A/N: Writing this for fun while patiently waiting for Star Wars VIII. :3

This story is more fantasy based as I'm more comfortable at writing fantasy. I've watched a load of fairy tale themed movies that inspired this story. Keylo/Rey. Maybe onesided Finn/Rey.

There will be steampunkish elements within the story.

Chapter One

Unkar Plutt inherited his junk shop from his father. And like his father before him, every day as soon as the sun rises he'd open the shop, analyse various objects great and small with his microscopic lens. Deal with various scavenger scum throughout the day. And when the sun started to go down, he'd count his money, lock up and go home.

The tradition will end with Unkar, as he had no children. But he was content with his life.

One day something unusual happened.

A white horse rode through the dusty village. A woman in a fiery, red cloak slipped down from her steed with a small child in hand.

Unkar watched with his small eyes as the woman cleared the sand from her child's eyes with a gentle hand. The woman turned to look at Unkar with dark glistening eyes. She strode forward almost regal like.

"Unkar Plutt?" the woman asked in a cool voice. "I will speak with you."

"I'm going home." Unkar blustered, not about going to be ordered around by a random stranger.

"You will." the woman bluntly said. "Or should I go to someone else with my generous offer?"

The prospect of a business offer made him pause. With a deep, guttural sigh he fetched his keys from his pocket. He opened the shop door and invited the woman inside with his head.

He could see the woman bend to her daughter's level and talk to her. He didn't really care enough to eavesdrop and went behind his desk where he conducted most of his business dealings.

The woman entered, her cloak now framing her fair and young face. Her eyes and hair of curls were a beautiful dark brown. She walked forward towards him and toss him a heavy leather pouch that landed on the desk with a clink.

He grabbed it quickly, it spilt out gold coins. Quickly he started counting until the woman interrupted.

"A hundred gold pieces." Unkar gawked at the woman. "I shall send you, hundred gold pieces without delay, each month."

"What's the catch?" Unkar asked cautiously.

"Protect my child, Rey." the woman said simply.

Unkar couldn't help but snort. "Ma'am, I'm not going to be paid to be a snot nosed brat's babysitter."

"Did I ask you to be?" the woman asked coolly. She started to slow down her voice like he was particularly idiotic. "Keep her safe. As in keep her from harm, don't let her die and certainly do not harm her yourself."

"You don't know anything, about me woman," Unkar grumbled.

"You think I chose you at random?" the woman asked with a snort. "No, I'm sure you don't remember. But my husband briefly worked for you."

She pulled out a piece of parchment from her small bag. It was a contract, in neat penmanship detailing what he should and shouldn't do. Mostly about fairly obvious things, like not letting the child starve, or keep her in sullied conditions.

"I know enough about you, that you can't afford to say no." the woman sharply said after a few moments of silence from him. "Sign it and you'll have enough money each month to spend at your leisure."

He grumbled, shot her a glare and read through all the fine print. He grabbed his quill and roughly signed the page with his messily scrawled name.

Suddenly Unkar was in blinding pain and he let out a shrieking yell. His wrist was in agony, he growled when he saw what looked a tattoo. A tattoo of chains that bound around his wrist.

"Magic!" he hissed, glaring at the woman. The woman looked rather unaffected at his pain.

"It's assurance." she simply said.

"Assurance?!" Unkar spluttered. "This is assault! I should-" He stopped his rant before he could spout out threats of gathering the villagers and hanging the mage bitch that cursed him, he saw her raise her hand. Her hand glowed a faint light of emerald-green, her eyes challenged him to threatened her. But he valued his life more.

"Yes." her voice low. "Assurance." She stepped down close to him, her eyes staring him down in a tranquil fury. "Because if you intentionally hurt, beat, starve, or rape my daughter. That,"

Her finger pointed to the tattoo. "Will trigger, it will give you the worst pain imaginable and if you willing cause my daughter to die. That will kill you too."

"But-" Unkar started to say.

"It's a mage contract. It's not illegal, do what I ask and nothing will come of it." she coolly replied.

Unkar sat in silence to process the situation, rubbing a thick finger over the tattoo. "I won't coddle her. But I'll make sure she has a place to live and plenty to eat." he quietly grumbled.

