Well here's a story I'd thought I'd never write. A Dragon Ball Super story.

So whose all hype for the new arc after all the light hearted nonsense with Beerus and Champa an the Universe 6 tournament?

I feel like Dragon Ball Super needed this. Everything in Super so far was just so easy and happy for everyone. I feel like Super didn't need to re tell Battle of the Gods and Resurrection F. They should have just moved on with the Universe 6 tournament.

But whateves, this new arc is here and it is ready to blow our minds away.

At first I was thinking of making this just a one-shot. I'm not sure if I'll make this a full fledged story. Also this story is revolving around my Fate's Encounter fic - I have made several changes to the characters; especially Galina, which I'll be writing more of her in the rewrite to Fate's Encounter.

This fic is rated M because of all the god damn murder this one chapter had and also for possible lemony goodness ;)

Enjoy the first chapter :D

Dragon Ball Super is owned by Akira Toriyama and Toei Animation

To See the Light Again

Chapter 1 – S.O.S. From the Future

It's been a year since the devastation brought by Android 17, 18, 21, and Cell to this world had ceased. A year of peace and a chance to rebuild everything the people of Earth had lost. Or so they thought, when a black mist appeared engulfing the once blue and bright sky and turning it dark. Buildings that were rebuilt from the Android on slaughter were destroyed within moments. Civilian screams could be heard in the distance. This new enemy spared no one. Ki blasts shot out from the heavens as the screams became louder and then in an instant complete dead silence. The handful of warriors that were still alive in this world never stood a chance.

The boy from the future that warned Goku of the threat of the Androids five years prior to this new threat ran through an empty city. He felt it, that horrible power that killed everyone and left nothing standing gaining closer to him. Now older, Trunks' once lavender hair had turned blue to match his mother's. Desperately trying to hide his ki from this new enemy, he hid in between rubble.

The mist got close enough and manifested a dark hand powering up another ki blast and was suddenly tackled in the air by another being. The brave and stupid warrior thinking he could outmatch this new enemy tried to absorb this new enemy's energy.

Trunks watched in surprise. 'What does Sai think he's doing?' He thought recognizing the trench coat and hat he had always worn that covered his red messy hair. Trunks then realized since Sai was an android, this new enemy Black wasn't able to sense his ki at all.

The mist now slowly taking shape as a being growled in frustration bewildered by how his energy was being stolen from his body. Black then saw energy absorbers in the palm of his attacker's hand. Almost viciously this new threat to this world savagely grabbed the android by the neck squeezing the metal causing it to bend slowly. He would not be taken by surprise ever again.

"What were you trying to accomplish, android?" Black scoffed cruelly aiming his other hand at Sai's chest. Not even the metal he was made from saved the android from this final act. "Perhaps hell would better suit you." A deadly black ki blast formed in his hand. He grinned cruelly watching the android squirm in his grip and then sent the ki blast spiraling throughout his body. Slowly the metal aptly named Geronium by its creator's namesake slowly began to crack

Trunks clenched his fist knowing there was no way he could fight him like this. He waited and watched as he saw Sai's broken and cracked body hit the ground with a sickening crack. All that was left from the familiar android was his hat with the Red Ribbon army insignia blowing in the wind. He watched as Black continued to fire ki blasts near him and waited for the right time to leave and be reunited with his mother after one year. The empty city was no engulfed in flames.

'Where are you hiding saiyan?' Black thought. He was searching for Trunks and then took off in the sky leaving a trail of lightning behind.

Trunks sighed in relief and then continued running towards his mother's lab. It was an underground bunker far from Capsule Corp. She was working on fuel for the time machine which was needed once again.

Trunks landed near the bunker taking a moment to catch his breath. He shook of Sai's death not sure how he would explain to Sai's daughter that her father had died. A soft smile escaped his lips. He missed his mother and after a year of running from Black, home seemed good right about now.

Bulma was diligently working on fuel for the time machine. There was a wheel with bright colored orbs turning and spewing out a bright blue liquid from a pump into a small canister. The older woman stared at her small computer screen typing away commands and key components. Her blue eyes fixated on the small portion of fuel that was in the canister. It was only good for one trip.

"Mother!" Trunks called out to his mother.

Immediately Bulma stopped working and turned around smiling at her son relieved that he was alive.

"Trunks!" Bulma said happily as he walked over to her. "Thank goodness. You look well."

