AN : It was pointed out that I've made a couple errors. I'm very sorry. Like I said before, I will try better. The characters originally had different names and Emmett's eyes were originally green.
These characters belong to Stephanie Meyers. The story is my own.

Laying on the bed in Emmett's room, I thought over our plan. We were geniuses. At least I felt that way.
Emmett had called down and booked a room under my maiden name. If they couldn't figure that out, they shouldn't have a badge. It would at least make it look like I was trying to hide. It would make me look like the idiot, but I didn't care. Emmett had gone down and got the key, then I wrote out the letter. Short and sweet was how I wanted it.
Stop looking.
These photos say it all.
I want a divorce.
Axe Sheppard is my attorney.
Emmett and Jasper decided it would be best to print each photo ten times. Then tape them on the walls of the room. I didn't want to let out Royce's secret, but I wanted him to leave me alone, and this was the only way.

I looked at the door as I heard the knock, and Emmett poked his head around.
"Do you mind if I sit?" He asked, walking my way. I nodded and scooted over.
Emmett sat there quietly for a few minute, like he didn't know what to say. Finally he looked up and directly into my eyes. I always got lost in his eyes. I could look at them for days, and I wanted to, but at this point, he barely tolerated me.
"About earlier, Rosalie.-" He started, but I interrupted.
"No, let me finish. I was pissed, and you didn't deserve that. It's no excuse, but I had a shit day. If I could take it back, I would."
"Well, you're forgiven. If anything, it was a blow to my ego." Emmett looked at me shocked.
"Why would it be a blow to your ego?" I rolled my eyes back at him.
"Em, most girls don't like knowing a hott guy thinks they're fat." He shut his eyes tightly. Then opened them, and you could see the truth in what he was about to say.
"Babe, you're not fat. Just like what you said about my dick. It doesn't need to get any bigger. That was good though. It made me stop and think." I cracked a grin.

"Now I can rest easy knowing said smart ass doesn't think I have a fat ass."

"There you go putting words in my mouth. I said you weren't fat. I never said you didn't have a fat ass. Don't worry though, you work it." I blushed as he winked and looked down.

"Are you flirting with me?" I asked as I met his eyes again.

"If I am?" He said, his tone turning serious.

"As long as it stays at flirting until I'm happily divorced." I said and winked.
"Happily divorced…" Emmett asked as his body laughed.
"Definitely." I said, smiling.

Emmett and I sat in silence for a few minutes.
"Do you lose your temper like that a lot?" His face turned serious, and he picked up my hand.
"Look, I'm a mean SOB. I lose my temper a lot, and I can't promise to never lose my temper again. But I can promise, I'll never treat you like that again. I didn't like seeing you that way."
"What way?" I asked, curious.
"Defeated…" I squeezed his hand, making him look up at me.
"I have to admit, that fight wasn't any fun." Emmett smirked.
"Yeah, you really know how to push buttons, but gotta admit, it's refreshing not knowing what's gonna come through that mouth of yours." I laughed.
"I think your ass gets jealous of all the shit that comes out of yours. Most of the crap you say, I'd laugh if it wasn't directed at me."

"You don't enjoy it? Even a little?" He asked, and I'd never heard him sound insecure before.
"I didn't say that." I said smiling, then continued.

"Why did you leave mad when Ax was here?" Emmett shook his head.
"You gonna go out with him?" I just shook my head back at him.
"What was I supposed to say?"
"Uh, how about no… Ax is an asshole. I don't think he knows what he wants. He's my cousin, but doesn't want in the family business because it's illegal, but he's a criminal attorney. He thinks he's so fucking righteous, and flaunts all his accomplishments. What he doesn't get is I don't want that life. You would be just one more thing to have on me in his mind."
"Well, now that I've figured out what I really like, I can honestly say, he's not my type." I said as I smiled over at him.
"What is your type?" Emmett asked, playing with my fingers.
"Well, I've figured out, I'm pretty fond of arguing and having someone argue back. I wasn't allowed to cuss or argue with my family or Royce. Now, it's kinda fun to have a stupid argument over who gets the bed." He rolled his eyes.
"Well, you needed to be in here." I rolled mine back at him.
"You needed to explain."
"You needed to just listen to me. I'm not use to having someone challenge whatever I say. I'm the boss. People obey, or they are taught to obey." His tone turned aggravated.
"Well, last I checked, I'm not on your payroll. And you don't fuck me, feed me, or fund me… So, you can just get over it." His eyes got deeper as he leaned over me, his breath turning heavy.
Emmett's hand snaked up the side of my neck to the edge of my chin. He was in boss mode right now. I was silent. I would have talked, but the intenseness of his eyes made me stop short. I didn't want to wait any longer to be happily divorced. I wanted his lips on mine.
"I get you your money back?" He growled out. I nodded quickly.

"You cook my food?" He growled lower as he got closer. I nodded again.
"Then maybe all I need to do is fuck you. Would you like that?" His nose grazed mine and his hand moved. I whimpered. My body was betraying me. I loved this side of him.
"That's right, Tiger. You want it. You just have to be happily divorced first. Right?" I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.
"Right…" I looked and his eyes smirked. "But, I could still do this." I said, then quickly raised my hands to both sides of his neck and pulled his lips down to mine. Fireworks exploded behind my eyes. It took him a minute to catch on, but he did, fast.
Emmett's tongue licked on the seal of my lips as he tried to open them, I let him instantly. My hands moved from his neck to grip his hair and his hand traveled to the outside of my thigh, pulling it up and squeezing.
When I broke the kiss to take a breath Emmett's mouth moved to my neck and bit down not enough to hurt, but enough to know he was there. He pulled away and his eyes met mine.
"I thought you said 'Happily divorced'..." Emmett said horsely.
"I made the rules, I can break them." He squeezed my thigh again before letting go and rolling onto the bed next to me, then pulled me to him.
"I like it when you break the rules."