"Missing? You mean somebody stole it?" Azula's winged eyebrows sharpened into a frown.

The Fire Lord paced agitatedly behind Fire Lord Sozin's antique desk. His black half topknot was conspicuously lacking in adornment.

"Stole it, misplaced it, fucking melted it into an ingot? I've no idea, Azula! After that tiny incident with Hawky II, I had it sent to the Royal Goldsmith's for repair. Evidently it needed cleaning and polishing anyway. So, I've been using Roku's old hairpiece as replacement. But now, the Fire Sages are demanding that I wear the Phoenix Crown for the wedding ceremony. Great Sage Shyu even went as far as to state that unless I presided over the ceremony under full assumption of my Royal status, the wedding would have to be postponed."

Azula's yellow eyes flared up with lethal fire. "You can't be serious, Zuzu! The Sages are refusing to go through with my wedding unless you're present, wearing your insignia? But it's my wedding, not yours! How dare they defy our Royal authority this way! All right. If you're too soft to show Great Sage Shyu who's the real ruler of this nation, I'll step in. I'll show him what happens to those that defy the Royal Family. The wedding's on tomorrow as planned, Phoenix Crown or not!"

She turned decisively on her heel and headed for the door.

"Hey, wait up, Azula! What are you planning to do?" Zuko emerged from behind his ancestor's desk, his face a mask of worry.

She didn't even turn to look at him. As Zuko reached out to grab her arm and spin her around, the grim determination on her face shook him to the core.

"What do you think I'm doing, Zuko? I'm going over to the Temple of Agni to have a little chat with Great Sage Shyu. I'm sure that I'll be able to make him see reason. If not, I'll incinerate him to a crisp. On the Temple stairs, if need be. You know Zuko, in the old days there used to be human sacrifices to Agni. Maybe it's time to revive that old tradition."

The door opened to emit a tall, muscular young Water Tribe warrior. Behind him, the Fire Lord's Major Domo Shu Lee appeared, attempting desperately to edge in first.

"Fire Lord Zuko, I'm sorry! Lord Sokka insisted on entering before I could announce him properly! I told him that you and Princess Azula were in a private meeting on a serious issue, but he just wouldn't sit down and wait according to procedure."

The Water Tribesman reached out to pat the older man's liveried shoulder. "That's all right, Shu Lee! Calm down, ok? Princess Azula's my betrothed. Hey, according to Water Tribe customs, she's already my wife, and Fire Lord Zuko's my brother in law. No need to be so formal. I'm just taking my wife for an airship tour of Capital City. That would be fun, right A-"

His voice trailed off as he came face to face with his beloved. The lethal yellow gleam in her eyes, the pale and frozen face… And right behind her, Zuko tugging at her arm as if attempting to restrain her…

"Uh oh. Looks like bad timing on my part, right? I guess on second thought we'd better postpone that airship ride. What happened?"

Azula linked her arm into his decisively. "On the contrary, Sokka! An airship ride's a great idea. I'll give you a guided tour of Capital City. Let's begin with the Temple of Agni."

"Wow. You're saying that you could turn that fire blue by using your own flames?"

Sokka stared at the huge burning cauldron, duly impressed. Bright orange and yellow flames rose up towards the high domed ceiling, reflecting in the intricately gilded patterns there.

Azula shrugged nonchalantly. "Oh, I did it, once. But that's when I was here to visit the Oracle of Agni. I'm sure you haven't forgotten my vision, Great Sage Shyu?" She shot the bearded Elder a penetrating stare.

The venerable Fire Sage paled visibly underneath his peaked headdress. "Of course not, Princess Azula. I am aware of the, ah… significant meaning of your vision. Still, I am the current Fire Lord's loyal servant in all matters."

A minute frown from black winged eyebrows. "Is that so, Great Sage Shyu? Well, according to Zuko himself, you just committed an act of unacceptable insubordination. He claims that you're being deliberately obstructive as regards the Royal wedding. My wedding, Great Sage Shyu! The one that we've been planning and rehearsing for the past three months. The one to which hundreds of important representatives of the Four Nations have been invited to attend. All because an old piece of jewellery's gone missing. Seriously, Sage Shyu! Are you by any chance attempting to cause world conflict here? Or are you just causing trouble in order for people to take notice of you?"

The menacing tone made the old man start. Looking around himself cautiously, he quickly herded the Princess and her betrothed into his private office.