"Yes," Trunks replied with a smile. "You haven't changed either, Mother." He then saw the canister which had fuel for the time machine. It was just a small amount.

"This is enough for a one-way trip," Bulma told him.

"This is all there is?!" Trunks was surprised after all the hard work his mother and Kiwi put in. "After an entire year of hard work the two of you put in?!"

"Don't look so upset," Bulma reassured him. "A one-way trip is all we need. Kiwi is already at Capsule Corp getting the time machine ready."

Hearing this Trunks got concerned. "She's there by herself?!" He almost yelled at his mother.

"Don't worry Trunks," Bulma tried calming him down. "You know how resourceful Kiwi is. She's always tinkering with something. Remember she has arsenal of weapons she made before Black appeared. "She decided to go with you to the past."

Trunks nodded slowly. That much was true, for all the trouble Kiwi always caused him, he was glad to know his adopted sister was able handle things on her own.

"Still, this means we can't come back." Trunks told her.

Bulma had an impish smirk on her face. She knew there would always be a way for her children to come back to her. "There is way," She explained to him. "It's a bit of a gamble though." She said honestly.

Trunks then realized his mother had been in this lab nonstop for a whole year. "You've been working here the whole time," He said to her. "Please rest for a bit."

"Don't worry about me," Bulma urged her son. "We're in a race against time here." She typed in a few more commands on her key pad. "I thought Sai was going to come get you."

Trunks lowered his head gently. "Black killed him…" He said quietly balling his fists.

Bulma sighed shaking her head. "He should have known better. I understand he's trying to good after all the damage he caused with his Android friends, but rushing out to fight this new enemy was foolish." She sighed rubbing her forehead with her hand.

"What do you mean my Dad is dead?!" A rude voice erupted in the conversation.

Trunks and Bulma turned around and they saw a child about nine years old. The girl was balling her fists and angrily sneering at the blue haired saiyan. Her purple shirt and blue leggings were mildly ripped due to the fact that she too was on the run from Black just like everyone else.

"What did you do to my Dad?!" The girl screamed kicking Trunks' knee with little to no effort. "Did you kill him like you killed my mom and uncle?!" This girl was Sai's and Android 18's daughter. She was conceived around the time Trunks had made his first trip to the past. The small girl was so bitter towards Trunks that he had killed her mother.

"Erin…" Bulma tried to calm the girl down. "Don't take it out on Trunks. He did nothing wrong."

Erin's light blue eyes flared angrily. "I hate all of you!" She cried grabbing her yellow jacket off of a crate and ran off.

"Erin…!" Trunks called out to her. "It's not safe for you out there!"

The small girl stopped at the top of the stairs of the bunker. "Like I'm supposed to believe a murdering saiyan like you!" She scoffed and ran out.

Trunks frowned seeing the small girl run. He had always felt guilty for killing Android 17 and Android 18 for this reason. This girl was just brought into this world at the wrong time. He knew even if he did go after her, what would stop Black from killing him too. This was an unfortunate sacrifice he had to make. Heading back to the time machine was his only hope.

Bulma finished typing in the commands to release the canister of fuel for the time machine sealing it so it wouldn't spill out or break. "We need to hurry and take this straight to Capsule Corporation."

"I'll take this to Kiwi," Trunks replied. "You rest here, Mother." He observed how tired and exhausted she looked from working so hard on the fuel for the time machine. "You haven't slept at all, have you?"

"I'm going, too!" Bulma urged her son with confidence. "You never know what might happen," She told him. "If you go alone, and he were to attack you," She was referring to Black lifting up the canister of fuel for the time machine. "If this tank gets destroyed, this past year will have been for nothing."

There was no arguing with his mother. "I understand." He nodded.

"Also Trunks…" She looked at her son. "Never forget how many lives were lost in order to create this energy." Her voice was stern yet sad. "Promise me that you must succeed. Even if it means throwing away everything you have." Her blue eyes softened at her son's solemn expression. "I know living here in this world and time hasn't been happy for you. You miss her don't you?"

Trunks said nothing because he knew who her mother was referring to. It didn't matter right now, he would see her again.

"You are everyone's hope, Trunks." Bulma said to him.

"I know." Trunks nodded. 'And she is my hope…' He thought thinking of Galina, the half saiyan daughter of Son Goku which he had left behind. It ached in his heart that he had to leave her once Perfect Cell was destroyed in the present by Gohan and Galina. That was about nine years ago for her. He wondered if she had moved on after all these years of waiting.

