Disclaimer: I do not own Owari no Seraph (Seraph of the End). I write this for your enjoyment only.

11: Where Loyalties Lie

Yuichiro took a deep breath and sighed contently as he enjoyed the cool sea breeze blowing in his face. The raven-haired youth was sitting on the beach clad in civilian clothing with his knees folded against his chest, arms wrapped around his legs. It was rare that he got chance to relax and enjoy the beauty of the world around him like this. And yes, despite the fact that most of humanity had been wiped out in the apocalypse and most of the civilized world had been reduced to a barren wasteland, there was beauty in the world still. Such as the scene of the red, orange, and pink-tinged skies as the sun had just begun to set before him. When her mind was still her own, Yuu remembered his mother saying that people often take such things for granted and not realize or appreciate the value of what they had or the beautiful things the world around them had to offer that would cost them nothing to enjoy until they lose it. Yuu had no idea what she meant back then but after everything he had experienced so far, he now understood her words perfectly. He may have had few precious and happy memories of his parents but he did treasure them despite what they tried to do to him in the end.

Yuichiro was roused out of his thoughts by the sound of soft footsteps behind him, muffled by the sand. Turning his head around slightly, the ravenette smiled when he saw the all-too-familiar face and figure of his vampire brother. "Mika..." he said simply as he patted the spot in the sand next to him, hoping the blond would join him in watching the sunset. As he watched, Mikaela reached into his pocket and took out a shiny object that appeared to be a coin.

"Penny for your thoughts, Yuu-chan?" he asked playfully and offered the other boy the coin to which he grinned and grabbed even though he knew it didn't matter since they and the rest of their friends all shared their meager money anyway. It was just Mika's way of getting his attention.

"Only if you sit down and enjoy the sunset with me" Yuu teased.

"Of course, Yuu-chan" the blond answered as he sat down next to his brother.

Ever since he became a vampire, Mikaela had developed an aversion to sunlight and could no longer go outside during the day without the protection of his UV guard. Were it not for that simple device strapped to his shoulder, he would quickly burn to ashes as soon as the sunlight hit his skin like all young common vampires. However, Mika did recall hearing Ferid say that older and stronger vampires such as nobles and progenitors, could survive unprotected sun exposure but that they would suffer excruciating pain until they healed the following evening. He remembered hearing some of the older vampires talking about the days before the UV guards were developed and how, in those days, all vampires could live only by night and were forced to spend the days inside with little else to do besides sleep and he could not imagine living for centuries unable to see the sun or enjoy its beauty like he was now. Even though Mika hated the fact that he could no longer walk about during the day without a UV guard, he was grateful for its protection so he was not confined to living only by night.

"So, what can I do for you, Mika?" Yuu asked when he noticed the blond did not say a thing after making himself comfortable on the sand next to him.

"I was just wondering what's on your mind, Yuu-chan. Its so rare to see you relaxed like this."

"I was just trying to enjoy what time we have left here before we have to move on. Its been almost four months since we came here yet I feel like it was only yesterday. A part of me wishes we can just stay here forever but I know we can't. There is still so much we need to do until the war ends."

The vampire frowned. Although he did not say so, Mika knew that Yuu still hadn't given up on his desire to rescue his ex-guardian or Kimizuki's sister, Mirai. He even expressed a desire to rescue Queen Krul as well, simply because she had kept Mika alive for all the years they were apart.

"Yuu-chan, I can understand why you would want to save Kimizuki's sister and Queen Krul, but Guren? Come on, you know its partly his fault you have a demon problem now. He even admitted he wouldn't have saved you if you weren't of any use to him."

"True. But still, I owe him my life. Even though I escaped Sanguinem, I would have never been able to survive alone in the world if he did not find me and I certainly wouldn't be here with you now. Could you not say the same of Queen Krul? You also want to save her, don't you?"

Mika was silent for a moment. As much as he hated to admit it, he knew Yuu was right. Neither of them would be here if they were not saved by their guardians. It was true that Krul had saved Mikaela for her own purposes but at least she had been honest with him about it from the start while Guren had been nothing but deceptive since the day he took Yuichiro under his wing. But even knowing this, the vampire held his tongue for he did not want to ruin the peaceful and serene moment by starting an argument with his brother. And to be honest, he did want to save Krul. As his dame, Mika felt a sense of loyalty and obligation to her even though he despised the creature she forced him to become. Though he rarely spoke of her, it was apparent to Yuu and the others that Mika worried for the well-being of guardian just as much as Yuu worried for his and for the same reason.

