A/N: so this is the final chapter. I hope you enjoy it. Thank you very much to everyone who favouriting, following and reviewing. It means so much. Let me know what you think.

Disclaimer: sure sure

He had promised he was never going to let her feel unwanted again, but here he was making her relive it all over again.

'Leah, I'd never…' He began cupping the side of her face, causing her to flinch backwards and jump up.

'Sam said that also,' she muttered, tucking a loose strand off hair behind he ear, 'I'm sorry, I know you don't like me bringing it up and comparing you to him, but it's kinda hard not to,'

'I could easily compare you to Bella,' he replied hunching forward and leaning his elbows on his knees, 'she wouldn't admit she was in love with me, too stuck on some jerk who fucked her over in the past,'

'That's sick,' Leah snarled, 'you can't still be hung up on swan,' she added sternly, leaning back against the dressing table Jacob had lovingly craved. He'd always been good with his hands. They'd been trying to cut corners money wise when it came to furnishing the house. Sue had the dresser and bed side cabinets lying in her garage. Harry had carved and built them with his own fair hands, she couldn't bare to let them go, they needed a bit of work down to them, Jacob had no problem smoothing out the rough Edges, sticking to Harry's original design.

'No.' He shuddered, 'but I think she's relevant to is conversation,'

'How?' She questioned, her brow creasing at the mention of her sort of step sister. They were never gonna be BFFs but they could make polite conversation. Well polite of Leah.

'I think it's fair to say the start of us was about forgetting,' Jacob spoke softly, starting intently at the ground, 'forgetting the pain. The rejection.' He paused.

'Breaking the connection,' she murmured. 'Ness did that for you though,'

'No. You did Leah,' he argued, 'before Nessie. You could relate to how I was feeling, I was your second choice, I still am. I'm cool with that…'

'Yeah, cause I was your first,' Leah rolled her eyes.

'You are though Leah,' Jacob laughed, 'I've loved you, right from the first day you walked into my living room,'

'You were six!' She argued back.

'Its started of as a different kind of love,' he agreed, 'but it grew,' he blushed slightly before continuing, he knew what he was about to say was a bit TMI but he hoped it would help her understand 'Jesus, you were my first sex dream'

'Oh, you're such a romantic,' Leah winced.

'Shit this is all coming out wrong,' Jacob grumbled.

'Do you think? Personally I think it's going swimmingly,' Leah snarked

'It started off as forgetting for both of us, but then it grew' repeated Jacob, 'and then it became want, and it got to the stage were I needed you and I'm pretty sure you needed me.'

Leah turned her head to the side avoiding his eyes.

'Leah, not only did I need and want you, I chose you.' He emphasized as he stood up from the bed, gripping onto the sheet wrapped around his waist, 'I chose you long before Nessie, long before Bella even. I chose you of my own free will, and that makes what we have more than what me and Nessie have or what me and Bella had. I chose you myself.' He paused taking a deep breath, 'I chose you myself it wasn't some weird mythical voodoo mojo fairytale shit. It was me, with my own head and my own heart Leah. I chose you' he stopped a few feet before her, she looked up at him, her bottom lip trembling slightly, her chin wobbling. It was strange seeing her features do those things, he'd never seen them do that before. 'Question is, do you choose me?'

'No ones ever chose me before,' she hiccuped, swiping away the tears that finally slipped down her cheeks.

'No ones ever chose me before either,' informed Jacob, brushing away the tears with his thumb. 'Look, maybe marriage is a bit rash,'

'You think?' Laughed Leah.

'I said maybe,' he teased, ' but do you think we could possibly admit we're in a relationship? I mean everyone already assumes we are, I mean I assumed we were.'

Leah rubbed her lips together before glancing up at Jacob with a small smile. They had all trained themselves how to keep those sort of thoughts secret, but the odd time they slipped up.

'Alright,' she whispered her eyes still glistening with tears and she was sniffling slightly.

'Alright?' Jacob asked, a grin forming on his lips as he arched an eyebrow at her 'does that mean I won this argument,'

'Don't make me change…' Leah warned before being cut off by Jacob's Lips on hers. She let herself sink into him as he wrapped his arms around her body gripping her close to him, the bed sheet wrapped around him long forgot about.

'I love you,' Jacob whispered, tucking a stray lock of hair behind her ear, letting his fingers trail down her neck, causing her to shiver.

'Jake…' She began, earning a growl from Jacob.

'I don't expect you to say it to me, but that doesn't mean I can't say it to you,' he huffed.

'I love you,' she rolled her eyes, letting out a sigh as if it took her a lot of energy to summon up such unnecessary words., 'what I was going to say was,' she stopped as a gentle smile tugged on the edges of her mouth 'I love you jake,'

He grinned down at her, before lifting her up and throwing them both down on the bed, their super human strength breaking it. He scrunched his eyes shut tight, grimacing at the thought of spending another Saturday morning arguing over beds.

'I don't give a fuck this time Leah, pick whatever goddamn bed you want,' he groaned, kissing her before she could complain, his response electing laughter as his lips made their way down her neck and his hands made their way under her dress.

When they were finished, and trying to capture their breath once again, Leah was the first to speak again.

'Just for future reference jakey boy,' she panted, letting her hand rest on his chest, 'like, I mean, way in the future,' she informed, 'I want a ring, nothing fancy, but a ring all the same, and you have to be fully dressed' she continued, pausing to consider something before adding ' and down on one knee,'

Jacob couldn't help the goofy grin that spread across his lips as he thought about his mother's ring that Billy was keeping under lock and key for him.

'Oh yeah, now she choose to be girly,' he spoke to the ceiling, earning an elbow in the gut, he may have exaggerated the pain it caused him to make Leah feel good.

'I need to have something to tell Rachel when she asks me how her baby brother popped the question,' she reasoned.

'Hey,' shrugged Jacob, pulling her tighter against him, 'if it gets you to say yes, I'll do it.'

Silence feel between then as he ran his fingers through her hair, soothing her to sleep.

'Say it again,' she whispered.

She didn't need to clarify what she meant, he knew exactly what she wanted to her.

'I love you Leah,' he said confidently and clearly. 'Your turn,'

He needed it just as much as she did.

Leah rested her chin on Jacobs chest, looking him directly in the eye before uttering the three words he'd never get sick of hearing. 'I love you,'