"An Ordinary Morning"

Please enjoy and review!

The sun was shining brightly that morning in Odaiba and shops were opening for the day as people began to get ready for the day.

In an apartment building, a girl was tangled up in her bed sheets as she snuggled up closely to her pillows with a peaceful grin curving her pink lips upwards.

Sunlight streamed in from the windows and bathed the girl in its warmth, making her mahogany hair glow strawberry red while her tanned skin took on a golden tone from the light.

As she continued to slumber on, the alarm clock on her bedside table then started to ring loudly making the girl groan as she tried to ignore the irritating sound that made her ears ache.

Rolling over in her bed, the girl reached out a hand with long nails and slammed her hand down on the device, the force behind her blow breaking the clock as it fell to the floor, its back knocked off and a few gears littered on the ground.

Startled by the sudden damage, the girl blinked open her large chocolate brown eyes and stared at the debris of her broken alarm clock.

"Oops." She said in a groggy voice.

Groaning tiredly, the 12 year old girl sat up in bed with her teal colored sheets pulled up around her and opened her mouth to give a big yawn as she rubbed at her eyes with her free hand.

A lump under her sheets then moved at the foot of the bed and a blue head with floppy ears poked out, blinking with sleepy red eyes.

"What's with the noise?" He yawned.

"It's nothing, Veemon. Don't worry about it." The girl groaned as she then began to stretch her arms up above her head.

Climbing up onto her knees, the redhead then began stretching her body out to ease her stiff muscles from her sleep.

For some reason, her body felt different from what it usually did.

When waking up, her body usually felt heavy and stiff, but that wasn't what she felt now.

Her body felt weightless and light as she twisted her torso from the left to the right, enjoying the ease she had with moving.

Crawling out from under his warm haven, Veemon, the blue bipedal dragon, rubbed at his eyes before he then took notice of the broken alarm clock on the floor which made him blink in surprise.

"Davey, what happened to the clock?" He asked pointing at it.

Stopping her movements, the girl glanced down at her broken clock and frowned at the sight, wondering how she could have destroyed it so easily with only one hit.

"I broke it." She stated.

"How'd you break it?" Veemon asked.

"I hit it and it broke. It's that simple." The girl, Davey, said before she then climbed out of bed.

Looking down at the remains of the clock, Veemon shrugged as he then glanced over at his human as he saw her grabbing her middle school uniform from off her computer desk chair.

"Well, I'm not surprised. With all the times you've hit it and thrown it across the room, I'm surprised it didn't break a long time ago." The blue dragon commented.

Grinning in amusement at her friend, Davey then grabbed her underwear before she then started to walk out of the room.

"Yeah, I guess I finally wore it out." She said before she then left the room.

Once away from Veemon, the girl frowned deep in thought.

She couldn't help but feel like that wasn't the reason for why she was able to break her clock, but she didn't know what the true reason could be, so she decided to just accept the explanation Veemon had come up with for the time being.

Making her way into the shower, she turned on the warm water before she then undressed and climbed inside to begin washing up.

Smiling from under the warm spray of the water, Davey then grabbed the bottle of her shampoo and squirted a small amount of it into her palm before she then started to run it through her hair.

Mixing the shampoo into her hair, Davey enjoyed the feeling of her sharp nails rubbing against her scalp and a sound of pleasure rumbled deeply in her chest as she washed her hair.

After that, she washed off her body with a bar of her soap and then rinsed herself off before she turned off the water and climbed out of the shower stall to grab a towel to wrap around her head before she then grabbed a second one to pat dry her body.

Once she was dry, she pulled on her under garments and then put on her uniform which was a blue skirt with a blue shirt that had a black sailor collar and had a pink ribbon tied into a bow on the front.

Finished dressing, the girl then towel dried her hair as she walked out of the bathroom and towards the kitchen where she could smell food being cooked.

Standing in front of the stove was a woman with long flowing burgundy hair, sapphire blue eyes and lightly tanned skin named Serenity Motomiya who was cooking sausages and eggs.

The scent of the meat cooking made Davey's stomach growl loudly, demanding food.

Rushing over to the table, Davey sat down quickly which alerted her mother who turned her attention to her youngest daughter and smiled at the girl in amusement.

"Good morning, Davinia! You seem to be in a good mood." Serenity commented.

"Yeah, I slept like a rock. Now, fill me up a plate please, I'm starved!" Davey grinned widely as she held up the plate that was in front of her.

Giggling at this, Serenity took her daughter's plate and started scooping up the food from the frying pan and placed it in the plate.

As the girl eagerly dug into her food, a tall man walked out of one of the bedrooms, fixing the black tie that was around his neck.

The man had hair that was so black that it reflected blue when the sunlight shone on his head, his eyes were a deep brown color that seemed to have a tint of red in them (something his daughters had inherited) and his skin was very fair.

"Morning, sweetie!" Serenity greeted her husband when she spotted the man.

"Morning!" Kei Motomiya smiled as he walked over to his wife and pressed a kiss to her cheek.

