Elated by the recovery of both Luigi and Mario, both Princess Peach and Princess Daisy announced the joyous news to the concerned denizens of the Mushroom Kingdom. The entire Town erupted with cheers of joy and laughter as the news passed through the streets. The heroic Brothers, the protectors of the Mushroom Kingdom and the guardians of light would live to fight another day!

A celebration was held in the streets. The humble and cheerful community banded together to throw a small but meaningful festival in honor of the Super Mario Bros.

Peach and Daisy eagerly awaited for the next morning to show its sunny face. As soon as the sun began to rise the royal duo would be able to check their dearest friends out of the hospital and take them back to their home.

"I wonder how Mario and Luigi will fare on their own?" Peach asked Daisy as they strolled through the streets and passed by the many Toads who were enveloped in their celebration. "They're both injured and will need assistance."

Daisy shook her head. "They'll be fine." She attempted to reassure her worried friend. "If Luigi can handle Bowser's sickening torture and Mario can survive a battle with that brute during a storm, I think they can handle a few weeks of on the sideline."

Peach smiled. "Yeah, you're right."

"Besides," Daisy continued. "they have each other to rely on. They'll be just fine!"

"Agreed!" Toadsworth had overheard the conversation as he cut through the cheerful crowd. "I've spoke with Dr. Toadley and he has assured me that Masters Mario and Luigi will make a full, timely recovery. In fact, he's never seen anyone make such a drastic improvement in such little time as Master Luigi."

Peach and Daisy smiled brightly, relieved to know their hope wasn't misplaced.

"I'd also like to inform you that on behalf of the royal family fresh garments have been provided to out heroes to ensure their comfort on the 'morrow."

"Thank you, Toadsworth." Peach nodded respectfully to the Ward. "I just wish they'd accept the offer to stay in the Castle."

"Now, now." Toadsworth casually dismissed the comment. "Our heroes are perfectly capable of taking care of themselves. And I'm sure they'd feel more comfortable under the roof of their own home, not a Castle."

Daisy grimaced as an uneasy thought entered her mind. "Their home." She paused in her tracks and put a worried hand to her face. "I'm sure Bowser had left his mark when he attacked Luigi..."

Peach looked toward Daisy as the same uneasiness struck her. "Oh, dear... Do you think-"

"Ah, my dear Princesses, fear not!" Toadsworth gleefully interrupted. "Everything will be taken care of!"

From their hospital beds Mario and Luigi listened to the celebration taking place in the streets outside the closed window. Laughter and stories were be exchanged amongst the peaceful denizens, while the intoxicating aromas of the feast filled the air. Music rang out in blissful harmony as the Mushroom Kingdom united and took great joy in the impromptu festival.

"Sounds like fun." Mario commented as the celebration continued to unfold. "Wish we could join them."

Luigi, who had awoken from a few hours of sleep, agreed. "I was just thinking the same thing." His voice was stronger, sounding less hoarse and strained as he spoke.

"Wonder what the Princesses are up to?"

"Probably worrying about us."

Mario smirked a little. "Yeah. You're probably right."

Luigi didn't reply, he just listened to the festival and tried to imagine himself walking the streets with the Toads.

"Hey, Luigi?" Mario tentatively returned his attention to his Brother. "When... When Bowser took you..." He paused as the question he was desperate to ask left a foul taste in his mouth. "were you scared?"

Luigi didn't respond immediately. His mind returned to that fateful moment when Bowser crashed through the door of their home with a mighty roar that belched fire. "Scared of what? Bowser? Or..."


"Dying." Luigi sighed wearily as he pondered the bleak but interesting question. "Honestly. No."

"No?" Mario was genuinely surprised by the answer.

"No." Luigi confirmed.

"But... how? How could you not be scared? I was!"

Luigi turned his head to look at his Brother in the opposite bed. "You? Scared? Why?"

"Because..." Mario swallowed his lingering fear before answering Luigi. "I thought I was going to lose you."

