*peaks out from behind the door and slowly enters the room* Hi everyone...I am not dead nor have I given up on this story. Just took me a while to rewrite and edit chapters. And took me FOREVER to get some inspiration to write a new chapter (down below). I cannot promise an update in the near future since I have not written the next chapter, and I start my 1st year of college in a couple days. So I'm going to be busy. I do have an outline though so it's not starting from scratch, just getting the time and inspiration to write. If anyone wants to beta read please reach out. Just know it won't be like super constant. Or if anyone wants to bounce ideas off, PM me too.

So if you haven't read the updated version, I suggest you do. There isn't much of a change, but I know there should be a few. Please enjoy! I have also been posting on AO3 so you can read or follow on AO3 as well.

Happy reading!

Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail!


Era, Headquarters of the Magic Council

*A few hours ago*

"Why did you call us here Siegrain?" Elder Councilman Yajima asked with all the council members making noises or nodding in agreement, except for Councilman Siegrain and Councilwoman Ultear.

"I have called you all here to speak on a very important issue. I am sure you are all aware I have a twin sibling" Siegrain said to the group of assembled council members.

"Yes, but what does that have to do with this meeting?" Elder Councilman Michello asked.

"I have gained intelligence which suggests my twin has been continuing the Tower of Heaven project,"

Around the meeting chamber there were gasps and low murmurs while the Council took in the information.

"We need to do something about this! We cannot let the r-system be activated!" Councilwoman Belno exclaimed.

"Tower of Heaven," Siegrain interjected.

"We must send in the army!" Councilman Leiji said, ignoring Siegrain's interjection.

"No! The army will take to long!" Siegrain exclaimed in response to the suggestion.

"Well then, what do you suggest we do Siegrain?" Leiji retorted.

"We fire the Etherion cannon to destroy the tower," Siegrain said confidently to the Council.

All were silent for a moment, digesting the suggestion, before Yajima spoke up.

"I have a few things to say on this situation. Firstly, firing the Etherion is a very drastic option, only to be used in the most dire of situations," Yajima said

"But this is a dire situation!" Siegrain interrupted, hoping to distract Yajima and gain support of the other councilors, "we must not let the Tower of Heaven be activated!"

"Excuse me Siegrain, I have not finished my point. In addition to it being used only in dire situations, it can only be fired by a unanimous decision of the Council here, and we must gain the key from Head Councilman, who is not currently attending this meeting because of his responsibilities to the mages of Fiore, the Council, as well as securing strong relations with the Crown. Secondly, where is this r-system being built? We were extremely thorough with destroying the towers created in our country. If it is not on Fiorian soil, then we do not have the jurisdiction to take any immediate action without a request from the country's reigning leader or the Magic Council of the country. So Siegrain, where is this r-system? Is it located on Fiorian soil?" Yajima asked Siegrain at the end of his speech.

As Yajima spoke, many members calmed and became contemplative of the information they had and the current situation, however Siegrain increasingly became paler and more anxious the longer Yajima spoke.

"Well, it seems to be have been built on an island … " Siegrain said slowly, trying to avoid giving all the information to the Council.

"Okay, but what country does it fall under?" Michello responded quickly to Siegrain's slow response.

" …. It resides off the coast of Caelum and under Caelum's territory…" Siegrain said with reluctance.

"Well then, it seems this is out of our jurisdiction," Elder Councilman Org said with most of the Council either nodding or making sounds of agreement.

"But-!" Siegrain tried to interject.

"Enough Siegrain. You are still new to the Council and still young with little experience with matters such as these," Org said.

"But they plan to resurrect Zeref!" Siegrain yelled, with 'Zeref' echoing in the chamber.

"Well then, it is even more important to notify Caelum of this. We are still legally unable to take any action in any area which is not controlled by Fiore," Michello said.

"Siegrain, how did you come into this knowledge about the r-system and their plans to resurrect Zeref?" Yajima asked.

"Well… um… I gained the knowledge from my informants!" Siegrain thought up quickly.

"Which ones? The Council has a database of informants, and I would like to look at their reports as well as ask them a few questions in person. Additionally, I would like to send the documents as it would be beneficial for Caelum's investigation," Yajima said.

"Um, well, they are not from the Council's database…" Siegrain replied.

"Then how do we know their information is accurate? All informants of the Council have been through intensive and extensive screening and have gained experience in the field, creating their own reliable reputations. We know their information will be accurate and reliable!" Belno said.

"Um…" Siegrain said.

"Yeah! How do we know any of this information is true! And why would they give us information of this if the r-system is not on Fiorian land?" Leiji said.

"Councilors, with lacking information and only the knowledge which this r-system is built on Caelum controlled land, which this information in itself is unreliable, I believe we should notify the Council in Caelum and allow them to make their own investigation with their own investigators," Yajima said to the group, effectively ending the argument.

Siegrain POV

I stood there, still in shock my plan did not work to fire the Etherion on the Tower of Heaven. I waited until all of the councilors left the meeting room. Ultear and myself were the only ones remaining the meeting room. I was about to curse the situation when Ultear interrupted me.

"I think," Ultear said calmly but forcefully, "we should leave and converse in your office, Siegrain-sama,"

I realized she was right. We did not know who could be listening. I had proper silence and privacy wards and runes surrounding my office. No one would be able to listen to our conversation, which was necessary especially considering the conversations we would be having.

"After you, Ultear," I responded, bowing my head slightly and extending my arm toward the exit.

Ultear nodded and started to walk toward the exit which was being held open by one of the numerous frog attendants which were employed by the Council. I started to follow after her. As I was exiting the room, the frog attendant stopped me.