Glancing over at his youngest daughter, Kei raised an eyebrow in curiosity as he saw her stuffing her food in her mouth, namely the meat, and was almost moaning from the taste.

"Davinia, slow down. You might choke on your food." Kei said as he placed a hand on the girl's shoulder.

Setting down her sausage, Davey then grabbed a napkin and used it to wipe her mouth.

"Sorry, I'm just starving!" She said.

Shaking his head in amusement, Kei fixed himself a cup of coffee before he then sat down at the table as Veemon walked out of his and Davey's room to eat breakfast with the family.

"Something smells good!" The dragon grinned as he raced over to the table to get something to eat.

"Where's Jun? I haven't seen her yet this morning." Serenity said as she glanced around for her oldest daughter.

"She's probably still getting ready." Davey said as she gulped down her milk.

Kei remained silent as he enjoyed the food cooked and watched as Serenity handed Veemon a plate of food, making the blue creature smile politely up at the woman.

Soon enough, Jun Motomiya walked out of her room, dressed in her school uniform and was grumbling under her breath as she tried to fix her hair which was out of their usual spikes and hung down around her shoulders.

"Wow, Jun, you look pretty!" Veemon smiled at the magenta haired girl.

"Aw, thank you, Veemon!" The chocolate eyed girl smiled as she planted a kiss on top of his head.

"What did you do to your hair? It's...straight." Davey commented.

"I decided to try out a new style. This took me two hours!" Jun smiled as she ran her fingers through her pin straight hair.

"Yikes. That had to suck." Davey said.

"Well, it was worth it." The 18 year old grinned as she took her seat as a plate was placed in front of her.

"You look wonderful, sweetie. It's a nice change." Serenity smiled.

Kei remained silent and simply smiled at his oldest daughter.

Growing up with three sisters, he had learned to never speak out about the way a girl looks or question why she had changed her style.

It could end badly if you weren't careful with your words, this he knows from all the harsh words and scathing looks he had gotten from his sisters from accidentally saying the wrong thing.

"It's gonna be kinda hard to get used to, but it looks good." Davey shrugged as she finshed off her food.

Jun seemed to preen at the compliment since she didn't have to weasle it out of her sister.

"You know, I could fix your hair for you too." Jun smirked.

"Come near my hair and I'll shave your head." Davey glared warningly at her sister as she placed her hands over her head protectively.

Pouting at this, Jun then stuck her tongue out at her younger sister as Veemon's gaze flitted between the two girls as he munched on a piece of toast.

"You're no fun." Jun complained.

Kei sighed as he set his coffee mug down and glanced over to check the time on the clock.

"Davinia, don't you have to get going soon?" Kei asked making the girl snap out of the pouting war she was having with her sister.

Pulling out her white and blue D-3 to check the time, the girl's eyes grew wide and she quickly jumped out of her seat.

"Shoot!" She yelled as she rushed into her room.

Grabbing her school bag, Davey then ran into the bathroom to quickly brush her teeth while the rest of the family exchanged amused grins.

"Hey, Jun, aren't you going to be late too?" Veemon asked.

"Nope. My friend is giving me a ride." Jun smirked as she sipped at her coffee.

Davey then ran out of the bathroom, stopping at the counter to grab one of the bento boxes and then quickly rushed over to the door to shove her feet into her shoes.

"Bye everybody!" She called as she ran out of the apartment.

"Have a nice day, sweetheart!" Serenity called.

Soon enough, Davey was running out of the apartment building and was rushing down the street down to the corner where two other kids were standing.

One of the kids was a 10 year old boy with short dark brown hair, forest green eyes and he was dressed in a pair of black pants, a white button up shirt and a blue blazer.

Standing next to the boy was a girl with long lavender colored hair that was tied into a braid, copper brown eyes and had a pair of large circular glasses that were perched on her nose.

She was dressed in the same uniform as Davey and was currently tapping her foot in annoyance.

"Where is she?" The lavender haired girl asked.

"Calm down, Yolei. We've only been waiting for three minutes." The brunette told her.

"Yeah, well she better be here soon or else I'm gonna-"

The girl's rant was cut off when said girl she was speaking of called out to her two friends.

"I'm here! I'm coming! Don't start yelling!" Davey called.

The boy, Cody Hida, smiled in greeting at the redhead as as she slowed to a stop in front of her two friends while the other girl, Yolei Inoue, was frowning with her hands on her hips.

"Good morning, Davey." Cody greeted politely.

"Morning, Cody, Yolei." Davey smiled at the two.

"You're late!" Yolei accused.

"By a few minutes! Can't ya just give me a break for once?" Davey groaned.

"Yolei, please don't start. Davey wasn't late, but if we keep arguing about this, then we will be." Cody scolded.

Sometimes, the boy wasn't sure who was the older person in their group.

Two pairs of brown eyes met and the two girls gave firm nods to each other.

"Fine." Yolei sighed.

"Let's move!" Davey grinned as she placed her hands on Cody's shoulders and pushed him forward.

The three friends then started running off down the sidewalk, racing down the path towards their school.