"All right, let's go." Bulma smiled at Trunks holding the canister of fuel. "Mai's waiting, too."

Suddenly the lab exploded. Swiftly Trunks grabbed his mother shielding her from the explosion. The computer and equipment were all demolished within moments. Bulma's fingers tightly held onto the canister of fuel for the time machine.

"The equipment…" Trunks gasped.

The eerie black mist that engulfed the entire city made its way down the bunker. Bulma was the first to react as she turned around noticing it. Quickly she handed Trunks the canister of fuel.

"Trunks! Go!" She urged her boy as explosions from ki blasts continued destroying the lab.

Trunks looked around as the smoke around him cleared. He searched for his mother, but she was nowhere near her. "Mother!" He shouted and then he saw it. Demonic red eyes gleaming in the mist. Being held by her lab coat by Black was Bulma. She tried to struggle, but even she knew this was the end for her.

"Mother!" Trunks screamed.

"Go!" Bulma urged him.

Trunks watched in horror as he held the canister in his hand. There was nothing he could do to help her. He was low on energy since there was barely any food to eat and he was always running for his life. He couldn't even go super saiyan.

"Go! Hurry!" Bulma yelled at him.

Trunks squeezed his fists. He needed to do something to save his mother. Black took the opportunity watching the boy's face and formed a ki blast in his hand and fired it.

The aftermath of the blast caused Trunks to go flying away from his mother. He landed on a small body and once he knew who it was he gasped. "Erin…" The small girl never made it out of the bunker door. He then turned to Black who still had Bulma in his grip as the entire lab collapsed.

He watched as the smoke and flames engulfed his mother. She was gone now too. He ran as fast as his legs could carry him and he tightly held onto the canister of fuel for the time machine. This was their only hope. 'Mother…' He thought as he kept on running. 'What am I supposed to tell Kiwi?' As he ran through the burning streets and buildings. 'No matter what it takes, I'll come back here. No matter what it takes, I'll save this world!'

Trunks continued running through empty cities. There was absolutely no sign of life at all through these cities. He hid behind a building suppressing his ki to prevent Black from following him. Black had decimated everything and everyone. He reached a safe haven. An abandoned building where a friend lives here. He ran into the hall way. There was no source of electricity in this building. It was just barely standing on its own. He knocked on the door and became anxious when no one was answering the door.

"Trunks!" A voice called out from the halls. Mai was standing there and Trunks was relieved that she was alright. She once belonged to Pilaf's gang back when Goku and Bulma were just children.

"What the hell took you so long!" Another voice roared from behind Mai. It was Kiwi and her green eyes had fire in them directed at her brother. She was wearing a Capsule Corp logo apron which was hiding her orange shirt. Splotches of black oil were on her face. Her teal jeans and brown gloves were worn and tattered form all the hard work she was doing on the time machine.

"Mai…!" Trunks was out of breath from running. "Kiwi, what are you doing here?"

"I brought her here from Capsule Corp." Mai told him.

"Yeah I was waiting on you and mom to come back so we can all go to the past already! I'm done fixing the time machine all we have to do is put fuel into it." She then looked for Bulma. "Where is mom?"

Trunks had no idea how to break the news to Kiwi. So he just told her what happened. "In order to help me get away, she…," He paused feeling helpless again. The first time was with Gohan's death when the androids killed him and then they went after Galina, and finally Pan, and now his own mother. Tears began to trickle down his face. "Black…! That damned bastard…!" He clenched his fist. "He can sense my ki now." He couldn't hold back his tears anymore. "Mother's equipment is also destroyed…along with Sai and his daughter…."

Kiwi was completely distraught by this news. She leaned against the wall. "Y-You couldn't help her!" She screamed at Trunks and softly wept.

Mai held Kiwi in her arms and hugged her trying to calm her down.

"We still have a chance Kiwi…" Trunks told his mourning sister over their mother. He held the canister of fuel in his hands. "This is the energy that Mother risked her life to extract." He held onto it with his life. "With this we can go back to the past."

In the present timeline it has been approximately nine years since the events of defeating Cell. Seven years after Cell's demise, Goku was resurrected after fighting a fearsome creature called Majin Buu. The creature created by a great wizard named Bibidi never had any intentions of hurting people after he had befriended the might champion Hercule Satan. Gohan had started going to high school where he had met Hercule's daughter, Videl. After Majin Buu's defeat the two go married and had a daughter named Pan. Sai was working hard to amend for the crimes he had caused under Dr. Gero's influence. He was trying to redeem himself to the people of Earth and began working as a one-man construction worker. Helping people rebuild their homes in East City. Galina had finished her formal education and started studying to become a chef, which pleased the God of Destruction Beerus and his attendant Whis to no end.

