Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail or any of the characters
Author Note: Hey everyone! Hope you had an awesome holiday season and my belated gift to all of you patient readers is a new chapter! I really hope you like it and have fun reading it. As always excuse my mistakes, I try to catch them all but some slip through.
See you guys at the end!


Lucy woke up to the sound of rustling coming from someone in her inn room. 'Oh my God is a thief in my room? Or a kidnapper? Or a murderer?' Lucy began to panic as she jumped to conclusions but remained calm and pretended to still be asleep.

Her heart began to beat faster as the heavy footsteps began to approach her bed, she heard them breathing as they reached her nightstand by her bed and begin to search through the drawers. Lucy squeezed her eyes shut and continued to breathe evenly as if she were asleep until she heard them groan and retreat to the other side of the room. She kept her eyes shut until she heard them open the bathroom door and turn on the lights. Cautiously she opened her eyes and took in her surroundings. It was still very dark so she assumed it was only an hour or two after she and Laxus found an inn to stay in for the night.

The blonde quickly and nimbly slipped out of bed and crouched on the floor, slowly grabbing the lamp on her nightstand and creeping over to the bathroom door as silently as possible. 'Robbing Lucy Heartfilia was a bad idea.' Lucy thought and raised the lamp above her head as the mystery person walked out of the bathroom. A large figure covered in shadows emerged and Lucy waited until they were a step ahead of her before making a move to smash the lamp against their head. "Take this!" Lucy exclaimed but as fast as lightning the intruder turned around grabbed the lamp before it connected with the back of their head.

Lucy screamed and released the lamp in an instant, stepping back and making a move to kick them. "Lucy Kick!" Lucy's foot didn't make contact with her potential kidnapper either however and her foot was caught in a strong firm grip from the hand that wasn't holding the lamp. Lucy yelped as she was lifted until she was upside down, her head inches away from the ground and tried to wiggle her way out of her attacker's grasp.

"Hey Blondie stop moving, I'm gonna drop you." A gruff voice said and Lucy groaned at the familiar voice.

"What the hell Laxus! Let me down!" Lucy roared.

"Whatever you say." Laxus smirked and dropped the other blonde on the floor.

Lucy quickly got up and brushed off her clothes and tried to regain some of her dignity. "Why are you in my room?" Lucy asked in a tone that demanded an answer. Now that her eyes had adjusted to the dark, Lucy could make out Laxus' features.

"Maybe I wanted to spend a night with you." He whispered in her ear in a husky voice that sent shivers up her spine.

Lucy's face exploded in a blush and she backed against the wall as fast as she could "Sh-shut up, why are you really here?" She stuttered and heard a slight chuckle come from him.

The dragon slayer didn't respond for a few seconds and it suddenly dawned on Lucy "Oh you're looking for this." Lucy reached into her cleavage and pulled out a rolled-up piece of paper. She saw his eyes widen and she knew she was right. "Honestly Laxus, nothing you can do will change my mind." Lucy sighed and put the paper back, very happy with her decision to hide it in that place.

Laxus let out a moan of frustration and ran his hands through his spiky blonde hair. "Lucy don't be an idiot, following that crazy bitch would be suicide." He exasperated.

Lucy just shook her head and gestured for the dragon slayer to give her the lamp he still had in his hand. He handed it to her and she walked past him to put it back on the nightstand. "You don't understand Laxus, you've always been strong and able to defend the people you care about. I've been the damsel in distress too many times and I know that Celestia can give me that power to protect everyone. No one will be hurt because of me anymore." Lucy tried to explain why this was so important to her to Laxus. "Now if you would please get the hell out of my room." Lucy ordered and turned her back to Laxus. She expected to hear him walking away and gasped when instead he grabbed her shoulders and turned her around to face him.

Laxus had a serious expression on his face and stared intensely at her, his eyes piercing into hers "I already told you this but apparently, it didn't get through your thick skull. What happened on that mission wasn't your fault! Mistakes were made, yes, but just cause your boyfriend yelled at you and you're a little jealous of Lisanna doesn't mean you should just run away and go on a fool's quest for power from a psychotic woman. Dammit Lucy, stop fucking around and go back home, you're not strong enough!" Laxus reprimanded Lucy hoping that some tough love would make her see sense.

