Disclaimer: Disney owns Star Wars, not me. All the characters and places (except for my OC Analise Joy) belong to them.

"aaaa"-talking out loud."aaaa"-talking through a holo. 'aaaaa'-inner thoughts. aaaaa-talking through a Bond

AN: Here it is! The start of Moonbeam. Set two years after Ani and Ana's Force Sixteen and two years before my Attack of the Clones AU Edge of War. So begins the more darker tones in my stories.

For all those who have been waiting for Obi-Wan and Analise to get together, this is for you. Please enjoy:)






Why was it so hard to kill one female? One useless human female. One useless human girl. One weak, fragile, breakable, worthless Jedi brat.

It made no sense. Yet there it was. Staring him in the face day after day. His failure. His apprentice's failure to destroy...to kill...to end the life of one single being. Failure. Utter Failure.

How could it be? He was the Dark Lord of the Sith. The most powerful of all the Sith Lords since Darth Bane. His past apprentice had been a powerful, perfectly evil young being until his life had been ended by the blade of a sniveling Jedi Padawan. His current apprentice was a former Jedi Master, power-hungry and grasping just like him. Always seeking, always wanting more.

It wasn't too long ago he had manipulated a naive, beautiful teenager into demanding a vote of no confidence in the man who had held this post before him and then twisted, slithered his way into the highest seat of power in the Republic. No one had more power, no one had more authority than he did.

Save perhaps those fools on the Jedi Council who balked at such power and turned their backs on it. Unless they needed it as a means to their own end.

As the Rhodian Senator droned on and on about some new measures he wanted to put to a vote, he seethed inside. Here he was, seated so high he was nigh untouchable and yet he could not have one worthless girl destroyed.

His plans could not move forward until she was out of the picture. As long as she stayed in the picture, he would be unable to corrupt, to turn her twin brother. He would be unable to destroy the Jedi and turn the weak Republic into a strong, unbeatable Empire.

News had him worried. News his spies brought him. News his apprentice pulled from those unwilling to speak.

The stupid female brat was apparently now closer than ever before with her brother's Master. The same sniveling Jedi Knight who had killed his apprentice when he still bore a Padawan braid. Now the two were often together, sneaking away for a stolen hour or two.

This could not happen. This could not be!

The Jedi might have forgotten about the most powerful Natural Bond of all, but he had not. He could allow that...that Bond to form between the girl and Knight. If it did his chance of killing her, destroying her would be narrowed. Fewer. There would another layer of protection around her.

He forced himself to stamp down the anger, to focus on the weak Senator in front of him. After this meeting he would gather and work. After this meeting he would start a new plan.

He had waited a few years to become Supreme Chancellor. He could wait a few more days to kill the girl.