Abductor's Torment

Chapter 24: Play Time

The Volturi just got demolished by a human girl.

Jane couldn't help, but smile as she melted a few vampires on the way out.

Where's the way out?!

The house was empty with everyone having a few hours to get ready. The Denali's went to another one of their spare homes since they decided not to try to incur the Volturi's wrath for the moment.

Tanya's head was finally found, but, well, it was pretty bad even if it was nigh indestructible. Apparently, she was missing some other parts, but the Denali's said they would take care of it.

"Carlisle?" Alice knocked on Carlisle's door.

They were about to embark on their trip to Volterra, but Alice needed to clear some things up with Carlisle. She had to interrogate him about something.

"Yes, Alice?" Carlisle answered as Alice entered. Carlisle paused from writing down more notes to focus on the seer.

"I know about the vials."


"Don't play me for a fool, Carlisle. I'm the seer." Alice had seen the future and acted, but she had never investigated the in between, basically, what was in those vials.

"A mere experiment." Carlisle just shrugged. It seemed as if all his work at hospitals over the centuries made a little more sense now.

"There were hundreds of those vials! I've seen them. I took one of them and replaced it because of a vision." Alice bit her lip. She didn't know why she acted so impulsively! "I need to know what they do." It may have to do with what was happening with Bella now.

"Took one of them? For what exactly?" Carlisle queried.

"Never mind that! I need to know what they do!" Alice voice shook. She had one of those vials injected into one of the most important people in her life just because of a damned vision!

Alice expected an answer, an excuse or even denial, but she didn't expect laughter.

Carlisle was chuckling at her!

"You mean the vial you had Victoria inject Bella with?"


"They are actually mixtures of blood. Did you know that vampires were not always like this? Not always with granite-like skin, barely able to get stronger and barely able to blend in with humans?"


Carlisle put up a finger to silence Alice.

"We were cursed. Just like Edward was cursed with shining like a fairy, but our curse was nothing so amusing. It may be hard to believe, but Vampires were spawned from Fallen Angels as shock troops. The tale is long, but in the end, we lost. Fallen Angels and demons were banished into another realm, while what was left of the vampire race was cursed to be weak. Stephyl Myr, a Fae Queen empowered by an Arch Angel, cursed us. Our powers were stunted, our bodies froze! Unable to grow and gain more power, we were cursed to be static! Cursed to exist forever, but only to exist, and remember our folly."

Carlisle paused and looked at Alice's shocked reaction. It was expected since it was a story that only beings that existed several millennia ago would know. Being one of the last original vampires helped.

"I have been trying to undo the curse for millennia, but there were no successes. Did you think I took you, Edward, Jasper, Emmett and Rosalie in for nothing? Did you think you were my only family? Did you never take a closer look at the animals you've eaten? Did they taste any different? Experiments, all experiments."

Alice would have looked ashen if she could.

"You have helped me tremendously though. My own little pocket seer, oh so easy to manipulate." Carlisle could see the question in her eyes and he would sate her curiosity just like all the other times.

"Easy, my dear Alice, it's my gift of memory manipulation with over several millennia of practice. You were right in your thoughts though. Bella is the focal point." Carlisle smiled once again as Alice snarled.

"Now, now, none of that. Now, would you kindly make sure everyone is ready for our trip to Volterra?" Carlisle nodded to Alice and went back to his notes.

As if nothing had happened, Alice just smiled and nodded back at Carlisle. "Sure, Carlisle!" The small vampire immediately disappeared.

"Ah, gloating is fun." It's kind of sad that no one would ever remember all his manipulation throughout the millennia. Creating the Volturi for fun was one of them.

Now there's only one thing left to do.

It wasn't supposed to be like this.

It's your fault.

Everything was part of her carefully made plan, but now?


Alice tried to look again into the future, but was met with cloudy silhouettes that could be a person, shadows or nothing at all. There wasn't anything concrete to grasp, nothing solid to form plans around on.


All her carefully laid plans that would have kept everyone she cared forsafe had just vanished.

It took so many changes, so many visions, and so many sacrifices! Just to get the timeline the way she wanted it, but now?

You were never in control.

It's already collapsing around her.

Bella. It was always Bella that was some kind of focal point to everything.

Bella was supposed to stay peacefully with the Volturi until the Cullens had arrived. A few days with the Volturi, specifically Aro, would have shown Bella how corrupted the Volturi were. It was supposed to show her how paranoid Aro is.

Aro, knowing that Jane was closer to Bella would begin to make plans on how to use Bella to further his agenda. All his plans would eventually have been fruitless due to his paranoia taking over.

