One bridge, a cold night air, and familiar surroundings. It was a sight unlike any other, that towering structure they all marveled at. Dennis Loughran felt his parent's hands around his own. Together they took those last few steps. The iron gate opened up, as if welcoming them. They passed through the revolving door and took in their first view. They were home.

"It's perfect."

The hotel lobby was identical to the one they remembered. Even the furnishings were the same, though tiny details were still laid bare to give away how new the place was.

"I promised we would rebuild it from the ground up. Here it is, Dad." Mavis spoke as if he were in her heart.

They were joined by other Monsters. All of them shared the same reaction.

"In all the years we came here, I forgot how amazing the place was. I can see it again now." Frank felt proud of their achievement. He held Eunice close as she rested her head on his shoulder.

They were in no rush to take it in. The red carpet led them on through the lobby, towards the stairway. The fireplace had already been lit and was emitting a comforting warmth. It really did feel like home to them. As perfect as it all felt, there was still something missing for Mavis. Two grand paintings hung over the fireplace now. Two of the greatest vampires to ever live gazed back at her. No amount of time had weakened the pain she felt. Canvas felt like prison bars that locked them away from her.

"I guess… I guess I was the impossible trap, Dad…"

She felt Johnny's arm over her shoulder, and Dennis' hand tightening around hers. She turned to the sound of footsteps and saw the people she loved dearly. They all smiled back at her, family and friends of old. She wasn't alone. No matter how much she missed her father, she would always have them to help bear the pain alongside her.

Soft, rhythmic clanking grew louder. A suit of armour approached, carrying a set of keys in its gauntlets.

"Mavis Dracula-Loughran. We are at your command."

The staff were ready for their first instructions, and her guests were anxious to enjoy the comforts they had once seen go up in flames. It would be a day to remember, a special day for her son and for her family.

"Welcome home, Dennis. Happy birthday!" She shouted.

The whole lobby cheered. The hybrid had turned eighteen, and he couldn't be happier. The home they had grown up in had been reborn, in all its glory. Lights, music and fireworks filled the night above Hotel Transylvania. The valley that had been silent for three years was brought to life in a plethora of colour. It brought back fond memories for Mavis as she watched Dennis dance alongside his father in perfect unison. She covered her mouth with both hands and held back joyful tears.

Soon the tables were soaring around the hall, with guests chasing each other through the lobby. Winnie let out a giggle as she and Dennis raced each other to the other side. They veered off course to avoid Johnny and crashed straight into each other. They flew through the air, with Dennis taking hold of her as they descended. They rolled across the soft carpet that stretched across the entrance hall. They couldn't help but laugh when it was over.

Dennis helped her up as they continued to giggle. She looked into his eyes, seeing that knight inside him she had always believed to be there since his first rumble with Bela. After three years, she still couldn't find the words she had searched for night after night. Her promise to herself was that she would find them in time to see him again, yet they still alluded her. It came to her that she had been looking for the wrong thing all along. Words were not needed.

She leaned in a kissed him, locking her lips with his. Her heart said all the words she couldn't find. Dennis closed his eyes, and listened to them.

It took them some time to realize that their family was watching them. They broke off in embarrassment. They were met with laughs from the others, their faces turning red.

"Took long enough!" Johnny shouted, only to have Mavis elbow him.

"So… umm… we have a present for you, Dennis." Winnie told him, trying not to feel completely embarrassed.

Mavis made her way down the stairs with something in her hands. As she came closer, Dennis spotted what it was.

"This is from all of us." She took a quick look at the two grand paintings above them. "We made it back… before everything happened."

She handed it to him slowly, hardly believing that the time had come at last. Dennis tore the wrapping paper off in earnest. His eyes opened wide at the cover. It was just like the one Martha had made for Mavis. He opened it and let it rest in his hands. There was something in it from everyone, from notes and happy birthday messages to photographs. He was saddened to see his vampa and great-vampa, but now he had a true memento to remember them by. On the final page, taped inside, were two lockets.

Inside each were paintings of his grandparents.

"Zombie Van Gogh still has it in him." Mavis said quietly.

Dennis couldn't help but shed a tear.

"It's the best thing I could have asked for. Thank you, everyone."

Winnie wrapped her arms around his as the group gathered around.

Frank placed his large hand on the boy's shoulder "We know it won't be the same without them, but we are all here for you. Drac and Vlad will live on through all of us. And through you, Dennis."

"We still have so many great years ahead of us. Parties and booze all night long! Woo!" Murray held up his hands.

"Not for you, Murray. I remember the last time you got drunk on formaldehyde." Griffin joked.

"Speaking of parties, why don't we take this one poolside!?" Johnny suggested.

The group rushed outside. The great doors that lead to the pool opened wide, and the group froze in their tracks. A suit of armour was looking over the hillside. The pool was completely empty.

"Err… we have a slight, technical hitch, my lady."

Nobody moved.

"I need to speak to that architect." Mavis muttered.

Intricate curtains blocked out the light. Daybreak had come, leaving the room in a half state between light and shadow. Dust could be seen in the beams of light that broke through. The chamber wasn't to be used. It served as a memory, an honouring. Mavis had promised to have the place built from the ground-up of course, and Dracula's chamber was part of that.

"Van Gogh did a great job." Johnny gazed at the painting that hung in the same place as the old one.

It was as close to the original as possible, only now no curtain existed to hide it from the world.

"It isn't going to be the same without him. I thought it would get easier, but it hasn't… everything is different."

She reached out her hand and felt the Sun's warmth, the crystal around her neck preventing pain.

"Maybe not, but we have each other. We have Dennis. Drac and Martha will never die as long as you hold them in your heart."

His words steeled hers. Yet, she still looked troubled.

"I can tell that something's the matter Mavis. You can tell me."

She held his hand tightly.

"I can't stop thinking about something he said, before the end. 'Your immortality dies with me'. What do you think he meant by that?"

Johnny shrugged.

"I wouldn't believe a word that man said. He was evil, cruel and cared only about what he wanted. He let his zing turn himself into a demon, instead of letting it sing in his heart. Even after you… even after, I still felt it. The love you shared with me couldn't die, and I couldn't replace it with revenge. I think Dracula knew that too."

Mavis rubbed Johnny's fingers against her own and she looked up at her father's image.

"No… he was the best of us."

They rested against each other for a while, letting the cold air that traveled through the half opened window softly brush against them. When it was time to leave, Mavis couldn't help but look back.

"We did it Mum… we did it."

Jonathon watched his wife as the Sun rose outside. He was blessed to spend the rest of eternity with her, with his zing that he thought lost.

"Do you think they will ever trust us again?" Johnny wasn't sure how to answer her. "It's not been the same since what happened. Humans… no one came."

"They will Mavis. They will trust us. We just have to show them that they can. We did it once, right?"

She smiled back warmly.

"I guess so."

He held out his hand to her and she took it gratefully. They left the chamber together, leaving the great painting to bask in the rising Sun. Only as Mavis left the room did she realize that she had forgotten to put on her crystal necklace that day.

The End

"Your immortality dies with me…"