In The Shadows
Chapter 1
Growing Up

For the first time in a long time, I'm excited. Tomorrow I am going on my first supply run since we got to the prison. Judith is starting to run low on supplies and after speaking to Rick it was decided that I would go with Daryl on a run for her. Who better to know what she needs then the one who takes care of her all day? Besides if I didn't go with Daryl, who knows what he would come back with but it's not his fault. He is better at much more useful things like hunting, tracking and fighting. I think we can forgive for not knowing what size diapers Judith needs. One of the things I never considered with Judith was how quickly she goes through supplies and how quickly she goes through clothes. The clothes she has now don't even do up anymore and she only has a couple of days feed left in the tub of formula.

When I first raised the issue of Judith's low supplies Daryl was the first person to volunteer for the run and I was relieved. He was the best person for the job. I was excited about the run but I was also really nervous because I know there are bad people out there, like The Governor. Look what he did to Maggie when she went on that run with Glenn. I know with Daryl I'll be safe and he'll do whatever he can to get me home to everyone. Of course my daddy didn't want me to go because of what happened to Maggie bit I assured I would be fine with Daryl. However my dad did speak to Daryl about bringing me home safe… sometimes I still feel like a child. I know he has the right to be worried as I'm his child and everything but sometimes a little confidence that I can do something wouldn't go a miss.

As soon as Maggie found out about the run tomorrow she freaked out and gave me the same lecture all over again. She told me over and over again to look out for anything that could mean The Governor was around. She did finish her lecturing eventually but then she gave me a 'shopping' list. I took a sneak peak at the list and saw she was asking for condoms, how lovely, as well as other sanitary products. . It creeped me out to be honest. I don't want to think of my sister doing that, I know she and Glenn do… it… a lot but I don't need to think about it and now it's all that's in my head. I shook my head to get the thoughts out of my mind.

I put the list in my back pocket and I made my way to Daryl's cell room and found him laying on his bed. His eyes were open, he had his arms behind his head and one leg laid straight whilst another was bended at the knee. He looked like he was deep in thought about something, I thought about turning around and leaving him to his thoughts but he noticed me. He turned to face me and I greeted him with a smile, that I did not get back in return.

"Sorry to bother you" I started and he just grunted at me in response "I just wanted to talk to you about tomorrow. What time do you need me to ready and where do you want me to meet you?" I questioned.

"First light by my motorcycle" He replied.

"Your motorcycle?" I questioned.


"Another thing… Maggie gave me a shopping list for her and Glenn, is there any chance we can stop to get their stuff too?" I asked.

"'Pends on what they wan'" He replied. I didn't want to say it all out loud so I took the list out of my back pocket and handed it to him. He looked over it and chuckled a very light chuckle and handed it back to me "If we pass somewhere, we'll stop" He told me and I smiled in thanks.

"Thank you for taking me" I said to him.

"No problem" He answered.

I stood there for a moment in the doorway and was thinking of a way of speaking to him, I've never really had a proper conversation with Daryl. We've known each other for a little while now but I don't know much about him apart from he has a brother, Merle, who has been missing for a little while. I wanted to ask him about Merle but if there is one thing I know it's that it's a sensitive subject.

"Anythin else?" He asked.

I shook my head in reply and left his room cell. I looked out the window and saw it was starting to get dark so I made my way to my own cell room. I closed the door over and took my boots and jeans off, I got into bed and under the covers. Winter was well on it's way, it's been getting colder at night now. I laid on my back and looked up at the mattress of the bunk above me.

I approached Daryl with a smile but he didn't return it "Good morning" I greeted kindly and he grunted at me in response. He sat on the bike and held his hand out for me, I took his hand and he helped me on the bike. I scooted forward so my face was pressed against the back of his leather winged vest. My legs were pressed against Daryl's and I wrapped my arms around his waist "Ready when you are" I told him.

The bike started and it started moving. I closed my eyes as we passed the walkers outside the fences, I don't want to see how close they get to us. I kept my eyes closed for a little while but then opened them to see the trees flying past me. I decided that it was probably going to be a while until I was back on a motorcycle after today so I was going to enjoy it. I let the wind blow over my face and through my hair, it actually felt like the troubles of the world were being blown off me, I smiled at the freedom. It's been a long time since I felt freedom like this. I think it was before the turn and I was out on my horse that I felt this amazing feeling of freedom.

All too soon for my liking the bike started to slow down and it came to a stop. Daryl and I got off the bike and we watched the area to make sure it was clear. We seemed to be ok so the two of us walked in silence towards a baby shop, it looked like no one had been around in a long time. Normally the place is smashed up and there's blood and walkers but here it was different. I looked through the window and saw that the place was hardly touched "It looks good in there" I commented.

"Jus' wait" Daryl told me and knocked on the glass.

