Disclaimer: see chapter one


It was the voice of an angel that brought him out of the dark depths of unconsciousness. Emerald green eyes flickered open; fuzzy vision trying to focus on a furry grey face. The voice called his name again and Nick groaned in pain as his ribs began to throb mercilessly. His face twisted and he whimpered. A gentle paw touched his arm. Nick looked up into the worried violet eyes of his partner.

"Hey, Carrots," he whispered. "Did we get 'em?"

Judy smiled and nodded. "Yeah. We did."

"Good," Nick said. He winced. "Let me guess...broken ribs?"

"Four," Judy confirmed.

Nick sighed. "Bed rest. Fun times," he moaned.

Judy took Nick's paw in hers and held it tightly. He could tell something was bothering her; she only acted like this when she was scared about something.

"Carrots? What's wrong?" Nick asked.

"I thought Bullton was going to kill you," Judy whispered quietly.

Nick smiled and tilted Judy's face up so he could see her eyes. They were glassy with tears.

"You should know by now that it'll take a lot more than being slammed into a wall to take me out," Nick told her. "We've been in worse situations."

"You're my partner, Nick. I'm going to worry," Judy reminded him.

"Just your partner?" Nick asked. "I thought I was more than that."

Judy smiled softly. "Yes, you are. But, like you said, we haven't made it public, yet."

Nick settled back against the pillows. "Yeah. Who'd a' thunk? A fox and a rabbit, dating. Predator and prey falling in love."

"It's a strange and wonderful world we live in," Judy commented.

Nick took her paw and brought it to his lips, giving it a quick kiss. "That it is, my dear Carrots. That it is."

Judy's ears perked up when she heard the ringing of a bell. She hopped up from the couch and headed for the room down the hall. She opened the door and walked in. Nick was propped up by a series of pillows behind his back. Bogo had given Nick sick leave so he could heal and gave Judy vacation pay to take care of him. Although, at times Judy wondered if this was how it felt like to take care of a kit. Nick was milking this injured fox thing too much.

"What is it this time?" Judy asked.

"My pillows need fluffing," Nick replied.

"Again? I just fluffed them a half hour ago," Judy said, walking over to the bed.

Nick shrugged. "They lose their fluff quickly. Not my fault."

Judy helped the fox sit up before fluffing up the pillows and placing them behind his back again. Nick settled back and sighed contently.

"Better?" Judy asked.

Nick hummed. "Not quite. Something's still off," he said.

Judy sighed and her ears drooped. "What's wrong?" she asked, her voice dull. Such a kit.

Nick motioned for her to lean in closer, which she did. When she was close enough, Nick planted a kiss on Judy's lips. Her ears shot up in surprise, but fell back down again as she leaned into the kiss. Much to her dismay, Nick was the first one to pull away.

"Thanks, Carrots," he said. "I know I drive ya crazy."

"You wouldn't be you if you didn't drive me crazy," Judy told him.

Nick chuckled. "True enough," he said. "So, what are you doing out there by yourself?"

"I was planning a little trip for us; for when it's okay for you to get up and moving again," Judy explained.

"I see. And where will we be going?" Nick asked.

Judy smiled slyly. "It's a surprise," she replied.

Nick's ears drooped and he pouted playfully. "Aw, you're no fun."

"I'm loads of fun," Judy protested. "But, it'll give you something to look forward too."

"Okay, fine, Officer Fluff. I will wait. Impatiently, but I will wait," Nick promised.

Judy smiled. "Good. Now, be a good little fox and let me finish my work."

Nick pulled her close, ignoring the slight stab of pain that shot through his ribs at the movement. "And what if I get lonely again?"

Judy gave him a long, passionate kiss on the lips before pulling away. "That should tie you over until I'm finished," she said, making Nick chuckle. "I'm almost done, anyway."

"Then I will let you hop along and get your work done so you can come back and keep me company," Nick said.

He kissed his bunny on the lips one more time before releasing her. Judy skipped out of the room and went back out into the living room. She fell back down on to the couch and went back over her travel plans. They were ready to make their dating relationship public; and Judy thought of no better way to start it off then by telling her parents. She just hoped they would love Nick as much as she did.

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