"Please, Princess! Kindly attempt to understand my position. There hasn't been a Royal marriage in the last 5000 years where the ruling Fire Lord hasn't worn the Phoenix Crown. Yes, I'm aware that over time, the crown has been mended and restored several times. Still, the main original shape and material remains. It really is a priceless artefact. But also, it is so much more. It's an important symbol of Fire Nation culture, religion and traditions. In fact, it contains the essence of Fire Nation beliefs. As such, it is a priceless symbol of the spiritual values that this marriage ceremony will impart. In fact, I'd say its presence is of far greater importance than that of the Fire Lord himself. The Phoenix Crown holds the embodiment of the Spirit of Agni. It is a symbol of transcendent fire. The kind of fire that I'm responsible for calling down to bless your marriage, Princess!"

Sokka frowned. "So, you're saying that it needs to be present in order for the Fire Lord to give his blessing to our marriage? And if it isn't, the assembled guests won't accept the wedding ceremony as legit? Why, that puts its disappearance in a whole new light, doesn't it, Azula? That means that whoever stole it wasn't just after it for the gold or the collector value. They likely wanted to put the kibosh on our wedding. Maybe even cause a rift between our nations."

Azula drew a deep breath. Then, she exhaled audibly. The terrifying gleam in her bright gold eyes toned down somewhat. Regarding her, Great Sage Shyu relaxed visibly. The trembling of his hands died down.

"Yes! Princess, I swear that it isn't my deliberate intention to put a stop to your wedding. I just don't see how it could be performed properly without the Fire Lord wearing the Phoenix Crown."

"All right. I must admit that line of reasoning makes sense. Good thinking, Sokka! Fire Sage Shyu, this is why I've chosen this snow savage as my husband to be. He's marginally smarter than everyone else out there. All right, Lord Sokka! What do you propose we do?"

He flashed her a cheeky smile. "Don't forget infinitely more handsome than any other male you have ever encountered! Well Azula, I think we need to conduct a proper investigation here. Let's go visit the Royal Goldsmith's. That's where the Phoenix Crown was last seen, isn't it?"

Azula sighed and nodded. "Yes, Sokka. That makes sense." She rose and directed a penetrating stare at the Great Sage. "Great Sage Shyu. My betrothed and I are setting out to locate the Phoenix Crown. In the meantime, I expect you to proceed with the preparations for the wedding ceremony according to plan. First, the major ceremony here in the temple at noon tomorrow. Then, the reception ceremony at the Royal Gardens. Is that understood?"

Standing to attention, the venerable Great Sage nodded automatically. "Yes, Princess Azula. All according to plan."

As the door shut behind the exiting young couple, he raised his hands to cover his face. The trembling had resumed.

The Royal Goldsmith's workshop was located in the Northern parts of Harbour Town, quite far from the exclusive showroom in Caldera where Azula and Sokka had started out their investigation. This part of Capital City consisted of dark narrow streets and alleys crossing and joining at irrational angles, surrounded by tall rickety buildings that obscured the sun and threatened to collapse into the street at any moment. The streets were a mixture of ancient rounded cobblestones and pure stomped earth, flattened and compacted by hundreds of thousands of feet. The maze-like construction of the place, along with the lack of vision of the sky above them, made Azula's sense of direction start to spin. Draped in her long hooded black cloak, she still felt overdressed compared to the drab outfits of the males and females lounging about or scurrying down the narrow alleyways.

"Is this just my mind, or is this place specifically constructed to confuse you? I mean, it looks like we've been down this very street three times already."

Next to her, Sokka suppressed a smile. "That's a very clever observation, Azula. Master Piandao once told me that core parts of Harbour Town were constructed to confound and confuse agents of the Police and State authorities. This place is specifically designed to make you lose your way, unless you know exactly where you're going beforehand. All clues have been deliberately omitted and obscured. You really need to be born and bred here to be able to find your way around. It's natural to feel disoriented. This place was built to make outsiders feel that way."


Grumbling, Azula pulled her hood down further to obscure her face. As they rounded another unexpected corner without the precariously towering structure above collapsing on them, she noted the thirtyseventh incident of street crime that she'd seen since they entered this part of town taking place somewhere in the left part of her field of vision. Ignoring it studiously, she stared straight ahead to focus on some indeterminate place ten or twenty metres ahead in the distance. Underneath the hood, her face was completely neutral and expressionless. Shooting her a quick glance, Sokka smiled wryly in amusement.

"You're learning the codes, Azula. Anyway, anyone would be a fool to take you on. Believe me, in a place like this, your firebending couldn't come in handier. But in case you're scared, I've got Space Sword right here to protect us."

Ignoring her offended snort, he looked down to consult a scribbled note with an improvised sketch and near illegible instructions. "Ok, here we are. Dragonbone Lane's just across the road. Come on."