Lucy clenched her fists and bowed her head "Get out." She whispered. Laxus let go and grimaced when he realized that he might have went too far.

"Lucy I didn-" Laxus tried to backtrack but was cut off.

"Get out!" Lucy spat with venom in her voice and when he didn't make a move to leave her voice softened considerably "Please." Lucy pleaded in a tried voice and Laxus nodded and walked out of the room, turning back to look at her one last time before closing the door.

Once he had left the room, Lucy collapsed onto the floor, her back against her bed and brought her legs up to her chest and hugged them. Tears stung her eyes and she bit her lip to try and stop them from falling. 'He's wrong, this is the only way.' Lucy thought and sat there thinking until she fell asleep.


Ray of sunlight pierced the window of Lucy's room and filtered in through the curtain, illuminating Lucy in it's warm glow. She opened her eyes warily and got up once her eyes had adjusted to the light. She yawned and stretched her hands towards the ceiling before going to the bathroom and turning on the shower. The blonde began to strip and she took the map nestled in her cleavage and set it on the counter. Before she entered the shower, she looked at new mark on her right bicep. The golden angel wings seemed to produce their own light and shimmered. 'The mark of an angel. I wonder what it means.' Lucy pondered.

As the hot water battered her skin relentlessly she thought of last night and her exchange with Laxus. 'Maybe he is right… This is crazy and I might get myself killed.' Lucy shook her head and tried to dispel those thoughts 'No I'm going to do this or die trying.' Lucy steeled herself and turned off the water. She wrapped herself in a towel and jumped when she saw Virgo sitting on her bed.

"Good morning Princess, I have some clean clothes for you." Virgo handed her master a new outfit and Lucy smiled graciously at the maiden.

"Thank you, Virgo." Lucy said and went back into the bathroom to change. When she exited the bathroom, Loke was standing next to Virgo and talking to the pink haired spirit and when he saw Lucy he turned and smiled a little too brightly at Lucy.

"So, Princess we were thinking that maybe we can train you instead of Celestia." Loke suggested and Lucy sighed exasperatedly.

"Not you guys too! Listen, I know this is dangerous and I know you're worried about me but this is something I have to do and I really need your guy's support because without you, I have nothing to fight for." Lucy pleaded for her spirits to understand her cause if they couldn't believe in her then she couldn't either.

Loke looked at Virgo and they both nodded "Of course we support you Princess, we'll always be there for you and we want you to be strong but you need to understand that yesterday we were terrified that we were going to lose you and we couldn't do anything about it. Just promise us you'll be more careful because without you, we have nothing to fight for either." Loke grinned and Lucy felt her eyes begin to water.

The blonde hugged her two spirits "I'm so lucky to have you guys with me always and don't worry, I'm not going anywhere." Lucy separated and winked at her spirits. Lucy went to the bed and sat down with her legs crossed and spread the old piece of paper out in front of her, taking extra care. As they had learned last night, there was not a map on the paper but a spell written on it in perfect cursive letters that seemed to move if you looked at them long enough.

Lucy took a deep breath, looked at her spirits one last time and when they nodded at her she began to chant the words

I call upon the holy road
To show my way to the place I seek
Oh heavens above, please hear my call and light my path
Route Heaven!

As she finished the spell, the words began to glow and emit a blinding white light and suddenly a magic seal appeared a few inches above the paper. The seal began to spiral and the light got brighter and brighter until finally it burst causing Lucy and her spirits to cover their eyes and recoil from the light. Eventually, the light died down and in the place of the paper and seal, there was a glowing ball of white light.

Lucy cautiously reached out to touch the ball of magic and Loke quickly stepped forwards "Wait we don't know if that's safe." He reasoned but Lucy didn't listen to him and the tip of her index finger touched the ball. She gasped as the magic was instantly sucked into her body. The blonde yelped as her eyes started to burn and squeezed them shut and covered them with her hands.


"Princess!" Virgo yelled simultaneously with Loke but as soon as they made a step towards their master, she held up her hand towards them and shook her head.

