"Harry Potter, you do realize everyone now knows about your crush on Draco Malfoy, right!" I rolled my eyes, Hermione was just pointing out the obvious. Now I would also have to be in a classroom by myself with him as Slughorn will probably be in his office doing whatever.

"Yeah, I know Mione. I just hadn't consider that we would be brewing a potion that would out me like that! I didn't want everyone to know." Even though we probably discussed what potion we would brew today in our last class and Hermione will probably remind me of it.

We proceed to walk back to the dorms, since potions was the last class of the day. "Slughorn when over the basic discussion of it last week Harry!" I nodded hoping this lecture would be over soon. "What are you going to do about it now though?"

"Well since I have to go in and brew my potion tonight, I may confront Malfoy then to talk about it. Or at least see if he will talk to me about it somewhere else at a more appopriate time." She nodded her head.

"And if he rejects you?" My stomach fell at the notion of him rejecting me, but I knew it was a huge possibility.

"Well then maybe I can finally move on, and find someone who truly cares for me." I said, shrugging. I could hope for the best answer but knowing my luck it will be that he truly hates my guts. Hermione simply rubbed my shoulder showing her support. "So what did Ron have to say about this?"

I had already told Hermione and Luna about my crush on Draco, but that was about it. I knew that the less people who knew the better. Also had no idea on how other people, namely Ron, would react to such news. So the idea of them not knowing seemed better. But now Ron and the other know so now I have to deal with it.

"Well he was shocked, and slightly disturbed that you have a crush on Malfoy but that's about it. Apparently Ron's brother Charlie is gay, so he has no problem with that part. But he wouldn't stop going on about 'The ferret, the amazing bouncing ferret!' Really it was quite funny to hear."

"Well at least I don't have to worry about him being pissed off or anything of the sort about me being gay. He may still blow up about the Malfoy part, hopefully not though. Ginny, will be crushed though. Maybe Neville can sweep her off her feet at least. Or Dean again." I ramble trying not think about tonight.

"Well Ginny may be crushed but at least she can move on now. I don't see how she couldn't have known that you weren't intersted at this point." Hermione shook her head, she has been hinting to Ginny forever now that I wasn't intersted but the girl wouldn't get it through her head.
"We also are suppose to write an an essay about the dangers of the Amortentia potion, and we also have to answer if we think this potion should be banned or not. I will go over the specifics when we get back to the dorm, and then we can immediately start working on it."

I groaned at the thought of doing homework right now, but at least it would keep me from thinking about tonight so much. Ron didn't say anything about Draco when we got to the common room but I could see people pointing and whispering.

We sat down on the couches and worked on homework until it was time for dinner, "So mate after dinner do you want to play some chess or something fun?" Ron asked as we were walking.

"I would Ron but I have to go and brew my Amortentia potion for Slughorn after dinner." He just nodded his head.

"Hey isn't that when the Ferret has to go and finsih his?" I just nodded my head. "Well are you going to talk to him?"

"I am not sure Ron. I want to but I don't know how he will react." Ron just clapped my shoulder. We sat down and Dumbledore made nightly announcements and then the food showed up on the table as usual.

I wasn't very hungry but I ate just so there were no hunger problems later. I saw Draco from across the hall, he was staring at me. But there was no emotion in his stare that was a bit unnerving. I hope he doesn't hex me for this.

I finished eating, but sat in the hall talking with everyone until I saw Professor Slughorn get up and walk out of the Great Hall. I decided I best get this over with, and said goodbye to everyone. Some wished me luck and others just said bye.