He grabbed Azula's hand abruptly to pull her into an even narrower and darker side street, so small as to be virtually nonexistent. Azula was fairly sure that this had never made it onto any map, official or otherwise. Hauling open something that resembled the door to a local privy or tool shed, Sokka indicated that she should move forward. After a few meters in near darkness, they came upon a massive metal plated wall.

"Great. Now what?"

"Patience, Princess. Hang on. I need to find the code that the sales staff gave us."

Azula could sense his annoying half smile in the darkness. For some obscure reason, her Water Tribe lover seemed inordinately confident and able to hold his own in these dark alleys, much more so than in the broad, clean avenues of luxurious Caldera. A creature of fire and light, she wasn't overly skilled at seeing in the dark. However, she could sense Sokka punching in a sequence in some kind of panel to the left. Miraculously, the solid dark metal wall slid away to bare a narrow, unimpressive, rickety staircase. Azula shot her betrothed a significant glance. Impervious to glances, or maybe just affected by the excitement of the search, the Water Tribe warrior shrugged and gestured with his hand as if inviting Azula to enter a gloriously splendid ballroom.

"After you, Princess. According to the sales staff, the workshop is located on the third floor."

The giant male who opened the nondescript door wasn't just armed, but obviously a Firebender. Also, he wouldn't let them enter until having conducted a conversation with them through a door hatch covered by a metal grid. Inviting them into the workshop, he led them past several workstations where goldsmiths hammered, welded and plied away at precious objects. Finally, he knocked on a door to introduce them to a slender, elegant man in his middle age. At the sight of the Fire Nation Princess, shrouded in a hooded cloak and accompanied by a tall young male with a Water Tribe look about him, he rose from his desk to hurry forward.

"Princess Azula! And…?"

"Lord Sokka, of the Southern Water Tribe. My betrothed."

Azula swept into the tiny office to occupy a leather armchair. With a shrug, Sokka sunk down into an adjoining one.

"I'm Onzu Tan, manager of the Royal Goldsmith's workshop. How may I be of service? Maybe some refreshments-"

Azula's gesture cut him short. "Don't bother. We're here on behalf of the Fire Lord. He wants to know what the fuck you've done with the Phoenix Crown. Don't try to slither out of this. I want to know the truth."

The manager blanched significantly. "P… Princess Azula… I'm sure that the staff at our Caldera showroom have submitted a report to Fire Lord Zuko…"

"Yes, thank you very much. All full of polite excuses, and not a trace of tangible facts. Now, quit stalling. I want to know what happened. Tell me all."

Next to her, Sokka was inspecting the scabbard of his sword, checking it for specks of dust or fingerprints that would mar the perfect shine. Reaching out, he grabbed a silk napkin from the manager's office, causing uncut gems to spill out on the desk.

"Do you mind? Thank you." Sokka started polishing the handle of his sword vigorously. The manager took a deep breath and wiped beads of cold sweat from his brow.

" P… Princess Azula. Lord Sokka. I… I don't know what to say. I… I mean, only yesterday a representative of the Fire Lord came to retrieve the Phoenix Crown after its restoration. We'd kept it in a special compartment of our main safe." He gestured, indicating a massive metal construction, composed of smaller compartments, set straight into the office wall on his right hand side.

"I myself was present at the time. I'd been there in person when the… ah, object in question was checked in for repair and restoration three months ago. When the goldsmith in charge presented me with the finished work, I checked the result and signed the forms of approval myself. I watched as it was packaged in the Royal Family's personal safety box. Yet, when the envoy came to sign for it yesterday morning, it wasn't there."

He dabbed at his brow with a silk kerchief.

"Somebody removed it beforehand. Have you interrogated all of your employees?" Azula's voice was sharp.

"Yes. They all tell the same story. Late at night three days ago, just before closing time, another envoy of the Fire Lord's turned up to sign the item out. A female. Cloaked, well spoken. None of my employees managed to get a proper look at her face. I'm so sorry! It would seem that since everyone was leaving for the day, they just took her signature and accepted the fact that she showed them the Fire Lord's seal of identification. She checked the item out and left. I am so very, very sorry!"

Sokka frowned. "A woman in a cloak? What colour? How tall was she? Did she have an accent? Young or old? And did they check the registry code on the Fire Lord's seal?"

The manager shook his head in agonized embarrassment. "I'm so sorry, Lord Sokka! If I'd been present, I would have checked the registry code of that seal myself, but I'd already left for the day. My remaining employees were all on the verge of leaving. So, they forgot. The one that saw it judged it to be genuine. He's very experienced, so I have no reason to doubt his word."

"And the woman?" Azula's voice was a sharp as a whiplash.

"Wearing a dark cloak, much as your own, Princess. Some of my employees say that she was of above average height. Others say average. Young rather than old. They all agree that… Well, something about her made them trust her implicitly."

