Chapter 8- The First of Many

Before Beca realized it, she was calling her dad.

"Morning Bec. I guess Dr. Marcus's office called you?"

"Yeah they did. Is… is it true? Can I actually do it?"

"They said that they need to go over the fine details, but all in all yes. They have one ready for you and can do the procedure as soon as we are both ready. We have to prepare to take time off school and such."

"How long would we be down there?"

"From what they told me you'd be in the hospital anywhere from 14-21 days depending on how you recover and if your body accepts it or not. After those weeks, you will be outpatient in their hospital for about 3 months, then need blood work every few months. It's not simple Bec."

"I know it's not. So we would need to take off for… what, like, 4-5 months? That would just be half a semester, right?"

"It would be 4 or 5 months that we would be down in Jacksonville, Bec. Once we got back I would have to keep a close eye on you for another couple months to make sure you're okay. It would take us about 6 months before we get settled with everything. So we would both take off for about half a year."

"Is there a way we can do that?"

"Well, yes. You would graduate a little later than your friends though. Is that something you're willing to do?"

"Yes. God yes." Beca said without hesitation.

"I'm good on the work front. I'll just come back the next semester, and Sheila can work from anywhere as long as she lets them know. So, we will go to Dr. Marcus's Friday and discuss when to do it and all the fine print behind the procedure. I'm thinking we can probably do it right when summer starts."

"That's… like next week."

"I know. Would you like more time before we do it?"

"No. I want to do it as soon as possible." Brent chuckled.

"I figured you would. I was thinking… maybe we could just make it like a vacation? We could just take a full year off and spend the other 6 months as a vacation. I can imagine if it works there will be so much you'll want to do, and I want to do as much of it as possible with you." Beca's mind immediately went to spending a full year without Chloe and what she would tell her.

"I'll have to think about it dad."

"Oh, that's right, you have a girlfriend now! Sorry, forgot about that. You probably don't want to spend a full year away. What are you going to tell her about the 6 months though?"

"That we're going on a vacation to Florida. I don't want to get her hopes up. Or ours for that matter." Brent sighed.

"If that's what you think is best, I won't argue with you. Meet me at home Friday morning, and I'll drive us down to Jacksonville. That ok?"

"Sounds perfect dad. Thanks for doing this for me."

"No problem Bec. I would do anything for you."

"I know dad. See you Friday."

"See you Friday." Beca hung up and let the events settle into her mind. She had to stop herself from squealing in joy. This was it, her chance at finally being healthy. Or, pretty damn close aside from regular monitoring to make sure it didn't backfire. It was a risky procedure, she knows that, but she'll be damned if she lets statistics ruin her chance at being healthy. Beca walked back into her dorm to see Chloe sitting up and rubbing her eyes sleepily.

"Morning Chlo." Beca greeted her with a chaste kiss as she sat down.

"I need to tell you something," Beca said nervously as she sat down next to Chloe.

"Can it wait until after breakfast?"

"Uh, if I don't tell you now I might not tell you." Chloe instantly seemed more awake and looked over at Beca.

"Yeah, okay, go ahead baby." Beca took one of Chloe's hands.

"My dad and I are going on vacation."

"Okay, and?"

"We are leaving next week I think."

"Oh. Where are you going?" Chloe seemed half excited and half disappointed.

"Uh, Florida."

"Ooh, fun! How long will you be gone?" Beca ran a hand through her hair nervously.

"That's the thing…" Chloe's demeanor shifted towards upset.

"We'll be gone awhile."

"How long is awhile?"

"About 6 months."

"6 months?" Beca closed her eyes and bit her lip.

"Yeah… 6 months."

"And… you're just telling me this now?" Chloe whispered.

"It wasn't a set in stone thing. We just talked about it again this morning, and it won't be finalized until Friday. I literally just got off the phone with my dad about it." Chloe surged forward to kiss Beca and pulled her body flushed against her own at the same time. Beca melted into Chloe's embrace.

"I'm going to miss you so much Bec."

"I know Chlo. I'm gonna miss you too."

Chloe and Beca spent as much time together as possible, and she had also called Rachel and Diane to let them know she was going to be gone. Before Beca knew it, she was driving home to meet her dad for their trip to Jacksonville. Beca got there around 5 in the morning, still in pajamas and with no coffee in her system. She got out and let herself into the house.

"Dad, I'm here." She called out quietly. What she wasn't expecting, was Sheila to meet her at the door.

"Hello Beca, how are you feeling?"

"Tired as fuck."

"Would you like some coffee?"

"Can't. Sugar's high." She grumbled as she made her way into the house and flopped onto the couch. Her sugar was 349 when she got up, so coffee was a no-no. Shortly after she flopped onto the couch, Sheila came into the living room.