"Mario, Bro," Luigi wanted to ease his Brother's fear. "I wasn't going to go down without a fight. You know that."

"Yeah, I do..."

"And you know I got your warning. I just didn't have the time to properly prepare."

Mario didn't know what to say, he only listened.

"When I couldn't get away from him I knew that I was... I was in trouble." Luigi cleared his throat nervously. "But I also knew that you'd find me. I knew that you'd never let me die in that Dungeon. That's why I was afraid. With you watching my back I never have to be afraid, ever."

Mario closed his eyes as Luigi's words struck him in the heart. "So... You forgive me?"

"Forgive you?! For what?" Luigi nearly shouted in confusion.

"For... For not being there when-"

"Mario! Stop! You can't be everywhere at once!" Luigi impatiently reminded his guilt riddled Brother. "Princess Peach needed you, the entire Mushroom Kingdom needed you, the Beanbean Kingdom needed you, and yeah, I needed you, too. But what you need is to stop putting so much pressure on yourself!"

Mario couldn't help but glance at the family photo on the table next to his bed. Thinking of his parents, thinking of the night they were killed, thinking of Luigi sobbing with incredible pain wrapped in his arms, thinking of the promise he had made to Luigi all those years ago Mario was unable to contain his emotional distress any longer.

"Mario?" Luigi saw Mario beginning to weep as his stress had met its limits. "It's okay. You're going to be okay!" Luigi struggled to sit upright in his bed, his severely injured chest limited his movement. "Believe me, you're going to be okay, I promise!"

"Yeah, yeah..." Mario composed himself and sighed weakly. "You're right. You're right, I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry." Luigi shook his head. "Be patient. Just breathe and try to rest."

Mario stared at the ceiling and let his mind wander.

"We'll be out of here in the morning. Then, as soon as we've recovered, we're going on vacation."

"Good idea..." Mario whispered. "I could use one."

Dr. Toadley escorted Princess Peach, Princess Daisy and Toadsworth through the hospital to the room where Mario and Luigi were admitted. The festival from the day before had left a positive and upbeat feeling throughout the entire Mushroom Kingdom, making it difficult to sleep. The Princesses were awake and ready to go to the hospital right at dawn. Toadsworth, who was a little sleepy, happily joined the Princesses as they traveled to the hospital.

"Here we are." Dr. Toadley announced as he opened the door to the room. "As you can see our star patients are just as eager to check out as you are."

Luigi was sitting in a wheelchair, the damage to his chest and torso made it nearly impossible for him to stand under his own power. The sprain in his knee only made the effort of standing, let alone walking, a chore. Both of his arms were in slings to aid in the recovery of his dual dislocated shoulders and fractured wrists. His fractured orbit and blackened eye had shown signs of recovery and he was able to partially open his damaged eye to look around at the world around him.

Mario, who was hunched over in pain, was standing behind the wheelchair ready to push his injured Brother outside of the hospital and toward home.

Both Brothers were dressed in the new clothes provided by Toadsworth on behalf of the royal family. They of course were wearing their usual attire of denim overalls and appropriately colored shirts, with brown work boots.

Peach and Daisy approached the heroes happily and greeted them warmly.

"It's so wonderful to know you're on your way home!" Daisy gushed. "Luigi, don't ever leave us like that again!"

Unable to hug Daisy or even touch her hand, he nodded at her and smiled. "I promise!"

Peach put her hand on Mario's face and looked lovingly into his eyes. "Are you feeling okay?"

"I'm fine." Mario confirmed, despite the burning pain in his shoulders. "Just anxious to leave."

Putting his hands on the wheelchair Mario began wheeling his Brother out of the door and through the corridor. Dr. Toadley held the door open as the small group walked down the corridor toward the exit. A group of Nurses and other Doctors were standing against the walls and watched in silent admiration as the heroes checked out of the hospital. Together.

