Hello everyone! I am so excited to introduce my next story to you all, Days of Future's Past! If you read my story Freedom, you know I posted some ideas for my next story. After some careful deliberation, I have decided to combine two of those stories into one. This will be a modern vampire AU, dating during the gaang's high school adventures. I do plan to do my previous vampire story but I thought this one up in the middle of the night and decided to run with it. Now onto the characters:

Katara - Junior (11) in High School, 17. Pretty much the most popular girl in school. Dating the bad boy troublemaker Jet and he has influenced her a lot. May be slightly out of character in the beginning but you will see why she is and that she's not actually like that

Suki - Junior (11) in High School, 17. Katara's best friend above all else. Descendent of ancient tribe of the Kyoshi warriors, a tribe that dates back over 100 years ago. Dating Katara's brother

Sokka – Senior (12) in High School, 18. Dating Suki, Katara's brother. Rebellious in some ways but still the loveable hilarious Sokka we all know and love.

Aang – Junior (11) in High School, 15. Very new to the school, and super intelligent. That's how he's 15 and a junior. Sokka has taken him under his wing and gets in to all sorts of shenanigans with him.

Toph – Sophomore (10) in High School, 15. Katara and Sokka's next door neighbor. Sokka's best friend. Really bad ass, as you can guess. For the sake of this story, she is not blind, but she has super bad eyesight.

Zuko – Senior (12) in High School, 18. The kid that gets picked on, but keeps to himself. Doesn't talk to anyone. Very mysterious. Has a backstory that will be explained first chapter with Katara. Does not have a scar first chapter but will explain later

Those are the main characters. Now for the basic summary. This is also what you will see when you open every chapter.

Katara is the most popular girl at Kyoshi High. She had everything she ever wanted. A boyfriend, tons of friends. But when she discovers a secret of her town that longed to be hidden, was it everything she wanted? Zutara, Rated T.

That's it guys! I will post the first chapter later today! How do you like the idea? Let me know! Also there will be a Freedom chapter up later also! See ya later!