"I-I'm fine." Lucy said in a shaky voice while slowly removing the hand covering her eyes and opened them. Instead of the usual warm brown color the blonde's eyes were completely white. However, when she blinked they had returned to their normal color.

Loke shared a look of concern with Virgo and sat on the edge of the bed. "Are you sure? What just happened?" Loke laid a hand on Lucy's shoulder and she smiled up at him.

"The spell worked, I know exactly where to go." Lucy proclaimed and jumped off the bed, full of energy. "It's like an archive magic user downloaded the map in my head, I just know." She explained and began to walk towards the counter where her keys and whip laid. She put them on her belt and turned to her spirits "First things first, I need to get on a train out of here."

Loke nodded "Okay let's go Princess. But what about Laxus? Is he coming to?" Loke asked hoping that the answer would be no. He had no idea why the dragon slayer insisted on following Lucy but he didn't like it.

Lucy visibly stiffened at the mention of Laxus and she shook her head. "No, he's not coming." She said simply in a tone that didn't invite any questions so Loke let it go.

"I'll take my leave now Princess. Please be careful and remember to summon me for anything, especially punishment time." Virgo bowed and disappeared in flash of gold light.

Lucy shook her head fondly at her spirit's "uniqueness" and walked out of her room with Loke following her.

They walked side by side out of the inn and towards the train station and suddenly Loke stopped. Lucy continued to walk and Loke looked in awe at Lucy. He had always known Lucy had something special inside of her and limitless potential but the woman in front of him was somehow different, he couldn't exactly put his finger on it but he knew one thing for sure. "Things are never going to be the same." Loke commented, not expecting for Lucy to hear him.

The blonde woman turned around and gave her spirit a bright smile. "Yeah!"


Laxus walked down the street towards the inn with a bag of fresh pastries and two hot chocolates in his hands. He was hoping that the food could act as a peace offering between him and Lucy and hopefully then they could calmly talk about another way. 'Hell, I'll train the girl myself if I have to.' He thought and questioned why he cared so much about Lucy in the first place 'Guilt? No, why would I be guilty? Is it because she's hot?' Laxus chuckled at this and shook his head 'That might be part of it but that's not the reason. Maybe I'm just getting soft…' Before Laxus could explore that idea anymore he arrived at his destination and entered the building.

He reached her room, knocked on the door with his foot, and waited for her to open the door but no one came so he knocked harder and called her name. "Hey Blondie open up! Don't tell me you're still pissy about last night." He jeered expecting the blonde to open the door and start yelling at him. Unfortunately, there was no yelling or any response at all from the other side and Laxus furrowed his eyebrows. He set the food down on the floor and wiggled the door handle and was surprised to find that it opened.

"Lucy?" Laxus called for her name and groaned when he saw a Lucy-less room. Her scent was still strong so she couldn't have been gone for too long. "Fuck!" He growled in frustration and ran out of the room towards the train station, the place he assumed she was going.


"Will you two stop arguing!" Lucy shrieked and the two spirits sitting across from her quieted down. The other passengers on the train turned around to stare at the trio and Lucy started to blush. "Sorry." She squeaked and buried her head in her hands.

"It's all his fault." Loke grumbled and Lucy groaned at his childishness.

"Lucy please send him away, he's ruining the mood." Hercules whined.

Lucy lifted her head and glared at her two spirits "Why are you even here Hercules?" She asked in an exasperated voice. The Hero had just appeared next to Loke a few minutes after the train had started moving which of course pissed Loke off a lot and the two had started to argue until finally Lucy was fed up.

"I wanted to spend time with you of course my Princess." Hercules smirked and Loke growled at him. Hercules glanced over at Loke and smiled cheekily at his annoyance. "Calm down Kitty." Hercules teased and Loke's ring started to glow.

"Watch your mouth asshole." Loke spat. Before the two spirits could go at it again Lucy used her magic to close their gates and both disappeared abruptly in a burst of gold sparkles.

"Sorry guys." Lucy muttered and resigned herself to look out the window at the passing scenery. She smiled slightly as the feeling of getting closer and closer to her destination filled her. 'I'm coming Celestia.'

