruto touching her, kissing her, making love to her. Everytime she woke up from these dreams she would have a feeling of nervousness at the pit of her stomach that she could not shake. She liked Naruto, but that didn't change the fact that she barely knew him. She had hear horrifying stories of abusive relationships where wives were continuously beaten and raped by their husbands. Would Naruto do that to her? She was getting more and more nervous as her wedding day approached alarmingly fast.