A/N: DeltaPrincess here. Sorry for taking so long to update. Well I hope you enjoy.




We're walking to school after stopping by the shops, because the boys HAD to buy a pair of McKicks each. "How bruce are these McKicks?" "Only the brucest shoes ever" "McFist has made yet another product, I literally can not live without." "We would totally die." I roll my eyes "You exaggerating." "Oh yeah, we're McFist men from toe to teath." They start listing off their clothes and other stuff. As Howard mentions what he would like for a car, the car he's leaning on drives off. All I do is chuckle. "McFist is so bruce. He's the cheese. His name should be Bruce McCheese. He is my hero." "Yeah, yeah. I get it. Come on, we're going to late."

We're just arriving at school and they're still going on about McFist. "Question, can McFist do anything wrong? Answer, no. That is why I'm he's number one fan." "I wouldn't be so sure. He's only human." "I though you were the Ninja's number one fan." "Yeah but, I am the Ninja. I can't be my own number one fan." Randy says as he walks into a wall... 'That wasn't there a second ago!' "Building, that's a building." Randy mumbles as he trying to reorientate himself. "I am splitting at the seams to present the new, McFistory History Pavilion." The Pricipal anounces. "Oh come on, a history pavilion." "Epic McFail." "This generous addition to our school. Is a gift from beloved Norrisville philanthropist, entrepreneurist, and mustache enthusiast, Hannibal McFist." At the mention of his name, McFist come out of nowhere, with jetpack. 'Showing off much?' "Your too kind. This isn't about me. THIS IS ABOUT THE CHILDREN!" I finch at the last part. 'What was that about?' "Also snack bar's free 'til noon." With that everyone charged in. "And he's back."

As we walking, a hologram appears. "HI, I'm Brock Octane. The teleprompter says. History it's all around us." He blow a dandelion. "Like dinosaurs, the wheel and those guys with hats." A bunch of bubbles float around us with different pictures in each one. "This pavilion is filled interactive animatronic displays of famous Norrisvillians. That's right, history even happens here." He says as he takes off into the air and the door leading to the animatronics opens. "History..." "...Is the Cheese." We rush in. There are five statues. "That's legendary, carp crushing quarterback, Johnny Bueno." Howard says as he points the quarterback. "And that's Norrisville sweetheart, Monica Mo." Randy says as he runs over to her statue. Howard looks over to the one wrestling a lion. "Er, who's the dude hugging the cat?" I facepalm. "Are you for reals? That's famous adventurer and author, Brawn Brickwall. He was seriously hardcore." Flute Girl replies, after hearing Howard's comment.

I walk over to the second last one. It's Frozhime. "So, who's this one meant to be?" Howard asks. "No one." I simply say. "Really. I thought you of all people would know who she is, Aria." Debby Kang walks over to us. "I mean, you are her descendant." "Wait, hold on. Aira is related to her?" Randy asks pointing at the statue. "Yes. Frozhime Hikari. Known in her time as the Guardian of Light." Debby states. Frozhime statue simplily nods. "That is so bruce." Randy cheers. "800 years ago..." The boys look at me in confusion. "That's when the Ninja first showed up and when she lived." I say hoping Randy would get the message and drop the subject.

"Behold, the center piece of the McFistory Pavilion." McFist announced, getting everyone's attention. 'Hopefully, they'll forget about that or just drop it.' "The most important person... in Norrisville history... the Ninja." He said as if he was forced. I've had a bad feeling when we first entered but now, it's jumped up by ten times. "Check it out, you are history." Howard says, nudging Randy. "Then why am I getting a D in it?" Randy asked. I don't know if he joking or serious. "Yes... I sure do love the Ninja. Why if I were ever in mortal peril, I'd want the Ninja to save me." He repeats the last bit a few time. I reach for my mask and look for a good place I could change. Suddenly the Ninja statue's eye's glow red. The Robo-Ninja grabs McFist and wedges him. I don't know if I should laugh or just get out of there. "It appears we are experiencing a robot uprising. At this time I advice all faculty and students to RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!" We're dragged out by the tidal wave people running.

"Ok. What do I do, what do I do?" The Nomicon lights up. "The Ninja Nomicon. I'll be behind that tree." "You can't Nomicon behind a tree. What are you an animal?" I give Howard a good punch to the head. "No, THE Ninja Nomicon. The ancient book of ninja wisdom, heard of it?" "Oh, I thought that was ninja code for bathroom." Me and Randy go behind the tree and go into the Nomicon.

We're falling through a bunch of masks. "What are those things?" Randy screams as we come to a halt. "Beware the enemy who wears a hero's mask." We read. "That Robo-Ninja is no hero. Don't worry, I'm on it." Randy says before we're thrown out.

"I have to save McFist." "If the Ninja saves McFist think about all the free stuff he'll get. Just remember I'm size 6." I roll my eyes at Howard's comment. "I don't know. I think it's a trap." "Come on, are you serious. This is McFist, the most loved person in Norrisville." "Even more reason I think it's a trap." "Hikari, you're being a straight up shoob." "You can stay with Howard if you're scared." I glare at Randy. "I'm not scared and you think I'll let you walk into a trap by yourself. Who do you think I am, Howard!?" "I'm standing right here, you know."

