Hey everyone, I'm not sure how this story came about or how long I will make it. If you all enjoy my story, I will continue it. Anyways I hope you enjoy!

Lexa and Beca were more than cousins, they were best friends, sisters practically. They grew up together, did everything together. So when the time college came around of course they went to the same one.

Barden University, wasn't their first choice, but with Beca's father working there they were basically forced to go there. Neither Lexa or Beca really liked Beca's father after he divorced Beca's mother who was Lexa's dad's sister.

"Well look on the bright side, at least neither of us have his class." Lexa jokes as they grab their stuff from the back of a cab. She laughs to herself as Beca glares at the cab driver who touches her mixing stuff.

"Yeah but he is still here, which is too close to me." Beca counters as they encounter a very chirpy blonde who passes them a rape whistle. Lexa watches as Beca puts her whistle into her mouth and slides her own onto her backpack.

"Okay let's just go find our rooms. I still can't believe you and Anya decided to room together, leaving me to get a creepy roommate." Beca complains as the two make their way to Baker hall.

"Anya and I are playing soccer here together, it made sense to room together because we can wake each other up when we have early practices." Lexa says nudging Beca as they watch some guy spill all of his stuff. They both smirk and step around the guy continuing on their way.

"Yeah whatever. When my roommate turns out to be creepy, I'm coming to live with you two." Beca says as they reach Lexa's room.

"I'm fine with that and I'm sure Anya won't care either." Lexa says with a shrug as she pushes her door open.

"What won't I care about?" Anya greets the two with a smile. She was in the process of hanging up a Nike poster about soccer.

"If Beca comes and stays with us, if her roommate turns out to be a creep." Lexa explains throwing her bag down onto the other empty bed in the room.

"Yeah you can come stay with us if she is creepy but on the flip side, if she is hot we can come over whenever we want." Anya says with a smug look. Beca nods with a smirk.

"Yeah okay deal." She says moving to shake Anya's hand.

After helping Lexa and Anya unpack, Beca begs the two girls to come to her room with her. Anya passes saying she has to go see where all of her classes are going to be but Lexa decides to come with her. Beca is a couple doors down from Lexa, which they are both happy about. Once they push the door open, they spot an Asian woman sitting on her computer.

"Hello?" Beca tries which earns a glare from the girl before she goes back to her work. Lexa bites on her bottom lip to stop the laugher that was bubbling up inside. Beca nudges her and starts to unpack her thiings, only stopping when they hear a knock on the door.

"Campus police, hide your wine coolers." The man behind the door says, which earns a sigh from both Lexa and Beca who know exactly who it is.

"Dad what do you want?" Beca asks as the man pokes his head into the room seeing Beca and Lexa.

"Just came to say hi and see how you are settling in." Beca's dad, William says. Beca rolls her eyes while Lexa plops down onto her bed, giving William a bored look. Then all of a sudden, Beca's roommate announces that she is going to go to the activity fair. One glance between Beca and Lexa and they both know they are too.

The two of them rush out of the room, following Beca's roommate to the fair.

"Sweet so what are we going to look at?" Lexa asks as they glance around at all the tables. Only stopping when Beca spots a table for DJ's.

"Aww yeah Deaf Jews." A bigger blonde says coming up behind them. They both turn and look at her as she laughs before trying to talk to one of them. Lexa spots a table that Beca might be interested in and drags her over there.

"Hi any interest in joining our music group?" A very enthusiastic redhead asks them. Lexa glances over at Beca whose mouth is hanging open a little while staring at the redhead.

"What kind of music do you guys do anyways?" Lexa asks while nudging Beca out of her staring contest with the redhead.

"We sings sounds without any instruments, it's all from our mouths." The redhead says happily before smiling at her blonde haired friend. This seems to get Beca to wake up more.

"Yikes." She says watching as the blonde loses her fake smile and glares at her. Lexa nudges Beca as things start to go bad.

"Sorry I don't even sing." Beca lies before looking at Lexa.

"Yeah and I am actually playing soccer here so I won't have time." Lexa tells both the girls before adding on, "But what are your names?" She asks basically for Beca's benefit.

"Oh right! I'm Chloe and this is Aubury." The redhead says pointing to the grumpy blonde.

"Well nice meeting you and good luck with this." Beca says before dragging Lexa away, but not before Lexa hears the redhead say,

"The smaller one is kind of cute."

Which causes Lexa to smile happily, because Beca had a chance.

The two of them stay at the activity fair for a little longer, giving Beca a chance to sign up for an internship at some radio station. The two girls make their way back to Lexa's room where they are greeted by Anya and a couple other girls she doesn't know.

