A/N Time for the birthday fic in honor of the creation of Mei on April 26, 2016. In the story Mei is turning six. So without further ado, Let the chaos ensue.

To the creators of the OCs I have included so far that are friends, what do they get for Mei? I will add the presents later, for now they are in parentheses like this (OC's Present)

So without further ado, Let the chaos ensue.

Party Animals

It had been a month since Mr. Vapas passed away, and Mei was upset that her father couldn't be there for her birthday in the upcoming week. Both of the Wilde's tried to cheer her up, and upon the request of their daughter continue their visits to the older tiger. Her friends are there the entire step of the way, and Ash makes sure that he visits the house as often as he can, even spending the night at points.

Nick makes sure to keep an eye on the young fox, seeing how skittish he is around the him, but other than that he seems to warm up to the officer.

Judy helps Mei create birthday invites for her friends, as well as a treat for the class, Nick winds up sneaking a few of the blueberries from the mix.

The rest of the Hopps family sets up the party on the farm and their stall is closed that weekend.

That Wednesday Mei brings the blueberry muffins to share with the class, and hands the invites to her friends.

Like usual Mei sits between Ash and Adrian, Judy straight ahead of her with some more kids around them. At snack time Mei hands out the as well as giving her friends the invitations. But that is when Danna approaches, "Oh Mei, aren't I invited to your party?"

"No you were mean to me." and continues her conversation with her friends.

In the few days that follow, Danna and her friend Asia trying to get on Mei's good side.

With the approaching weekend, Mei is dropped off at the family farm after school on Friday, and spends the night there. Ash came along, and in the safety of Judy's old room, truths are revealed.

"I can tell my parents, they'll know what to do." She tries but the young fox simply shakes his head. "I don't want anything to change."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, so let's try to sleep." Ash says as he turns to his side so his back is to the tiger. Mei follows his example and tries to sleep.

The two are awoken by Mei's grandparents and cousins coming through the door all but yelling the birthday song. Both kindergarteners pulled their blankets higher over their heads and curled up in the warmth they provided. When they woke up for real it was around mid morning with breakfast still going strong. Mei drags Ash to a spot at the corner of the table going as far as to ask some of her cousins to switch places with her so that Ash won't feel trapped.

Oshyn comes during this time with his family and squeezes in between Mei and their cousin. "Happy Birthday Mei!" He shouts to be heard over the family chatter.

"Thanks!" and that is when she notices the slight bulges on the rabbit's head. "Oh my got you've got antler's like your dad!" That causes Oshyn to gain the attention of the closer cousins and Mei pulls Ash away before they crowd around the area. "How you doing Ash? You want to head outside?" At the quite nod she leads him to the door and leads him outside and plops down on the lawn. "Sorry about my family, I know you don't like loud environments, but that's just how they are."

"It's fine Mei, your family is interesting." And the two let the noise of the Hopps family wash over them, a few come out to do some work in the fields. A few hours pass before another familiar face makes it to the farm. A pastel pink pastry van drives up to the house and before it even comes to a complete stop Lauren dives out of the back and rolls to a stop popping up with Judy's old police hat from her childhood. "That's where that was." Mei mumbles as she goes up to great her friend. Lauren sees her coming and tosses the old hat into the back of the van before going to help her parents unload.

"Lauren Grey, don't think that I didn't see that."

The fox slowly turns around as her mother and father work together to carry the cake and cupcakes inside for lunch. "Hey Mei, I got ta help my ma and pa so if you will excuse me." Lauren tries to maneuver around the cub, but fails and is chased by the tiger who is shortly joined by the fox. Mrs. Grey looks over her husband's shoulder. "Be careful Lorrie, you don't wanna get hurt and miss the games."

Lauren stops at the name her mother calls her and Mei tackles the older mammal to the ground, Ash standing back. As we tussle we unknowingly get closer to the family fields. Before they get to close Paws wrap around their ankles and pulls the girls away. Mei manages to see the worried looks Aunt and Uncle Grey give her before both are pulled into crushing hugs.

