Chapter 3

"What the fuck?" I shout, as I jump back off of my chair to the back of the office. I hit the wall but still try and walk further back, from that haunting face. I try and try to phase through the wall, I try to not lose my shit but this is some messed up crap! I try and calm myself down by tell myself that just because it looks like blood, doesn't mean it is. I mean, I am alone here, there isn't anyone that she could have hurt or…or, um, killed. Oh god. I am losing it. She's a robot, they don't hurt people, or not on purpose anyway. They certainly don't kill on purpose, do they?

I manage to calm myself down, even if I'm faking it, it helps. I get the nerve to get back up to my feet and go examine her more carefully from the camera, a safe distance away from her. She seems to be smiling but in a sadistic way more than an "I'm a robot meant for children" way. I finally get to see her eyes and they're red. Blood shot with red iris'. No wonder they programmed her to close her eyes, it's enough to give me nightmares, not that I am the bravest person on the block.

Her eyes slowly closed as if they were resetting back to their default setting. I wish we had never hired these things from that goddamned place. Okay, in their defense, they were due for maintenance for about a month now and we've just been too lazy to call them in. Suddenly, there is a loud voice ringing through the speakers. "Party room vent opened" Oh fuck. Then the voice returns "Main Stage vent opened" No. We have always had a problem with them trying to crawl through the vents and now the vent to the room next to me has opened. I examine the party room camera to try and figure out which one of these bastards have already A)Started towards the vent or B) Are already in the vent. The room is too dark to see anything clearly now but I can see what seems like a figure standing right under the vent. The silhouette suggests that its' Baby, although I can't be sure. I run to the other end of the room, where the bookshelf is, which contains all sorts of books ranging from Self-help to murder mysteries but the one book I was looking for was the instruction manual for the robots. I'm hoping to find an off switch on these things. It may have to be manual but at least they'd be shut down. They are getting to erratic for the children. I am done with these bastards! I find the instruction manual and locate the section called "Shutting down the Animatronics" I find the chapter which explains how and "Remove the power core from their endo-skeletons. To do this, you will need to follow a unique pattern for each animatronic. Listed below are the sequences."

I decide not to memorize the codes and rather just bring the book with me. I check the camera to see if Ballora is still right outside…she isn't. She's gone. This is good and bad at the same time, where could she have gone? I pick up my baseball bat and think to myself "Yeah. Like this will do something against 7ft robots." I open the office door and step outside slowly. Ballora had her eyes closed last time I saw her so she won't be able to see me, just hear me. I take each step with caution, trying to not cause a sound from my heavy boots. I look around the room and see no sign of Ballora or any other robot bastard. I carry on waking towards the Main Stage area with caution. Suddenly the motion sensor light blinds me. In the light, I can see Funtime Foxy's silhouette. Don't move. Don't move. I remember reading somewhere that Funtime Foxy is activated by bright lights. Dammit. I move slowly around the area in which I saw him standing last. I slowly walk out of that room, trying not to activate the light as well as not bump into a huge robot fox. "Don't move. I will help you. Foxy is right behind you. Stay still." That's…That's Baby's voice.