Wow! It's been awhile. Life's been kind of a lot lately so I haven't had as much time to write as I would like, I apologize for that. But thank you for sticking with me throughout this story. All the reviews you all have left me definitely brighten my day.

This will be the last chapter but I already have started writing a sequel and if I like it I'll post it, hopefully I'll have some free time to get everything posted. Okay on to the last chapter!

Lexa could hear the crowd. She felt the vibration of them stomping deep in her bone. She takes a deep breath in and let's it out, trying to relax.

"Lexa." She hears and opens her eyes to see Octavia standing in front of her. Her eyebrow raised.

"You look pale, you aren't going to pass out are you?" Octavia asks with a teasing smirk on her face while moving Lexa to sit on a bench in the locker room.

"No I'm fine. Just a couple of game nerves." Lexa says trying to settle the feeling in her stomach.

"Well stop worrying so much, we've got a game to win." Octavia says patting Lexa's shoulder.

"I know it's just my parents are here and Clarke is here." Lexa says calming for a second as she pictures those blue eyes.

"I just don't want to let anyone down." Lexa adds on after a second. Octavia nods and sits down besides her.

"Even if we lose, which isn't going to happen, you wouldn't have let anyone down. We are here because of you, you are a great leader." Octavia says getting ready to give the pep talk of her life.

"Your parents are just proud of you for playing and making it this far. Clarke, Well Clarke wasn't even a big fan of soccer until she learned you played. Honestly she stayed up super late learning everything she could about the game. She'll still love you after the game is over, win or lose." Octavia says and Lexa feels her heart swell with love.

"Let's go win that game." Lexa says smiling now at Octavia, color back into her face as the two girls jog out to the field.

"Took you long enough, Commander." Anya says as she meets up with Octavia and Lexa.

"I just needed to be reminded of some things." Lexa says smiling at the two before leading warmup.

Lexa could feel the sweat dripping down her forehead as she watched how the players moved on the field. She found it soothing how the game would find a rhythm, one she could figure out and almost dance too.

Lexa found herself looking for an open spot for most of the game, and most of the game she found herself covered by a girl or two. She knew this was going to happen, so she found herself calling out plays.

With halftime approaching the game was tied one to one. Lexa knew her team could do better, she needed them to. Her coach, Titus, called a timeout with five minutes left in the half.

"Alright we need to go into the second half with a lead, Lexa is covered so one of you should be open. Find the ball and score damn it!" Lexa's coach says while looking at the players. Lexa found herself searching for the blue eyes that kept her grounded.

Clarke gives her a wide smile when their eyes meet and Lexa feels like she can breath again. She tries to soak in those eyes before looking back at her team.

"Okay Anya, steal the ball if it comes anywhere near you, and get it to Octavia. Octavia, those girls are all over me so I probably won't be open but I think, from watching them, that Madison will be. Madison you just have to score if you get the ball. I know you can do it." She says to a brown haired girl that was on the shyer side.

Lexa coach was by now used to Lexa taking over the huddles, he seemed to almost prefers it that way. He seems happy with the plan and releases the girl to jog back onto the field.

Lexa's eyes wander back to Clarke's as she jogs onto the field. She smiles lightly at her before tuning back into the commander side of herself.

Clarke's blue eyes watch as the game progresses. She is slightly frustrated that the girls were guarding Lexa so much, she wanted to see Lexa score at least once. She felt like Lexa deserved it.

Clarke is curled in a blanket shared by Raven while they watch the game.

"You nervous about meeting the rents later?" Raven asks looking away from the game. Clarke nods.

"Yeah I'm super nervous, what if they don't like me?" Clarke says letting her worry show to one of her best friends.

"They will love you Clarke, Lexa does. Plus Octavia and I got invited to the dinner too." Raven says wiggling her eyebrows.

"Why?" Clarke asks wondering why her two best friends were invited. Raven smiles patting her shoulder.

"Well Anya is really close with the family and I think she talked them into inviting Octavia and Lincoln to the dinner as well. I think Lincoln knew them all before coming here. I don't know wasn't paying that close attention, my focus was on something else." Raven says with a wink causing Clarke to shake her head with a laugh.

