Turing towards the real Zabuza, Gohan said "This is your last chance. Leave now".

"His eyes. This is not the first time he has been in a situation like this" Kakashi realised.

"Bring it on kid." replied Zabusa. "I can't risk attacking him head on until I realise what he did back there". Therefore, he made another clone. But this time the clone did not charge ahead, instead he stood in front the real Zabusa, acting as a guard.

"You made your choice" declared Gohan. "First I need to save Kakashi sensei".

Gohan phased forward, and attacked Zabuza with his right elbow (Picture it like how Goku finished Racoome off in Namek). He had went straight through the clone and attacked the rogue, who didn't even realised what happened and was just sent flying backwards.

Kakashi, now free from his prison stepped knew that Gohan was strong, that much was evident from his bell test, but now he was glad that Gohan didn't come at him with the intent to kill. He might have been seriously hurt if that had happened. After all, he just might have done in Zabuza with just blow.

Zabuza tried to stand up, but it only resulted in him coughing out blood. "Why am I so hurt. He gave me only one blow. His physical abilities are off the chart. Better stick to my roots".

Zabusa did a few hands signs, "Water Release: Hidden Mist Technique".

"The mist is even thicker than before" Gohan realised, "But what is he planning? He must be trying to take me out by stealth. But it won't change a thing".

Even though Gohan couldn't see the rogue ninja, he could very well sense his Ki. He had already locked on to Zabuza using his sixth sense. He waited for Zabuza to make his move.

The rogue ninja went around Gohan, trying to sneak from behind. He quietly circled around him, and in no time was standing behind the young fighter. Just as he was going for the killing blow with his sword, Gohan suddenly dodged his blade and gave him another punch that almost went through him.

Zabuza tried to stand up. This time he was successful the first time, but the pain still very much lingered. "Hey kid" panted Zabuza, his hands forming some seals "Water Release: Giant Vortex Technique".

Water began to gather in a swirl in front of Zabuza. It was like a tornado of water, with each passing second it spin faster accumulating more and more and it was coming fast towards the young half saiyan.

The young half-saiyan just stood still, with a serious glare on his face. When the water tornado was very near him, he brought both his hands to his right and cupped him. Between his palms, a blue coloured orb began to form. "Kaa-mee-haa-mee-haa..."screamed Gohan thrusting his hands in front him. A big beam of light shot towards Zabuza's water based attack.

"Gaint Vortex Jutsu is a high level technique and he was able to counter it so easily. He is much more skilled that he lets on. Through out the whole battle, never once did he lose his confidence. There is more to him than I thought" Kakashi thought.

"Is he dead" enquired Sakura.

"No, I didn't kill him, but he won't attack us for a long time".

"Gohan, if you won't kill him Iwill" Kakashi said with a stern voice. "I know that it might be hard for you to understand, but in the real world if you don't finish off your enemies, he will only come back to kill"

Gohan took a moment to reflect upon what Kakashi just said. Captain Ginyu, Frieza and , all of them came to haunt just because his father didn't kill them when he had the chance. But there was Vegeta who was another one his father let go and he helped them out in a lot of tight situations albeit in his own ways. Then there was Picollo, who was like a second father to him. He was born from evil but had changed to person who he was now.

Before Gohan could make up his mind, from out of nowhere, senbons came flying, piercing Zabuza's vital spots.

"What" everyone in team 7 said shocked.

"A hunter ninja" Kakashi mumbled, turning his head to the young hunter ninja.

The young hunter ninja wore a green haori with white trimmings and brown sash around his waist. He had long hair which was gathered into a bun with two bangs on the each side of his face. His face was covered with a white mask with thin eyes and with the Kirigakure symbol on its forehead.

The young ninja stepped towards Zabuza, and swung his body over him. He then thanked them for killing him and disappeared.

Tazuna's House

No one spoke about what happened till they reached Tazuna's house. Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura were shocked by what they saw while Gohan was thinking on what Kakashi said. Meanwhile Kakashi had a gut feeling, that he had missed something but he was not sure what it was.

No one wanted to break the ice till they had reached Tazuna's house. Even Naruto was quiet, his young mind still trying to comprehend what had happened.

"Gohan, how did you do that? You didn't even use a hand sign" asked Sasuke who couldn't take the suspense no more. He really wanted to know how someone young as him could overpower a Jounin so easily. Till now, the Uchicha survivor only saw Gohan as a hindrance towards his goal. But what he saw now really changed his opinion of him. Gohan not only showed pure speed and strength that outclassed a Jounin but also a technique of that has more destructive power than anything he has ever seen or heard off. He even started to wonder whether Gohan could take on Itachi and come out alive too.

"That was the Kamehameha wave right?" enquired Kakashi. The hokage had hinted him about Gohan fighting style. But he never thought it would be anything like this.

"Yes" answered the surprised half saiyan.

"You see, everyone that was one the techniques known only to few people in the world. It was created by the master of the turtle style, Muten Roshi the turtle hermit. Not much is known about him, except for that he was one of the few Ki users. That technique is over 400 years old."

"Wow, could you teach me Gohan?" asked Naruto enthusiastically.

"Naruto, you can't learn that. More precisely, we shinobi can't learn that. That is a technique that uses Ki instead of the Chakra that we use".

"Ki ?"asked Sakura dumbfounded.

"Uh?" Naruto apparently confused.

"Chakra is the energy we use for our ninjustsu. It is formed by combining our physical energy with our spirtual energy, otherwise known as Ki. Because you guys have been using Chakra for a long time, it would be impossible for you to use it. It has become second nature to our bodies, like breathing and all".

"So why do we use Chakra instead of Ki?. It seems more powerful."

"Well here is the thing. Ki actually more powerful in terms of its destructive capabilities and here in lies its problem, it is very hard to control. That's why we mixed our physical energy with it. It allows us easier control, but the disadvantage is that it has lesser destructive capabilities"

A/N: I finally found a way for me to move forward. Gohan is really a pacifist by nature, which won't do him any good in the shinobi world. So I think i will focus on that for now.

Also in the next chapter, Gohan will open up a little about Goku, or that is what i had planned.