And of course, the Cullen clan would come in a few days later to save the day.

Bella would have come back to them even if she'd see Edward as annoyance. She would still see a sister figure in Alice, a mother figure in Esme, which would have been enough to sway her back.

Make no mistake, Alice really did love Bella like a sister, but everything she had done had been for a reason…

… A reason that was lost as her empty visions faded and sight returned.

A compromise would have been made. Aro would have been too fearful and would have allowed the Cullen's to leave along with Bella. Jane would come along as a 'guard' and eventually would have been fully swayed to Bella's side with Chelsea's influence slowly disappearing.

The status quo of power would have been balanced and everything would have slowly fallen into place.

They would have had time to prepare. Aro's paranoia would eventually be the end of him, but with preparation the final battle wouldn't even occur. It would have been some type of unending cold war, but who would have cared if there weren't any true losses on either side?

But, not this.

"ALICE! What the hell is going on?!" Alice heard Emmett loud and clear even with all the noise around them, but still just continued to gaze at the aftermath.

All those years of planning…


"BELLA!" She could hear Edward rushing around and screaming out Bella's name.

The Cullen's had finally reached Volterra, but didn't expect it to be in near ruins.

The outside of Volterra had looked no different than when they had last come, but the lack of a patrolling guard or anyone to meet them as they entered the Volturi's area? They instantly knew something was wrong.

The inside of Volterra was a mess. Pillars weren't just broken, but many seemed like they had just melted. Bits and pieces of vampires were haphazardly spread everywhere as if there was some kind of giant brawl that happened.

But, the strangest thing of all?

Volterra was empty.

Alice had just trailed along with Carlisle, Esme, Rosalie and Jasper towards the throne room, while Emmett and Edward began searching for Bella or any other clue to what had happened.

Carlisle went past all the vampires that were in pieces littered around the floor and ended up at the throne where the three 'kings' used to sit. Alice could see some of the vampire heads were destroyed with a charred hole through them, but some of the other heads were crushed.

"Aro's dead." Carlisle carefully picked up half blown head still attached to the body. There was a large charred hole, but you could still vaguely recognize the owner.

"How?" How had she not seen this future? How had this all happened? How did such a major event just happen like this?!

Light footsteps came from the darkness and a vampire emerged that they hadn't known was there. The Cullen clan quickly went on guard.

"Well, well, well, the Cullen clan. I had expected more Volturi stragglers, but here I encounter the second largest vampire coven."

"Vladimir. Is the Romanian coven responsible for this?" Carlisle asked. Most of their stances relaxed, but they were still on guard. The Romanian coven was known for the last two surviving members of their clan, Stefan and Vladimir.

"Why, Carlisle, I'm enthused that you may think that we-" Before Vladimir could finish his sentence, Edward had already began charging him with a battle cry that gave away what little surprise he could have had.

"BEEEEEELLA-"His battle cry was silenced as Vladimir caught Edward's head with one hand and quickly smashed him into a wall. Edward was about to struggle and tear off the hold, but a hard squeeze to his head and he knew he had made a bad decision.

"Silence, boy." The Cullen clan tensed and readied themselves for a fight, but Vladimir simply threw Edward head first into a wall. "Please handle your son a little better, would you?" Jasper and Esme quickly went to check on the idiot.

"I'm sorry, for my son's brash behavior, but he is quite panicked since a family member was supposed to be here. Please, Vladimir, what happened here?"

"Very well, Carlisle. I have no quarrel with you and your own. As long as you keep to yourselves, the Romanian coven will have no reason to end you." Vladimir seemed to ponder a little before starting. "Two days ago, we received word from… a trusted source… that the Volturi was having some kind of power struggle. Lo and behold, when Stefan and I had arrived, the Volturi was already decimated. There were a few vampires that were still trying to kill each other, but we swiftly ended that. I remained here while Stefan and our other colleagues dealt with… other things on our agenda."

"But, how?"

"Apparently, there was a girl that had a gift of some type of power nullification that Aro had tried to recruit, but before it had happened; her gift had already affected that bitch, Chelsea's powers. We know all about how the Volturi has been subverting other vampire's with gifts, Carlisle. That is as far as I know." Alice could tell that Vladimir was still keeping a few things under wraps, but his story did make sense.

Bella's power must've gotten stronger and began to affect a greater radius. It must have gotten out of hand and the vampire's that had their allegiances shifted were suddenly free from Chelsea's binding power.