Azula tapped her lips pensively. "Hm. So either authority or charm. No way of telling which. Did she have an accent of any kind?"

The manager shrugged helplessly. "I've no idea, Princess! The staff member who spoke the most to her just said she had a pleasant voice. That's all, I'm afraid."

Azula and Sokka exchanged a glance. Rising from her seat, Azula nodded pointedly at the manager.

"Thank you, Manager Tan. We have no further questions. You may expect to hear from Fire Lord Zuko on this matter in the future. Excuse me? Oh, what you'll hear will of course be dependent on whether the Phoenix Crown is located or not. However, you may expect a call to update your security routines. That will be all for now."

Leaving the manager sweating profusely, the Princess and her Water Tribe warrior swept out of the room.

"Sokka! How's my favourite groom? And how was the South Pole? Freezing as usual, I bet! Suki and I heard that you'd just returned!"

Sokka attempted to pry Ty Lee's arms from his neck somewhat futilely. Spirits, she was strong! He'd always managed to misjudge her sheer physical strength. Pulling her off him with some effort, he attempted a cheerful and entirely false smile.

"Yep, decidedly cold and frosty. Snow and ice rate 100 %. It was great to return home, and it's even better to be back here! Now, how are my two favourite girls?"

Ignoring Suki's sullen glare at her former boyfriend, Ty Lee linked her arm in Sokka's and proceeded to steer him towards their private rooms. He'd caught up with the two Kyoshi guards just as they emerged from the combined baths and changing rooms belonging to the Palace Sparring Grounds.

"Oh, we're both enjoying ourselves! Suki's been spending a lot of time with the Fire Lord lately. Haven't you, sweetie? Oh, don't hang back! Sokka's joining us for lunch, aren't you?"

Stomach growling, Sokka nodded enthusiastically. Yes, the airship journey through Capital City had made him decidedly peckish.

"Don't mind if I do, girls. Aw, come on Suki! You're hungry too, aren't you?" He shot her a jovial grin, all the while watching her reaction carefully.

Her expression was as sweetly neutral as ever. "Yes I am, Sokka. If you like, you may join Ty Lee and me for lunch. I swear I'll never be able to get used to having personally cooked meals served in my own private Palace suite!"

With one girl linked to each of his arms, Sokka proceeded up the stairs of the Royal Palace. On leaving Harbour Town, Azula and he had decided that the best way to proceed onward would be to part ways and conduct their investigation separately. That would be much less likely to evoke suspicion or defensive reactions from the suspects.

"So, how's the prospective husband? I swear, with all the security arrangements for your wedding, Suki and I have barely been able to get five hours of sleep per night! Zuko certainly keeps us on our toes. But you may safely trust me, Sokka! We've got you covered for the whole day tomorrow. Except during the wedding night, of course. I'm afraid we won't be able to protect you during that."

Sokka grinned. "Oh, I'll just put my hide at risk then. Better get used to married life, won't I? Besides, I already spent two months with Azula down at the South Pole. No problem."

"Oh. Well, that's great." Suki regarded him noncommittally, then turned her violet eyes away.

"Well, it's your skin and sanity, Sokka! If you want to put it on the line, why fine, just go ahead! Just give us a holler if you feel at risk from The Monster. Oh, sorry. Just joking. I know you guys are in love and all."

Whew. It's lucky that Azula and I decided to split and divide these interrogations between us. I don't think I could manage handling a catfight between these three.

He shot his betrothed's faithless former friend a sincere blue-eyed look. "We're both lucky to have you protecting us, Ty! It certainly makes me feel that much safer. But what about Zuko? I mean, I heard some rather alarming news this morning. Is it true that the Phoenix Crown's been stolen?"

Suki sighed, looking genuinely worried. "Yes, I'm afraid so, Sokka! Zuko's really upset. He's assigned the two of us to retrieving it. But I mean, there simply aren't any leads! Anyone could have done it. Couldn't they, Ty? I mean, the crown's ancient and invaluable. Right now, it's probably on its way to some rich collector in the Earth Kingdom or something. Don't you agree, Ty?"

Her friend nodded. "Yes. Of course, we'll do all we can to retrieve it, for Zuko's sake. He seems to think that the loss of it will undermine his position of authority or something. I mean, in the eyes of foreign rulers. Personally, I think that's just a load of bull. Zuko's just so damn neurotic. Once he gets more used to being the Fire Nation ruler, he'll get a bit more relaxed about stuff like this. I mean, it could be a good thing for him to get his own custom made crown, that wasn't worn by his ancestors before him. Kind of sending a message about his reign creating a new path." She shrugged. "Still, of course we can't allow that crown to fall into the wrong hands. So, right after the wedding Suki and I are setting out to search the Earth Kingdom for it. Aang and Toph will be aiding us. In fact, it'll be an adventure just like in the old days, won't it Suki! Care to come along, Sokka?"