Clarke did feel better about going with her close friends. She didn't think to much about it as she is met with the green eyes that make her feel like she weightless.

She smiles at Lexa, loving how she smiles back softly at her before turning serious for everyone else. Clarke loved the idea that Lexa was only that kind of soft for her.

"Oh games back on." Raven says drawing her back to the present just in time to send Lexa another smile for good luck.

Beca was sitting with Chloe and Lexa's parents chatting about the game.

"Heda isn't getting the ball as much as she used to." Gustus, Lexa's father, says with a gruff tone. Beca shrugs.

"She can make a play to score almost every time she gets the ball. I wouldn't let her touch it either." Beca says while glancing over at Chloe giving her a soft smile.

Chloe got along well with Lexa's parents. Something that Beca didn't find surprising at all, as Chloe was just a likeable person.

"Yes the other team has a good strategy. I still want Heda to get the ball though. It would help her team out." Indra, Lexa's mother, says as she smiles gently at Beca and Chloe's interactions.

"I'm sure Lexa came up with a plan during that timeout." Beca says looking back at the field.

"She was too busy staring at that blonde over there I think."Gustus says with a low chuckle.

"Yeah that's Clarke, Lexa's girlfriend." Beca says laughing. "She's always distracted around Clarke." She adds on.

Beca turns her attention back to the game at the ball is thrown back inbounds. She watches as Anya gets the ball and passes it up to Octavia. She watches as Octavia looks for Lexa to be open but passes it to Madison. She smiles as the ball reaches the back of the opposing net.

She feels Chloe cheering beside her and reaches over to lace their fingers together.

"Becs did you see that goal?" Chloe asks, excited as ever. Beca still finds herself smiling.

"Yeah I did Chlo." Beca says pressing a small kiss into Chloe's cheek, only blushing when she hear Gustus clearing his throat with a smirk on his face.

Lexa sits down on the bench in the locker room with the rest of her teammates as the half ends. She smiles as they are leading the game two to one.

"Alright great half but with can improve." Titus says. He glances around the room before his eyes stop on Lexa.

"Lexa you need to get open this half, I don't care how just do it." Titus says sternly and Lexa finds herself nodding while elbowing Anya to stop glaring at the guy.

Titus goes over some plays for the rest of the halftime break.

Lexa and Anya stay back as the team goes to warm back up.

"Titus is an asshole sometimes." Anya says as the start walking towards the field. Lexa laughs and nods.

"Yeah not the best coach we've had." Lexa says before feeling hands sliding around her waist. She jumps slightly before catching blue eyes.

"Clarke." She breaths out feeling more relaxed now.

"Lexa." Clarke says smiling with a twinkle in her eyes.

"What are you doing back here?" Lexa asks while seeing that Anya is talking with Raven.

"I wanted to see you." Clarke says pouting slightly and stepping closer to Lexa. Lexa laughs while sliding her hands around Clarke's waist and pulling her in for a hug.

"Eww Lexa you stink." Clarke says trying to pull away but Lexa keeps a tight hold on her. Clarke fights for a couple more seconds before sighing and giving up.

"You love it." Lexa says teasingly while pulling away enough to see Clarke's face. Clarke wrinkles her nose.

"No I love you." She says before kissing the tip of Lexa's nose. Lexa smiles a soft smile after hearing Clarke tell her she loves her.

"I love you Clarke." She says softly before kissing her lips.

"Good score me a goal than." Clarke says after they pull away from the kiss.

"Okay I will." Lexa says, not one to back down from a challenge. She kisses Clarke once more before saying bye and dragging Anya back out to the field. This half was going to be hers.

The half progressed with Lexa not getting open as much as she wants. She had yet to get that goal she told Clarke she would get for her, which frustrated her.

"Alright that goal set us back. We need to get a goal in the next ten minutes so we can win this game." Lexa says jogging next to Octavia.

"Lexa you need to get open, I can get the ball but I need you to help me out." Octavia says clearly exhausted and brushing her fly away hairs out of her face.

