Hey, guys! Once again, I apologize for my extended absence. I've had a lot of real life things going on, as well as a crap-ton of writer's block. Most of it is due to my mistakes with Season 4. I wrote in ideas that seemed cool at the time, but are proving difficult to keep up with for future chapters. Or including ideas that I had ages ago for plot reasons that I no longer intend to use.

For example, Phoebe's amnesia. I came up with that as a way to explain why she never resumed a relationship with Klaus; but I've changed my mind on that. I'm not saying this is going to be a Phoebe/Klaus story, I'm just saying my future plots include her actually remembering her history with Klaus. So keeping her amnesia just seems like I'm creating drama out of thin air for the sake of making drama, and I don't like that.

I've gone back and rewritten the previous four chapters to fix my mistakes, and to change up a couple of things - one of which is Elijah's extremely out of character behavior. I rationalized it in my head to serve my purposes, but I have to admit it wasn't really like Elijah at all to just abandon Phoebe like he did. I'm sorry for that one, guys.

I'm sorry to have to make you guys go back and re-read chapters you've already read, only slightly altered, especially without a new chapter to follow it. But this is going to make Phoebe's story so much easier to write again. I would also like to say that I appreciate those of you who are so patient and understanding of my absences. It means a lot that you guys are willing to stick around to see what happens next.

As always, let me know what you think of the story so far. What do you think will happen next? What do you hope to see in the future of Phoebe's story?

I hope you all enjoy the rewrites!