"You have been summoned by a few of the elder councilors. They have requested me to escort you to meeting room three," the frog said to me. Dammit! I needed to regroup, not get a scolding from the elders! I looked to Ultear, she nodded to me, as if to say 'go, and I will meet you in your office when you have finished'. She then turned on her heel and stalked off down the halls of the Magic Council headquarters.

I looked back at the frog attendant, "lead the way," I said to it.

Ultear POV

Damnit Siegrain. You have absolutely no tack whatsoever. At least it leads suspicions away from me. And damn that Yajima being quick thinking even in old age and not to get distracted by the trap words. I underestimated him. I will not be making the same mistake again. I continued to stride down the hallways, first stopping in my office. I needed to plan and figure out how to clean up the mess Siegrain made.

Siegrain POV

I followed the attendant down the different hallways to the room in which I would meet with the elder councilors. When we finally made it to the meeting room, the attendant opened the door and gestured for me to enter. It was dark when I entered, but the lacrima lights turned on after sensing a person entering the room. I turned back to the frog attendant, thinking it brought me to the wrong room.

"The councilors will be here as soon as they finish their call to the Caelum Magic Council and other authorities they wish to notify," the frog attendant said to me before leaving the room and closing the door to the meeting room.

Ugh, couldn't I have gone to my office first if they weren't even going to be in the room when I was summoned?!

I walked over to the table in the center of the room which was surrounded by comfortable chairs. I took a seat in one of the the chairs toward the middle of the table. It seemed to be the safest spot to take. I did not need to offend any of the elder councilors by taking a seat where they wanted or to be presumptuous on taking a seat at one of the ends of the table.

It shouldn't take to long. I mean, I didn't give a lot of information, and they don't believe most of the information I gave anyways. I thought to myself while placing my hands on the table, fingers interlaced.

Ten minutes passed, then twenty. Soon it had been an hour, and still no one entered the room while I waited for the scolding I was going to get from the elder councilors. How long could this conference call take?! I started to drum my fingers on the table, the only physical showing of my irritation and aggravation of the situation.

After waiting for almost two hours, the door opened to the group of elder councilors all talking heartily with each other. I stood as they entered, though no one addressed me until Michello noticed him standing near the table.

"Siegrain! What are you doing here?" Michello said surprised.

"I was summoned here after the meeting earlier," I said in a strained voice, trying to keep the irritation out of my voice.

"Oh yes, I believe we did. We need to talk about your behavior from earlier," Org said while taking a seat at the table. The rest of the councilors took seats at the table. No one made any gestures for me to take a seat, so I remained standing. After they all settled down in their seats, they collectively looked at me with serious expressions, no trace of the amusement they had when they entered the room not five minutes earlier.

"Siegrain, while we all know you are young and new to the Council, your actions today, and leading up to today, are inexcusable," Org said, starting off this session.

I bowed my head to keep my facial expression hidden from the elder councilors. I did not need to be questioned for my reactions or lack of remorse for my actions.

"However, lack of experience cannot justify your actions today or leading up to today. There are privileges which accompany being a councilman, as well as responsibilities. Though, there is no explanation for why you would not go through the Council's approved and vetted informants. Most assignments which require any form of investigating also have a sheet of informants which are located in or around the region where the assignment is. Though with being a younger councilor, you should not have had any assignments which are investigation assignments. So I do not know why you decided to research or investigate anything on the subject of the r-system, and do not understand why you did not broach the subject with a elder councilor. It was unnecessary to call an emergency meeting to reveal this information, riling everyone else up, and even SUGGESTING the use of the Etherion,"

I kept my head bowed, not wanting to reveal my ire of the current situation. It would only create more issues, issues which I did not want to deal with at the present moment.

"My suggestion would be to suspend you Siegrain, and have you work under one of the elder councilors here. See how we tackle assignments and other responsibilities of being a councilman, before allowing you to regain your responsibilities. At which point I also suggest assigning an attendant to help Siegrain with his assignments as well as report his progress to us elder councilors,"

After Org's suggestion, I look up at the table with shock plaster to my face. Suspended?! Supervision?! How am I going to get ANYTHING done?! All the councilors were nodding in agreement to Org's suggestion. I open my mouth to verbalize my internal outrage, but I quickly shut my mouth before I make the situation worse.

"Now, who would like to have Siegrain?" Org asked the group.

"I wouldn't mind having an extra hand in the office," Yuri said to the group after a few minutes of consideration.

"Thank you Councilor Yuri," said to Yajima before turning to me, "Now Siegrain, how does this plan sound to you. Work under Councilman Yuri for a period of time before resuming responsibilities," asking my opinion on this suggestion, but I had no choice to agree or else I would lose my foothold in the Council.

"I would be honored. Thank you for the generous opportunity to regain standing in the Council after my poor performance with the Tower of Heaven investigation," I said to the elder councilors, ending with a respectful bow.

"Then it is settle, Siegrain you will report directly to Councilor Yuri tomorrow morning. You are dismissed," Michello said to me. Bowing again, I left the room and head to my office to talk with Ultear to try and fix the situation.

So what do you think? After reading a ton of stories, I kinda realized some of the actions people take in FT are either stupid or wrong ~ which can range from idiotic to harmful. So I am going to have fun changing things to how I believe they should have happened. *THIS IS MY PERSONAL OPINION ON HOW THE EVENTS SHOULD HAVE GONE* But I love to hear suggestions from people as well.

Also side note - LOVING Pradesh Week hosted by DESNA based on DESNA's Pradesh Brothers. Totally suggest reading those stories.