Multiple Factors

Shinji waited with him for a teacher to come, and then came the instructions of what to do once one entered the classroom, and the process of being a new student. Shiro found himself standing in front of class two to three times the size of his previous class. They stared and asked questions, some of which he didn't want to answer. The thought of getting to see Keith stuck at the back of his mind, and he kept to himself.

As promised, Shinji came and got him during lunch, showing him the library, and other places he needed to know, before returning him to his class. There was also the physical education class, where he ended up changing with the rest of the boys in his class, which wasn't new, and yet it was still different as they went out into the yard to play a game. Instead of playing a random game, it was a planned activity involving a particular sport.

"You're a Shirogane, so you must be good at this."

"Well… I've never…" The others dragged him in, and it turned out he was good at playing baseball despite the fact he'd only ever seen it played on television. Everyone seemed to also want to be his friend, because of who his family was. The stark difference from the village though where nobody wanted to be his friend simply didn't sit right, and instead of fitting in, Shiro only felt even more alone.

Shinji came after class as promised. Shiro flinched, his breath drawing in as he looked down at the ground. "What's the matter? I promised I would come and get you, did I not?"

Shiro remained silent, unsure what to say.

"We're going to go and see Akira, remember?"

"If I go, and grandfather finds out, he won't let me see Akira at all." His fingers gripped the straps of his backpack tightly, his mouth closed tightly, the knowledge that perfection was expected of him.

Shinji remained silent, thinking over the current dilemma. "I'll call my dad."

Shiro's eyes blinked. "Uncle Takeo. Why?"

"To get permission."

The younger swallowed, not at all sure if this plan would work. Shinji, however, pulled out a device and stuck it to his ear. He muttered into the phone, while Shiro felt his ears buzz, and his ears heat up thinking they would be getting into trouble. Shinji smiled suddenly and handed the device to Shiro. He placed it to his ear.


"Uncle Takeo?"

"Grandfather is away, so you have my permission to go and see Akira. You've done well in your studies."

"What about grandfather?"

"I'm sure he wouldn't take issue with me giving you permission, but if he does, I'll take responsibility."

"What does, 'take responsibility mean'?"

"It means someone is the responsible one." Shinji piped up.

"Responsible one…"

"I take it Shinji has answered your question. I trust Shinji to be responsible, and get you back to the main house in a timely manner, okay? I've already told him as much."

"Okay." A smile spread across Shiro's face. He turned to his older cousin, handing the device back. "So…"

Shinji tugged on his sleeve, and they headed out through the front gates of the school. The limo was waiting there, and the man bowed to him. "Young master."

"I'm taking Takashi to see his younger brother, and teaching him how to use the metro system. Father gave permission as a grandfather is attending to other duties."


Shiro felt Shinji grab his arm, and they headed down the sidewalk to a set of stairs that headed down into the ground. His eyes widened as his cousin led him down, and explained how to buy a ticket, and what routes he would need to take to get to where Akira was. "You need to pay attention to the stations, as it is going to be a different route depending on your starting point. They have maps to figure things out. Our school cards allow us to ride the metro for free."

He then tugged him to the platform area, past the turn gates so they could get onto the train. They sat on the seats, and Shiro watched the names of the stations go by but noticed how crowded things could be. They soon arrived at the station they needed to get off in, and Shiro followed after Shinji, heading to a small house. Shinji pushed the button at the gate.

A soft female voice came from the other side. "Hello?"

"Hi, Aunt Seki. It's me, Shinji."

"Oh, Shinji-chan! Let yourself on in. The gate is already unlocked, as is the front door." The intercom clicked off, and Shiro looked at Shinji in confusion.

"She didn't ask why you were here."

"I've always visited. She likes to spoil the kids in the family. You'll be welcome as well."

Shiro took a deep breath, completely unsure of what to think. He followed Shinji in and saw this Seki woman sitting at the short table on top of a cushion. Papers and crayons were on the table in front of her, and in her lap was Akira. The older of the two brother's blinked, noticing how Akira sniffled as the woman rubbed his back. He was also wearing a diaper and no pants, making a shudder run down Shiro's spine.

"There, there. Why don't you draw a picture for me?"

"Why's he wearing a diaper?"

A spark suddenly appeared in Keith's glazed over eyes, and a smile spread across his small face. "Shiro-nii! Shiro-nii!"

The small child suddenly charged at him, his small arms raised into the air, and Shiro found himself knocked over. Small arms wrapped around him as Keith continued to say his name, snuggling his small face into his chest. "Hi. I missed you too." The older brother watched the woman stand up, and come over and smile down hi, "A diaper?"

She must have picked up his disdain, as she frowned. Keith muttered into Shiro's chest. "Ima bad boy."

