A few notes:

- Originally I wasn't going to explain Elsa's powers at all, nor link her to Skadi or norse mythology in general. But the idea kept nagging inside me, and after that well... I couldn't stop the plot bunny. I was doubting a long time if I would make Hans a descendant as well (you can see that in the earlier chapters with the dreams he had)

- The main reason why I made these two descendants of Skadi and Loki was hugely because of the story of Skadi and Loki's first meeting. Read the story of Thjazi's death and the moment thereafter, and you notice a LOT of parralells between Hans - Loki and Elsa -Skadi. Its actually scary how much they are alike!

- Hell almost didn't make an appearance in this story. But her story was so damn sad, and so interesting, I threw her into the mix too.

- If you like Norse mythology as much as I do, I made another story called "The Trickster and the Ice Maiden" It is about Hans and Elsa, who are actually Loki and Skadi in disguise during the events of the movie. Yeah, I've become quite a Skadi/Loki shipper as well XD

I had this idea for a long time to mix Frozen with Norse-Germanic mythology, and to be honest I was fearful of the reactions. And ridiculous. I mean, putting Gods into a Frozen story? But, you all seemed to like it as much as I did. I wouldn't have written ANY of this without all of you. YOU made this story happen with your kind words of support. So, therefore, Thank you so much for reading this, for reviewing this.

What did you like about the story? What was your (least) favorite chapter?

Love, TeamArendelle.