"Seriously though, if ya don't wanna be late, then why don't cha just ask your brother to give you a ride to school? Doesn't he own a car?" Davey asked as she ran beside Yolei.

"Because my brother is a jerk! Every time I ask, he flatout refuses! Like it would be so difficult to spend five minutes of his time driving me to school. Humph!" Yolei huffed in annoyance.

Cody sighed as he listened to the complaining being done by the two females before he then decided to block it out and focuss on running.

Turning down a corner, the three friends ran across the street with Davey in the lead as they neared the gates of their school where students were already gathering as they walked inside the building.

As the redhead ran across the street, she didn't notice the green sports car that quickly turned the corner and was rushing straight towards her.

"Davey, look out!" Yolei shouted when she saw the car.

Pausing in her run across the street, Davey turned to see the car rushing straight towards her.

Cody and Yolei watched in fear, but time seemed to slow down for Davey as she watched the car get closer to her.

Then, just before she was hit, Davey's body moved on its own as she jumped up into the air and did a front flip in the air.

She landed gracefully on her feet on the sidewalk in front of the school while the car sped by, not even stopping as the driver was too busy texting on his phone to see what was going on.

"Man, that was close!" Davey sighed as she placed a hand on her chest as she caught her breath.

Looking across the street, the girl found her two friends were staring at her with their eyes wide while theirs jaws had dropped when they saw Davey perform that jump.

"Hey, what cha waiting for?" Davey called as she waved at the duo.

Shaking off their shock, Cody and Yolei ran across the street once they made sure no other cars were driving by.

"Davey, are you alright?" The small brunette asked with a worried expression.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Davey smiled down at him.

An angered Yolei then curled her hand into a fist and hit the shorter girl over the head, worry shining brightly in her eyes.

"You idiot! Don't go running across the street like that! You could have been killed!" The lavender haired girl scolded.

"Sorry! But that car came out of nowhere. Someone should take the guy's drivers liscence." Davey stated as she tried to calm her female friend.

"You're just lucky you were able to jump away in time." Yolei continued to reprimand the other girl.

"Davey, how did you jump like that?" Cody asked making the two female Digidestineds look down at the boy.

"I mean, I've never seen you do something like that before." The child of Knowledge and Reliability said.

Calming down, Yolei blinked as she thought back to the jump that Davey had made which was quite strange.

She had never once seen her athletic friend do anything like that before and from the look on Davey's face, she seemed to be just as clueless as Yolei and Cody were about the jump.

"Yeah, that was weird." Yolei commented.

"I don't know how I did it. My body just kinda moved on its own and the next thing I knew, I was standing on the sidewalk." Davey explained.

The three friends grew silent as they thought over what had happened, but they were brought out of their thinking when a voice called out to them.

"Hey guys!" A blond boy with blue eyes greeted as she walked over to them.

"Good morning, TK." Cody said politely to his DNA partner.

TK Takaishi smiled at the three members of the second generation, but then he frowned when he noticed how they seemed to be thinking hard on something, especially Davey.

"You guys okay?" He asked making the redhead snap her attention to the child of Hope.

"Yeah, don't worry about it, TA!" She gave a forced bright smile.

Hearing the girl mess up his name, TK sighed as he knew that Davey only did it to tease him.

"Anyway, we better get going. Don't want to be late, right?" The blond grinned.

"Ah! That's right, I've gotta go. See you guys later!" Yolei cried as she ran off into the building.

"I should get going to. Bye guys." Cody said as he nodded at the redhead and blond before he then made his way into the school.

Once the other two were gone, TK turned his attention back over to Davey as she seemed to be staring off into space as she thought over something.

"You sure you're okay?" The child of Hope asked once again.

"I'm fine, really! Now, come on. Kari's probably waiting for us. And by 'us' I mean 'you'." Davey smirked playfully.

This caused a blush to form on TK's cheeks as he began to pout at Davey's teasing which only made the smug pre-teen giggle at how cute he looked when annoyed.

He hated it when she teased him about liking Kari Kamiya when the truth was he only liked the pretty brunette as a close friend.

Seeing the amused girl was already rushing into the building, TK jogged after her.

"When are you gonna stop teasing me about Kari?" TK complained.

"When you stop teasing me about Ken." Davey retorted.

TK gave a guilty grin as he followed after the girl who flipped her hair off of her shoulder as she walked along to her locker.

To be fair, TK could tease Davey about Ken Ichijougi because he did once have feelings for her a year ago when he was the Digimon Emperor.

Okay, maybe 'feelings' was too innocent a term to use.

He was downright obsessed with the girl!

He had even kidnapped the rest of the Digidestineds and threatened their lives if Davey didn't agree to join him and become his Queen which earned the tyrant a punch to the face from the enraged female.

"Uh, nevermind. Let's just go!" TK said as he grabbed the girl's wrist and dragged her along after him.

"Hey, slow down, TC!" She complained.

"It's not TC. It's TA! I mean, TK!" The boy yelled.

The girl laughed at that, ignoring the strange sensation that began prickling down her spine.

To be continued...