He couldn't help but grin. No, Ty Lee was just too bad a liar to be able to pull off an act like this. And Suki had always been an open book to him. While clearly still being somewhat hurt and resentful about his breaking up with her to marry someone else, she still didn't have it in her to pull off an elaborate coup like stealing the Phoenix Crown from her current employer.

"Why, it sure sounds fun, Ty Lee! But come tomorrow, I will be a married man. I won't be able to accompany you unless Azula agrees to come along. Sorry, girls!"

As the two Kyoshi warriors exchanged glances, he shot them a cheerful smile and rose. "Thanks for luncheon. I'll see the two of you at dinner. Nothing beats the Fire Lord's table!"

The salon looked just like she remembered it. Luxurious and comfortable, with cream coloured walls and furnishings in cherry wood and rich deep reds. There was also an entire wall consisting of tall windows that allowed sunlight to flood into the room and opened out onto a spacious balcony with wrought iron railings. As the tall thin young woman leaned forward to pour Azula a cup of fragrant tea, golden lattices of sunlight illuminated her slender frame and raven hair.

"This is an unexpected visit, Azula. How have you been? Of course, I heard that you were engaged to be married. To Sokka, no less. Of course, I predicted as much."

Azula set the exquisitely painted cup down on its saucer with a tiny bang. "You predicted it, Mai? Based on what, may I ask?"

With her glossy black hair in her old signature hairstyle with bangs and oxtails, Mai looked just the same as she had five years ago, when she betrayed her lifelong friend in favour of her brother. Except there was a difference. Dressed in a light sleeveless summer dress of navy blue silk, with a tight bodice and flared skirt, topped by a short vest of red brocade edged with black fur, Mai not only looked shockingly young and pretty. She looked happy. Radiantly so. In all the years that had passed, Azula had never witnessed her former friend's countenance expressing anything but her usual deadpan stoicism in the face of life's events. Something must have happened. Something crucial. Azula couldn't even begin to fathom what.

Mai shot her former friend a funny little smile. "Oh, it was always kind of obvious, wasn't it? The way the two of you would focus on each other whenever we did battle and forget about everyone else, the way you'd talk about each other when the other party wasn't there…"

Azula gave an indignant start. "I certainly did nothing of the sort! Talk about that snow savage, I mean!"

A poignant stare out of long obsidian eyes. "Maybe you didn't, Azula. But Sokka certainly did."

"Oh." Speechless for once, the Fire Nation Princess sipped her tea.

"So, what brings you here, Azula? I mean, I did receive an invitation to the wedding and I plan to go. But to be frank I figured that was Zuko's doing and not yours."

Azula floundered momentarily. It took her a moment to recollect the conclusion that five years of psychotherapy had brought her about Mai's and her smashed friendship. She took a deep breath, centred herself and plunged ahead.

"Of course, I've harboured much resentment towards you, Mai. I will admit it freely. Still, I've come to the realization that you did it out of love for Zuko. I mean, I guess there's no accounting for taste."

A quick exchange of glances. Mai regarded her with her deadpan, frozen stare. Then, unexpectedly she burst out laughing.

"No, I guess not, Azula! Well, I fell in love with Zuko when we were all just kids. Five years ago, I felt like he was all I'd ever wanted. The one who'd change my life for the better, the only one who'd ever mattered. But things didn't turn out the way that I'd expected. I won't bore you with the details, Azula, but… Well, I thought that he was all I needed to be happy. But then, I wasn't. Happy, I mean. After the war, everything just remained the same. So, we fell apart. It's hard to explain. I met somebody else. Except…" She bit her lip and stared out into the distance.

Azula's yellow eyes sharpened. "He told me that you have a new boyfriend. Someone called Kei Lo."

Mai nodded imperceptibly. Only to freeze and shake her head. "Yes Azula, that's true. But… But no, I mean. Kei Lo and I have broken up. I thought he was the one for me. Except I was mistaken."

The focus in Azula's eyes intensified. "You're attending the wedding tomorrow, aren't you, Mai? Who will escort you there?"

The girl shrugged listlessly. "Oh, you should ask my parents, I guess. My mother's arranged for some nobleman to escort me. I've forgotten his name." Suddenly, all the energy seemed to have drained out of her. Azula, on the other hand, had regained her focus.

"But Zuko will be there, won't he?"

Mai started violently and set her teacup down. The long black bangs fell down to shade her eyes from view.