"You're right, Yuu-chan. I do want to save her. But right now, I have no idea where she could be just like you have no idea where Guren or Mirai could be. Its like we really have no choice but to wait for the humans or vampires to make their move before we can do anything." As he says this, a part of Mika felt bad for revealing this uncomfortable truth. If Yuu didn't know him better, he would think his brother was trying to discourage him which wasn't the case at all; he was just trying to be realistic. Mike knew Krul cared for him; after all, she had allowed herself to be captured so that he could escape after the battle of Nagoya because she knew that there was no way Ferid and Crowely could restrain her and chase after Mika at the same time and it made perfect sense for them to want him as well for it would have been much easier for the progenitors to get information out of Mika than the queen herself. As he closed his eyes, the blond remembered the words of his vampire mother before her capture:

"Remember, Mikalea, I do this for love of you!"

It was the first time Mika had ever heard Krul speak the word 'love'. Until then, he didn't even think vampires could feel such a thing and that he was the exception because he was still so young but he was wrong. Mika should have known that all vampires, regardless of age, also craved companionship, affection, and yes, even love, just as much as humans. Perhaps that was another reason Krul had chosen to turn him; because she wanted someone she could actually trust among the vampires who served under her because she knew he no desire for her power like Ferid. All Mika wanted from his dame was the chances she could provide him to find Yuichiro which she did, even only because she needed his power as well. Krul had indulged and accommodated Mika far more than any of her subjects and he had to admit that she had been more of a mother to him than his real one ever was. Perhaps in that way, Krul truly did love Mika and her love was far more genuine than Ferid's twisted affections for him.

"So how long do you think it will be before they make their move?" Yuu asked, snapping Mika out of his thoughts.

"Who? The humans or vampires?"


"Honestly, I don't know. But if I had to guess, I would have to say the vampires because they are not as fragmented as the humans are now. But humans are persistent, I'll give them that."

"Maybe. But I notice that a lot of vampires are pretty laid back and don't exert effort unless they must. I bet the vamps are waiting until they completely recover from their losses before they come looking for us. Like your friends, Crowely, Lacus, and Rene."

Mika snorted. "They are no friends of mine, Yuu-chan. But you're probably right. Humans, on the other hand, are impatient. It wouldn't surprise me if the JIDA have been trying to find us ever since we left Nagoya, regardless of their losses."

"They might. The question is, what will we do when that happens? Maybe we should let them find us; they could lead us to the people we're looking for."

"Are you crazy, Yuu-chan? Do you have any idea what the JIDA or progenitors will do to you if you fall into their hands? Either of them?"

"I'd rather not. The solution is simple then: I won't let myself be captured. If I did, I wouldn't be able to fulfill my promise to you, won't I?" Yuu answered with a wink.

Despite the gravity of their situation, Mikalea was astonished that his brother could still joke about it. It wasn't because Yuu didn't acknowledge the possibilities that the JIDA as well as the vampire progenitors could subject him to a fate far worse than death, it was because he wanted to lift his brother's spirits and try to make him think positive for a change.

"Hey, Mika?" Yuu began as he tried to change the subject.

"Yes, Yuu-chan?"

"Is it really that bad? You know, being a vampire and all?"

Mika was startled as the question caught him totally off guard. Not long ago, he might have berated any human who asked him such a question but after what they've been doing nearly every night since Yuu had woken up from his coma as well as the request his brother made of him just the night prior, Mika thought it was a fair question since Yuu was genuinely curious and needed to know what he would be getting himself into if Mika granted his request and he wasn't going to sugarcoat the truth if he wanted the other boy to make a wise decision.

"Its been the reason I wished I was dead on more than one occasion" he admitted. "Imagine not being able to eat or drink anything, only blood. Imagine never being able to go out during the day without a UV guard, or grow up, change over time, have children, outliving the humans you cared for, and..." Mika looked towards Yuu "being forced to live on like this forever until you are killed or choose to end your own life."

