Sadly, this is the end. I hope you like it :)

"That was awesome!" Zeke laughed, his arm thrown haphazardly over Shauna's shoulders. She grinned as she pressed a kiss to his cheek, walking with a sort of bounce in her step. Christina had the same one, but she was consumed in Will, not really paying attention to the rest of them, even though they were walking to the parking lot together. It was two in the morning, and Tris supposed that was why they were all acting so… light. Something about being out this late on such a clear night was freeing, exhilarating.

There was an energy laced through the entire group, and Tobias could feel it rolling

off of Tris in waves as they walked beside each other. Her grin was contagious as she talked animatedly with Uriah about the movie they'd just seen, and it crashed bravery through him. When he slid his hand into hers and entwined their fingers, he felt stronger, like he could conquer anything. It gave him hope. Eased the nervousness for what would come next…

Tris's eyes didn't move from Uriah, as they were deep in discussion, but Tobias didn't miss the way she squeezed his hand, the way her smile grew just a bit.

Zeke threw his other arm around Tobias, and he jumped. He hadn't even noticed him come up beside him. Was she really that distracting to him?

His answer was given as his eyes drifted back to hers on their own accord.

Zeke didn't miss this. He laughed, leaned closer to Tobias. They were friends now, and Tobias was comfortable enough around him, but Zeke was pushing it with this contact. Still, Tobias let it slide. He was just trying to be a good friend, after all, and Tobias appreciated that.

"So, you gonna take her to the river?" Zeke whispered, his grin obvious even though Tobias couldn't see his face.

Tobias could feel the red rising in his neck. He scratched at the back of his hairline, but he was grinning. He nodded once, slightly, and it was enough for Zeke to remove his arm, clapping him on the back.

"Good," he muttered.

They made it to Uriah's car first, and he, Marlene, Christina, and Will said their goodbyes before getting in.

Next was Zeke and Shauna's. Shauna hugged Tris, and so did Zeke. He'd become close to them both these past couple of weeks, and he was excited to see them together after tonight.

He extended his hand to Tobias, despite knowing his discomfort in the gesture. He wanted his buddy to know that he believed in him, supported him. There was no way Tris would reject him; he'd seen the way they looked at each other.

"Thanks, Zeke," Tobias said quietly. He didn't think he would be able to do this without his new friend's encouragement. Zeke simply nodded, as if what he'd done was minimal.

"See you guys," Tris waved, turning with Tobias to walk to his car. She didn't want the night to end. There was so much energy pulsing through her, both from the adrenaline of the movie they'd just seen, and the electricity sparking between their hands. Nothing inside of her was even remotely tired, but she knew she'd have to let go when they reached the silver Buick.

But Tobias slowed when she was about to let go. He looked her in the eyes, and she held his gaze challengingly. She was so alive right now, her expression burning, and Tobias again felt the urge to crash his mouth to hers.

He looked down at their hands. Her fingers were idly playing with his, and he loved how comfortable it felt, how natural. Perhaps tonight would be good, after all.

"So…" Tris started, not knowing what to say and only trying to break the silence. It had been growing more and more intense, and she was nervous she'd do something stupid if he kept looking at her like that.

Tobias wasn't sure how to start the inevitably awkward conversation, but he knew he wanted to do this. Before he could process what was happening, the words were blurting out of his mouth. "We should go somewhere."

And then it was out there and he didn't know what to do but he knew he wanted this more than anything so he just watched her and waited.

It took a second for Tris to process his words, but when she realized he wanted tonight to last as long as she did, a grin spread across her face. "Okay," she stated.

Tobias sighed in relief, not being able to keep himself from pressing his lips to her knuckles before dropping her hand and heading to the passenger door. Tris watched him for a second, not sure of how to respond to the electricity searing through her, but she accepted the open door and got in.

He took a deep breath before going to his own door. Tonight was very important. He had to be very sure to watch her reactions to his words and movements, to make sure he wasn't scaring her away or making her uncomfortable.

And he had to make damn sure she wouldn't leave him for this. He needed her so much it hurt him to think of losing her. She brought him back to life; surely she held the power to bury him again.

"So where are we going?" Tris asked, breaking the quiet. So far he hadn't said anything to her, hadn't even looked over at her as he drove. She kept telling herself that was because he was driving and his eyes were on the road, but she couldn't help but feel like something was upsetting him, making him nervous.