"Yes. Yes, he'll be there, Azula. I… I don't know…." Her voice trailed off into silence.

Azula leaned back into the silk brocade sofa. "He'll be there, Mai. Except not in the position as Fire Lord. The Phoenix Crown's gone, Mai. So, Zuko won't be able to represent the Fire Nation properly."

"What!?" The girl's obsidian eyes widened significantly. She started violently, almost bounding out of the sofa.

"What happened, Azula? Did you have anything to do with it!?"

Azula relaxed back further in the sofa to regard her former friend. No. No, that kind of reaction just couldn't be faked. In fact, it told her a lot more than she wanted to know. All right, so initially Mai had been her main suspect. Not only was she resentful and prone to holding a grudge, but she also had a long story of unresolved feelings for and conflicts with the Fire Lord. She was also smart and deadpan enough to be able to locate all relevant information and pull the theft of the Phoenix Crown off. Except clearly, she wasn't that deadpan after all. And her main feeling for Zuko obviously wasn't resentment.

"Simmer down, Mai. I'm attempting to help him locate it. Believe me, having the Phoenix Crown go missing and Dum-Dum's authority questioned by leaders of the other nations is the last thing that I want. In fact, it might put the entire wedding at risk. I need to locate that crown before noon tomorrow. Zuko needs to wear it when he appears at the Temple of Agni to assist in giving me away to Sokka. Otherwise, no one will consider the ceremony legit and binding. That's the last thing I want, Mai. Believe me."

The former Governor Ukano's daughter took a deep breath and examined the Princess closely. The seconds ticked past. Then, she nodded decisively and let out her breath in visible relief. "All right, Azula! I believe you. I think you really love Sokka and have a genuine desire to marry him. That's good. But then, who could have stolen the Phoenix Crown? And why? Are you sure it wasn't just for gain?"

Azula shook her head slowly. "No, Mai. The manager of the Royal Goldsmith's workshop told Sokka and me that the person who tricked them to release the crown to them was female. Sokka and I discussed it. We're both sure that it's someone who knows Zuko. Someone who knows him well."

Mai's eyes widened. "You… You mean that you suspected it was me? But… Oh, come on, Azula! Surely you don't think I'd… I mean, I know the significance that the Phoenix Crown holds for Zuko! His honour, his entire sense of self-esteem, his being worthy, his whole ancestral heritage… Oh, Azula! I know you never doubted yourself that way. But Zuko does. That's why the crown is so important to him. Well, I may have been angry with him. He may have disappointed me at times. Yes, I broke up with him, because I didn't know how to cope with all his issues. But… Azula believe me! I'd never do a thing like that to him!"

Azula nodded slowly. "No, Mai. I believe you. I guess you wouldn't."

Underneath the black bangs, the long obsidian eyes narrowed further. "Ah. But Azula… I know someone who would."

Sokka tapped the door softly. No response. He repeated the movement, somewhat sharper this time. Still, nothing happened. With a deep sigh, he turned the handle and opened the door stealthily.

She was sitting in front of the dressing table mirror in her bedroom, her long dark hair spilling down bare shoulders. His eyes took in an unfamiliar outfit, consisting of a long low-slung red skirt that left her midriff bare and a matching red bralet top. She was tugging at the single shoulder strap, attempting to adjust it. The dark red choker with its gold pendant reminded him of the betrothal necklace that he'd crafted for Azula. Except this was no betrothal choker. This was a Fire Nation bridesmaid's outfit, and clearly his sister was feeling uncomfortable in it.

"Katara? I… I'm sorry to disturb you! I realize you must be trying out your outfit for tomorrow. It looks absolutely great, you know that? I mean, red really becomes you. Yes, I mean it! And… Wow, what happened to your hair!?"

She gave a tiny gasp and turned to face him.

"Sokka! Spirits, you gave me the scare of my life! What's this, sneaking up on people like that! Don't you ever knock?"

He backed off defensively. "You know, I did actually knock! Several times, as a matter of fact. You must have been too busy to notice."

"Well, as you can see I am busy! Trying out this ridiculous Fire Nation outfit that your bride to be has selected for me." She shook her head vehemently and resumed tugging at the tiny red top, apparently in a futile effort to remould its shape and fit.

Sokka frowned. "That's actually a very nice looking getup, Katara! In fact, I wouldn't mind seeing Azula wearing something similar. She sure can pull off those little tops that bare… well, never mind." He raised his hands placatingly. "Anyway, that looks really good on you, sis. Anyone can tell you've lost a lot of weight."

Katara's large blue eyes widened significantly. She raised her hands to point them threateningly at him. Then, she caught her reflection in the mirror to stare at it dubiously.