We smokebomb in the pavilion. "Don't worry, Mr Mcfist. The real Ninja's here to save." There's no one around and no sign of the Robo-Ninja. "Mr McFist, Robo-Ninja, anybody? Where'd they go?" Suddenly the door slams shut and green lasers appear around us. "Still don't believe me?" I look at the Ninja. Then drill-like football hit him in the face. I look in direction where the football come from. "What the juice. Johnny Bueno!?" Robo-Johnny throws a football at me. I quickly jump to the left but it still hits me. "Heat tracking, really." I get up as the Ninja slices one. Robo-Monica unleashes a sonic scream at him, throwing him across the room. "Monica Mo! But you're Norrisville's sweetheart." The Robo-Ninja and Robo-Brawn join the others. "Destroy the Ninja." They all say. "Let's make history." Ninja says as he goes on the offensive, while I'm dodging and looking around for the missing one. I'm hit from behind. I look to see my attacker, Robo-Frozhime. 'I really have to fight my ancestor, robotic one at that.' All of a sudden music starts playing.

Traitor - Daughtry

I'm dodging left and right, trying to figure out her attack pattern.

I"m not a criminal
I'm not the villain

I start singing along as I"m hit with an energy pulse.

Kunoichi: Yeah this is personal
A drive by killing
Your guns are loaded
And your lies are the bullets
So here is the trigger
Go ahead and pull it now

I"m about to hit again, when the Ninja blocks the blast. "You ok?" I nod as I continue.

Are you sure you wanna play this game
Are you sure you wanna play it

As soon as the chorus hits, I let my power flow at full strength. Now it was my turn to fight. Pulling out my sword, I charged at her.

The only thing worse than a hater
The only thing worse than a hater
Is a traitor, a traitor, a traitor.

For each traitor, I landed a clean hit.

You put the knife right in my back
Killed any history we had
And now it's war

I threw the robot into the lasers ending the song.

Suddenly a giant robot blasts threw the wall and lands in front of us. "Hand over McFist, giant robot who... Um... I'm sorry what historical Norrisvillian are you supposed to be?" "I'm the guy who destroyed the Ninja." "But nobody was ever-" I push him out of the way of a punch. "What the-" "Sorry. You ain't beating us." "Oh, I see what you did there." Ninja says finally catching on. We leap around dodging the lasers being fired at us. The Ninja uses a grappling hook to pull of the mask, showing McFist in the suit. "Hannibal McFist?!" Ninja says in shock. "Thought it was you." Ninja give me a questioning look. "You set this trap to end the Ninja, didn't you." "What gave it away?" Ninja putting the pieces together speaks up. "What better for an enemy, than that of the most beloved man in town!?" "That's right Ninja, the most beloved man in town is about to BLAST YOU IN THE FACE!" "This can't be..." McFist fires and I step to the right as Ninja dodges his. "It can be! Ninja duck!" He ducks behind a pillar. "You're going down McFist. I'm telling everyone about you." "No one would believe you. I'm Hannibal McFist, lovable gazillionaire. I own this town!" "Then we'll just have to stop you, right here, right now." We charge in to attack, swing our blades. But as we're about to hit, a piece of the roof falls blocks him. "Right now doesn't really work for me, let's reschedule forever!" McFIst says before he takes off. Leaving us to escape the collapcing building. We use the falling pieces as platform, jumping up on them until we're out. "Did save McFist, is he ok?" Howard asks. I advert my eyes as the Ninja answers. "Yes, McFist is safe." We smokebomb out of there as soon as it's said. More feel like we lost than anything.

We're walking home. Today's been tiring. I can't look them in the eyes with what happened today. "So, Hannibal McFist is a bad guy?" "Really bad, like all the way bad." "My mind is blown, totally blown." "Quick question. I know he your mortal enemy and all, but we can still buy his super bruce stuff, right?" I facepalm 'THAT"S WHAT"S ON YOUR MIND!?' "No. We can't." "What about the McAwesome?" "The Ninja is boycotting it." I can see where this is going. "But, Randy Cunningham, will be the first in line." 'Knew it.' "How could I not be? It's got awesome in the name." I sigh. 'I hope they never change.' "So, Hikari, when you're related to some super bruce person, that was around when the first Ninja was?" "I don't want to talk about." 'Why did he have to bring it up now?' "Come on, you have to know something about her. What was she like? Did she know the Ninja? How can she's the Guardian of Light?" "I DON'T KNOW!" Shocked by my own outburst, I stop walking. "Every time I ask mum, I'm shot down. With her saying curiosity killed the cat. I want to know more than anything. You know those scrolls I keep bringing to school. I have to sneak them out every time and I get are more questions!" The boy look concerned. I don't blame them. I'm the one who tries to keep them out trouble. The one who always has a level head, but here I am. Breaking down. "I'm going ahead. See you tomorrow." With that I walk home, by myself.