(So I saw Legend of Tarzan today…. And this is what I did when I came home xD I had a lot of fun making this and the idea was just too good to pass up. I hope you enjoy it.)

The brunette let out a groan, the jungle heat was starting to get to him. His curly hair clinging to his sweaty skin, the sweat rolling down his back and frankly disgusting him. The bugs were quite a nuisance. He might have to get the bites checked by a doctor when he returned home. Oh yeah, he almost forgot he was surrounded by giant, and rather angry, gorillas. They were beating their chests threateningly and screaming at the male. He honestly didn't remember how he came across this situation to be honest but that didn't matter to him at the current moment, especially if he was going to be beaten to death by these wild beasts.

"Normally this is the part where people mumble to themselves that this situation can't get any worse. But since this is my life, the life of Dazai Omasu, it probably could. And it probably will." Just as he said those words all the apes turned their attention from him, going silent.

He followed their gaze, up towards the trees he saw a figure. Was this a tribal man? No, he had too fair of skin, he also seemed rather young as well. No more than 18. He quickly jumped to the jungle floor and the apes parted to allow the boy through as he approached Dazai. Now that the boy was close he could get a better look. A child, silver hair and fair skin with a few scars. The child was filthy, presumably from living among these wild beasts, but he was still very nice looking, strong and lean. His eyes were captivating, an amethyst color with a yellow-amber color bursting from the pupil. Simply stunning. There were three black stripes that came from the corner of his jaw and extended to his cheeks on either side of his face and he had a loincloth (thankfully) that was made of a lion pelt and still kept the tail, that small tail that swayed behind him when he walked. He wondered if this was the supposed "Spirit of the Jungle" the natives sang about in their songs.

"You are very brave for coming to my territory." Oh good, they boy knows english.

"I wouldn't say 'brave,' I merely got lost." Dazai replied.

"Your kind don't 'get lost' without a reason." The boy held such an angry gaze, was he upset Dazai roamed into 'his neck of the jungle?'

"What do you mean by 'my kind?'"

"You, man. Your kind come out here searching for something. Come to terrorize my family, my home. Kill one of us and use our body as a display!"

"I will be honest, some of us do that. But I merely came out here to see what could have inspired the legendary 'spirit' that guards this jungle." Dazai remained calm, no reason to be rash right?

"You are honest. But that doesn't make you better. You are all the same! You come to my home and try to take it over. I will not let you," The boy stepped closer, he was shorter than Dazai, but he was outnumbered if a confrontation arose, "I will protect what is left of my home."

"And I don't doubt it. You done a good job actually. It's a beautiful part of the jungle too, full of wildlife, birds sing to their heart's content, your family here must love you very much and happily consume the fruits here. The bugs are pesky," The male added as he slapped at his neck and shooed away a rather annoying mosquito, "But they are healthy and numerous. I actually hope you keep up the good work, 'Beast of the Jungle.'" Dazai smiled and this confused the boy.

This man, he was so honest, so sincere. He was praising him for preserving the jungle? He had to be lying, that was what man did. Lie. Lie to gain. To profit. But at the same time, something was different about this man. His instincts told him to run, or better yet to kill this man. But he saw this man interacting with the tribe in the nearby village. He was kind to them too, dancing and singing to their songs and old legends. If the tribe trusted him, maybe he could.



"My name is Atsushi. And I expect for you to remember that." The male in front of him smiled.

"Dazai Osamu. I hope you can remember mine." The boy was not impressed by his attempt at humor. "Not even here my sense of humor is appreciated." The male sighed in defeat.

"Are you really lost?" Dazai was surprised, but nodded. "I can show you the way to the village."

"That would be lovely, Atsushi."

Something about the way his name was said made the boy feel something. Giddy? Happy? He didn't understand it. This man was an outsider, the enemy of the jungle. Yet he felt like he could trust the man. He guided this strange man back to the village, much to his family's protests. But he assured them that he would be fine in their native tongue. He just hoped that he was right in placing his trust in such a bizarre man. He traveled the path to the village, the tall man just managing to keep up with the boy, with a few complaints here and there and somehow falling over tree roots. A strange man indeed. Soon they reached the village and Dazai seemed relieved.

"Keep treated the people with kindness would you? You seem to make them very happy Dazai."

"I practically grew up here. I am very close with the chief."

"Tell the chief that Atsushi says 'hello' then." The male turned his attention to Dazai and was confused by the cloth the brunette was holding.

Such an intricate design, a creamy white color with soft blue stitching and swirls and a beautiful red rose made of cloth standing proud from the base.

"My mother gave me this handkerchief. She told me to give this to someone special. You are very special Atsushi, I hope we get to know each other more." Dazai smiled.

Atsushi was shocked beyond words. This man, who was originally viewed as an enemy, is giving him something precious. Something that was held so sacred from his own mother. Could he even accept it?

"I want you to have it silly! Take it, think of it as a peace treaty between us two." The man gave a playful wink and Atsushi could not stop the blush that appeared on his face.

"T-thank you. I will keep it safe." His hand reached out and accepted the soft fabric. So delicate, he felt like he could rip it if he so much as pulled on it.

"I guess I will see you around, Atsushi." Dazai left the boy, making his way back to the village.

Atsushi held the handkerchief close, almost afraid it would blow away in the soft breeze.

"Yeah. See you soon." The boy mumbled before returning to the dense forest.