Fairy Tail

The shocking news that Lucy had left Fairy Tail hung over the guild like a dark cloud. Ever since Makarov had made the announcement everyone's spirit had dampened greatly, no more parties or fights or going on missions, Fairy Tail just wasn't Fairy Tail anymore. The ones who were feeling it the most of course were the members of Team Natsu. Erza, Gray, and Happy were sitting at the bar drinking together in solemn silence while thinking about their loss.

"I still can't believe she's gone." Gray said and took a deep drink of his beer and set the glass down with a sigh.

Erza grunted in agreement and drank from her mug. "Does she really think that we thought those things about her?" Erza asked, not really expecting an answer. She was baffled that Lucy thought of herself as weak and a liability to the team.

"It's our fault, we were so concerned about Lisanna that we didn't notice she was hurting too." Gray almost whispered.

"She'll come back, she wouldn't leave us." Happy declared confidently, trying to lighten the mood but his efforts didn't work. 'Lucy wouldn't leave us…right?' Happy asked himself and after another minute of silence, Lisanna entered the guild. The takeover mage walked straight to Gray, Erza, and Happy and sat down next to Erza.

"Hey guys." Lisanna greeted in a cheery voice and was met with half-hearted hellos and other greetings. She turned to Happy "Where is Natsu, Happy? Is he okay?" Lisanna asked.

Happy sighed at the mention of his best friend and began to think of the pink haired dragon slayer. "He's taking it really hard…maybe harder than anyone else."


Happy curled up next to Natsu and tried to comfort him, tears starting to stream from his eyes too. From the corner of his eye, Happy saw something on the otherwise bare floor and walked over to the piece of slightly charred paper. He read the letter over and started to cry even harder. 'Lucy…' Happy flew to the counter and laid Natsu's letter gently on the counter next to all the other envelopes. The exceed found a letter addressed to him in the pile, his name embroidering the envelope. He took a deep breath and opened the envelope apprehensively and pulled out the letter and began to read.

Dear Happy, hey buddy I hope you are doing well.
I know you might not understand but I have to go away and leave you guys, my family.
But that doesn't mean I don't love you guys any less, creating Team Natsu and going on adventures with you and Natsu has been a dream come true.
I want you to know that you're one of my best friends even though we tease each other all the time, it's as if you were my goofy little brother. You're so brave and so much stronger than you think, don't let anyone tell you different.
I hope we meet again.
Love, Lucy Heartfilia
P.S. Don't give up with Carla! You have an amazing heart and she is sure to fall for you!

Happy's tears stained the paper as they fell on it. "Lushy no." Happy cried and dropped the letter and went back to Natsu's side, hoping to comfort his friend that was still crying hysterically. Memories of the blonde filled their heads, running into Lucy in Hargeon Town and breaking Bora's charm, stopping Bora's plan to kidnap Lucy, taking her to Fairy Tail, forming Team Natsu, going on their first mission as a team, breaking into her apartment for the first time, so many memories they made together. She had become such an important part of their lives and been there for the best moments of their lives and now she was just gone.

It felt like hours passed and eventually their tears died down and Gray and Erza entered the apartment though the front door. They were shocked at the bare rooms two and looked sadly at their two friends on the floor. Erza walked over to Natsu, crouched down, and laid a hand on his shoulder comfortingly. "Hey Natsu, let's get out of here, come back to the guild with us with everyone else." Erza suggested and was surprised when Natsu roughly brushed her hand off his shoulder.

"No, I'm staying." He growled in a broken voice and glared up at Erza.

"Natsu don't do this, man. We're all hurting and we just want to help you." Gray tried to calm the dragon slayer down.

"No! You don't understand, this is all my fault! Lucy is gone because of me!" Natsu roared and his hands started to produce flames. "Get out! I want to be alone." He ordered and enveloped his fists in burning red fire.

Gray held up his hand as a cold mist started to come from his body and Erza's armor instantaneously transformed into her Fire Empress armor. Happy looked at Natsu and his other two best friends and started to get worried about whether a fight would break out. "Think what you are about to do Natsu. Do you really want to destroy this apartment?" Erza asked and hoped that would be enough for Natsu to back down.

