*Authors Note* Alright im gonna take a crack at this one. Been rolling this idea around in my head for a while. This is a more serious ideal behind it but I will try to keep the Zootopia magic as best as I can lol.

Several months have gone by since the Night Howler incident with Dawn Bellwether. Zootopia has reverted back to its peaceful times. Nick and Judy have remained partners through the months. Solving cases and putting down specific criminals. They both have been a rather successful duo that even Chief Bogo started to recognize as an asset to the ZPD.

Judy and Nick sat at the front row of the Briefing Room along with all of the other officers of the ZPD like they usually do. Waiting for Chief Bogo to come and give them their assignments. At 8 am on the dot, Bogo walked in. The other officers wooping and pounding their fists on the desks loudly in motivation. Bogo walked to the pedestal in the front of the room.

"Alright alright enough." Bogo ordered. The officers kept going, despite this. Bogo glared and slammed his fist loudly on the pedestal. "SHUT IT! Do we really have to do this every day guys?"

Nick smiled at Bogo. Lifting up his reflective shades. "Just getting pumped for the day Chief. You should join."

Bogo rolled his eyes. "Shut up Wilde." The room chuckling from his response.

Bogo set down a particularly large file and opened it. "We have a new development of contraband in the city. Seems someone found a way to lessen the effect of Night Howlers and turn them into a drug to sell illegally. We had been investigating this for weeks and now we have to take action."

Bogo walked over to the board that showed Zootopia. He marked several places in Central District, Tundra Town, and the Rainforest District. "So far these are the hot spots. When someone uses this drug, it gives off an adrenaline rush while still able to control basic instincts. However these drugs are highly addictive and very dangerous to the body. Too much in your system, and your heart fails."

Judy and Nick listened closely. Judy pondered how people can turn to such things to find relief. Something that can hurt or kill the user.

Bogo continued. "Before I assign districts, any questions?"

Judy raised her hand. Bogo pointed to her. Judy answered. "Yes. If this drug has come from Mindicampium Holicithias plants, why hasn't Zootopia banned the growth of them?"

Bogo looked through the papers and answered quickly. "Because there is a legitimate market for Night Howlers. Farmers in the area can use them as pesticides for their crops. It does not harm the crops they used it on because it's very easy to wash off after the crops are harvested."

Judy nodded. Bogo separated the files into several red folders. "Alright. Officers McHorn, Francine, and Pola take Tundra Town. Officers Wolford, Fangmyer, and Ottie. You take the Rainforest district. Officers Hopps and Wilde, Central District. Your jobs are to find those who are dealing these drugs, and shut them down. The rest of you will patrol your usual routes, and await further instruction."

One member from each team took a file and left the room. Judy took the file and headed towards the front desk. Nick followed. "You think these new Howler drugs are gonna stick around?" He asked.

Judy shook her head. "Not once we bring in the dealers and get the word out about what can happen to those who use it."

Nick shrugged and looked over Judy's shoulder at the file. Judy's ear turned as she heard the roll of an office chair come towards them. Clawhauser smiled as he rolled up. "Morning you two. What's the job today? Something big I hope." His usual peppy attitude always brightening up the room. A box of doughnuts sitting on his lap.

Nick and Judy smiled at Clawhauser. Judy turned the file so it was easier for him to read. "Yeah it's definitely something."

The file was rather thick. Several pictures of suspected sites to where the drugs were coming from. As well as pictures of those seen entering and leaving the areas within short times. Several of the pictures of animals had names and bios. One in particular was bigger than the rest. A male pig by the name of Harold Hammond. He had been seen entering and leaving all of these buildings like clockwork. Each time carrying a duffel bag going in. But not coming out.

Nick picked up one of the pictures and looked it over. "Seems more like an undercover job. If we showed up in cop cars and uniforms, they'll be out of that building before we even got in."

Judy nodded in agreement. "Well we better get changed then. We got a criminal to find."

Clawhauser squealed like he usually does when he sees something he admires, pushing his palms against his cheeks. Making his fat cheeks spread out and look adorable. "You two are so cute together! Get at it before I have to make you."

Judy smiled. "Thanks for the input Clawhauser. Enjoy your day!" Judy turned and started to run down the hallway. Nick reached over and took one of the doughnuts from the box on Clawhausers lap and smiled. "Thanks pal." Nick took off after Judy in a light jog. Clawhauser smiled as they left before going back to the front of the circular desk.