Tobias almost jumped at the sound of her voice. He'd been so lost in thought, trying to imagine this conversation and how it would go, he'd almost completely forgotten she was there. Of course, he knew that wasn't really true. His whole body buzzed with awareness, with the smell of her and the sight of her blonde hair out of the corner of his eye.

He didn't want to look at her. He was afraid he wouldn't be able to look away, which wasn't best when he was driving. He made a mental note that when they arrived at the river, he would give himself a moment to stare directly into her eyes. They would give him the strength and courage he was looking for.

But she had asked him a question, hadn't she? His mind wracked, trying in vain to remember her words, but everything was too jumbled up, too clouded with everything Tris.

She could see his brows furrow a bit. It didn't seem like he'd even heard her. She sighed a bit, her own face creasing in concern as she reached her hand out to his right arm. His fists had been gripping the steering wheel like a lifeline, but at the feel of her touch, he relaxed immensely.

His entire body sagged under her gaze. Her touch provided him with a relief he couldn't describe, couldn't explain. And her voice now seemed like the only thing in the world. "Hey," it whispered, "where'd you go?"

When his eyes finally drifted to hers, she smiled a bit. Not a full-on grin, since he didn't seem to be in the mood for that, but a kind, gentle smile. An understanding one. She wanted him to know that no matter what, whatever was bothering him, he could talk to her. Always.

He smiled, too. It made her heart flutter. "Down a rabbit hole, I guess," he replied before his eyes moved back to the road. There were only a couple of minutes left to this drive, he knew, but he made a conscious effort to look over at her periodically. He wanted to make sure she was still there, that she hadn't turned him away, but he'd also seen the insecurity in her eyes. He wanted her to know that he wanted her here, needed her with him. And that he wasn't tense because of anything she'd done.

Tobias stopped the car in a patch of gravel just off an empty back road. Tris was confused, having never seen this place before, but she was curious, too. She trusted Tobias as he grabbed her hand and led her into the side-lining trees.

After a minute or two of walking, she could hear the sound of moving water, and abruptly she realized where they were. It was the Chasm, the river she'd used to visit with her brother as a child, back when they were still a happy family…

But she didn't let those memories flood what was happening now. Tobias's hand was in hers, after all, and her mind only focused on that and the energy twisting between them.

He pulled her to a relatively flat rock near the water's edge. Tris sat down and watched the water for a second, listened to the crickets. It was a clear night, the type where you can see every single star in space, and she could in the reflection of the water. Her eyes closed automatically as she took a deep breath. The air here was pure, and it made her feel new.

Tobias watched Tris as she leaned her head back and closed her eyes, her blonde hair draping behind her, and the way her body arched made something inside of him ache. He was still holding her hand.

They sat there for what seemed like hours, content with the dark and the serenity of the beauty around them. But eventually, as the air started to turn a bit colder, Tobias remembered why he'd brought them here, and turned to her.

She watched him expectantly. He'd looked like he had something to say all night, and now that he was ready to speak, she was more than willing to listen.

"Tris," his voice wavered a bit, and he cleared his throat, started again. "Tris," he started, "you're my best friend, you know?" Her brow furrowed, but she smiled, nodded. He nodded, too. He seemed to be reassuring himself. "You should know about me, about… my life."

Immediately she could see his discomfort, and she wanted to wrap him in her arms and never make him speak again. "You don't have to tell me anything you don't want to, Tobias," she told him firmly, and he was grateful for her concern, but he needed to do this.

He shook his head. It was one of the hardest things he'd ever done. "No, I want you to know." But he swallowed, a look of confusion crossing his face. All of the planning he'd done in the past three days, in the drive here faded away, and the only thing he could think to do was show her. At least that way he wouldn't have to taste so much of the story.

Tris watched intently as he turned his back to her and reached for the edge of his shirt. When it was over his head, he was silent, waiting for her to take in the image before her.

Her eyes widened at the sight of his mutilated skin. There were white scars etched into his back, over almost every inch of possible space. She couldn't help but run her fingers across them, tracing bad with good. She felt him shiver.