The dragon slayer growled ferociously but his flames extinguished and Erza and Gray backed down. He walked past the two to the counter, grabbed a piece of paper and then jumped out of the window, running off to somewhere unknown.

Gray sighed and walked over to the counter with all the envelopes and found his sitting atop the pile. He looked at the envelope with a sad look in his eyes and turned to Erza "Things are never going to be the same."

Erza gave him the same look after reading the first sentence of her letter. "Yeah..."


Lisanna furrowed her eyebrows and stood up. "I should visit him then to make sure he's okay then." She said but they all shook their head at the idea.

"He's emotional and dangerous right now, Lisanna. Better to wait for him to calm down and come to us." Erza reasoned but Lisanna didn't listen to her.

"Don't worry he won't hurt me." She said in a confident voice and started to walk out of the guild.

Happy said goodbye to Erza and Gray and followed her out of the guild. "Wait Lisanna, I'll come too." Happy called after her and she smiled at the exceed. They walked to Natsu and Happy's house in the forest and arrived in a few minutes.

Lisanna and Happy shared a look before she opened the door slowly. "Natsu, it's Lisanna." She called and stepped into the house cautiously. She frowned at the state the house was in, as always it was a complete mess but for some reason the display that Natsu kept with all his mementos from the missions he's been on was destroyed and toppled over. Happy flew towards a familiar lump under blankets laying in one of the hammocks hung from the ceiling.

"Natsu." Happy gently nudged the dragon slayer and he groaned as he started to wake up. He slowly pulled the blankets off and slowly opened his eyes to look at Happy. Natsu's hair was disheveled even more than usual, his eyes had dark bags under them and were puffy from crying most likely. He sat up when he saw Lisanna and grunted something that she assumed was a greeting.

Lisanna walked up to the dragon slayer and sat down next to him on the hammock and put a comforting arm around his shoulder. "Are you okay Natsu? You look like you haven't slept or eaten in days." Lisanna worried and Natsu shrugged off her arm and stood up.

"I'm fine." He said in a tone that didn't invite anymore questions.

Lisanna sighed and stood up also. "Come on Natsu! I know Lucy was important to you but you can't just waste away here. Come to Fairy Tail with me." Lisanna grabbed his hand and squeezed it, hoping her words could get through the dragon slayer.

Natsu just shook his head and pulled his hand away from hers. "I'm sorry. I just can't…" He said quietly and walked out the door.

Happy watched his best friend walk off to who knows where and his eyes started to water. 'Natsu…don't go.' Happy thought but didn't make a move to stop instead the exceed looked up sadly at Lisanna and then also left back to Fairy Tail.


Lucy woke with a start from the train's whistle that signaled the passengers that they had reached their destination, Keystone City. The city itself wasn't her destination though, it was just the closest she could get by train.

The blonde exited the train and the station and entered the bustling city. She was a little overwhelmed with how people were moving through the city and the number of buildings in the city but she was able to find her way to the market where all kinds of vendors selling their goods. "Open gate of the Maiden, Virgo." Lucy summoned the pink haired spirit and gasped when she saw what she was wearing.

Virgo was dressed in sexy maid lingerie that left little to the imagination. People began to stare and point at the two women and Lucy desperately tried to cover up her spirit. "You can't dress like that in public! Where did you even get something like that?" Lucy exclaimed and Virgo cocked her head to the side as if she didn't understand.

"But Princess, I got this from your wardrobe." Virgo stated and Lucy's face erupted in a blush when she recognized the outfit suddenly.

"Th-that was a gift from Erza! Just change out of it now!" Lucy ordered and her spirit shrugged and in a puff of smoke was dressed in her regular maid outfit.

Lucy sighed in relief and looked around to see if people were still staring at them which they were so the blonde quickly took Virgo's hand and led her though the crowd. "Anyways Virgo, it seems like I'm going to have to travel deep into the forest to find Celestia so I wanted to do some shopping before I went. Can you help?" Lucy asked the Virgo nodded confidently.