"We are still currently looking for Marcus and Caius. Carlisle, if you by chance come by any information, please pass it on. Consider it a trade for all this information I've provided you." Vladimir slowly stepped back and disappeared into the shadows.

It was silent as they tried to digest all the new information. The vampire world had just shifted within a couple of days. The 'ruling coven' had just been decimated.

"What does this mean for us?" Rosalie said, not sure what they should be doing.

"It means that there will now be a bid for power, a power struggle. We will have to do our best not to get caught in it."

"And, Bella?" Emmett asked. Edward would have probably asked had his jaw been healed up from Vladimir's crushing grip.

"We find her. She was here, but either a Volturi vampire took her or one of Vladimir's took her."

Alice could only hope that Bella was still living out there.


It took around half an hour before Jane decided to just melt her way out of Volterra, but not before searching out a certain few vampires that were knocked out due to Bella's broken powers.

Jane tore off a large portion of a curtain and dropped Alec, Felix, Demetri and Heidi's prone bodies in them and began carrying them like a sack while Bella was in her arms.

She must have looked retarded to have such a big pack behind her, but fuck it.

Hours had passed and Jane was tired…


Was it even possible for a vampire to be tired? Had she used her newfound power too much melting stuff?

How long had she been running with these bozos in a sack?

The blonde wanted to get to Mexico somehow, but she had no fucking idea where she was right now. There was a forest and eventually she smelled some humans that had a small house. The small human family that Jane encountered was now locked into one room.

She'd use them as food later. Bella would probably be hungry after her change.

The small vampire huffed and dropped the huge curtain containing the other vampire's that she had brought along.

Jane quickly went towards the room where she put the crying humans and took one. The noise was really fucking annoying so she had quickly ripped open the human's neck and began trying to pour some blood into the other vampire's mouths.


Maybe she should have put it in a cup or something first?

Now, there was probably more blood in Heidi's nose than there was in her mouth!

She'll probably be more upset with all the blood in her hair.

Oh well, a small amount of blood should be enough to wake them. The other vampire's should wake up within several minutes after the blood has had a chance to enter their system properly.

Jane went towards the large sofa where she had placed Bella. The brunette just looked like she was sleeping; nothing like the regular changing process of vampires that including unending screaming and body twisting as if they were on fire.

Jane sighed in happiness as she cuddled up to Bella.

Everything was great.

Aro's dead.

The Volturi is fucked.

She was able to get her twin brother and his idiot friends in that big sack and they were about to wake up soon.

And, best of all, her mate was finally turning into a vampire. They would be able to hunt together!

Jane also wondered how the Cullen's would react to Bella's change, both physical and mental.

The thought of that put a smile on Jane's face as she slowly dozed off.

Heidi sighed in relief as she had just gotten all the blood off of her hair. She wasn't really sure what to make of whatever it was that was happening, but she knew that Jane or the soon to be vampire had the answers.

One second all of them were in Volterra and then the next was waking up on the blood while being caked in drying blood.

"How the fuck is she sleeping?" Felix asked while pointing towards Jane who was somehow just tangled in Bella's arms.

It was another anomaly that they couldn't figure out. How did they all get here? Why did all of them wake up aside from Jane?

"Maybe Jane was hit by the brunt of whatever it was that hit us?" Alec answered. He wasn't sure what to make of this whole situation either.

"Then the girl brought us here? This makes no sense! All five of us were knocked out, now Jane is the only one knocked out aside from the girl." Felix couldn't really come to any conclusion.

"We will have to wait and see what Jane has to say. I don't hear Bella's heartbeat either, so she should be waking up soon." Heidi shrugged wondering how long they would have to wait. It had only been around two days since Heidi remembered the girl as still being human, but now she was almost a vampire? She hadn't seen the girl go through the normal screaming pain that all vampires had to go through.

Did her powers somehow negate it?

She used one of the cellphones that the humans had on them to contact Volterra, but it was disconnected.

Shh! Heidi, Alec and Felix immediately glanced towards Demetri who shushed them.

"I don't think we'll have that luxury." Demetri said as he could recognize other vampires converging towards them. His years as a tracker honed even his vampiric senses, making it easier for him to spot others.

The four vampires used their vampiric speed to exit the house.

"Be on your guard. They're here." Demetri crouched, ready to pounce the instant an enemy came within striking range. Alec quickly jumped above the house, ready to deploy his gift in the whole area.

In just a few seconds, they already knew they were outnumbered as over ten vampires appeared just several meters away from them in an arc. The Volturi vampire's tried to make out who they were up against, but all they could tell was that they were against other vampires.

Another vampire slowly began walking towards them and this one they all recognized.

