This is simply my take on Leonardo and White's relationship after the last episode, but I'm still hoping for more Leo x White action in the anime if they ever get a second season.

Disclaimer: I do not own the characters or the anime, Blood Blockade Battlefront.

There was something about her eyes that Leo couldn't understand. It was as if she was hiding something from him. He didn't mind, though. He never did. Leo hardly even considered it sometimes, and sometimes he forgets what it was even about. Whenever he was with White, he always gets warm and he couldn't give a single care about the world when he was with her. He couldn't blame her for it, though. And, his time spent with her made it even harder for him to think about things.

The whole time he even thought they were going to be together! Leo had clearly fallen for her. Maybe she too had his eyes on him. But he doesn't know that for sure.

Leo always thought she was going to be the one for him, and one time she even had him thinking that he would finally have a girlfriend, or at least someone to talk to when he's not busy at work or anything. His time spent in Hellsalem's lot proved that things will never be the same again, and that things are always changing. Although, it would really be nice if everything would revert back to the way it was and everyone can return to their normal lives and carry on as if nothing happened. But he knew himself that he would be asking for the impossible.

Even if things do go back to the old New York city, he could never ever forget what happened that day. He simply can't. He just wanted to get rid of it, he wanted to not remember. He wanted to forget. But nothing would change the fact that she's no more.

Leo expected something else, something more of a satisfying end, but he knew from the very beginning that it was going to happen. He can't reverse the damage, the hurt in his heart, or in hers. He wasn't exactly magic. His only powers were the ability to see things that the normal eye can't, it was only a special gift of sight and nothing more.

The squint-eyed boy stood a few feet back from the twins. Leo could feel a little scared. He knew where this was going. The two stayed that way until White started to glow all over. William hugged her very tightly.

He could only watch as it starts taking the light away—his new found light, gone.

Leo tried his best not to go running after the girl, or what remained of her, because her brother needed White more at those times. He guessed it had to be this way because what else is there? They only had two options, which were, let the world be enveloped in the great collapse again, or let the miracle unfold before them.

And so that was what happened for the first time in three years—a miracle.

It's over, he would remind himself. He can't bring himself to move forward yet, not now when he was grieving.

As time passed, Leo found himself sitting on the bench where he had this déjà vu while he sat there. Like he had been there a while back. Well, technically he'd been to almost every corner of the city, but this place gives him this feeling that he had been there, probably a couple of times before. Then he remembers—this was where he had last taken her to, where he had been with White, the last time he'd ever seen her cry, or smile.

It was like it was only yesterday when he and the ghost of a girl met. He thought things would finally normal for once, and for once, he would finally be happy with someone. But after today, all that changed in a blink of an eye. He was never going to see her again.

"I'm going to miss you," he whispered quietly to the wind. She was everywhere now. "It's only been a few weeks and I already miss you."

"I love you, Mary."