"You think? I mean, Fire Nation food is just the worst. So good, and yet so damaging. And the fashion here is just embarrassingly revealing. I'm afraid that I'll be making a proper fool of myself wearing this tomorrow. Imagine father and all our relatives seeing me dressed like this! I… I look like a Fire Nation floozy!" She adjusted a gold upper arm bracelet with a comical grimace of distaste.

Sokka hid his smile behind his hand. "If I were you, I wouldn't worry about it, Katara! Just try to get used to it. In fact, you look really good. Just shut your ears to any comment of Gran Gran's. I mean, I doubt she'll care about everyone being able to see your belly button. She might get pesky about your getting rid of the monkey swings, though!"

"My what!?" Katara's bare dusky arms flew up to her head automatically. "Oh, you mean my loopies? Yes, that's kind of tough. I've had them since I was 3, Sokka. And this new hairstyle…" She touched the half topknot and shook her head in bafflement. "It's… It's just so … so Fire Nation!"

Sokka approached his sister cautiously to stand behind her, facing their joint images in the mirror. Taking her hands in a firm clasp, he removed them from her head to twine his fingers with hers. His voice was low and soothing.

"Listen, Katara! You look really great. Very pretty. Now, I know that Aang and Toph will be there at the wedding tomorrow. Yes, I suppose they'll go together. But do you know what? I bet once he sees you, he'll regret his decision to break up with you. But whether he does or he doesn't, that's no problem of yours. You don't need to bother. Because you'll be the prettiest out of the all the bridesmaids and all the female guests."

"Yes. And the bride will be the prettiest of all." The sharp note of her voice was unusual enough to make him start. Still. Sokka held on to her dusky shoulders, massaging them in smooth soothing movements.

"Well yes, Katara! She most certainly will be. At least in my eyes. I mean, Azula's my bride! I chose her, and she chose me. By this time tomorrow night, we'll be husband and wife. So yeah, of course I think she's the most beautiful woman in the Four Nations. And you… someday soon, you'll find someone who'll think the same of you, Katara!"

She shook her head ruefully. "You're such a fool, Sokka! You're marrying a madwoman. Ok, so I agree she's beautiful. But she's also a violent criminal. Just look at what she did to Aang! She attempted to kill both me and Zuko. And before you say she's changed due to the treatment at The Facility, I'd like to remind you that she stole and tried to torch my letter. I'm warning you, Sokka! If you marry Azula, your life might soon be at an end!"

He froze. The image in the mirror reflected his stricken expression. Still, he kept attempting to get through to her.

"Katara! Come on, you know that isn't true! Aang forgave Azula a long time ago. She even told him she was sorry, although I'll admit she blamed it on being a soldier acting on orders issued by her High Commander. Still, I believe that's exactly what she did. She's certainly loyal to me. I have absolute faith in her, Katara. You needn't worry."

She was shaking her head, picking restlessly at her red skirt with long limber Waterbender fingers.

"No! But, but Sokka! Don't you see? Ok, so Azula may genuinely care for you, even though I doubt it. She may not be a threat to you. But what about everyone else? What about us? What about…"

"I know it must be hard to admit that she defeated you in that sparring match, Katara! But that just means that the two of you are even. Evenly matched, equally strong. You defeated Azula five years ago. She took you down three months ago. So what? In fact, I think that's awesome! It means that the two of you can sparr together and use one another's strength in order to develop your fighting skills further. Consider it, Katara! Wouldn't that be the… Hey, what did you say?"

"I said, what about Zuko?" The restless movements of her fingers kept increasing.

He frowned. "What about him?"

Her hands clenched into fists. "Don't you see, Sokka? Since Zuko is the current Fire Lord, he will be Azula's prime target. Believe me, she won't rest until he's out of the way. I'm just worried about him, that's all!"

Sokka stiffened. Reaching out to clasp his sister's hands in his again, he claimed her blue gaze in the mirror.

"Listen, Katara! I can tell you care about Zuko. That's a good thing. But Zuko isn't Aang. The situation's entirely different. In fact, Azula's trying to protect him and facilitate his rule. Rather like you do, Katara! No, she won't harm him. In fact, the two of you share the same goals. You're way more similar than you think, Katara!"

She shook her head violently. "No! No, Sokka! Azula and I are as different as two people can possibly get. We have absolutely nothing in common. As for Zuko… Well I believe it is my calling to protect him. It's my…"

Sokka's grasp on her hands tightened. "What's in the top drawer of your dresser, Katara? I saw you tucking something in there and shutting it quickly when I entered."

She started violently. "There's… There's nothing at all in there, Sokka! I mean, you must be mistaken."