"Here you go." Beca sat up and took the Coke Zero gratefully.

"Oh my god thank you." Sheila smirked.

"No problem Beca. Good luck today sweetie, I can only imagine how much this would mean to you."

"Thanks Sheila." Beca took a couple sips from the soda while her dad emerged from his and Sheila's bedroom wearing jeans and a button up shirt. He glanced at Beca, slightly surprised by her attire she guessed, and made his way to the kitchen.

"Morning Becs. I'll be ready in five minutes."

"No problem. I'll just be here, drowning myself in massive quantities of Diet Coke." She heard both her father and Sheila laugh as she took another sip. When her dad came back out with a thermos and his keys in his hand, Beca stood up and started walking to his car. She had left her bag with a change of clothes and her shoes by her dad's car. Her makeup was done and her hair was up in a messy bun which was good enough for her. Especially since they had a 5 hour car ride before they fucking got there anyway. Beca followed her dad and hopped into the passenger seat. Her dad started the car, and Beca took her laptop and headphones out of her bag. She knew her dad wouldn't mind her mixing while he drove, it was like a ritual when her dad drove her to a doctor that she mixed in the front seat while he drove.

Before Beca even realized, and about 3 full mixes later, her dad parked in front of St Joseph's Hospital. The hospital Dr. Jean Marcus, the head of organ transplants, works in. Beca grabbed her bag and followed her dad into the building. Beca changed quickly in the bathroom into skinny jeans and a flannel with a pale blue tank top. Chloe had given it to her to quote unquote brighten up her gloomy wardrobe. And Beca is definitely not wearing it just because Chloe gave it to her. She's wearing it because Chloe said she looked super hot in light colors, so she supposed she could try to wear a lighter color every now and then. She and her dad made there way through the hospital, only after her dad asked the ER triage lady for a mask for Beca. Wearing her precautionary mask, they made it to Dr. Marcus's office. After about 10 minutes, a nurse told them to go ahead back.

"Ah, the Mitchells, how wonderful to see you again!" Beca and her father sat in the chairs in front of Dr. Marcus's desk. Beca took the mask off and stuffed it into her pocket for the walk out.

"Hello Dr. Marcus. It is a pleasure to see you again. May I get straight to the point?" After an affirmative nod, Brent continued.

"When your assistant called me, she said that Beca was off the waiting list. That you had found a match. Is that true?" Dr. Marcus gave Beca and her father a bright smile.

"That's correct. We have found a donor pancreas that matches Ms. Mitchell pretty darn well. The blood type is a match, and the donor was as healthy as a person could possibly be."

"So, we can do the transplant?" Beca asked.

"Well, we have some technicalities, but as long as you consent, then yes, we can."

"What technicalities?" Her father asked.

"Well, I want to go through everything that this will entail once more before you say anything."

"Dr. Marcus, no offense, but we've been through that like 20 times already. How soon can we do this?"

"Well, since we already have the pancreas, once the paperwork is filled out we can do it whenever you are ready." Brent reached over and grabbed his daughter's hand. Beca couldn't keep the smile off of her face.

"Where do I sign?"

The week leading up to Beca and her father leaving for their 'vacation' in Florida was spent either packing or doing something with Chloe. Beca removed everything from her dorm, packed the clothes for the trip, and her other stuff went back to her room at home. The day they were leaving, Beca woke up at 5 again, but this time she woke up with Chloe in her arms. Beca tried to get up, but Chloe tightened her grip and buried her head into Beca's neck.

"Don't go." Beca sighed as she wrapped her arms back around Chloe.

"I have to." It will be worth it once I get back, I promise.

"I don't want you to go. I'm going to miss you too much."

"I'm going to miss you too Chlo." Beca tilted Chloe's head up, and she kissed her sweetly.

"I love you Chloe Beale."

"I love you too Beca Mitchell."

"I might not have good connection the first few days I'm there, so I'll call you once I can, okay?" I won't be awake.

"Okay." Chloe started crying when Beca stood up to leave. She had stayed at Chloe's last night, and was going to meet her dad and Sheila at home so they could go. Chloe stood up with Beca and hugged her tight.

"Be safe Becs."

"Course. I love you Chloe."

"I love you too." Beca leaned up and kissed Chloe again. She tried to show Chloe just how much she loved her, but she's not sure she ever could. Beca left Chloe's dorm, and as she closed the door, she heard Chloe break down. It ripped Beca's heart out of her chest, but she couldn't tell Chloe about this. She would insist on coming with her. She couldn't do that, but she did have a plan on what to do.

