Chapter 10

Disclaimer: I do not own DGM, all rights go to Katsura Hoshino

Allen's POV

I stared into Kanda's Cobalt eyes and found myself lost in them, he had kissed me and I had let him. I could feel my heart racing, my head spinning and a heat between my legs. I really did like Kanda; he was just so beautiful and I couldn't help by hold so much admiration for him. "Kanda," I finally whispered out as he stared down at me.

"We should stop" I heard him whisper back to me, a gentle expression taking place upon his face. "You're still young. Kissing, things like this is fine but...It'll be bad If I do anymore to you" he said. I took note of his shaky breathing, the way his eyes looked at me like I was his prey which was meant to be hunted down. I reached my hand up and touched his cheek,

"Kiss me more then ..." I whispered, my eyes staring into his.

"I shouldn't. We need to get moving on this assignment. Besides, I can tell you are still sick" he said to me with a soft tone and ran his fingers through my hair. I just wanted to feel him more, like I was drunk and it stung with heat wherever he touched me.

"fine..." was all I said, feeling my heart sink as I pulled away. I sat up and climbed off him, moving off the bed and rushed myself to the washroom. I locked the door and pressed my back against it, staring at my reflection as the mirror stood across from me. My breathing trembled, watching to see how flushed my face was...but how pale my skin really was. I lacked anything that maybe vaguely made me look alive, white as a ghost. Was this from my sickness? Was this the results? I had to push through nonetheless. We were here on assignment. The faster we could get this done, the faster we could go home and get proper rest and treatments. But first...

I looked down at my crotch where that heat had begun to grow. I slowly peeked into my trousers and I couldn't help but stare at myself. Too excited. It was just a kiss! It really was the first kiss I ever wanted or experienced. Sure, Rhode took my real first kiss but this, I wish I could count this instead. I put a finger to my lips, thinking of Kanda's smooth lips against mine. I could feel my eyes flutter as I pushed my hand into my trousers. I let out a heavy sigh and decided to take care of my problem, making sure to keep myself quiet so Kanda wouldn't suspect anything.

Kanda's POV

I move myself off the bed after watching Moyashi run off to the bathroom. I sighed a bit, rubbing the back of my neck. What I said was true though, he's still too young. He's sixteen years old, but his maturity is still that of a child. Sure, Lavi was messing around with people when he was that age, but Moyashi is different. Maybe, I was afraid of tainting him.

I moved to the phone and instantly hooked my golem up to it, calling Komui. That damn asshole, making us go all that way and making Allen suffer like that. I could still tell he was sick; it was just less hazardous at the moment. I listened as the phone was picked up

"Hello~!?" I heard Komui's dumb voice when he picks up the phone for people he knows.

"Komui" I growled.

"Ah! Kanda-Kun! Wonderful! You reached the village! How was it? Did you two bond ~? Did you fall in love? Have you had se-"

"Komui what the fuck!? Moyashi got sick! He almost didn't make it to the damn village! We were walking for three days!"

"Three days? Wow, that's a long time. Did they drop you off on the other side of the Island?"

"Seems that way" I clicked my tongue in annoyance.

"I'm sorry. It wasn't supposed to be that far. Is Allen-Kun alright?"

"He's still fighting a fever" I sighed, looking towards the bathroom door.

"A Fever? Oh my. Did you guys get caught in the rain?"

"Quite a bit. Yeah. Not to mention, we were limited on food and he practically starved himself because he didn't want me to go hungry..." I sighed.

"Oh no. Well, I hope you take good care of him. He should take it easy for a bit. If he starts to show fatigue, you should tell him it's alright to rest"

"He wouldn't listen to something like that, you know it" I sighed once more, pushing my hand through my black banks.

"True... Well, maybe more inconspicuous!"

"Inconspicuous?" I asked.

"Exactly! Maybe say something like 'Ow, my leg kind of hurts. Let's sit down over at that bench!' or... maybe say "hey are you hungry? There are some sandwiches over here". Things that are casual but something that will have him sit down and rest. Even for a little bit is good" I listened to his words. I see, so do things without Moyashi knowing what my plans are... Sounds sneaky, but I wasn't turned from it.