"Stefan." The Volturi vampires knew the vampire, they couldn't miss one of the last surviving members of the Romanian clan that they nearly wiped out several decades ago.

"Ah, ex-Volturi members, what a pleasant surprise."


Stefan chuckled. "It is not surprising that your group would not know of it since all of you weren't in the battle at Volterra."

What in the hells did they miss?

Stefan held up a hand, knowing what the next question would be. "Aro is dead, the Volturi is broken, all thanks to that girl you are harboring in that house. I would like to speak with her. It is not a choice. As you can see, the Romanian coven is vastly larger than the Volturi could even imagine."

"She is still-"

"Ah, there she is." Stefan gestured with his hands as Bella walked out from the door.

Heidi's head swerved back as her eyes met the girl that had created so much chaos within the few hours that she had known her.

What the fuck?

Bella didn't look that much different. Maybe she looked a little paler than before, but even her skin did not have that sleek look that regular vampires had because of their granite hard skin.

Her eyes.

Her eyes were brown.


Is that a heartbeat?

But, it had no heartbeat a while ago.

"The hero of all vampires! Isabella Swan." Stefan had heard from some of his unbrainwashed brethren about what had happened in that throne room. He would have to be careful with how he was going to proceed.

The girl was clearly an asset. A very valuable asset, but the girl was a threat at the very same time.

Stefan heard about the gift she had used to shut down the Volturi. His spies had also informed him about the infernal witch twin that exited Volterra along with a sack and the girl in her arms. Stefan had already assumed that the girl would be in the middle of turning.

It would have made everything much easier if the girl were still turning.

The Romanian coven leader approached the girl with his hands extended outward. He looked directly into those brown eyes.

Still a frail human. A dangerous one, but still frail. He spied the male witch twin above the house, but he already had countermeasures up for him and his vile sister.

"Fuck, I still feel like crap. Can we reschedule this?"

This human didn't even know who she was speaking so rudely to!

He approached a little more and gestured again with his hands towards Bella. Now, they wouldn't be interrupted.

Stefan was also well within striking range.

There were only two outcomes to this. He would not play around like Aro had.

"You have dismantled the Volturi for me whether you know it or not, Isabella. I have but one question to ask you."

Only two choices.

"Will you join me?"

Or die.

"Hell n-"

Stefan wasted no time as he used his vampiric speed and strength to plunge his arm directly into Bella chest. Even if the girl was a newly turned vampire, she would be no match to an ancient vampire.

It was a waste to dispose of the girl, but her power was too much of a wild card.

The ancient vampire began to extract his hand from the girl's corpse until he realized he couldn't.

Stefan froze as his eyes met what were once apathetic brown eyes.


His Romanian coven reigned supreme and the only ones that were able to topple him were the Volturi ages ago. Even then, Stefan had known pure hatred and anger, but fear? Never.

Death was nothing. He had already gone through it once.

But, this?

Stefan could feel something spread on his arm, it was slowly embedding itself somehow within. He could see a playful grin begin to appear on the girl's face showing off multiple rows of sharpened teeth.

Her eyes, he stared into those blood red eyes that the girl didn't have a few moments ago and knew it was over.

"So, you want to play, huh?"

He felt the girl plunge her arm straight into where his non-beating heart was supposed to be. He did not know how the girl was able to pierce his skin, but he knew that it was not over as he began to lose control of his own body.

"Let's play." The girl's voice was inflected with some kind of childish glee as if she were playing with a toy.

Stefan lost all his senses one by one until the only one that remained. He could not see, he could not hear, he could not smell nor could he taste, there was only pain.

This was how Stefan feared hell would be.

An endless void only filled with pain.

AN: Update! Yep, can't really say sorry since I just have to time to really sit down and write most of the time. However, I did promise that I would complete this story and I will! I'll do my best not to half ass it either.

And yes, this story technically includes all types of Mythical beings. Angels, Fallen Angels, Demons, Fae, meh, you name it, it's there somewhere. Stephyl Myr is Stephanie Meyer if you didn't catch tha

There! I revealed the enemy. I could have actually kept him hidden until the very end, but eh. Every mystery will be resolved. This would actually be the best time to let Bella and Jane just troll around, but god, if I did that, then this story would be endless.

If there is something that you want cleared up, please just tell me in the comments and I will include it with the next chapter if possible. There are still a lot of loose ends and I will want to wrap up every single one of them.

What happened to dear Bella will be explained into further detail. You may also guess if you want!

Tell me what you think on this chapter! (I still write everything as I go, so any ideas are always welcome!)