When she got home, she saw her dad and Sheila eating breakfast in the kitchen. Beca checked her sugar as she joined them.

"Hey Bec. What is it?" He asked regarding her sugar.

"176," she answered with a smug grin.

"Good job Bec. I'm so proud of you."

"Thanks dad. I'm gonna get some cereal before we head out." Beca ate some Cheerios, then helped her dad and Sheila load up the car with all of their stuff. Beca claimed the back seat of her dad's Expedition for herself, while he drove and Sheila got passenger seat. Beca took a nap on the way there and woke up halfway through so she could make her phone call. It rang 4 times before it went through.


"Hey I need a favor."

"That depends. Does it have to do with why Chloe came over to Bre's and is now a sobbing incoherent mess?"

"It does."

"Well, I'm all ears."

"Ok, so, I left. I won't be back for like 6 months."

"You what?!"

"Look, Stace, I'm sorry. I'm going to Florida with my dad and Sheila."

"For what? Why on Earth will you be gone for 6 months?"

"I'm on vacation."

"Bullshit. There is no way you are on vacation for 6 months. In Florida."

"Well, that's what's going on."

"Ok, when you feel like telling me the truth let me know. What about the Bellas? You're the co-captain and you just left?"

"I have a setlist already made. I'm going to send it to the person taking my place as co-captain while I'm gone. You'll get my email in a couple days after I settle down and everything."

"Wait, you want me to take your place?"

"Well, yeah. You're super talented Stace. And besides, you're dating the aca-nazi, I'm sure she'll be more than willing to tell you how to do it." Beca smirked when Stacie laughed.

"Hey Stace, can you put me on speaker for just a sec so Chloe can hear me? And just play along, yeah?"

"Uh, yeah." Beca waited a second before speaking again.

"Stacie, can you do me a favor, while I'm gone?"

"Sure Bec. What do you need?"

"Promise me you'll take care of my girl." Beca could hear the muffled gasp on the other line which she assumed was from Chloe.

"Yeah. I promise."

"Oh, and, uh, tell her I love her." This time she heard Stacie gasp.

"I love you too Becs!" Beca laughed when she heard Chloe yell through the phone.

"Ok, be good nerds. Talk to you later."

"Bye." Chloe and Stacie said at the same time. Beca put her phone down and groaned quietly. This was going to be the longest 6 months of her entire life.

When they got to the hospital, her dad checked her in, and they were soon being swept up to the fourth floor to settle Beca into a prep room for her surgery. They got an IV in her, checked all her vitals, and brought the anesthesiologist in to introduce himself to her. An hour after they got there, Beca was being wheeled into an operating theatre. A mask was placed over her face, very cold heart monitors were placed on her back, and something was pushed through her IV. Dr. Marcus spoke to her.

"Alright Beca. Count backward from 10 for me."

"10, 9, 8...7...6..." Everything went black.

Beca woke up in a green room with flowers painted on the walls, and an aching pain in her left side. Beca groaned as she tried to sit up, but failed. She found the remote for her bed and put it into a more upright position. She pushed the nurse button and waited for a few minutes. When the door opened, her dad and a doctor came in.

"Hey Bec. How do you feel?"

"Like someone cut me open and played a game of operation inside me." The doctor and her dad laughed. Brent sat down in the chair next to Beca's bed, and the doctor looked over her vitals.

"Alright, everything seems to be in order right now. If you need anything feel free to buzz the nurse."

"Thanks." Beca sighed.

"This is gonna be a long 6 months."

The 6 months Beca was in Florida were the longest, most painstaking months of her life. Between the tests, physical therapy, pain in her side from the stitches, learning that she didn't have to check her sugar or deliver insulin anymore, and having to lie to all the girls back home, it really sucked. But, it was definitely worth it. Beca now had a fully functioning pancreas, and she was no longer classified as a Diabetic. She was free of it's hold. Of course, she wasn't completely healthy, she had to have blood draws every few months to monitor her donor pancreas, and what had already been done to her body couldn't be reversed, so she was still physically behind healthy people, but she didn't have to monitor her glucose or give herself injections anymore. No more pumps, no more finger sticks, no more monitoring every thing that goes in and out of her body. And now she was almost home, and she got to share the good news with everyone at home. And she finally gets to see Chloe.

When her dad pulled up in there driveway, Beca put her things inside and grabbed her keys to go to the Bellas practice that was this afternoon. It was already halfway over, but she wanted to surprise them. Beca drove to campus and made her way to the rehearsal hall where Bellas was being held. Beca walked inside while the girls were going through the routine. They were all facing away from her, so she sat down quietly in one of the chairs and watched them dance and sing. When they finished, Beca spoke.