Judy got into the locker room and changed into some casual clothes. Jeans, and a pink flannel button up shirt. As she changed, Judy looked down at her left leg. Seeing the scar she got from cutting her leg open on the bone in the Natural History Museum. On the day that Bellwether was discovered. She ran her finger over the long mark going up her lower leg, letting out a soft sigh. She finished getting dressed and stepped outside the locker rooms.

Nick stepped into the locker room. He passed a mirror and paused as he looked at himself in the policeman's blue uniform. Nick smiled and shook his head. "Me...Working for the police. Who'd have thought?" Nick came out soon after in his usual tan pants and green tropical shirt complete with blue and striped yellow tie.

Judy smiled at Nick. "Do you have any other clothes than that?"

Nick shrugged and smiled. Putting his hands in his pockets. "Yeah I got four more of these shirts. Besides you know I look good."

Judy rolled her eyes. "Yeah yeah. Let's go."

Judy and Nick went down into the garage in the basement floor. Taking an undercover vehicle. A black sedan car fit for a medium and small height mammal. Seats adjustable for sizes from rabbits, to wolves. Judy got in the drivers seat and lifted it so she could drive. Nick sitting next to her and putting his sunglasses on. Smiling and leaning back in the seat.

Although this was disguised as a civilian car, it was fully equipped with police radio, and laptop directly connected to the ZPU database. Judy turned on the engine and looked at Nick. "Pull up anything you can on Hammond."

Nick nodded and opened the laptop, which sat on its own platform just in front of the passenger seat. Judy drove out of the garage and down the road casually. Bobbing her head to a beat as if she was listening to the radio. Nick eventually spoke. "Harold Hammond. Seems he's the I.T. Security guy for a local distribution center on the edge of Savannah Central. Makes about 68 thousand a year wow. Well here's something. He gets a third party income from Lavvy Farms. It's legit. Signed off by the owner of the farm. Does Lavvy ring a bell Carrots?" Nick asked. Smiling as he used his favorite nickname for Judy.

Judy looked over at Nick and raised her eyebrows. "Oh? So since I was a farm girl I must know ALL the farms huh?" She asked sarcastically.

Nick shrugged and put his sunglasses back on. "Well it pays to know your competition. Apparently Lavvy specializes in fruits and vegetables more commonly used in muscle building diets. Makes sense because it says here Hammond is kind of a fitness nut. Goes to the gym every day...three times a day...at different locations."

Nick reached over to the file and looked over it. "Well we got three places that these drugs might be coming from. AND they are gyms. So that adds up." He said with a confident smile.

Judy nodded and scooted up in her seat a bit. "Then we'll go to one and wait for Hammond to show up. He does every day right?"

Nick nodded. "Right. If he leaves with a duffel bag like the report says, we should probably catch him."

Judy drove to one of the gyms. This gym was close to the distribution center that Hammond worked at. Figuring this would be the first stop. Judy leaned back in her seat. "What else can you get on that Lavvy Farms?"

Nick smiled, amused as he looked through the system. "Oh getting some dirt on your parents competition?" He asked jokingly.

Judy rolled her eyes. "Keep talking like that and I won't get you anymore blueberries."

Nick chuckled and shook his head as he looked through the system. "Alright Lavvy actually isnt the original name. It was bought out a few years ago. It used to be called..." Nick paused for a long time. His ears lowering a bit and his eyes widening. Judy noticed a bit of color fall out of his face. "Snowly...residence..." His voice showing sadness. As if he recalled something he deeply regretted.

Judy looked at Nick rather concerned from his reaction to seeing the previous owner's name. "Nick? Are you alright?"

Nick stared at the screen for a long time as if lost in memories. Eventually he shook his head a bit and sat up straight. Clicking back on Lavvy Farms. "Yeah...yeah I'm fine. You think the drugs might be coming out of Lavvy?"

Judy stared at Nick for a while longer. She thought about asking further about the name Snowly but didn't want to upset Nick. So she let it go. "It's possible." She said. "My dad grew Night Howlers on the edge of his crops but for much larger farms, they would need to treat the whole field."

