"Neal!" Emma shrieked, laughing as he picked her up bridal style to carry her across the threshold of her new apartment. "That was seriously unnecessary, babe."

"Lies," Neal teased, kissing her lips lightly. "If I didn't carry you across the threshold, you would resent me in minutes, then leave me for some scoundrel with an accent, and I would be all alone in this big, empty home."

Emma rolled her eyes and wiggled, prompting Neal placing her lightly on the ground in front of him. "Ye of little faith," she said softly. "I could never leave you, Neal. You're my everything."

"Any you're my Tallahassee," he finished. "Are you mad that we landed in Boston instead of Tallahassee?"

Emma shook her head and turned around to face the empty apartment. It would take some work, time, and love, but this would be their Tallahassee. This would be their home.

Neal seemed to get what she meant from the shake of her head because he closed the step gap between them and pressed his lips to her shoulder as he wrapped his arms around her waist. "I love you," he muttered into her shoulder. "So much, Ems."

"I love you too, Neal," she returned the sentiment, placing her hands atop his. "Now what do you say we start ripping some of these boxes open and start putting our place together?"

Neal grinned. "I love a challenge," he said, laughing and pulling away from her. "Let's get to work!"


The door slammed and Killian groaned, not wanting to face the wrath of an irate Milah. Things had been going well the last few months, but her husband was getting suspicious and Killian was the one to pay the price. Because it was all his fault that he fell in love with her and she decided that it would be a good idea to hold two relationships at once. Totally his fault. All of it.

Milah stormed into his bedroom, slamming her purse down on the dresser as she entered. "He's tracking my bank accounts now, Killian," she snarled, not bothering with a greeting. "Are you happy now?"

Killian sighed; they had had this argument before, when he was tracking her cell phone. "Why would I be happy that your husband is worried about you, darling?" he said, suddenly tired.

"Because you get to see me like this!" she shouted, running her hands through her already ruffled hair. "Because you have always been jealous of my relationship with him."

This was the tipping point for Killian; of course he was jealous. She was still married and he loved her more than anything in the world. He knew that she was trying to push his buttons, and it was working.

"Me?" he questioned, sitting straight up in the bed he had wanted to share with her since their dalliance began. "Be jealous? Love, I wonder why I would possibly be jealous of that wrinkled old crocodile you're married to."

"Now is not the time for sarcasm, Killian," she snapped. "This is serious!"

Killian sighed, all of their fights coming to a peak as he stood from the bed and crossed the room to her. "You need to make a choice," he said softly. "Me or him, whom you choose?"

"What are you talking about?" his soft tone had clearly thrown her off from her ire.

"You need to make a choice," he repeated, looking her dead in the eyes.


"I'm tired of playing this game, Milah," Killian sighed, dropping his eyes. "I'm tired of not having you with me when I want you to be. I'm tired of fighting for your affections and having you mad at me when he decides to fight back. So, you need to make a choice. Me or him?"

"How can you ask this of me," she said, words full of disgust. "He's my husband!"

"Whom you have been cheating on for the last two years," Killian stood his ground. "You can either leave him and choose a real relationship with me, or you can leave me and go back to your husband."

Instead of answering, Milah shot Killian a dirty look, grabbed her bag, and stormed out of the apartment.

"I guess I have my answer," he said softly as he heard the door slam. Sighing, he climbed back into the bed, which suddenly felt even bigger than it usually did without her. What had he done?


Neal and Emma flopped down on their couch, the day finally catching up to them. It had taken five hours of intense manual labor and arguments about what should go where, but their apartment was almost complete. Dishes were put away, clothes were organized in dressers, and decorative soaps were put out in the bathroom off of the living area. It was small and slightly cramped, but it was theirs and that was all that they really cared about.

Emma was resting her head on Neal's lap, her back protesting all of the lifting and moving they had been doing that day when her stomach started protesting. Neal laughed, hearing it clearly, even though they had been talking about finally landing their Tallahassee.

"Think it's time for some dinner, babe?" Neal teased, moving his hand to rub over her grumbling stomach. "I don't think either of us have eaten much today, and I know that I'm getting hungry."

Emma laughed, looking up at her boyfriend. "What are you thinking of?"

Before Neal had the chance to answer, they heard a door slam from next door and someone stomping down the hallway.

"I'd hate to be the poor bastard that had to deal with that," Neal said, laughing. "That didn't sound like a good thing."

"Maybe we could go introduce ourselves?" Emma suggested, a glint in her eyes. "And then we could find out a little information about our door-slamming neighbors."

"I like the way you think."


Killian had been lying spread-eagle on his bed for about twenty minutes, moping, when then knock sounded on his door. He rolled his eyes; of course this fight with Milah couldn't have ended easily. Rolling his eyes, he pulled himself from his bed and walked to the door, not bothering to look through the peephole at his visitor. If it wasn't Milah trying to make amends, he was a bloody pirate.

Opening the door, he was met with a young couple that he had never seen before. "Well I am bloody pirate," he said, shocked. The couple in front of him looked confused, and he realized that he had spoken aloud. "Sorry about that, I was expecting someone else," he explained. "I'm Killian; I don't think I've seen you around here before."

The woman shook her head with a smile. "No," she said sweetly. Her voice was low and rough, like an angel that had been sent in disguise. "We actually just moved in next door."

"I'm Neal, and this is my girlfriend, Emma," the man explained. "We thought we would come over and introduce ourselves… and maybe admit that we heard someone slamming your door earlier and decided to be nosy."

The woman, Emma, rolled her eyes and elbowed Neal in the ribs. "While that may be slightly true, we really did come over to introduce ourselves."

Killian seemed to realize that he had been staring at the couple before him. "I'm sorry," he said, "where are my manners? Would you like to come inside? I was just about to order a pizza, and you're more than welcome to join me."

Emma grinned and led the way into his apartment as he stepped out of the way. "We would love to join you, Killian," she said, excitedly pulling on Neal's hand.

Killian was so screwed.