"Are you two ok?" Aunt Grey asks, pushing Mei away to get a better look at the two. At the nod that either parent receives, both are cuffed on the head. "Than what were you thinking? Lauren, you know better than to play near the fields, and I need you to help watch the little ones, while we are here understand?" Lauren nods and Mrs. grey swipes a hand over her face. "I'm sorry to be so harsh, but I don't want anything to happen, especially around those." She says pointing to the violet flowers lining the fields. The three kids nod and run off to play somewhere else.

The party truly doesn't start until around lunch time when Judy Big arrived with her family and their polar bear body guards, Adrian came with his family. They wait a bit longer for Judy and Nick to arrive before they start dishing out food, but by 1:45 the kids begin to get restless and Bonny and Stew Hopps call everyone to lunch.

Mei tries not to let it get to her knowing that her parents are important people, but this is the first time they were late.

She chooses to wait a little longer before getting too upset and digs into the pie and ice cream. The strawberry sauce on the ice cream complementing the blueberries in the pie nicely.

After lunch the younger ones go to play the games for goodies while the adults clean. Nick and Judy arrive just as the kids begin to do a three legged race. The two watch Mei and Adrian try to figure out the best way to go about this with the middle legs placed inside a potato sack.

The two Wilde's lead Nick's mother inside where the rest of the family is cleaning. "Hey mom, how're things going?"

"Oh hey Judy, everything's fine, the kids are outside playing until we get everything clean, than later we were going to have Mei open her presents."

"Here let me help with that." Judy says as she goes to grab a dish. Bonny pulls it away and shoos Judy away. "No no no, You go and enjoy yourselves, it's your daughter's special day and she needs her parents there with her." Both Nick and Judy leave the home and join the kids in the games. Mrs. Wilde stands to join Bonny at the window overlooking the field the family games are in. They watch as Nick Runs ahead to grab spare sack, and as though they practiced Judy easily slips a leg in at the start and the two take off running, easily falling in synch.

"They've certainly come a long way haven't they Bonny?" Ms. Wilde asks as Ash and Lauren pass the finish line Mr. and Mrs. Grey cheering for them. A few more pass, and Just before Mei and Adrian pass the finish line, her parents come up from behind and scoop her up.

"That they have. I still have an old video of a play she did when she was nine." Her hands fall in the dish water as she reminisces, "She was so set on becoming the first bunny cop that she let nothing dissuade her. I'm glad she found someone she could rely on when the world let her down"

"I could say the same about my little Nicky," Ms. Wilde says "Before he met Judy, he was always letting what others thought get to him. Never once trying to change their views. Now he's married to a beautiful young mammal, and even though the child is not theirs, they raise her as though she always was."

The two mothers go back to watching the large family interact, a pile forming over and around Nick. The small spot of neon orange can only be Mei underneath her cousins as well.

A few more games later, and it's present time. From the Hopps family she gets a dollar from each member wrapped up in a box.

From Ash she received a (Ash's Present)

Adrian got her a (Adrian's Present)

Lauren just placed her mom's childhood police cap back on her head with a Happy birthday squirt, while Oshyn gives her (Oshyn's Gift)

Judy gives her a suit, which Mei demands the she be able to put on so that she can pose with the small shrew like a true bodyguard, which causes the family to take pictures, and one of the polar bears to give Mei a pair of black shades, which don't stay up like they should.

A few presents later and it's back to playing. Nick keeping a close eye on the younger fox for any strange reactions like he would get when they would sleep over. Not finding any he lets it go for the day.

It's getting late when everyone starts winding down, Mei all but passing out in the lawn. Nick picks her up, finding that she is getting too big for this. Adrian's parents, who have been visiting with the adults of the Hopps family offer their assistance as James holds their own son.

Nick and Judy say goodbye to the family and Ms. Wilde gets in beside her granddaughter. Mei smiles all the way back home as a paw runs over her forehead soothingly. All the while her parents stare worryingly ahead, unsure of what the future may hold.

A/N Sorry for the rushed chapter I just wanted to get this update before midnight, and I should really worry about my homework now with only five more classes of those scheduled on Tuesday and Thursday. Hope to hear what you guys think.