"Leave it to me Princess." Virgo assured and they shopped for the next hour, getting all the essentials. When they finished, Lucy loaded all the stuff into her large pink backpack that she would bring on missions and started to leave the market when suddenly a bolt of lightning shot down from the sky and struck a space with no people in it a few stores down from Lucy. Understandably the people closest to the bolt screamed in terror especially because it was a clear summer day and there wasn't a storm cloud in sight which meant someone had summoned the lightning bolt…or was the lightning bolt.

'No way! It can't be him!' Lucy thought to herself while shaking her head in disbelief but her suspicions were proven as soon as she heard a voice.

"What the hell are you all staring at?!" Someone barked in a familiar irritated tone.

'Damn it how did he find me?' Lucy asked herself and she quickly thanked and sent Virgo back to the Celestial Spirit Realm. The blonde pushed everyone gawking at the man who had just shot down from the heavens and made her way out of the city, hoping that the dragon slayer hadn't noticed her.

Laxus cast his gaze across the crowd of people looking for a certain blonde and started to move through the crowd, getting annoyed at how many people were in his way. 'Blondie has to be here, the only train leaving at the time was to Keystone…why couldn't she have picked a smaller city?' Laxus sighed frustratingly and tried to catch a whiff of her scent but couldn't isolate it with everyone else's scent mixing together. Luckily however he did catch a glimpse of a familiar shade of blonde hair running around a corner and he smirked as he pushed through the crowd in that direction. 'You can't run forever Blondie.'

Lucy ran through the streets; the crowd was thinning as she reached the outskirts and she could maneuver much easier. She constantly looked over her shoulder for spiky blonde hair but she didn't see any and as she reached the edge of the city she believed she was safe so she slowed down. "That was a close one." Lucy said aloud while breathing heavily from all the running. She grabbed her key chain and held out one of her gold keys. "Open gate of the Lion, Loke."

Loke appeared next to her and he looked at her with a concerned expression on his face. "Are you okay Princess, what happened?" Her spirit could feel that she was scared due to the bond that they shared.

Lucy waved her hand in a dismissive gesture. "It's nothing just a close call. But anyways are you up for a hike?" Lucy asked and gestured towards the forest that sprawled over the mountains outside of the city.

Loke smiled and nodded his head. "Of course, Princess."

The pair walked towards the forest edge and as they reached the spot where the trees begun, they head a voice call for Lucy behind them.

"Found you Blondie." Laxus roared.

Lucy sighed dramatically. "Damn it! Why me?" She asked herself and debated her chance of getting away if she ran away. She shook her head at the idea, knowing she would be caught instantly and turned around to face Laxus.

Loke looked back and he looked at Lucy with a confused look on his face. "I thought you lost him back in Paradise."

Lucy rolled her eyes as Laxus walked up with his usual swagger. "I thought I did too."

"Funny seeing you here Sparky." Lucy fake smiled and Laxus grimaced at the nickname.

"Don't call me that." He demanded.

"I will as soon as you stop calling me Blondie." Lucy retorted and stuck her tongue out at the dragon slayer who rolled his eyes at her childishness. "You know stalking me is really creepy." She said.

"I'm not stalking you!" Laxus defended himself.

"Then why are you here?!" Lucy asked and waited for a response but got none. "Exactly! You're following me." Lucy exclaimed and stuck a finger in his face

Laxus groaned and pushed her finger away. "Calm down Blondie. I'm only here because my moral code won't let me leave you alone when I know you're gonna get in trouble again."

Lucy laughed obnoxiously. "You? Laxus Dreyar with a moral code? That's hilarious!" She laughed and the dragon slayer grit his teeth.

"Trust me you're gonna need my help eventually Blondie." He promised.

Loke stepped forwards and adjusted the rings on his finger. "That's why I'm here. I'll always protect Lucy." Loke vowed and Laxus smirked.

"That's cute but the world is changing and who knows what going to come at you next if you continue down this dangerous path." Laxus warned and before Lucy could respond, she felt something flash by them and disappear in a less than a second. Lucy, Loke and Laxus all felt it and began to look around for the source of the disturbance.

"Was that the wind?" Lucy asked even though it wasn't a windy day at all and the two men shook their heads.

"No, I definitely felt magic but I couldn't see anything." Laxus said and Loke nodded. Suddenly, it happened again and it was followed by a gust of wind that caused Lucy's hair to fly in her face.