He released her hands suddenly to reach forward and pounce, pulling out the top drawer before Katara could intervene.

The spiky gold object gleamed in the soft torch lighting.

"Ah-ha! The Phoenix Crown! Just as I suspected. I'm sorry Katara, but you're going to have to return it to its rightful owner. Or as a matter of fact, I'll spare you the inconvenience. I'll return this to Zuko myself."

"I… I've no idea how that got in there, Sokka! One of the servants must have planted it. You know how these Fire Nation people are!"

Her hand snaked out to pry the ancient gold artefact from his hands, almost as if she was acting in spite of herself. She held it in both hands for a moment, staring down at it in what looked like an odd act of worship. Then, she just crumpled and bent, sobbing hysterically, cradling the Phoenix Crown in her hands. Sokka knelt by her side and embraced her, whispering soothing words of comfort in her ear, stroking her new Fire Nation hairstyle.

"There, there, Katara! Come on, everything will be all right! We're right here and we're safe, aren't we? The war's all over. Everyone is happy. Now please, won't you just join in and celebrate my marriage? Please, for my sake? And for your own as well? I mean, you deserve to be happy! More so than any of us!"

She was fighting to stifle her sobs, tears running down her cheeks. Her fingers were at work, gently unlatching black strands of hair from the ancient crown.

"Look… Look at this, Sokka! His hair has gotten tangled everywhere! Can you imagine the pain of having it pulled out? Oh, Sokka!" She collapsed in another bout of sobbing, covering her face in her hands.

Sokka pried the Phoenix Crown from her hands gently. "Yes, Katara. I imagine wearing something like this might be painful. But that's Zuko's fate to deal with. If you want to make things easier on him, why sure. I'm certain that having you around is a great help to him. Just don't do anything foolish, Katara! I have no idea where Zuko's feelings are at. There seems to be loads of females orbiting like satellites around him. Don't get pulled in, ok? You are like the Comet. Strong and blazing. You've got your own trajectory."

Katara was sitting up, wiping the tears from her face and blowing her nose in a silk handkerchief. The act of regaining composure was unusually quick. Then again, she'd always cried easily and been just as quick to recover. Large blue eyes, slightly reddened, met his in the mirror.

"Sokka? Please promise me you won't tell anyone about this. I mean, I don't know what got over me! I… I just wanted to…"

Wrapping the Phoenix Crown up securely to stash it in his tunic pocket, Sokka shook his head reassuringly.

"You wanted things to return to the way they used to be. And in the process, you almost jinxed my wedding and caused the Fire Lord to loose his throne. Oh, come on, Katara! I'm just kidding. There's no harm done. Now, go to bed and get some proper sleep. Then, get up in the morning and show everyone that Water Tribe girls make the most amazing bridesmaids that there ever was."

"You… You won't tell anyone?"

He shook his head. "Of course I won't, Katara! Weddings make everyone go a tiny bit crazy. Mine and Azula's in particular, it would seem! Code red for silence, sister! I'll return the crown to Zuko right this minute and tell him a servant located it in a laundry basket or something. Don't worry, ok?"

He leaned down to give her a warm hug, kissing her cheek. As he exited her rooms and shut the door closely behind him, he shook his head. Of course, the Fire Lord would get his crown back in the morning. But first, Sokka wanted to enact something that he'd always fantasized about. As he imagined Azula, naked and spread out on the bed before him, with the Phoenix Crown securely attached to her black topknot, a broad smile spread over his features. He set out towards the Princess's suite, hurrying his steps.

"And with that, I declare that you are now and henceforth man and wife. May Agni bless this union."

Great Sage Shyu spread his hands wide in a gesture addressing the God of Fire. Behind him, the flames of the Cauldron of Agni flared up as if on cue. Probably a trick managed by means of increasing either the amount of oxygen surrounding it or the level of heat. Still, Sokka appreciated the dramatic flair. His eyes turned to the young woman whose hands were entwined with his. The red silk wedding dress was of a traditional cut, except sleeveless and with a deep V neckline that put her cleavage on scandalous display. Her glossy black hair was parted in the centre and piled up in the traditional roundish, blown out bridal hairstyle, decorated with gold and jewelled ornaments that gleamed in the firelight. Noting the conspicuous absence of crowns of any kind, he embraced her tightly and met her glowing yellow gaze.

"So, snow savage. It would seem that all's well that ends well."

"Indeed, Princess. Now, let's just go out and conquer life. Together."

Great Sage Shyu nodded benevolently.

"You may now kiss the bride."

As their lips met, the flames of the Cauldron of Agni flared up into a thousand sparks. Or maybe it was just all in their minds. Who cared? Finally, they were truly together.