Not it was Yuu's turn to be startled. "End my own life? Are you saying there are vampires who have?"

Mika nodded. "Not long after I was turned, I noticed that suicide rates were astoundingly high among the common vampires. Krul had told me that the majority of them end their own lives by going out into the sun unprotected when they finally grow weary of living. Usually after two to three centuries of life. Sometimes as little as one. I was curious about this and asked her why. Do you know what she said, Yuu-chan?"

The ravenette shook his head and he prodded the blond to continue. "No, what?" he asked curiously.

"She had laughed and said 'Do you know how few vampires have the stamina for immortality? How quickly many of them perish of their own will? The world changes, my pet. We do not. There lies the irony that finally kills us!'"

Yuichiro was taken aback at his brother's answer. So it wasn't the constant thirst for blood or the fact that they could not age, have children, or enjoy sunlight that drove most vampires to eventual suicide; it was the fact that they were forced to keep on existing long after their human loved ones pass on, year after year, century after century. And that was the last thing he wanted for Mikaela.

The ravenette leaned closer to his blond companion and gently took Mika's face in his hands. "I can only imagine what it must be like to live on and on forever like that. But if I were with you, would it be so bad?"

Mika blushed at the feel of Yuu's warm touch. "Maybe not. But you have no idea what its like, being forced to drink the life force of another to survive or go mad from thirst, being stuck at the age you were turned, knowing you will never be able to have a real family of your own or watching everyone you have ever loved and cared for age and die while you are forever frozen in time. I can't imagine that kind of life, not for you, Yuu-chan..."

Yuichiro could not help but smile as he took Mikaela into his arms. Some things never do change; his brother was so self-sacrificing that it would forever be hard for him to admit when he wanted something. Or someone. "Mika, you're so stubborn, do you know that?" he teased. "You don't have to keep giving me reasons why this is a bad idea. I know. And its my choice, isn't it? What I want do with my humanity?"

"I don't want you to get into something you may regret later..."

"I'll never regret any choice that allows me to be with you, Mika. You know that" Yuu said as he pressed his forehead to Mika's.

The blond laughed softly. "Thank you, Yuu-chan. Neither would I. But seriously, please give it a little more time, ok? Who knows, we may find the cure for my vampirism tomorrow or in the near future."

Now it was Yuu's turn to laugh "Yeah, I know. I will, Mika. If it will make you feel better." As he says this, he kisses the top of his brother's head while playfully ruffling his soft blond hair.

Not too far away, Shinoa Hiragi watched the scene between the Hyakuya brothers unfold as she hid behind a tree to avoid alerting them to her presence. She had come to tell them that dinner was ready before catching them in an embrace. Though she knew spying was bad manners, the Hiragi girl's curiosity got the better of her so she chose to watch them for a bit before making herself known. Even though she pretended not to notice, Shinoa had already guessed that Yuu and Mika's relationship had gone beyond friendship and beyond family. Never in her life had she seen two young men more devoted to each other in more ways than one and she felt that it would be wrong to come between them so Shinoa thought it best if she kept her own feelings to herself, at least for now. Taking a deep breath, the Hiragi girl finally stepped out from behind the tree and made herself known to the young pair on the beach.

"Mika! Yuu! Dinner is ready!"

The two young men turned and saw their squad leader calling to them from a distance. Standing up, Yuu brushed the sand from his pants before offering his hand to help Mika up which he accepted.

"Coming, Shinoa!" Yuu shouted back cheerfully like an excited child. Mika smiled. This was the Yuichiro the vampire had gown to love so much. The innocent boy who wanted nothing more than to see the world outside of Sanguinem and with the people he loved most. Yes, sooner or later, they would have to leave the peaceful village and move on. There was still much to be done before the war's end. But for now, they will enjoy happy moments like these as they last.

A/N: Ok, so I think I will end this brief series here. This is my personal take on what happened with Shinoa's Squad in the 3-4 month time gap after escaping the battle of Nagoya until Ferid and Crowley finally came for them. I wrote a brief sequel that I posted separately that takes place shortly after this series as well, 'Farewell, My Concubine'. I hope you all enjoyed reading what I came up with and greatly appreciate reviews! Thanx for reading! ;)