"Okay just get the ball, I'll think of something." Lexa says determined to get open for her team.

Lexa gets into her spot on the side of the field two girls jogging over to try to block her from getting the ball. As the ball is thrown in bounds to Octavia, Lexa uses her speed to dart right between the two girls.

"Come on Octavia see me." Lexa mutters to herself knowing she can't stay open for long. Almost as Octavia hears her, she makes eye contact and passes the ball downfield right to Lexa.

"Finally." Lexa says as her foot hits the ball for one of the only times she's touched the ball all game. She quickly makes her way through the defense and smiles as she kicks the ball one final time, watching the goalkeeper miss and the ball sailing through the net.

"Yes Lexa!" Lexa hears Octavia before she sees her. She smiles as she gives Octavia a hug.

"Nice pass as always. Now all we have to do is run the clock down and this game is ours." Lexa says finally feeling like they could win.

As the time runs down for the rest of the game, so does the energy as the other team as Lexa's team keeps control of the ball after making a steal.

As the final buzzer goes off Lexa is jumped on by Anya and then Octavia.

"We fucking did it!" Anya says smiling big along with Octavia. The fans rush onto the field and Lexa finds herself crowded by her family. The only person missing was Clarke.

Lexa glances around and spots Clarke still sitting on the bleachers with a smile on her face just watching everyone.

Lexa makes her way through the crowd and jogs to Clarke.

"Great game Commander." Clarke says to her as Lexa sits beside her in the bleachers.

"Why aren't you out there?" Lexa asks moving to kiss Clarke's cheek gently before looking at the girl who held her heart.

"I figured I would let you have some time with your family to celebrate before we celebrate together. You did score that goal for me." Clarke says reaching over and lacing their fingers together.

"You told me to." Lexa says before leaning in and kissing Clarke's soft lips.

"I love you but get back out there, it looks like they are about to hand out the trophy." Clarke says smiling before kissing Lexa once more.

"Okay, I love you too. I'll pick you up for dinner tonight." Lexa says with a smile before hoping off the bleachers and jogging back over to her family who was waiting for her.

"Good game cous." Beca says with a somewhat nice smile and Chloe on her arm. Lexa smiles and hugs Beca and then both of her parents.

"Why don't you bring that girlfriend of yours over here?" Gustus asks Lexa and Lexa finds herself blushing.

"You'll meet her tonight dad." Lexa says smiling as she looks around her whole family, liking having them there with her to celebrate.

The team is awarded the trophy and somehow Lexa finds herself being lifted onto the shoulders of her teammates as the fans cheer.

Lexa took a deep breath, her eyes closed as she felt her heart pumping abnormally fast. She could do this, she totally can.

Except maybe she couldn't and her parents would send Clarke running. That would not be good at all.

Lexa's parents tended to be, intimidating. They were very fierce, probably warriors in a past life. So the thought of her sweet Clarke meeting them caused some heart palpitations.

"Lexa move your ass. Moms going to be pissed if we are late." Beca says from across the room where she was currently lounging, Chloe curled up into her side.

"Yeah yeah. I know." Lexa says and tries to stop her hands from shaking so she could tie her hair up into a ponytail.

"Stop worrying so much. The rents will love Clarke and they definitely already love you, I know I do." Beca says, the last part to Chloe, who's who face lights up when she hears Beca tell her that she loves her.

"I love you too Beca." Chloe says in a soft voice before hearing a throat clear, blushing to see Lexa standing in front of them waiting.

"Let's go. We don't want to be late and Clarke is never early." Lexa says as she texts Clarke quickly hoping she is ready to go.

"Anya and Raven are meeting us there with Octavia and Lincoln, so let's go get your girl." Beca says getting up, pulling Chloe up with her.

The drive to Clarke's place was pretty uneventful except for the fact that Chloe and Beca were singing together. Lexa still was in awe of how two people could sound so good together.

Lexa knocks on Clarke's door and all her breath leaves her lungs as Clarke opens the door and smiles at her.