Nick nodded. "Yeah we'll keep it in mind when we get Hammond. Speaking of which." Nick pointed forward towards the gym.

Judy looked up and looked around. Surely enough, she recognized Hammond as he jogged down the street. Wearing a bright yellow shirt and yellow headband with black shorts. "Not really keeping a low profile is he?"

Nick shrugged. "It's actually quite common. When looking for a drug dealer you don't have a name or face for, wearing the obvious shady clothing can give you away."

Judy smiled. "You talk like you've done this before 'officer'."

Nick shook his head. "Nope. But I know everybody."

Hammond walked to the front door of the gym and headed inside. After a few minutes Nick looked over at Judy. "Wanna get some cardio in? Could give us a better idea of what's going on."

Judy smiled and unbuckled her seatbelt. "Alright let's go."

Nick and Judy hopped out of the car and headed towards the gym. Judy walked up to the front counter and opened up her billfold as if intending to pay the person. Wanting to keep a low profile from watching eyes. She showed her badge and whispered. "ZPD. Don't mind us."

The person behind the counter nodded and handed Nick and Judy a towel and bottle of water. "Thanks for showing your cards. Have a nice day."

Nick and Judy walked in. The gym was a rather large one. Many workout machines consisting of treadmills, ellipticals, stair steppers, and rowing machines sat in rows. Along the edges sat bench presses, dumbbell sets, and foam pads for stretching and floor workouts such as push-ups and sit-ups.

Nick and Judy each took a treadmill to the back. Judy took up what she saw as a regular paced jog. Judy looked over at Nick to see him in a brisk walk. Judy rolled her eyes as Nick looked over and smiled at her. As if amused by his slower, more casual pace.

Judy kept a watchful eye out, she spotted Harold over by the dumbbells doing some curls. His duffel bag sitting next to him. After around half an hour, a male Arctic Fox came out from a door in the back and walked up to Harold. Harold stopped what he was doing and picked up the bag. The Arctic Fox was only a little shorter than Nick by a few inches. His fur a bright white color. Wearing a white t shirt and blue shorts.

Judy stepped off the treadmill, as did Nick. They rounded the side and headed around to the door as Harold and the Fox went into it. Nick reached for the door handle. He tried to turn it, but it was locked. Judy quickly ran to the counter to the same clerk from before. "We need a key to that back room."

The man behind the counter shook his head. "I can't. It's private property. The rooms above us are owned by someone else." The man behind the counter was a rather young panther.

Judy sighed. "Any other way up there?"

He nodded. "Yeah there's some doors that lead upstairs. Those are locked usually."

Judy looked back over at Nick to see him knelt down in front of the door. His hands on the knob of the door and moving. Judy ran back over to see Nick with a bobby pin picking the lock. Judy smiled. "Sly fox."

Nick smiled and turned the door knob. This time it opened. "Dumb bunny. Let's go." Nick and Judy went through the door.

Behind the door was a short staircase heading upwards to the second floor. Nick and Judy quietly made their way up the stairs. Ready to move if needed. The stairs were made of wood which made things more dangerous. If they would creak, they would be given away.

Judy and Nick's ears turned a bit as they heard someone talking behind a closed door. At the top of the stairs, there were four doors that lead to different rooms. All of them were closed. The noise was coming from a door on the back left side.

Judy and Nick walked up silently and listened. They could hear a lighter toned voice, and a deeper one behind it.

The lighter toned one was talking. "Here's your cut from last month. Keep up the steady work. And the cops haven't caught onto you?"

The deeper voice spoke soon after. "No not at all...at least I think. I haven't had any cop cars or any other cars following me today."

There was the sound of something zipping closed and being picked up. "And you had no idea about Hopps and Wilde following you just now?"

There was a brief moment of a metal click. Nick pulled Judy away from the door just as two bullet holes erupted through the door. The lighter toned voice spoke again. "You're on your own. Good luck."

Judy reached down to her waist instinctivly to grab her taser gun, only to realize she didn't carry it on her when she wore her civilian clothes. Neither did Nick. Carrying something like that would make them look more suspicious from people they were chasing or following if they saw them.

