Chapter 1

Sleep. Such a quiet and peaceful time. "No…Connie…I'm sorry…stop…I DIDN'T MEAN IT!" screamed Steven. Or not. "Nightmare. Those suck. Crap. I hope I didn't wake anyone." Steven said.

He walked down the stairs quietly and saw Amethyst, sleeping like a baby on the couch. He didn't see the other gems though. He remembered he needed to meet Connie. He went upstairs and got his phone from his charger and texted Connie.

'Hey Connie, do you want to meet me at the lighthouse' and clicked send. Less than a minute later Connie responded, 'Do you know what time it is? The sun hasn't even come out yet! Ugh, whatever. See you there in 15 minutes.'

Steven jumped up and down in excitement, but calmed down to make sure not to wake up Amethyst. He then grabbed a large, thin, wrapped package and ran outside, almost at the speed of light.

Steven was now 16. He had lost a lot of weight, and gained some muscle through the various missions and training with the gems. He had been waiting for months for this day.

He had finally arrived at the lighthouse, and as soon as he did, Connie was here, and as she got of her bike, Steven admired her. She was so beautiful for a 14 year old, but, well…

"Steven, what do you want!?" Connie said, sounding ticked.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Steven shouted.

"What? Really? Already?" Connie say's, surprised. "Wait, couldn't this have waited until later?"

"No, because this present is special, like you!" blushing slightly, as he handed her the oddly shaped package.

She opened the package and her expression went from angry to blissful. A gleaming katana was sitting in a red velvet box. "STEVEN," she shouted. "This is the best gift I've ever gotten!" He knew she would love it. "I knew you would like it!" Steven says a smile brighter than the sun. Speaking of brighter than the sun, it was on the rise.

"Oh, no!" she exclaimed, making Steven jump in fright, along with the sadness of their 'moment' that he thought they were having ending, "If my parents find out that I'm hanging out with you this early, they'll think we're doing something kinky or..*GASP*!" as she slaps her hand to her mouth. "Not that they would assume that or anything or would they?Theythinkofusasreallyclosesotheythinkwemighttakeourrelationshiptothenextlevelnotlikethatsabadthing*Gasp*!" saying it all in one breath hyperventilating. "I need to hurry home!"

"Don't worry cause…" looking to his right, he sees Lion, "We got Lion!" as Lion musters the most he can… a light growl as he stands up.

"Oh…right…yeah…" Connie says. Lion has actually gotten a lot bigger. Lion's about 10 feet tall now, so the only one who doesn't have any problems mounting it is Garnet. "Uh…how do we get on?"

"Well, we could always make ourselves bigger." Steven chuckled.

"You mean…!" She said with excitement in her eyes. "We could fuse! But isn't that kind of menial?"

"Yeah, but are you complaining?" he said as he was tackled and turned into this wonderful fusion.

"We haven't done this for such a long time" Stevonnie said, stretching out. They hopped onto Lion with ease and Lion roared and created a portal straight to Connie's house. Stevonnie got off of Lion and unfused.

"That was amazing! We should do that more often!" Connie said as Steven escorted her to her front door. "Bye!"

As soon as Connie was out of sight, he decided he needed to head back to the temple, for there might be an early mission he could be missing out on. He looked back to ride...on...the ten-foot Lion looking down at six-foot Steven.

" do I get on?"