Thank you for reading, I hope you like it and stick around for the parts to come x x Please review and tell me what you think! If you have any questions about any of my fanfics, a request for a new stydia fanfic or just a random question, ask me on aks . fm (no spaces, i just cant write the full thing -_-) - my username is obrienlover24

Lydia walks into the school building, for the first day back at school after the holidays, and immediately spots her best friend, Allison, talking to Scott. Lydia smiles to herself and shakes her head. She knows that Allison has a huge crush on Scott but the brunette refuses to admit it. Lydia has also tried multiple times to get Scott to admit his feelings for her best friend too, but all he does is blush and deny it. She waltzes over to the pair, who are stood next to her locker, and grins deviously at the other girl.

"Hey Ally," the strawberry blonde chirps in a teasing tone. "Hey Scott," she adds, stretching out the S and the boy blushes.

"Hey Lydia," Scott nervously fiddles with the hem of his shirt and then smiles at Allison. "I'll see you at lunch?"

"Of course," Allison grins sweetly and then Scott leaves. As soon as his back is turned, Allison punches Lydia in her arm with a scowl.

"Ow," she laughs and moves her hand to rub the sore spot. "I didn't do anything! I said hi," Lydia raises her spare hand in surrender.

"Yeah but it's your tone of voice," Allison hisses as she turns to open her locker. "Did you leave you maths books here?" Allison questions, trying to change the subject to anything but Scott.

"Yeah, they're in my locker," Lydia replies, twisting her number combination into the metal padlock. She is the smartest in most of her classes, especially maths, and so has never really needed to take her books home to study over the holidays.

"So how's Aiden?" Allison asks casually as she shuts her locker and leans against it.

"We're finished," Lydia shrugs as if it was nothing and to her, it is nothing. She never cared for Aiden – she's never cared for any of her boys.

"Seriously, Lydia? You were together for about two weeks! You've already dumped him?" Allison sighs in disbelief at the red-heads ways.

"We both stopped it, I'm not the one to blame this time!" Lydia folds her arms defensively, "And he wasn't by boyfriend anyway, I don't date-"

"Yeah, yeah I know. You don't date, you do distractions," Allison interrupts and Lydia grins. "But Lydia, not everyone is Jackson. Not everyone's going to hurt you so I think it's time you put yourself back out there and stopped finding boys just for sex,"

"Don't say his name," Lydia stops grinning. She stops finding the conversation a calm topic. "I don't ever want to hear about him again," she tells Allison in a serious 'don't go there' tone.

"Sorry," Allison swallows dryly. She almost forgot how much Jackson is a forbidden topic for Lydia.

The girls continue to walk down the hall in awkward silence. Neither of them knows how to break it, until Lydia sees an unfamiliar kid sitting on a chair outside the principal's office.

"Who's that?" she tilts her head slightly to the side, trying to figure out if she's ever seen him before. She doesn't think so; with a face and body like that, she would remember.

"Him?" Allison follows her eyes to the nervous looking kid staring at the floor. "Must be the new kid. Scott says he transferred here"

Lydia continues to examine the boy. She's so focused on him that she didn't even pick up on a chance to tease Allison further about Scott. "What's his name?" she asks.

"I don't know, Scott didn't say. Ask Malia, he says she's the one assigned to show him around," Allison winces at her best friends disapproving pout at the mention of Malia.

"Malia?" she squints and scoffs, "I'm not talking to her". Lydia hates Malia and Malia hates Lydia. Neither of them have a reason, they just don't get along.

"Lydia, the only reason you hate her is because you two are so similar. It's like a competitive thing," the brunette explains and Lydia scoffs louder.

"Don't compare me to her! We're nothing alike," she scowls and then starts walking forwards.

"Okay, I'm sorry," Allison tries and Lydia nods, "Where are you going?"

"To be nice and introduce myself," Lydia smiles and the other girl sighs loudly. Lydia has often dragged Allison to meet random people at parties and stuff. She hates it.

"I hate meeting new people like this, I'm going to go and find Kira," Allison veers off and leaves Lydia but she doesn't mind. It gives her some alone time with this kid.

"Hey there," she puts on her sweetest voice and the guy looks up at her in shock.

"…Hey" he swallows, confused as to why this girls speaking to him. She slumps down into the wooden chair next to him and crosses one leg over the other, which hitches her skirt higher up on her legs and reveals more skin. This was of course all part of her plan.

"I'm Lydia," she beams and he swallows again, this time finding it harder.

"Stiles," he replies through a sharp intake of breath. The principal exits his office and stands in front of them both.

"Lydia, why are you here?" he sighs. She has a history of being caught doing things she shouldn't be and ending up at his office.

"Just introducing myself," she stands up and smiles down at Stiles again, "See you around," she lingers her eyes on him for a few seconds, just until his cheeks turn slightly pink and then she turns and walks off.

Lydia doesn't find Allison again before the bell goes and so decides to just head to maths and meet her there. For some reason she finds herself giving her best friend details she noticed about Stiles. Things like his husky voice and caramel eyes. The way his plaid shirt fits around his muscular body perfectly and how his hair is messed up in the best way possible.

"What?" she furrows her eyebrows at the way Allison is grinning and the girl shrugs.

"Have a little crush, Lydia?" she pouts her lips and squints her eyes playfully. This time it's her getting punched in the arm by a flustered girl.

"I do not have a crush on him," Lydia folds her arms again, "I was just admiring to see what he's like"

"Why?" Allison laughs. She quickly comes to the realisation that Lydia has found her new target and she lets her head fall onto the desk. She groans and Lydia laughs.

"He's hot, Ally, I'll admit that," she smirks, "And that's why I've picked him"

"No, Lydia, Scott says he's a really nice dude and that they have already exchanged numbers to hang out," Allison grabs onto her best friend's shoulders, "If you do this and hurt him, I'll lose Scott"

"Oh my god will you just admit you like him already?" Lydia mimics the girl's actions, grabbing onto her shoulders.

"Okay fine… I might slightly like him"

"Slightly?" Lydia tuts and Allison rolls her eyes, releasing Lydia from her grip. Lydia does the same.

"Promise me, Lydia," she widens her eyes in a serious fashion, "Don't use Stiles"

"I don't use any boys," she retorts, becoming annoyed at the choice of words. "I get what I want and they get what they want. It's mutually beneficial and then we both part ways, nobody hurt"

"Lydia…" Allison struggles to find the right words. She looks deflated.

"Alright, I won't use Stiles," Lydia frowns angrily and turns to face the other way.

"Thank you," Allison places her hand on Lydia's arm, "Lyds, I don't judge you. You know that. You can do what you want, just not with Stiles. For my sake"

Lydia doesn't reply but she stops facing away. Why does Stiles have to be friends with Scott? Lydia thinks to herself. She would never admit it to Allison, but she craves Stiles. She wants to know what it feels like with his body against hers. With his hands on her skin, his lips on her lips. She sighs in frustration, tapping her pen against the table. Why does Stiles have to be friend with Scott.