"What the hell…" Lucy said as she pushed the hair out of her face. Laxus became enveloped in lighting and he flashed away in the direction that they felt the magic going, hoping to catch it.

Loke stood in front of Lucy and his ring began to shine. "Don't worry Princess, nothing is getting past me." Loke assured and all of a sudden, they heard something that sounded like a man laughing seconds before Loke flew through the air and landed a few feet away as if he had been punched. Before Lucy could react, she felt something or someone in front of her and then suddenly disappear in a gust of wind.

When she looked down she was wearing a beaded bracelet with a white stone attached that shined brilliantly for a few seconds before dying down. Lucy faintly heard Loke call for her and she looked at him and found that he was slowly dissipating into gold dust as if his connection to the world was being cut off. "Loke!" Lucy called and collapsed on her knees from a sudden dizzy spell.

Laxus appeared a few seconds later and his lighting disappeared as he ran up to Lucy but before he could reach her the wind came again and Laxus felt something touch his wrist and disappear, still too fast for him to see. He looked down and he had a similar beaded bracelet around his wrist except the stone on his shined bright yellow and when it dyed down it remained yellow with cracks that resembled lightning. He felt a similar dizziness pass through him but he was able to stay on his feet and he quickly crouched down next to Lucy.

"Are you okay, what happened?" Laxus asked.

"I'm fine and I don't know what happened. You left and then that thing came back and suddenly I had this bracelet on and Loke disappeared." Lucy explained as best she could and Laxus nodded as he got up.

"I'll find whatever this is. They'll regret fucking with me." Laxus growled and tried to summon his magic but didn't feel the usual burst of power fill his body. The dragon slayer furrowed his eyebrows and tried to reach into his magical container again but it was if locked. He closed his eyes and concentrated harder and cursed loudly when he couldn't succeed. Lucy looked at him curiously "I can't use magic." He concluded with an edge to his voice.

Lucy's eyes widened and she quickly grabbed her keys and tried to summon Loke again but she felt the same thing as Laxus and couldn't summon her spirits. "What the hell." Lucy cursed and suddenly it hit her. "The bracelets!" She exclaimed and Laxus nodded in realization.

"They must be blocking our magic or something." Laxus tried to pull the bracelet off and growled in anger when he felt a shock run through his body. Lucy yelped in shock when the same thing happened to her. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Laxus asked and Lucy nodded.

"Celestia." Lucy stated and sighed. "This must be another test." She realized and stood up and started to walk towards the forest.

Laxus ran after her and grabbed her shoulder, turning her around to look at him. "Where are you going? We have to get these things off, I'm sure Gramps or someone at Fairy Tail can help us out." He suggested.

Lucy looked up at the dragon slayer with a defiant look in her brown eyes. "I'm sorry for involving you in this Laxus but the only way to go is forwards. I can't go with you." She said and turned to walk into the forest.

"So, you're gonna go into this huge forest all alone without any magic to help you and hope that you don't die from another one of Celestia's tests?" Laxus asked in a condescending tone.

Lucy smiled at the dragon slayer's tone. "Yup." She said simply and took her first step into the forest.

Laxus shook his head and followed her into the forest, walking next to her on the trail. "Damn it Blondie." He cursed and she looked up at him.

"You don't have to come like I said, you're not involved in this." She pointed out but he just shook his head.

"Well as I see it, that asshole with wings involved me in this when she took away my magic. So, she's going to give it back to me whether she wants to or not." Laxus said.

Lucy decided not to object and was surprised to find that she was glad that Laxus was coming with her. "Well then let's get going Sparky." Lucy cheered and jogged ahead down the trail.

"I thought I told you to stop calling me that!" Laxus yelled as he raced after her.


Celestia floated above the forest and watched the two blondes run down the trail while yelling at each other. "Was taking away their magic too much?" The angel asked herself and quickly answered. "No." She giggled and watched them until they disappeared completely into the thick forest.