"I see. I think I understand" I agreed, then glared a bit "You're not off the hook though. That was fucking hell!"

Komui laughed a little "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! We'll make it up to you when you return! Isn't that right Reever-Kun~!? "

(It's not my fault!)

I let out a sigh once more and then scratched my head "so about this assignment..." I started, my eyes looking back to the bathroom door. He sure was taking a while. I couldn't help but smirk...perhaps I had excited him a little too much?

Once I had finished talking to Komui, Moyashi stepped out of the bathroom. He looked like he had calmed down. I sat on the bed, "Well, I spoke to Komui" I told him.

"and?" he asked me, "Are we getting out of here?"

"No" I said, watching his expression sulk. "We're still on an assignment. There seems to be high levels of Akuma in this area and well...they're everywhere" I explained to him. "So, we need your eye to sniff them out"

"First of all, it's an eye, not a blood hound. Second of all, this Village is huge. It's extremely vague!" He exclaimed at me and then whined as he gripped his hair. I could tell he was still tired and now was frustrated.

"Well, one lead is. There is an old woman who lives near the docks that is the person who sent in the report. Strange thing is, no finders ever made it here. They were dispatched, but none kept in contact or returned"

"I see. So, this is pretty serious" I watched his expression as he put a hand to his chin in thought. I couldn't help but smirk quietly to myself. How was he so cute? I found myself smiling even when he looked so serious and deep in thought. "So then, we should get dressed and get to work right away" he nods with a small determined smile.

"You sure you'll be able to work properly?"

"Stop babying me. I'm an exorcist. Sickness or not, I have a job to do" he sighed out, looking around.

I stood up and walked to the door and grabbed our clean clothes and shoes "Alright, seems clean enough" I said as I inspected the boots, charms and badges to check for theft of any kind. Everything was where it was supposed to be. I walked back to Moyashi as I closed the door and set our belongings on the bed "Get dressed" I said, stripping off my shirt. I then paused, realizing I still had my erection. I glanced down and then glanced towards Moyashi. I saw he began to strip himself down and I couldn't help but stare as he took his clothes off. His skin was so white and I noticed his nipples were a bright pink color. Jesus, he really was too much to handle like this. It was just like at the river. I looked away when he glanced towards me and I hesitantly changed into my uniform. Once we were ready, we headed down to the main floor of the inn and began to walk together towards the docks.

Allen's POV

As I walked with Kanda, I couldn't help but get the feeling that we were still being duped. Like this wasn't an assignment. Even what Kanda told me seemed super vague...and if it had just been Akuma, then wouldn't one person be enough? Though, as I remembered I was not allowed to be on assignment without a General or another exorcist. I sighed as we reached the docks but it seemed almost abandoned. " everyone?" I turned towards Kanda, squinting my eyes slightly from the bright sun.

Kanda turned to me and then looked around "Maybe it's closed?"

"The dock is closed?" I asked, not really believing that. I watched Kanda shrug and then begin to walk ahead

"I don't know what to tell you. One thing for sure is, there are some homes along here. Maybe we can find someone and ask some questions" so that was his big plan huh? I rolled my eyes a little bit, feeling like this was just a huge drag. I felt tired again, and my legs were beginning to ache. Was it from all the hiking he'd done over those last three days? It could've been...not to mention that even though the sun was shining, I felt cold. Kanda and I's eyes soon met, but I faked a small smile as he stared at me.

"Ye-yes?" I asked, unable to help but nervous stutter.

"I forgot to feed you..." Was what he said. I felt my cheeks up as I felt embarrassed,

"I'm not some animal you have to feed you know!" I shouted suddenly, unable to control the volume in which my voice came out... was that a crack? Even more embarrassing! I covered my mouth and then glared at the samurai in front of me. I could see his smirk as he stared longer.

"If you're not a pet, go get your own food. Hm?" he asked, walking back towards me and then stared into my eyes. "Let's get you fed. And then we'll continue" he said and then began to lead me back towards the town.