After waiting for a couple of minutes there was no sign of walkers or people so we went inside. It was dusty and smelt musty but there was a lot of stock still in here. This shop is out of the way so I'm guessing not many people knew about it so it's not really been touched "If we split up we can search quicker" I told him and he nodded "We need clothes size six to nine months and the blue top formula" I told him and he went off to the left as I turned to the right.

It didn't take long for me to find some clothes for her. They wasn't anything for a runway but they looked warm and also looked like they would last a little while. I got her enough clothes to last her until she goes up to the next size. I looked over at Daryl who was loading formula into his bag, I wandered over to him and put the clothes in the bag "How much do you want?" He asked me.

"A couple more tubs should do her for a little while" I responded.

"Anythin' else for her?" He enquired.

"Diapers" I stated. The two of us looked around the shop in silence until we found the diapers, when we did find them I noticed they didn't have the size we needed. They had the next size up which I guess would be ok, we would just have to pull the tags a little tighter "I'll load the diapers if you look for nappy rash cream and wipes… if they have any" I told him and he went looking without another word.

Now Daryl and I were alone and he couldn't run away I thought now was the best time to try and get some conversation out of him. I just wanted to get to know him better, I feel like I should know him better, especially as I'm trusting him with my life.

"Daryl?" I questioned.


"What did you do before the turn?" I asked him.

"Don't matter" He said

"I guess not" I responded and another awkward silence fell over us, until I decided to talk again "I've known you for so long and yet I don't know much about you but you seem to know so much about everything else" I commented.

"Why does it matter? Life before the turn don't matter no more. All that matters now is livin' and survivin' now" He told me and I heard him walking over to me. I turned to face him and he put what I had asked for in the bag I was holding "We need t' go" He told me.

"Ok" I replied.

I double checked the bag to make sure we had everything we had and then I followed Daryl out of the shop. We stood in the street for a moment as we made sure the area was safe "C'mon. We need t' get your sisters stuff" He said and we indicated to a pharmacy opposite us. I didn't utter a word as I followed him over, he did as he did before and knocked on the door to make sure no walkers were inside. It was clear and then we wandered inside.

We didn't spend long in the pharmacy, we went in got what was needed and then we left. It was awkward getting condoms with Daryl but we got what was needed. Maggie was going to be thrilled and I know I won't see her and Glenn for a couple of days, that is what always happens. When they get new boxes in they disappear for a day or two. They think we don't know what they're doing but we do. My daddy especially knows what's going on, he doesn't even ask for her when they disappear.

"You need anythin' while we're here?" Daryl asked as we headed towards the bike.

"No" I replied. We got to the bike and were about to get on when we heard the familiar groan of walkers. Both of us turned around and saw a herd of at least 25 walkers heading straight for us "We can't lead them back to the prison" I told Daryl as I started going towards the walkers with my knife out and ready to fight.

"Beth we can't fight them alone" He said.

"Yes we can. We have to. We all have jobs to do and right now, this is our job" I replied.

As I reached the first walker I plunged my knife into the side of it's head and it's blood splattered over my clothes and arms. I withdrew the knife from the walkers head and it fell to the floor with a thud. A bolt flew past me and hit a walker heading for me with it's arms outreached. I looked back and nodded a thanks at him as I started to take on more walkers. One after the other I took them down but it didn't seem like the herd was downsizing "Spread 'em out" Daryl instructed.

The two of us split up and the walkers also split up, some followed me and some followed Daryl. I used my knife to take down as many as I could. It didn't seem like a lot but then I looked at the bodies fallen over the floor and there was a huge number of walkers. Maybe more then the 25 I originally thought was in the herd, it must have been bigger then I thought.

I brought my knife down into a walker girls head. She was no older then me and she was newly turned. I could tell that her clothes were not that ruined and she looked fresh face stilled. Looking at her I would say she's only been turned for no more then a week. I took the knife out of her skull and she fell to the floor. I looked around and the walkers that had followed me were dead, I had taken out my mini herd. I turned to look at Daryl who had a much bigger herd to deal with then what I did and he needed help.

With my knife in hand I ran over to him and started taking walkers out. Between the two of us we took down all of the walkers but we were both exhausted. I went over to Daryl and grabbed his shoulder to hold myself up, I had adrenaline flowing through me and my legs were shaking. I was worried that I was going to fall over. Daryl must have sensed my uneasiness as he walked with me to a porch and we sat down on the steps. I looked over at Daryl and smiled smugly "I told you we could do it" I stated.

"I guess you're not a lil kid anymore" He replied.

Chapter 1 is up!
I love the walking dead, as I think you can tell
I love Bethyl even more!
I was gutted when Beth died before she and Daryl could even share a kiss

Thank you for reading
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