"Lexa, Beca you guys are back. I made some friends while you two were gone. This is Occtavia, she plays soccer with us," Anya says pointing to a girl with brown hair who smiles at Lexa and Beca, "and this is her roommate Raven." Anya says pointing to a girl who has a brace on her leg.

"Nice to meet you both." Lexa says while Beca nods at the two of them.

"Yeah nice to meet all of you guys. We are actually missing our third person, Clarke, but I am sure you guys will meet her at some point." Raven says giving Anya another smile. Lexa squints as she looks at how comfortable the two of them were around each other and smirks.

"Yeah you guys can actually meet her if you feel like going to a party tonight." Octavia says clapping her hand together excitedly while glancing between the three of us.

"I'm always up for a party how about you two?" Anya asks while using eyes that are practically begging Beca and Lexa to say yes.

"Alright Alright we will go." Lexa answers before Beca can knowing the girl would have said no. She glances over at Beca and sees the other girl glaring back at her.

"Sweet, we will come pick you guys up at seven." Raven says as she pulls Octavia to the door. The three other girls wave a goodbye before they leave.

"So Raven huh?" Lexa asks after the other two girls leave. Anya blushes softly and shakes her head.

"I have no idea what you are talking about. Where did you two go anyways?" Anya asks trying to change the subject, which causes Lexa to laugh.

"We went to the activity fair where Beca found herself a redheaded goddess." Lexa teases while Beca punches Lexa's arm.

"Whatever, I'm going to get ready for this party." Beca says grumpily while leaving the room. Lexa turns to Anya and shrugs while pulling out some clothes for the party.

Seven approaches fast, Raven and Octavia find themselves waiting on Lexa, Beca and Anya to open the door. Raven brushes down her shirt again, waiting it to look perfect.

"Stop, you look fine and I'm sure Anya will think you do too." Octavia says with a smirk.

Before Raven can reply Lexa opens the door and smiles.

"Hey the other two are almost ready." Lexa says smiling at the two girls before asking," I thought you had another friend."

Octavia nods, "She is meeting us at the party, sounded kind of excited to meet you actually." Octavia says with a smirk.

"Me?' Lexa asks pointing to herself a light blush rising to her cheeks, "Why me?" She asks glancing between the two friends who smirk at each other.

"Oh no reason." Raven says but knowing that Lexa was the exact type of girl Clarke was interested in.

Before anyone else can say anything Beca and Anya make their way to the door, ready to go. As the five of them walk together to the party they get to know one another better.

"So how did the three of you meet?" Raven asks while walking very close to Anya.

"Well Beca and I are cousins so we grew up together. Then Beca and I met Anya in kindergarten when I had to stop her from killing Beca for pouring glue in her hair." Lexa explains laughing while the others start laughing as well.

"How did you two meet?" Anya asks Raven as their hand brush together as they walk side by side.

"We actually met through Clarke. Clarke's mom is my doctor so that's how I met Clarke, then Clarke introduced me to Octavia and her older brother." Raven explains as they reach the party.

Music was loud all throughout the house as the five girls made their way into the house together.

"I am going to see if I can find Clarke." Octavia shouts out over the music. Beca decides to go get drinks while Anya and Raven start to dance together. Lexa is left alone. That is until a certain redhead spots her.

"Hey you are the girl from earlier, where I your friend?" Chloe asks Lexa while looking for Beca. Lexa smirks.

"I heard what you said earlier about her being cute." Lexa tells Chloe which causes the redhead to blush, "She is over getting drinks, if you want to go see her." Lexa adds pointing in the direction Beca went.

Lexa is left alone once again and starts moving around the house when she hears a girl telling a guy to leave her alone, so she does the only think she can think of.

"There you are babe." Lexa says while sliding her arm around the blonde's waist and squeezing it, to let her know she was here to help. She glances between the guy who was talking to her then back to the blonde who was looking up at her with blue eyes you could get lost in.

"Is there a problem here?" Lexa asks the guy in a tone that makes him take a step back.

"No Finn was just leaving." The blonde answers with a surprisingly husky voice that leaves Lexa's knees feeling weak.

"Yeah whatever, I don't want you anyways." Finn says leaving the two of them. Lexa watches the guy leave her arm still firmly wrapped around the blonde's waist like it belonged there.

"Thank you." The blonde says causing Lexa to finally look at her and let her go.

"No problem, wasn't about to let a beautiful girl like yourself get hit on by a sleaze ball like him." Lexa says getting a better look at the girl. The girl who was staring at her, with red tinted cheeks.

"I'm Lexa." Lexa says in a soft tone while moving closer to the girl so she could hear her. The girl's eyes get wider for a second before smiling and answering her back.