"That is all, that I ask." the woman said.

"Who are you anyway," Unkar asked, truly puzzled by this stranger.

Her eyes looked sad for a moment. "That does not matter, it is dangerous for you to know. And for Rey to know too."

She left the shop, the door slamming behind her. Unkar trotted over to the door, looking through the glass on the door. He saw the woman bending towards the child's level, she explained something while stroking her face. The little girl no older than six burst into tears.

Unkar grunted. He hated the thought of taking care of an emotional little brat. The woman with small hesitation got on her horse and rode away. The kid started to scream after her.

As quick as he could he trotted over to the child who was ready to run and roughly grabbed her arm to stop her.

"No!" the child wailed. "No! Stop! Come back!"

The woman did not turn to look back at her child, the white horse became smaller in the distance. Each moment passing.

Realising that her mother would not turn back. The child slumped to the ground sobbing.

Unkar growled out a sigh, he did not look forward to much more of this.

But true to his word. He did keep the child, Rey safe. He made sure that the brat didn't starve, she had a place to sleep and began working at age seven. Eventually, she purchased a small hut in town with the money she earned at eleven.

When Rey, the monthly fee stopped. After three months of no payment, Unkar was sure that Rey's mother was dead. The thought of selling the girl into slavery crossed his mind, as was his right as her technical guardian but as soon as the thought crossed his mind his tattoo itched and reminded him of the curse. He didn't know if selling the girl breached the contract but he was wary of finding out.

That girl was nothing but a thorn stuck in his side. Damn that contract.

Kylo Ren held an old contract with his leather gloved hand. Contracts were the way of the world. It was not only used for business purposes but for personal purposes as well. That was the type of contract he was holding. The handwriting on the piece of parchment, detailed the matters of dowries and lines at the end of the contract signed: Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi.

The young emperor did not meet either man but had heard plenty about them. From all sides.

The scribe who found this document looked up at him, his eyes laced with fear. Kylo sensed the man was eager to please him and terrified of angering him.

"My thanks for finding this." Kylo finally said in his low, deep voice.

The scribe's mouth twitched, still fearing the emperor's wrath. It was hard to tell, the emperor's emotions. With his black mask that he wore. The black mask modelled after his grandfather's.

Kylo enjoyed the affect his mask had on people. He could read emotions and motives far easier than he would without it. The scribe was always a weaselly social-climber but was always fearful of people of higher rank. Especially him. Perhaps because he was a mage as well and could set him on fire whenever he wanted. But the scribe does his job well, he can appreciate that.

"Is there a reason, my grandfather wanted to unite my family with the Kenobi's?" he asked in a monotone.

"To keep the magic strong in your bloodline, my emperor." the scribe answered carefully.

Kylo paused, in deep thought. The scribe seemed visibly relaxed when Kylo was silent.

The emperor scanned his memories, the name Kenobi was familiar. The contract signed by Anakin, so this was made before his grandfather became Vader.

His uncle, naively explained to him that Obi-Wan was one of the best wizards in the world when he was young. He vaguely remembered a woman, named Katala. He met her once as he saw her playing chess with his mother. But there was a little girl he remembered more, she was his playmate and his betrothed it would seem.

A happy giggle rang through his mind. Him looking up at her in the palace tree she had managed to climb despite her young age.

One day, during a particularly cold morning he found his mother waiting for him. She sat him down, gently stroked his black hair and told him that Katala and Reyana were missing.

'We'll find them, Ben, I promise.' those were his mother's words. Another empty promise by a traitor.

Eventually, he brushed the situation aside, he had more pressing issues, but now that he had his empireā€¦

"Did were the Kenobi's ever found?" Kylo asked, he did not remember a conclusion to the situation and had more pressing matters to attend to over time.

"The Kenobi girl was never found." the scribe recalled. "Her mother was found dead years ago. Her corpse was sent to the family crypt."

"Where?" Kylo asked.

"Krant." the scribe answered quickly.

Kylo looked at the delicate piece of parchment and knew what he needed to do.

"You are dismissed." Kylo waved his hand in dismissal.

The scribe bowed lowly. "My thanks, my Emperor." He then all but scurried away, his footsteps clicking against the marble floor.