Once Kid Buu was destroyed six months later, the fighters of Earth went head to head with the God of Destruction who was looking for the legenadary Super Saiyan God. Discovering that it was Goku, the two battled which ended in a stalemate. Beerus offered not to destroy Earth due to the fact that Earth had wonderful things to eat. When that was over a year later Frieza was resurrected back to life. He had achieved a new transformation after training for four months. However, his new golden form was no match for Goku's and Vegeta's super saiyan blue form. It was the true form of Super Saiyan God.

Frieza's demise didn't bring peace to the warriors of Earth. Whis and Beerus had informed the Z-fighters that there were other universes besides their own and that there were also Gods of Destruction in each universe. Universe 6 in particular was the universe that mirrored the main universe. That was where Champa and Vados – Beerus' and Whis's siblings offered to host a tournament of universes. The fighters of Universe 7 went head to head with the fighters from Universe 6 where they had met the Omni-King or the God of everything.

Galina stood beside Goten and Chi-Chi. She watched as her father and Piccolo were harvesting cabbages.

"Dad are you sure you don't want any help?" Galina asked him. Her hair had grown down to her waist after all these years. She was now twenty-five years old. She enjoyed these peaceful times but was always ready to defend the Earth. She had achieved super saiyan 2 when Frieza showed up almost killing Gohan because the young saiyan gave up fighting to be with his family. Tying her long black hair in a ponytail she then added, "I've got to get home soon and make lunch." She held cans of ramen in her hands which she made herself.

"I'll help!" Goten offered raising his tiny hand.

"Absolutely not!" Chi-Chi scolded the small boy. "Don't you have a test next week Goten? You have to study!"

Hearing this Goten pouted. "But I wanna help too!"

Goku affectionately patted Goten's head gently ruffling his hair. "It's alright Goten." He reassured the small boy. "That's why I have Piccolo here." He smiled at the Namekian all proud of the harvest he had worked so hard on. Despite enjoying fighting, Chi-Chi forced her husband to get a job as a farmer. They needed money for Goten's education.

Galina smiled at her little brother. "It's alright Goten don't be sad," She tried to cheer her little brother up. "After your done studying why don't you help me making lunch." She looked at all the cabbages and carrots being tossed into giant dumpsters to take home.

"I thought you had a date?" Goten asked curiously.

"A date?!" Chi-Chi exclaimed at her daughter. "Why didn't you tell me you were going out with another boy." She desperately wanted Galina to get married and have children of her own one day.

Galina huffed at her mother's assumptions. "Mom, calm down," She explained. "My date decided to cancel on me. Said he had other plans, so I'll be spending the day at home…. again." After Trunks left for the future, Galina tried going out with boys, but her dates were never successful. Due to her saiyan genes, her dates would always be afraid of her because of how effortlessly she would break things on accident. Whether it was dishes or tables or even a small cafe. She never meant to do any of those things on purpose, she just couldn't control her strength. So she gave up on dating men for a while and decided to spend it with her family.

Krillin soon arrived wearing his red taco's shirt and watched Goku and Piccolo working. "That's odd, I thought Goku would be with Vegeta training with Whis."

At that moment, Goku stopped working and held his two fingers up to his forehead. The moment he sensed Vegeta's ki on Beerus's planet, he disappeared taking a patch of lettuce and the ramen Galina had made with him.

"GOKU!" Chi-Chi screamed.

"There goes Dad again." Galina giggled.

Chi-Chi looked at Krillin. "What are you just standing around for! Help Piccolo!"

Vegeta was training with Whis on Beerus's planet.

"Such a shame Vegeta, you haven't been able to hit me at all today." Whis said.

This only irritated the saiyan prince. Clenching his fists, the proud prince let out a cry and transformed into his super saiyan blue form. He rushed at Whis with all his might only to headbutt Goku as he appeared with his instant transmission technique.

"Ow-ow-ow!" Goku roared in pain rubbing his head.

"Kakarott!" Vegeta growled at his rival.

"No fair, Vegeta!" Goku yelled. "You can't just train here on your own!"

"Hmph!" Vegeta scowled. "You're just too slow on the uptake!"

