A/N: Hello loves! The last thing I need right now is another story, but with all these Succubus stories going around, I thought I'd take a whack at it! I don't intend to copy other authors' works or anything. I just want to put my own spin on things, going off of traditional ideas of Incubi (male succubi) and Succubi :) Hope you loves enjoy! Please tell me your thoughts and let me know how I've done! XOXOX!


Daphne writhed underneath the grip of her lover, her wrists pinned above her head by one of his large hands, her lithe legs wrapped around his waist, joining their hips as they rocked in time. His other hand was busy grasping at her breasts, kneading the tender flesh as he moved in an out of her. Every shift left her breathless, every push and pull sending shivers down her spine. It was sheer perfection.

She had only just met the man that night – the night of her eighteenth birthday. Her parents had decided to throw her a grand party to celebrate. She had thought it silly at the time; she would've been fine with a small family gathering. But there he was across the ballroom, tall dark and handsome, with eyes as dark as obsidian and body as chiseled as a god. He was too beautiful, too perfect.

She nearly fainted when he asked her to dance, blushing deep scarlet as he took her hand in his and led her out to the dance floor. She couldn't believe someone so perfect would ask her to dance. Sure, she was a crown princess, but in comparison to him, she was nothing. She was not even worthy to walk in his shadow, yet there she was, spinning circles with the beautiful stranger while everyone looked on with awe and jealousy.

It was all a blur after that. She didn't even know his name yet she felt like she was in love. His presence was intoxicating. She needed him more than she'd ever needed anything in her entire life. She would give him anything if he asked it.

All he asked for was to share her bed.

She was a virgin, saving herself for marriage. She had never even kissed a man before, yet she had no hesitation in handing that all over to him. Not even her parents had a qualm with him taking her back to her room unescorted. No maid nor butler made a fuss about a strange man entering her room. No one stopped them from locking the door, leaving the rest of the world behind as they undressed one another, quickly getting wrapped in the silk sheets on top of Daphne's plush mattress.

He'd pinned her down and ravished her with his mouth, licking and kissing every square inch of her skin. He placed his lips where she didn't even know lips could go and sucked on her until she felt her toes curl and her voice go hoarse. It was only then when he replaced his lips with himself, filling her to the brim. She'd never taken anyone inside her and yet she felt no pain. He was large, even to her virgin eyes, and yet she fit him like a glove, their bodies fitting like lock and key.

She could've spent forever in her stranger's arms. He was so strong, so perfectly perfect that she could barely believe that he was hers. His lips brushed over hers and captured them in a fiery kiss, licking his way into her mouth and claiming her in another way. She groaned into the kiss, arching up to meet him. Her arms were suddenly free and they found their way to his back, her nails scratching into his skin, though not deep enough to leave marks. She'd hate herself forever if she marred that perfectly tan skin. He didn't seem to mind, pulling her up until they were seated, Daphne wrapped up in his arms, rocking back and forth in his lap.

Her breath was growing heavy, white peeking at the corners of her eyes. She didn't want this to end; yet her body was edging towards release. He noticed and clutched at her hips, their rhythm growing faster and faster.

"Let go, my love," he instructed, his voice as soft and smooth as honey, music to her ears. She could not disobey him.

Pleasure came like stars and white light, her entire body tensing and releasing in one beautiful moment. Euphoria washed over her the moment she felt his release as well, heat growing inside the spot they were joined. His hips stuttered as he rode out his climax, rubbing small circles into her hips, murmuring sweet nothings into her temple, trailing kisses down her face.

Daphne felt warm and cherished and loved. This night was all she never knew she wanted. What she wanted now was a thousand more nights like this one, to wake up every day next to her beautiful stranger.

There was a slight pain when he pulled out of her, the twinge in her lower body unexpected after so much pleasure. She whimpered at the loss of him, feeling empty now that they were separated. He rolled over on his side to comfort her, pulling her close to his chest, the smooth wide plane of muscle solid as stone.

"Hush, my love," he whispered into her ear, pushing the damp strands of hair out away from her sweat-slicked forehead. Immediately she calmed, relaxing under the sound of his voice. "You have been so good, such a perfect vessel. I am glad to have chosen you."

"What?" Daphne asked, still under the post-coital haze.

He only smiled down at her, his dark eyes containing an amused glint.

"I chose you above the others to carry something sacred, something very precious to my people," he told her, though his words still made no sense to Daphne. She wanted to understand; she didn't want to look like a fool in front of her perfect stranger, but the words themselves were concerning. He carried on, oblivious to her growing distress, or if he was aware, he was unconcerned. Instead, he seemed gleeful, tracing up and down her abdomen with his long, perfect fingers. "My people cannot reproduce on their own. The women collect the seed and pass it on to the men, who must then seek out vessels to carry that seed for us. I was searching for such a vessel when I found you, a virgin princess who had just reached maturity, the purest type of creature in the Magical Dimension. Now that our joining is complete, it is just a matter of time. Soon, we will have one to call our own."

"What have you done to me?" Daphne asked. Panic was rising through her chest and cutting through the warm atmosphere surrounding them. However, it didn't get far, the panic smothered by feelings of peace and safety.

"Nothing my love," he assured her, stroking her stomach gently, caressing the flat skin as if something was already growing there. "You won't even remember this night, and neither will your kingdom. And when our precious child finally arrives, this entire kingdom will take to her in stride."

"Her?" Daphne asked, feeling faint. Her whole world was going fuzzy, exhaustion crashing over her like waves, pulling her under. She didn't want to sleep; she wanted answers. But she didn't seem to have a choice, her entire body practically melting into the mattress as the beautiful man next to her tucked her into the sex-stained sheets.

"Yes, her," he repeated, his voice fading out as the darkness took over. "A perfect future Queen of the Succubi."

Daphne could not remember the night of her birthday ball.

She woke up in the morning alone, sore, and completely unaware of the fact that she had lied with her perfect stranger. Her sheets were ruined, her dress lying in tatters on the floor along with her shoes and stockings. She was confused, scared even, but her maids made quick work of the mess, sweeping it away as if it were a common mess. When she went down for breakfast, the king and queen did not speak a word about the night, seemingly forgetting themselves. It was as if the night had been wiped from everyone's memories.

It was only called into question when Daphne started falling ill in the mornings and not fitting into any of her gowns. A few test revealed that she was with child, though she swore she was untouched. Everyone struggled to come to terms with this new development, the only possibility falling back to that night. In time, however, things went back to normal, and the idea of a baby put everyone into good spirits.

Nine months later, Daphne gave birth to a perfectly healty baby girl. She named her Bloom, and the entire planet of Sparks loved her. Her parents, King Oritel and Queen Miriam, claimed her as their own daughter to save the family from shame. No one questioned the claim, and for nearly a year, all was well.

Then the Ancestral Witches stormed the planet of Sparks, striking the king and queen down, covering the entire realm in an endless frost while the baby Bloom was placed into a portal, whisked far away to safety while her mother perished with the rest of the planet.