I stopped him, grabbing his arm and frowned "I'm fine! We should continue the mission... I want to go home" I said, looking down at my feet. I then felt his large hand move to my head, and I couldn't help but feel myself shrink down as I got shy. It felt nice, having him treat me so gently and petting my hair like this. I looked up at her hesitantly, a small blush on my cheeks.

"We'll get home soon. We just have to be patient. I know you're tired, but we're going to have to also take care of ourselves a little more. It'll be harder if you collapse" he told me, and I agreed. He convinced me to get food and then our investigation began.

We had stopped by what looked like every single home and company that there was by the docks, but to no avail. No one knew about anything suspicious; no one could tell us where this supposed woman had lived and my eye wasn't picking up any akuma either. It was looking like a dead end.

"Perhaps we should split up" Kanda suggested, looking towards me.

"Split up? Are you sure?" I asked, wondering what had brought this on all of a sudden.

"I have an idea. Those akuma are after you because you're the 14th, right?"

"Er...well, erm... Yeah?" I said, staring at him like he had been hit upside the head.

"So, then you'll be bait"

"BAIT!?" I shouted, "Why do I have to be bait!?"

"Cause you're good at it" he smirked. Was that supposed to be a joke? I rolled my eyes at this

"Fine, so then where do we meet back up?"

"Let's meet back at the third dock"

"The third dock...right" I nodded in agreement, looking towards it.

"Oh, and Moyashi?" he said as he turned his back to me "Don't get lost" he then walked forward.

I glared at him with hatred, how could he jinx me like that!? I had no idea where I was! Of course, I was going to get lost like a million times! I decided to take it upon myself to go to the roofs. I activated Crown Clown "Innocence, Active!" I said, my cape wrapping around me as my arm activated. I looked up at the tall building and jumped up, activating Clown Belt to grab onto the top of the building and pull myself back up. I huffed softly as I reached the top, my feet standing firmly on the ground. I then deactivated, moving to look around. I let out a sigh, seeing hardly anything as I tried to scan around with my left eye. Sometimes this eye was useful, but other times it wasn' now. When I WANTED to find the Akuma.

I ended up travelling for quite some time, hopping roof to roof. I was honestly surprised Kanda trusted me enough not to run away or get myself completely lost. I somewhat could remember what roofs I had already gotten to. I stopped my hopping on a roof and looked behind me. Now that I thought about it, where the hell was I? I felt my heart pound at this "Did...I seriously get lost already? A new record. Apparently, all I need is thirty minutes..." I sighed to myself, pushing my hair out of my face and looked up at the blue sky. It really felt too happy. I stared in wonder, remembering what it had taken to get to this feel the sweet breeze on my skin and smelling that salty scent of the ocean. That dark room had been so scary... I didn't want to go there again. I still had nightmares, remembering how cold it had been in there. How did I break? How could I have let my anxiety and depression get so bad to the point of causing myself harm like that? It really seemed so unlike me when I thought about it.

I was soon knocked away from my reminiscing as my eye suddenly pulsed with activation. I gasped in shock as I saw two Akuma rise from the ground below me "I sense him...The 14th. I feel him!" One said, as it came through the arc's doors. My blue eyes widened and my heart skipped a beat. Finally, finally I got to get back to work. I could be an exorcist again and that adrenaline in my blood was back... the feeling I had become addicted to. I activated my Innocence once more "Innocence!" I shouted, my arm coming back to its black needle form. I glared at the Akuma, seeing it was more than two now. Shit, this might get a little more complicated. I now could count, wait. Maybe 6. What levels? I couldn't tell just yet. I began to run, not wanting to put innocent people in the danger below me. I would stop once in a while to taunt them "I'm right here! Come get me!" I'd shout, getting their attention. They obviously fell for it, seeing as Akuma were not the brightest creatures to exist. I soon jumped down from the roof and ran into a large dome-like building. It was mostly hollow with four entry ways... where Akuma then began to swarm into. "Shit..." I said, now counting three Level Threes and the rest were Level Twos.