"Just a moment!" Dr. Toadley stopped the group at the door. "You'll need these." He handed two bottles of medicine to Peach. "There are antibiotics and painkillers. Don't exceed the recommended dosage on the bottles." He nodded in respect. "Take care of each other and don't be strangers, you hear?"

"Thank you, Doctor." Luigi politely acknowledged. "Thank you for everything."

As the group exited the hospital they found a crowd gathered outside, cheering and applauding as the heroes passed through the streets toward home. The warm reception felt all the more welcome after enduring such a horrible event of pain, insecurity and anger. Looking through the crowd Mario noticed several reformed Bowser minions mixed in with the Toads. These minions had been welcomed into the Mushroom Kingdom and given homes to call their own, making them officially denizens of the Mushroom Kingdom.

"I guess everything works out in the end..." Mario said out loud as they neared the green Warp Pipe that connected Toad Town to their house in the secluded clearing just outside the Mushroom Kingdom. "even for those who are lost in the darkness."

Luigi glanced at his Brother over his shoulder as Mario stopped the wheelchair. "Remember Bro, darkness and light can't exist without the other." Luigi let Mario help him stand up as they prepared to awkwardly climb into the Warp Pipe together. "Anyone lost in the dark can easily be blinded by the light."

Mario thought about Luigi's words for a moment as they stood on the edge of the Warp Pipe entrance. "Is that your subtle way of reminding me to not put too much pressure on myself?"

"Did it work?" Luigi asked sheepishly.

"Yeah. But don't ever stop reminding me!"

"You can count on it."

Mario and Luigi slipped down the Warp Pipe together out of sight. Peach, Daisy and Toadsworth followed behind. The Princesses were both hesitant to see the devastation of the Brother's home at the claws of Bowser. Only Mario had seen their home when he had gone searching for Luigi, no one else dared to set foot on the damaged property. Toadsworth, however, seemed more calm about the entire situation.

Sliding through the Warp Pipe the trio rejoined Mario and Luigi who were standing outside their house side by side, staring at the modest building they called their home.

"Wow!" Luigi commented as he stared at the structure in awe. "It looks great!"

Peach, Daisy and Toadsworth all stood beside the Brothers as they too took in the amazing sight.

"But... how?" Mario asked as looked at their restored house, adorned with flowers and cards from the hospital. "It was in ruins when I left!"

"A-hem." A voice casually responded from the side of the house. "We took care of it!" The two Hammer Bros. walked around the house and greeted the group. Blue shell dusted off his hands. "Not bad, huh?"

Green shell looked at the group modestly as he put his hammer back in the sling on his shell. "We just wanted to give you a proper 'thank you' for reminding us of what's really important: Family!"

Mario and Luigi exchanged humbled glances as they thanked the Hammer Bros. for their generosity and hard work.

"Excellent work!" Toadsworth complimented the skilled Koopas and their hammers. "Your Kingdom thanks you for your contribution to your community!"

The Hammer Bros. blushed a little as the received the positive feedback on their handy work. "It was the least we could do!"

Peach and Daisy stood at their heroes sides and hugged them lightly, wrapping their arms around the Brothers' arms with affection and admiration. Granted, Daisy had to hold Luigi's arm more delicately given his condition, but neither of them seem to mind.

Daisy admired the newly rebuilt house as she rested her head softly against Luigi's shoulder. "Welcome home!"

Taking the old family photograph from his pocket, smiling at the image of the loving family, Mario felt at peace for the first time in days. Carefully folding it in half and sliding it into his pocket he nodded to the Hammer Bros. respectfully.

"C'mon Weege," Mario made sure Luigi wasn't going to stumble as they walked together, wrapping his arm around Luigi's waist. "Let's go home..."

-The End

Author's Note: Thank you to all of those who read/reviewed/faved/followed this story. I wholeheartedly appreciate any and all feedback and hope you enjoyed this story as much as I enjoyed writing it! Please keep reading and writing and inspiring others to do the same!