"No, you're not." The woman's voice was gentle and reminded Shiro of his own mother. "It's not your fault you're not feeling well." Shiro's eyes blinked in confusion, only for the woman to change the subject. "Let me get you three some snacks, okay?"

Shiro sat up, holding onto his brother, before looking up at Shinji. His cousin frowned, his voice catching in his throat. "I honestly didn't know."

"What's going on? Keith seems completely fine to me?"

"I don't know." Shinji took a deep breath. "Hey, Akira…"

"Keith…" the little one muttered.

"Can you drew your big brother a picture?"

Keith was up, hurrying over to the pictures, a smile spread across his face. "I draw Shiro and Keith!"

Shiro followed him over and watched Keith begin to make a very detailed picture, at least what was detailed for a child of his age. His younger brother's tongue stuck out in concentration. The woman eventually came back with a tray of apple slices cut like rabbits. Keith began to chatter away about his picture and apple rabbits. Shiro responded with soft words and smiles but gave the woman a wary look.

She noticed and motioned him to come closer. Shinji started asking questions of Keith, distracting him. "Akira's not been doing well."

"Why? And why are you whispering?"

"I don't want to mention your parents in front of him. He's been very sad that they're not coming back."

"But the diaper?'

"He's not wanted to do anything because he's so sad. I'm actually glad you stopped by today. This is the first time he's fed himself."

"Nice lady." Keith held up his latest picture.

"So that's me?"

"Uh-huh." The small child continued to smile. "Shiro stay?"

"I can't." Shiro watched as the smile fell from his face.

Keith's lip began to tremble. He flopped over, crying. The woman hurried over to his side, rubbing his small shoulder. "There, there. Shiro has to go to his home, but that doesn't mean he can't come and visit. You'd like that? Your older brother coming to visit?"

His younger brother's sobbing slowed, and then Keith climbed into his lap, glaring at the woman. Shinji piped up. "Well, if Shiro visits, then I can visit? Can I?"


"Will you to stay for dinner?"

"I'll give my father a call and ask."

Soon, Keith was coloring on the papers again, having forgotten his latest trauma. Shinji came back, pulling out his homework, nodding his head that he'd gotten permission. Shiro pulled out his homework. Soon, Keith was watching what Shiro did. "What's this?"


"I bet you don't know multiplication." Shinji smiled at Keith, making Shiro let out a sigh.

"I know multiplication!" Keith began to clap in rhythm as he ran through the multiplication tables that he'd heard Shiro go over with their mother.

Shinji's eyes blinked. "Well, that's something Ryo can't do."

The four-year-old began to bounce up and down to the rhythm as he clapped. Shiro frowned. "It's also not exactly normal. And once he starts, he can't stop until he goes through the entire thing."

Shiro flinched upon hearing the door open and watched as a man stepped into the house as Keith continued to sound off the multiplication tables. The man turned, his throat tightening. "What are you doing here?"

"Hi, Uncle Ohori."

"I know why you're here Shinji, but…"

Suddenly, Shiro didn't feel welcome anymore. Shinji's mouth twisted into a frown, not liking the man's behavior. "Father said…"

"But not the head?"


"Shinji, it has to be the head."

Shiro shuddered, glancing over at Keith. "Five times sixteen is eighty. Five times seventeen is eighty-five."

"Can he stop that?"

"He can't." Shiro touched Keith's shoulder, yet his brother didn't respond.

"Good grief. He was quiet until now." The man rubbed the back of his neck. "It has to be the head's permission for you to come here."

Shiro closed his eyes. "Uncle Takeo said…"

"I don't care what my sister's husband said, you can't…"

"Father's in charge when the family head is busy."

"Your father isn't the family heir Shinji. You know full well that the next person in the chain of command in the Shirogane family is the family heir."

Shiro's eyes snapped open, looking up at the man. "Then I don't need permission to see my brother?"


"Keith, what did he just say?" Shiro turned to Keith, whose eyes blinked, suddenly distracted from the multiplication tables by another task, stopping his bouncing and clapping.

"He said, 'you know full well that the next person in the chain of command in the Shirogane family is the family heir.' I don't know what that means." Keith went back to the multiplication tables and his rhythmic bouncing. However, he started all over at one time one.

"But I do. I'm the family heir."

"You're a child."

Shiro looked at Shinji, whose eyes were wide. The older cousin replied, "isn't that why the father is in charge of giving permission?"

"That's not…"

"Stupid meanie poopoo butt." Keith's multiplication tables started over again.

Shinji's mouth pushed together. "Did he just…"

"Yeah. I really never can tell what's going to come out of his mouth. He also likes memorizing weird things." Shiro felt embarrassed, but the man had stopped speaking. Thankfully, Keith finished the multiplication tables before dinner was ready.