"Clarke you look beautiful." Lexa says as she steps forward and pulls Clarke closer to her body, kissing her softly.

"Thank you, you look pretty good yourself." Clarke says with a light blush on her cheeks. Her arms are wrapped around Lexa's neck, pulling her in for a hug.

"Okay let's go, my parents won't be super happy if we are late." Lexa says before lacing her fingers with Clarkes and quickly taking her to Chloe's car where her and Beca were waiting.

The restaurant was nicer than what Clarke was expecting and as she walked in her nerves shot up even higher.

"Hey relax, my parents are going to love you." Lexa says with a small smile on her face while she rubs the back of Clarke's hand with her thumb.

"I'm just a little nervous, I'll be fine." Clarke says walking closer to Lexa as the hostess leads them to the table where Lexa's parents were waiting.

"Aww there is little Heda and Beca." Gustus says as they enter the back room where the table they were at for the night was.

"Hey mom, dad." Beca says giving both Gustus and Indra a hug before Chloe steps up to hug them both as well.

"Hello again." Chloe says cheerfully before moving to sit beside Beca.

"Hey mom and dad this is Clarke, my girlfriend." Lexa says smiling as she rests her arm around Clarke's waist, happy to introduce her to her parents.

"Nice to meet you Clarke." Gustus says moving to pull Clarke into a big hug. Lexa blushes.

"Dad don't crush her." Lexa says trying to pull Clarke away from her dad, she hears Clarke start laughing and relaxes a bit.

"It's nice to meet you too, Gustus." Clarke says patting the big guys back before stepping back into Lexa's side.

"Yes Clarke, it is nice to meet you. It's good to see our little Heda so happy again." Indra says as she shakes Clarke's hand. Lexa leads Clarke to their seats in between Beca and Anya.

The dinner progresses and everyone easily gets along. Lexa smiles as she has all of her favorite people in one room together.

"Lex." Clarke says softly, pulling her attention from just enjoying the feel of everyone to Clarke.

"Yes?" Lexa asks as she looks over at Clarke. Lexa swoons as she sees that soft smile of Clarke's directed right at her.

"I just love you." Clarke says as she slides her hand onto Lexa's knee. Lexa melts against her touch and smiles even wider.

"I love you too Clarke." Lexa says before leaning in and pressing a soft kiss to Clarke's cheek.

The evening gets later while Lexa's parents go around the table and talks to Anya,Lincoln, Lexa, and Beca's significant others. Much to the protest of all of them.

"So Clarke what are your plans for the future?" Indra asks while she sips on her drink smiling softly at Clarke. Clarke tightens her grip on Lexa's knee, knowing this part of the night was going to come soon. Lexa slides her hand on top of Clarke's trying to get her to relax.

"Well right now I'm majoring in Biology and Art. I have a deep passion for both of them, but I do think I will go to Med school and go that route, but possibly open a gallery later in life." Clarke says with a smile as she looks at Indra and Gustus but then over at Lexa, who smiles back at her.

"Being a healer is an excellent career path but I also like how you are also pursuing another passion of yours. It's very admirable." Indra says before moving on to Raven. Clarke feels very relaxed as she moves to lean into Lexa more.

"See nothing to worry about." Lexa says softly into Clarke's ear as they pause the drilling to order dessert.

Once the meal is over everyone says bye to Lexa's parents, Lexa and Beca promising to see them tomorrow as it was their last day in town. Everyone goes their separate ways with their significant other after that.

"So where are you thinking of going?" Lexa asks as she pulls Clarke's jacket onto her shoulders more. Clarke smiles at her as she reaches down, grabbing Lexa's hand.

"Well we still have to celebrate for your win, and I've got a couple ideas." Clarke says with a smile and mischievous twinkle in her eyes that makes Lexa's stomach flutter.

"Lead the way." Lexa says smiling before kissing Clarke lightly.

"Gladly." Clarke says before pulling Lexa with her to her place to celebrate the win.

I hope you all enjoyed this final chapter! Tell me what you thought and keep an eye out for a sequel!

Thank you all again for being a part of this story!