Kanda's POV

I split up from Moyashi, deciding to put my trust in him that he would return to me safely. It was a big risk, but I knew something had been following us ever since we left the Inn. I could tell Moyashi hadn't felt it one bit, but then again, my skills were far more superior. I took it upon myself to travel through the alley-ways, a difficult position I knew I was putting myself in but I needed to act oblivious to protect Moyashi. They were after me, not Moyashi. I had felt this feeling before when I was finding a place to eat last night for the boy to fill up on, someone was watching me...and it was getting stronger. I soon stopped in my tracks, my hands in my pockets and on my Katana: Mugen, "you're ballsy, following me around like this" I said out loud, glancing behind me.

"I could say the same to you, Kanda Yu" said a familiar voice. I looked over to see Howard Link standing behind me; I see. So, he was still after Aren.

"Inspector Link..." I sighed slightly, shaking my head then "Or...should I say Special Agent, Link?" I joked, turning around to face him. "Why are you following me?"

"Why is it that you split up with Walker? Knowing what I could do..."

"Why you ask?" I stared at him and then smirked a bit "None of your fucking business. That's what" I spat, watching that stupid eye of his twitch. How could one shove themselves so far up Inspector Revilee's ass? He surely must just be that stupid.

"Please, there's no need to be indecent" he dared clear his throat at me.

"Shut up" I said again, glaring at him. "Why is a dog like you watching me, and not the Moyashi?" I asked.

"Well, I decided that there was something go on between the two of you...I wanted to investigate you..Simple as that"

"You're very quick to tell me your motives..." I said, watching him carefully with my hand on Mugen's hilt.

"There's no point in hiding anything from you, Kanda Yu. You'd just figure it out on your own. One question does concern me though. Allen Walker's current state"

"What about it?" I rose an eyebrow

"It's...very troubling to me. His physical state"

"You better start making sense in about 3 seconds or I'm gonna feed you to the damn fish" I growled, threatening to pull my sword.

"He's thin" Link was fast. "He is INCREDIBLY thin. Much thinner than the last time I saw him. This is worrying"

"why? Does it go against you're Master's plans?" I asked, once again annoyed by this filth.

"I'm not sure if it does or not... But It's truly worrying to my eyes. Another thing, are you and Walker...lovers?" he dared to clear his throat after choking that last word out.

"What of it?"

"Well, you do know that two men being together in the Catholic church is sinful and unforgivable, don't you?"

"So?" I wasn't understanding what he was telling me. So, what if we were sinning? What's God gonna do? Smite me? He's been a great fucking help so far...

"Kanda Yu...This is a warning for not just your sake, but also Mr. Walker. If people in the Church find out that you...two men, are dating...having sex and being inappropriate within the could very well be punishable by death"

My eyes widened at this. They wouldn't, would they? We're Exorcists, they need all the help they can get...Gay or not, right? "I see... "I said, lowering my tone as I began to take it into some deep consideration. "We... could be put through Execution..." I said, thinking about the pain Aren has already had to face...the stupid things this damned Church has already done to ruin the lives of all of us who have worked there. I couldn't let Aren die for falling in love with me. "I'll let him know..." I said.

Link nodded, quite pleased with this "Good. Mr. Walker... Is a sweet young man. I don't, think he really is capable of doing awful things to people. He deserves any love he can get. It's against my own views as a very religious man but... I don't, think anyone has truly loved that boy" all I could do now was listen. Why did this, two specks have to put in an extra two cents? Why did he make sense...? Why did he care?


"Why?" he asked me back,

"Why do you care if we die or not?" I looked up at him.

"Oh, it's not for you. It's for Walker. He's going to be the next 14th... He has to be around for that" he explained, turning his back to me "Good day, Kanda Yu... And good luck" and like that he was back in the shadows from which he had crawled from... Great. A new thing to worry about...

Yay! That was fun! :D

So what do you think guys? Were you satisfied? The beginning of this story was made right as Allen's "Running away" Arc was beginning, so I thought I'd throw in some of the more recent chapter mentions in here too for the hell of it! Anyone have any ideas for the future? Please let me know! I'd love to plot around your ideas! 3 3

See you next Chapter!