Kiss My Ass

Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of Inuyasha.

A/N: Beware of potty-mouth.


"Yo, Kagome!" a loud, raucous voice shouted through the house, and both occupants of the couch, who were at that moment in the middle of a serious make-out session, groaned.

And then one of them growled.

Drawn by the sound, the impatient, fuming hanyou burst into the sitting room just as his brother leapt from the sofa. Before he could blink, he found himself pinned to a wall.

"What the hell?!" he choked out. "Sesshoumaru, you asshole, let me go! What the fuck crawled up your ass and died?"

Sesshoumaru gritted his teeth at his half-brother's thickheadedness. "What did it look like we were doing, Inuyasha?" he snarled, extremely sexually frustrated – and no longer caring who knew it.

His girlfriend shrieked from the couch where she was still trying to sit up, her face now red as a beet. "Sesshoumaru!"

"Tell me why I should not kill you for interrupting, half-breed," he continued, talking right over Kagome's flustered screech as though she hadn't even spoken.

"Ha!" the struggling hanyou got out as he managed to loosen his half-brother's grip around his neck – a little. "You're just jealous! Your girlfriend keeps making you wait, but mine gives it to me whenever I want!"

"INUYASHA!" Kagome's enraged roar had him flinching and his koinu ears flattening in fear. "I'm gonna tell Kikyou you said that, you little-"

"Of course I am jealous of you, half-breed," Sesshoumaru interrupted her rant, suddenly calm again. He loosened his hold of his brother's throat and let him drop before turning away.

The room went silent as both beings blinked in confused shock and suspicion at him and then each other. He was admitting to being jealous of his brother? What was this, an alternate dimension? Invasion of the Body-Snatchers? Proof that the Twilight Zone did indeed exist?

"Eh-h, what?" Inuyasha fumbled weakly.

"To put it bluntly, and in your usual vulgar vocabulary, hanyou, you can kiss my ass – and I cannot."

Kagome's mouth dropped open, her eyes widening impossibly as she gaped at her boyfriend. She'd always known he was very self-certain and even egotistical sometimes, but this...? Was it even possible to truly be that arrogant? Apparently, it is if you're Sesshoumaru, she thought sourly, folding her arms across her chest and glaring at him.

She was pulled from her disgruntled thoughts by a confused voice.

"Kagome? What the hell's that bastard talkin' about? I don't get it."

There was a long pause and then a loud thunk, followed by the daiyoukai and his girlfriend exiting the room together.

"I had expected you to pound your own head into the wall, miko," he said admiringly as they joined hands and headed for the stairs.

Kagome scoffed. "Why should I end up with a concussion because he's stupid? If I did that every time he proved it, I'd have died of massive head injuries years ago," she snorted.


Then she stopped abruptly and refused to budge, causing him to stop as well and look at her. She shoved a finger into his chest, that disgruntled scowl from earlier back again. "Don't think I've forgotten that little remark of yours, Sesshoumaru. Does your arrogance know no bounds?!"

He lifted a hand and pulled her finger away from his chest, his nose in the air. "I see no arrogance in that remark, woman. The half-breed is allowed a privilege this Sesshoumaru will never have, for it is most decidedly a privilege and honor to be able to kiss this one's backside."


~sigh~ Only Sesshoumaru...

I just couldn't resist.