Beerus interrupted the two intimately staring the head of lettuce Goku had in his hand.

"Oh Lord Beerus…"! Goku said politely.

"Didn't you bring anything for me?" The God of Destruction asked.

Goku looked at the head of lettuce and handed it over to him. "Uh…here you go!"

Beerus looked at the head of lettuce. "What? What is this green ball?"

"It's called lettuce." Goku explained what Earth vegetables were called. "It's fresh from my field! Galina makes great salads with them."

Beerus took the lettuce in hand as Whis approached the God of Destruction. "A so-called early harvest is it? It's really fresh Lord Beerus."

Beerus tore off a piece of lettuce and took a bite. "Oh, it's good!" He said happily. "It's sweet!" He then started sniffing the cans of ramen in Goku's hand.

"Ah, I see there's my favorite delicacy Earth has to offer." Whis smiled. "Shall we take a break from training?"

The others joined Whis and sat down to eat ramen after waiting a full five minutes.

"Five minutes have passed. It is already now." Whis instructed.

"Chow time!" Eagerly and hungry, Beerus, Goku and Vegeta opened their plastic cans of ramen. Inside it was filled with noodles, corn, miso butter, and fish cake.

Sniffing the ramen, Beerus's mouth began to water. "I've never smelled anything like this before!" The four warriors began slurping down the noodles.

"What do you think Lord Beerus?" Goku asked as he watched Beerus eat.

"It's great!" Beerus said eagerly going for more. "Its full-bodied and delicious! What's this flavor called?"

"Miso butter." Vegeta answered.

"One day we may have to bring your daughter here, Goku. So she can cook for us." Beerus suggested almost as if that was an order.

Awkwardly Goku rubbed the back of his head. "I don't know about that Lord Beerus, Chi-Chi might not like that and Galina's happy with her life right now."

"Hmph," Beerus scoffed. "If she was here cooking for us, we could train her too. Your children are too busy with normal lives all the time."

"I can't force them to train and fight all the time." Goku protested. An idea then struck him. "I've got to let the Omni-King try this one day."

Hearing this Beerus panicked. Vegeta noticed how scared Beerus was just from the name.

"All you did was say his name and Lord Beerus looks so scared." Vegeta said.

"Now that you mention it, Lord Beerus was freaked out when he and Champa saw the Omni-King at the tournament." Goku added.

Beerus scowled and continued slurping down his noodles.

"You cannot blame Lord Beerus for being so frightened," Whis replied. "You see, the King of Everything is the single most important person in existence. None stand above him."

"Does that mean he's the strongest?" Goku asked eager to fight him.

Whis sighed. "You saiyans have a nasty habit of judging others based solely on strength.

"The King of Everything doesn't fight." Beerus told Goku and Vegeta. "But he is the strongest. By an insane margin."

"Lord Beerus did explain back at the tournament that the King of Everything can wipe out anything within a blink of an eye," Whis explained. "Naturally this includes evil-doers, planets, galaxies, and even universes. If he felt like it, our entire world would be no more."

"Has that ever happened before?" Vegeta asked curiously becoming concerned. "Has be wiped out an entire universe before?!"

"Oh, yes," Whis answered. "Previously, there were eighteen universes…"

"So that means six universes were…" Vegeta had remembered Whis telling them there were twelve different universes besides their own.

"Those six universes offended him and went up in smoke. Boom." Whis explained.

"Now you understand why we so got nervous when you were chatting with the King of Everything, Goku?" Beerus told the lovable saiyan.

"Well Kakarott is an idiot after all." Vegeta said bluntly.

"I still promised to enter his tournament," Goku replied happily. "Strong guys from every universe are gonna be there."

Trunks and Kiwi sat in Mai's small home. Kiwi just sat in the corner wanting to be alone. She was still reeling over Bulma's death. Trunks was worried for her sister and wondered if she was going to be alright.

Setting her shot gun aside, Mai walked over to Trunks digging something out of her bag she was carrying. "This time it's not dog food," Mai said handing him a can of cat food. There was nothing in this world. No food to eat at all. They resorted to eating dog and cat food.

The moment Trunks opened the can of food, a small black kitten popped up from behind a crate and began meowing cutely wanting to eat some food.

Trunks smiled at the small animal giving half of the cat food to it.

Happily, the small kitten meowed and ate its fair share. After that the kitten walked over to Kiwi who was crying.

Kiwi stared down at the small kitten as it purred against her leg trying to cheer her up. "You're probably going to die too…" She gingerly patted its head.