There was the sound of glass shattering. Nick grabbed the door handle and flung it open. Moving to the opposite side of the door and looking in. Inside was Harold Hammond with his hands up. The window in the room broken. Judy ran over to the window and Nick walked over to Harold and handcuffed him. Judy saw the Arctic Fox at the bottom of the Fire Escape the window was connected to. He stood on the edge of the railing and leapt from it to grab a drain pile. He climbed up it swiftly and impressively. Once he reached the top he looked at Judy and shot a few rounds in her direction with a handgun. Judy ducked behind the wall as he raised the handgun. Judy peeked back over to see the Arctic Fox already jumping to the next building. He was very fast, and very agile. The duffel bag hanging from his shoulder, and handgun in his hand.

Nick glared at Harold "What's in the bag?"

Harold struggled a bit against Nick's grip. "The Growlers."

Nick kept his hard glare at Harold. "Is that the new drug that comes from Night Howlers?"

Harold nodded. "Yeah yeah. The same stuff."

Judy crossed her arms and stared at Harold. "Well you'll have plenty of time to tell us more back at the ZPD."

Harold lowered his head as Nick started to push him towards the door. As Nick and Judy entered the hallway, someone opened another one of the doors. Judy readied herself in case she had to defend herself. A male Coyote peeked through the small opening he made. His eyes were bloodshot red and he was growling lightly. As if he was seconds away from going savage and pouncing, but not wanting to. After a second, the coyote closed the door.

Nick and Judy quickly made their way downstairs and into the Gym. Several of the gym members watched and muttered. Nick held up his badge. "ZPD people. Don't mind us." They quickly escorted Harold out of the building. Eager to get away from prying eyes. Nick unlocked the car and sat Harold in the backseat. Closing the door behind him. Judy got into the driver seat and picked up the radio.

"Officer Hopps to Dispatch. Officer Hopps to Dispatch." She spoke into the radio.

After a few short seconds, the familiar voice of Clawhauser answered. "Dispatch. What's going on Hopps?"

Judy spoke again. "I have shots fired at Savannah Central Gym and possible intoxicated person. I need more officers and a forensics team here. Other officers should be on the lookout for an Arctic Fox wearing a white tshirt and blue shorts carrying a black and yellow Duffel Bag. Male. Nick and I also have Harold Hammond in custody in relation to the Night Howler Drugs."

Clawhauser laughed. "Look at you two! Busting it in one day! Oh man Bogo's gonna love this one. Alright I'll have them there asap ok Hopps? Just keep Harold with you guys till they show up."

Judy nodded. "Alright. Hopps out."

Judy hung up the radio and looked at Harold. "Who was that Arctic Fox?"

Nick turned to listen. "I have no clue. He's the guy im supposed to deliver the bag to. I don't make, or sell any of this stuff I just carry the bag."

Nick narrowed his eyes. "Somehow I find that hard to believe. Is this fox the only one you meet with when carrying the bags?"

Harold shook his head. "No. Him and one other person. A female lioness. I make four stops a day and one of them is always there."

Judy raised her eyebrow. "We heard something about a 'cut'?

Harold sighed and pointed into his pocket. "My pay for the job. Always at the first stop at the beginning of the month."

Nick reached into Harold's pocket to pull out the cash. Nick counted it and his eyes widened. "Judy there's five grand in here!"

Harold shrugged. "A lot of people are doing Growlers I guess."

Judy took out a plastic baggy and put the money in it. She set it on the dashboard.

Officers began to arrive along with a forensics truck. Judy and Nick took Harold to one of the squad cars and let him take Harold to the ZPD. Nick and Judy then showed the forensics team where the shooting happened.

Judy noticed the door that the coyote was behind was cracked open. Judy leaned in and peeked inside to see the Coyote laying on the ground face down. Judy opened up the door. "Guy's I got someone down in here."

More officers walked into the room and flipped the coyote over. He was still conscious. His eyes open and growling loudly. Appearing to be in a dazed state. One of the officers radioed for an ambulance. Nick walked over towards the coyote's couch and noticed several small syringes. Nick picked one up and examined it. Noticing a dark blue liquid inside of it. Judy walked up to Nick.

"Nick what did you find?" She asked.

Nick handed Judy the syringe. "The Growlers."

*Authors Note* Alright first chapter done. Im gonna make these chapters pretty long vs my other story im working on. Read and Review! DISCLAIMER! I DO NOT OWN ZOOTOPIA!