Abruptly she remembered previous conversations she'd had with him, comments he'd made occasionally, about his less-than-perfect "family" and his disappeared "mother," and it all made sense. His quietness, his insecurity, his trust issues. Her hands balled into fists as she moved them from his skin.

Her hands were no longer touching him. Anxiety coursed through him, fear of rejection and loss as his mind fast forwarded through all of the different scenarios. Was she disgusted by his weakness? Did she pity his past?

He was terrified of every thought, and he wanted nothing more than to go back to the car and never speak to Tris again, but he forced himself to stay in place. Because he knew what he really wanted, and leaving Tris was not going to get him that.

His heart stopped as she spoke. "Your father." An involuntary shudder brushed through him at the phrase, since Marcus hadn't ever been that to him, but he nodded. She really was extremely intelligent. He was grateful for not having to explain.

Tris gritted her teeth and turned away for a second, blind hatred pulsing through her entire being, furious that someone would ever dare to hurt such a loving man. But then she realized he needed her right now, and she tried to calm herself down. She turned back to face him. By the quickening rise and fall of his body, it was obvious he was nervous about how she'd respond.

Did he think she'd turn him away for this? She couldn't let him believe that.

Her hands landed gently on him again, and he released a breath. But then they were sliding over his back, encircling his waist, splaying across his abdomen. She pressed her forehead between his shoulder blades, and he couldn't think, couldn't breathe.

She was not only here with him, but she was holding him, wrapping him in an embrace so loving he wanted to cry from relief. He wouldn't, of course. He hadn't cried since his mother's funeral.

"You're incredible, you know that?" she muttered against his skin, feeling a new layer of awe at this man's bravery. He'd endured so much, and he'd only come out a better person. She was so proud of him.

Tobias didn't understand her words, didn't think he deserved them, but that discussion was for another time. Right now he wanted to bask in the relief and love he felt at her accepting him and his flaws, so he twisted her around in his arms, pulling her against his bare chest.

Tris could hear his heartbeat, loud and fast against her cheek. Her skin burned everywhere it made contact with his, running down the length of her arms and her face. He felt so good pressed against her like this, better than she'd care to admit.

They stayed like that for a long time, simply holding each other and letting each other's heartbeat soothe them. But Tobias knew he should probably get her home. Her mother would be worried, since Tris had told her she'd be back by four, and it was currently quarter-til, and he didn't want a bad rep with her mother. She seemed to like him so far, which was good, but he wanted to keep it like that.

He liked to imagine that his own mother would like Tris, if she hadn't been batshit crazy and left him like she did. He liked to pretend he was normal when he was with Tris since she made him want to be better than he was.

But Tris also made him feel worthwhile, something he'd never believed of himself before, and as he lifted them both from the rock and they simply stood there watching each other, he couldn't hold back any longer.

Her eyes were bright blue in the moonlight, and he was consumed by their intensity.

His eyes were black in this light, their depths threatening to swallow her whole. She wasn't sure she'd mind too much if they did.

They weren't sure who moved first, or if they both moved at once, but suddenly their lips were pressed together, gently caressing, exploring, testing the feel of each other. This was new to both of them, and neither was quite sure what to do, but Tobias did know that he wanted to feel more of her, so he brought his hands to her cheeks, feeling them warm beneath his palms.

Her own hands ran up his spine and through his hair. It made him shiver, and she smiled slightly against his mouth.

Their kiss was slow, gentle, but it was sure of itself. Tris pulled back first, simply because she vaguely remembered something about needing oxygen to survive, even though her hormone-induced brain wasn't too keen on the idea.

Tobias grinned when they separated, lacing their fingers together and pressing his forehead to hers. Their eyes were closed, but they could feel each other's breath against their faces.

Tris was the first to speak, and her voice was soft, sarcastic. Her palms were resting against his chest, and he could feel her fingers curl into loose fists. She chuckled a bit before moving her lips back to his, her words muffled against him as she spoke, "Better than Iron Man."

Tobias couldn't help his grin at that.

The End

I hope you all enjoyed my little story! FourTris is my favorite ship to write about, mainly because both characters have very dynamic personalities. And I like giving them happy endings :) As I said in the first chapter, for now this is marked complete. But I am open to working on it later, adding more fluff and whatnot XD Let me know what you thought of it! I love hearing what you guys have to say :D Thanks! - Loopy