Trunks handed Mai the rest of the cat food. "Here." He told her. "You should eat too."

"I'm fine," Mai told him. "Eat it all."

"You should eat too." Trunks replied not really caring about eating food at the moment.

"Well…," Mai was about to protest when her stomach rumbled. "I-If you insist…!" She gobbled down the tin can in an instant. She then looked at the canister of fuel for the time machine. "How far will this take us?"

"One-way." Trunks answered.

"One-way?!" Mai exclaimed. "So there's no way to come back?!"

"Right now, the important thing is to stay alive," Trunks told as he walked over to Kiwi hugging her.

"Get off me!" Kiwi tried shoving him aside. "Why don't you go with your precious girlfriend Mai!"

"Girlfriend?" Mai repeated. "Ha, he wishes." She looked at Trunks. "It would never work. You're still so hung up over that girl you left behind in the past, right?"

Trunks wanted to see Galina most when they returned to the past. He needed a reason to smile again. Trunks slowly let go of her sister. "Besides, Mother said there would be a way to get back."

"Which is…?" Mai asked.

"I don't know…" Trunks sighed. "Still I have faith in my mother."

"First we'll head for Capsule Corporation and then head go back seventeen years into the past." Mai said determined.

Trunks stood up staring out the window for any signs of Black. He held the canister of fuel with all his might as the small kitten hung onto his shoulder. The world I went to so long ago, I have allies there."

"Then what are we waiting around for, let's go before we'll all dead!" Kiwi urged them.

Trunks, Mai, and Kiwi left the abandoned building and headed straight for Capsule Corporation which had seen better days. The famous yellow dome shaped building was able to withstand everything the androids threw at them, but not this new threat.

Kiwi ran ahead and about to activate the pass code to get inside when she saw Trunks had a nervous look on his face. "What's the matter now?" She asked.

Trunks said nothing and gritted his teeth seeing the black mist forming near them. He quickly handed the canister over to Kiwi. "Get going now!" He told her unsheathing his sword. All the strength and rage he could muster, the half saiyan charged at the mist swinging his sword releasing an energy blade from it.

The mist wasn't even fazed and fired yellow ki blasts at Trunks. Trunks was able to deflect the blasts with his sword as the ki blasts bounced off his sword. Emerging from the wall of flames, the same demonic figure that killed his mother stood right in front of him. On impulse Trunks blocked the dark form's strike with his sword causing it to break.

"Trunks! That idiot he's always losing his sword!" Kiwi shouted putting down the canister and pulled out a blaster rifle which she had made from the remaining materials inside Capsule Corp.

"No! Stay here!" Mai urged her and ran to Trunks's side as she saw him fall. She ran to his side.

"Stay away!" Trunks urged her. "Keep going!"

"What are you talking about!?" Mai screamed at him. "I'll act as a decoy! You and Kiwi are the ones that have to survive!" She told him taking out her shot gun and firing it at the mist.

The form in the mist looked irritated and in an instant fired a ki blast at Mai instantly killing her.

"No!" Kiwi screamed. She was ready to fire at the mist with her rifle.

"Kiwi no!" Trunks screamed at her running to her side. "Mai…!" He held her in his arms feeling her take her last breath. Trunks was so angry at this point. There was nothing he could do for his mother or his comrade in battle. He would make sure he and his sister would survive. "You bastard…!" He glared at the mist as it slowly began to fade.

The mist slowly faded revealing someone that resembled Goku. This was not the Goku everyone knew. This Goku cared little if people lived or died. He was wearing a black and gray gi, the outfit resembled something a kai would wear. On his right here he had on a green potara ear ring.

Kiwi ran to Trunks' side staring at this Black Goku in shock.

Trunks immediately held Kiwi close to her incase Black Goku attacked again.

Black Goku stared at the two of them with no remorse whatsoever. "Finally." He said. "Today is the day that your life comes to end…," He was speaking only Trunks at this point smirking, "Saiyan…"

Well there you have it the first chapter. I apologize in advance if the formatting is a little off. I haven't touched and uploaded anything in a while so I have no idea wtf I'm doing right now lmao.

So I also won't know what's going to happen in this story. This is a first for me xD I'll have to wait and see what happens in Dragon Ball Super next week :D

Kiwi is supplied by my awesome friend Kiyamasho - which is also her pen name on this site. Read her DBZ stories to find out more about the character.

Review :D