Logically speaking, Reyana would perhaps be in Krant. But he knew if his grandfather truly wanted to find someone, he'd use a force he could trust. Magic.

The emperor slipped away down to his private study, contract in hand, where all of his grandfather's collection of the dark arts was. He briefly remembered seeing a location spell, all he needed was a trace of a person to locate them. It doesn't need the person specifically but an essence of a blood relation would be enough.

He poured water from his silver pitcher in a golden bowl and filled it to the top. He carefully ripped a corner of the contract that Obi-Wan had signed and placed it in the bowl. It limply floated to the top. He muttered an incantation and the water in the bowl swirled in a small whirlpool, the contract burned to a crisp and the liquid turned a blood-red.

"Show me Reyana." he commanded.

The image of a girl appeared in the red pool. No, not a girl but a woman. He saw her. He saw her gorgeous hazel eyes like glittering jewels, her beautiful brown locks and her feminine body so slim.

He smiled to himself, his grandfather was truly wise to try to unite his bloodline with the Kenobi's. Reyana was alone in the desert landscape and the smile slipped off his face. The desert, the hermit life was not fit for a noblewoman. Especially the future Empress.

He will find her. He swore to himself on his grandfather's grave.

Kylo was disappointed that her surroundings didn't show her location. As there were quite a few desert countries to search. He summoned Captain Phasma and gave her a task.

The deserts of Jakku were beautiful, there were times that Rey could enjoy the silence and appreciate the beauty of the landscape. These moments she could forget her terrible loneliness.

Focusing on the task at hand, she lugged her bag of rusted items she deemed of worth towards the junk shop, in the small little village in the distance. Owned by the fat blob of a guardian.

She swung open the shop door, seeing that the shop was empty strode forward and plopped the heavy bag on his wooden desk with a clunk.

Unkar said nothing but gave her a heated glare before painstakingly examining each individual item. Rey crossed her arms, staring at the man impatiently.

"For this lot," Unkar grunted before pulling out a small bag of coins and slides it towards Rey.

The pouch was incredibly light, she quickly looked in and saw a small amount of gold.

"What? This is only enough for a couple of meals!" Rey muttered angrily. "Last time it was-"

"I gave you enough," Unkar grumbled, glaring at her. "If you want more money, find more work. I'm sure you can find it." A dark implication rang out in his words. More money, meant seedier work, work that Rey would rather starve than take.

Rey sneered at him angrily, before storming out of the shop in a huff letting the door slam. She really hated that fat bastard.

The marketplace was particularly busy this afternoon, perhaps if Rey was careful with her money she'd have enough for the week. She brushed passed the colourful locals, to get to the bread stall and waited in line.

In her peripheral vision, she saw two men staring at her whispering. She glanced to see two Storm Soldiers in their glaringly white masks and armour. They were lackeys for the emperor. What were they doing in Jakku? She decided to mind her own business until she felt an armoured hand clutch her shoulder.

"Miss." the locals gave them a wide berth out of fear, allowing the storm soldier to loom over her. "What's your name?"

Rey gave a puzzled look to the trooper. "Why do you need to know?"

The two storm soldiers glanced at each other and then the Storm Soldier who held her shoulder made a grab for her hand bending it behind her back. He said in a soulless tone. "You need to come with us, ma'am."

"What are you doing?! Let go!" she screamed.

Instinctively she elbowed the soldier in the face, the other soldier moved in defence and Rey swung a kick hitting the other squarely in the groin. She immediately rushed away from the soldiers.

"Hey!" she heard a loud whisper, she snapped her head towards the voice. It was a young man, motioning towards him. Not having long to waste she rushed towards him, the soldiers in chase shortly behind them.

"This way!" the man yelled at Rey, they quickly ran around a corner towards an alley.

Great, a dead end. But the man darted towards an entrance and ran up some winding stairs and Rey followed. It looked like they were trapped again as all the stairs lead to was an opening to the rooftops.

"Jump." was all the man muttered before jumping across to the next rooftop.

They jumped, rooftop after rooftop until it led to a dead-end. Rey and the man whipped their head around to see the soldiers still following them. The man looked at Rey, a silent command.

Jump. And they did.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed. Please tell me what you think.