"Good luck Lucy." Celestia grinned and with a big flap of her feathery wings she was soaring up through the skies at extreme speeds until she was above the clouds. She quickly stopped a huge cloud slowly moving though the cloud that most people would dismiss as a normal cumulonimbus cloud but Celestia knew better. She rocketed into the cloud and as soon as she entered the weightless mass, the air around her distorted and she found herself in whole new place.

Even though it was the middle of day when she entered, it was now night and countless stars shined in the clear sky. Floating in the night sky was a large land mass that looked as if it had been ripped away from the earth and was being held up by some unknown force.

Celestia retracted her wings and sailed through the air towards the land and landed on the edge, teetering on the jagged edge with her arms held out while giggling to herself. She took a step forwards and sighed contently as she looked in front of her. The only thing on the floating island was a huge Greek styled palace that took up most of the island. The Angel walked through the sprawling garden in front of the palace. Neatly trimmed hedges lined expansive patches of vibrant lush green grass and patches of brightly colored flowers of every hue. Her bare feet made no sound as she walked down the cobblestone path towards the pool of cosmic blue water that stretched through the middle of the garden. Three marble fountains sat in the water but weren't spewing out water as they usually would so the water was calm and reflected the night sky and the stars so it seemed as if the pool contained a sea of stars instead of water.

The angel sat on the edge of the pool and looked at her reflection in the pool, mesmerized the stars. She suddenly felt a familiar presence appear in the garden with her and heard footsteps approach her. A cloaked figure sat down next to her and they took of their hood and yawned tiredly. "Haven't had to use that kind of magic in a while." A deep smooth voice commented.

Celestia looked at the man sitting next to her and she smiled. "Getting old?" She asked teasingly.

"Not as old as you." The man retaliated and instantly regretted it when Celestia punched him with enough force to send him flying into the pool of water. "I was just joking!" He exclaimed but Celestia just stuck out her tongue at him and began to walk away. He quickly got out of the pool and in an instant, he was in front of Celestia. He enveloped the angel in a hug and laid his head on top of hers. Celestia started to struggle so he held on tighter. "You might be old but you're still as beautiful as ever." He complimented and she calmed down and looked up him.

"And you're still as big a charmer as always." Celestia pointed out with a slight blush and they separated and walked through the garden together towards the gigantic front doors of the palace. "You did a good job with them." Celestia said, referring to Lucy and Laxus.

"Thanks, it was easy but are you sure she'll be able to get here without any magic?" The man asked in a concerned voice as he pushed open the doors and they entered the building.

Celestia shrugged nonchalantly. "Don't worry, eventually she will…I think. It's not like The Palace is going anywhere." The angel shrugged and laughed at the look the man gave her. She started to walk off towards a different room but the man grabbed her hand causing her to look back at him.

"Things are never going to be the same, you know that right?." He asked.

Celestia nodded her head and she squeezed the man's hand reassuringly. "Yeah." Celestia said as the doors closed behind them with a loud bang.

Post Author Note: So Lucy's moving on to her second test! Originally I didn't plan for her to have Laxus with her but I decided it would be more fun if she had a partner with her so I could built that friendship more.

We also got a glimpse of the Palace of Angels and Celestia's possible lover?! I was really excited to rewrite this part of the story cause I felt like I didn't make these new characters interesting or do The Palace justice but now I'm really happy with the way I'm revealing these new characters and making the new setting interesting. I imagined it in my head like an ancient Greek Palace with all of the marble pillars and statues and fountains and huge garden so if you can't fully visualize it from the chapter just look up images of that.

Going back to Fairy Tail is always fun too. Sorry if Natsu seems OOC right now but its only been about 2 days since Lucy left so I think it is understandable that he is still hasn't fully processed Lucy leaving him and everyone else. But don't worry, he'll be getting back to normal more or less soon.

Speaking of OOC characters, Laxus is one of my favorite characters in Fairy Tail and I really hope I'm doing his character right but if I'm not feel free to tell me!

So many things are changing and moving around and one thing is for sure, things are never going to be the same for anyone.

Well that's all I have to say, I'll have the next chapter out asap and I'm sorry if that's a while, I really do love writing but sometimes I just hit a block. Please review, reading all of them makes me so happy and it's also very helpful cause it tells me what's working and what's not so I can improve and make the story better for you guys.

Have an amazing day!