One day, Paxton the Diesel was feeling unwell. He had tried to do his work at the Blue Mountain Quarry, but after he started coughing and sneezing, Skarloey told him to return home to the Vicarstown Dieselworks. All the other diesels had gone to do their work, so he was now left all alone in his shed, even his driver had gone. This made him feel very sad. Then he had an idea.

"I know!" He said to himself. "I'll play a game! Hmmm... Ah, eye spy with my little eye something beginning with... D!"

He waited for a response. Their was none.

"This game isn't very fun when your by yourself...". He sighed.

Then he heard a puffing noise and a whistle he'd never heard before.

"Oooh, a steamie!" He exclaimed excitedly. "Maybe it's Thomas or... Henry... Or, or... No, none of their whistles sound like that. Achoo! Sniff... And what would they be doing here?"

He then saw the steam engine. He was a tank engine about the same size as Thomas and was painted golden with green and red lining. His name and number were painted in on his side tank and cab side respectively in white. The engine also had a friendly look about him. The engine noticed Paxton and came over.

"Hello mate." The engine said. "I'm Stepney, can you please tell me where I am?"

"You're at the Vicarstown Dieselworks." Paxton replied. "Di- did you say Stepney? From the Bluebell Railway?"

"Vicarstown? Ha, I told driver we took the wrong junction." Stepney laughed. "And yes, I'm that Stepney. Pleasure to meet you, uh..."

"I'm Paxton. What are you doing here... cough!". Paxton asked.

"Well, I'm on the North Western because I'm visiting at the Fat Controller's request for a few days. I'm here specifically because my driver lost his way." Stepney explained.

Just then Paxton started coughing horribly.

"Is something wrong mate? You don't sound too good." Stepney asked, concerned.

"I'm just a little -cough- sick, that's all. I'll be alright soon." Paxton replied.

"You sure? That coughing did not sound very good." Stepney said.

"Yeah, I'm sure. The worst part is that... I'm on my own." Paxton said sadly.

Stepney looked at four other empty berths in the shed and then around the Dieselworks Yard. He saw no one.

"There's no one else here?" Stepney said.

"No..." Paxton sighed. "Well, Den and Dart are in the main building, but there very busy. Cough. Everybody else is working somewhere else."

Stepney thought for a moment before rolling onto to turntable. It was then turned to the berth opposite Paxton and he preceded to reverse into it.

"What are you doing?" Paxton asked.

"You need some company while you get better." Stepney replied happily.

"But -cough- surely you have work to do. And you don't even -cough- know me." Paxton said.

"Nah, I think the Fat Controller has a welcome party planned at Knapford, but I'd say I'm needed here. And this would be a good chance to get to know each other then!" Said Stepney.

Paxton smiled. "Okay then! Uh, what should we -cough- do?"

"Hmmm... Ah, how about I tell you about the Bluebelll Railway and my friends there. Captain Baxter, Cromford, Primrose..." Stepney said.

Paxton eagerly agreed. So Stepney told him everything about the Bluebell Railway and his adventures there. Paxton then told Stepney about his adventures on Sodor. They talked for hours and hours until night time came and the diesels returned to the Dieselworks. Stepney's company and friendship had already made Paxton feel somewhat better and a lot happier, and both were glad to have found a new friend.