
Rogue stood in the middle of the Sabaody forest, scratching his head in confusion. Above him, he could see a Grove number but he wasn't sure if it was the right one. He struggled to remember the number that Shakky told him but came up with nothing. Rogue sighed. He couldn't even do his air jump here, because of the strange pressure, it was hard enough to create a tiny breeze. Sounds of a fight drew Rogue's attention. Rogue perked up, maybe they could tell him the way back to Shakky's bar.

Rogue followed the sounds on quick feet, not wanting to lose them. He quickly came closer to the sounds, his trench coat billowing around him. He had changed a lot in the last two years. His hair was a little longer and he was more muscular. He still wore the same soft shirts as before, as well as the pants, but a long black trench coat completed the look. All over his person were various weapons. A lot more by far than the last time he was here. That was more or less attributed to the many pockets in his coat.

Rogue left the safety of the trees calmly, walking into an open path. He stopped, cocking his head to hear better. Suddenly, his coat waved frantically at the force of the wind from people sprinting past. He smirked as more followed the original. There was his directions then. Rogue turned and followed the sprinting groups at his own fast pace.

Soon enough, he caught sight of the shore and the magnificently familiar ship, coated with a shining cover. Rogue passed hostile chasers and jumped over the last stretch, the only amount of power he had here. Passing through the coating sent shivers down his spine, and the ship's crew gaped at him.

"Am I late?" Rogue said, smiling slightly. It seemed that everyone was here already.

They were only underwater for an hour before Rogue started to stumble around rather than walk gracefully. Robin had been watching him with a close eye, so he knew that she knew what was up.

"Rogue, are you alright?" Chopper asked, worriedly. He'd been watching close too, but confusion was in his eyes.

"I'm fine." Rogue said, bracing himself on the railing. Breathing had started to become harder to do about five minutes ago.

"It's time for you to settle down, Rogue." Robin said, that remark drawing attention.

"What's wrong?" Nami asked. Rogue ran a hand through his hair with a sigh.

"Shakky warned me that sailing on a coated ship had repercussions for a person with the Kaze Kaze no mi ability." Rogue explained, tiredly. "I breathe about three times as much as any of you, and my body is literally made up of air. The bubble suffocates me slowly. The only way to avoid it is to be asleep because my body doesn't take in as much air then."

As Rogue explained, most of the crew started to get more and more worried looking. Rogue sighed again, heavier this time.

"All it means is that I'll miss this adventure." Rogue said. The fact sat heavily on Rogue. He was going to miss the first adventure with the crew back together. It was mildly disappointing to say the least.

"Go on and go down to the treasury." Robin said with a wave of her hand. "I already had a bed put down there. It's the most protected place on this ship, so do not worry."

Rogue nodded and stumbled down to the treasury. The bed sure sounded perfect.

Rogue woke up on the floor, his back flaring in mild pain. He groaned in discomfort and sat up. They must've resurfaced. He should've asked someone to tie him to the bed, but too late now. With an irritated groan, the Jack stood on unsteady feet and made for the door.

As he left toward the deck, he wondered what happened on Fishman Island. What adventure did Rogue miss? It must've taken a while, because it was just now getting easier to breathe. Rogue walked on deck to see the crew partying. Looked like a victory, though Rogue wouldn't expect anything less.

"I was just coming to wake you!" Chopper said, not very far from the stairs. Rogue smiled.

"How was the adventure?" Rogue asked.

"We saved a lot of people!" Chopper said, excitedly.

"That's great, Chopper." Rogue said, walking toward the rest with the reindeer. "What's next?"

"There's no way to know. No one's made a map of the New World." Nami said, after taking a swig. "Yet."

"How was your sleep?" Robin asked. Rogue shrugged, leaning against the railing.

"How long have we been surfaced?" Rogue asked instead.

"About an hour." Nami answered.

"Rogue!" Two long fleshy bits stretched toward the Jack, giving Rogue only a split second to panic before his Captain collided with slammed into the cabin wall with Luffy's damn 'shishishishi' laugh drowning out Rogue's slightly pained groan.

"Hey, Captain." Rogue breathed out. Nami scolded Luffy as Rogue got his breath back.

"We missed you!" Luffy shouted, drowning out Nami's reprimands. The navigator just sighed and rolled her eyes.

"I heard you had a bit of an adventure." Rogue gave his captain a smile. Luffy grinned.

"You'll be with us for the next one!" Luffy said.

"Of course." Rogue replied, honestly. He went to continued, but Nami interrupted.

"Rogue?" She called, a newspaper in hand. Her gaze was still on the paper, eyes wide. "What in hell did you do in the past two years?"

A lump formed in Rogue's throat as he strided over to her. He snatched the paper out of her grasp, fearfully. What did they allow in the paper? Did they release what happened two months ago? His heart slowed to normal when his picture looked up at him. An updated wanted poster.

"Jack Of All" Rogue, Wanted Dead or Alive.

"How the hell did you get 300,000,000 berri bounty?" Nami asked. Rogue's jaw clenched unwillingly, his grip a bit too tight on the paper.

"It's nothing." Rogue said, tearing the paper out and folding it.

"That ain't nothing, bro!" Franky said.

"That's almost as high as mine!" Luffy said, grinning unlike the others. Everyone, aside from the dear captain, knew how bounties were raised.

"I don't want to talk about it." Rogue said, his tone leaving no room for objections. "Anyways, it's been days since I've last eaten."

"I'll get started on dinner." Sanji said, his eyes narrowed in thought.

"Then, I'll go take a bath." Rogue said, abruptly leaving the confused crew.

A/N: so, not really comfortable with this chapter. By the way, I've been writing a similar story that I've been able to muster up chapters for easier. Check it out, please! And don't hate me for this terrible chapter T-T

Also, as of this week, I've been starting a side story for Oh Captain, My Captain. I'm trying to keep the feel of the One Piece movies where its technically not canon but no one really says anything to disprove it happened. It will be a while before the story is out, but I hope it'll be good.