"And where exactly do I fit into this routine?" All the girls turned around and Beca smirked. There were several excited yells, and then an excited redhead wrapping her arms around Beca followed by the rest of the girls.

"Beca! You didn't tell me you were coming back today!"

"I know I didn't." Beca laughed as she got smashed in a group hug.

"I think we are going to cut this rehearsal short. Let's all go get some lunch with Beca." Chloe clapped her hands once and the girls started packing up their things quickly. Beca helped Chloe grab her things then leaned in to kiss her girlfriend.

"I missed you Becs."

"I missed you too." Beca and Chloe walked hand in hand with the Bellas behind them to the cafe on campus. They all piled into a booth. They all placed their drink orders, which was when Beca surprised everyone.

"I'll take a Coke please." Everyone turned wide eyes to Beca, who smirked.

"Beca, sweetie, you can't drink Coke."

"Oh, but I can actually."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I wasn't exactly in Florida for vacation."

"What were you there for?" Beca saw a look of hurt pass over Chloe's features. Beca stood and pulled her shirt up to reveal the large scar on her abdomen from the procedure.

"I was having a procedure done. And, uh, I'm not Diabetic anymore?" Chloe ran her fingers over Beca's scar while the rest of them stared with slack jaws and wide eyes. Then Stacie seemed to have an 'aha' moment.

"You had a pancreas transplant?"

"I did. And it was fucking successful. I'm not sick anymore guys." Chloe jumped up and hugged Beca. Chloe started crying, as did a few of the other Bellas.

"Oh my god. I... I'm so happy for you Bec."

"So am I." They ate a celebration lunch for Beca's successful surgery. When they parted ways, Chloe and Beca started walking together hand in hand.

"Can I ask you something Chlo?"

"Sure. Anything."

"Well... I'm having dinner with my mom tonight."


"And my dad is coming. It's gonna be like a whole family ordeal." Chloe nodded while Beca took a deep breath.

"I... would you come? I want you to be there." Beca winced at the squeal Chloe let out, then braced herself for the inevitable. Chloe jumped into her, and Beca wrapped her arms around Chloe's waist.


Beca and Chloe got out of the car and followed Brent to the door.

"You sure about this dad?"

"Of course I am. Your mother and I are friends now Beca."

"If you're sure." With that, Beca knocked on the door to Rachel and Diane's place. A few moments later, Rachel opened the door.

"Beca, Chloe! So good to see you. It's been forever!" Rachel hugged Chloe and Beca.

"Brent, it's good to see you." She said with a small smile. He returned her greeting and smile, and they all went inside.

"Beca! Beca! Beca!" Beca spun around and greeted her sisters, then Diane, as did Chloe and Brent. When they sat at the dinner table, Beca took Chloe's hand under the table.

"Uh, Diane, mom, I have some... news."

"Is it good news or bad news?"

"It's... great news, mom." Rachel smiled encouragingly at her daughter. After a couple deep breaths, Beca continued.

"When we were in Florida, I had a procedure done."

"What procedure? Are you okay?"

"Uh... I had a pancreas transplant. I'm... I'm not Diabetic anymore. I'm not sick." Beca breathed out. She still had a hard time believing it herself. Rachel and Diane's smiles were immediate.

"Beca, congratulations! That's... I don't even have words for how wonderful that is."

"We're so happy for you sweetie. Congratulations." Diane added. Both women wiped away the tears that had fallen, and they began eating. The room was filled with smiles and laughter. Some time through the dinner, Beca came to a realization, and she was smiling brightly at the thought.

"Hey, what are you smiling for over there?" Brent had asked her with an amused smile of his own. Beca looked around at the table and simply shook her head.

After dinner, she and Chloe were sitting on the porch swing in Rachel and Diane's backyard.

"What were you thinking about earlier. During dinner?" Beca smiled softly.

"I... I finally got everything I wanted."

"What do you mean?" Chloe asked as she rested her head on Beca's shoulder.

"Well... tonight. It was like... a dream come true." Chloe waited patiently for Beca to explain.

"Growing up, I've always wanted to know what it was like to have a family. Like a complete full family. And tonight... I had dinner with my mom, my step mom, my dad, my two sisters, and the woman I love. I... it was everything I've ever wanted. Plus being healthy, which I got. I mean... I'm just so happy." Chloe sat up and looked at Beca lovingly. Chloe leaned in and kissed Beca. Beca could feel herself melting into Chloe's embrace, but Chloe pulled back shortly after.

"I don't plan on going anywhere, so this is just the first of many Becs." Beca wiped away the tear as soon as it fell. She settled herself against Chloe and watched as Gabby and Amanda played catch with Brent, Rachel, and Diane.

"Yeah. The first of many."