A/N)) Thank you everyone, for dropping by to check my story. As the summary told, this is a story of Natsu being trained under by a God. There are many stories similar to mine, and some of them are incredibly well written. Unfortunately as non-native English speaker, I cannot promise you to bring that same high quality of writing. However, I can promise you to bring interesting plots that haven't quite introduced in the fanfics.

The following story divides into multiple Arcs, starting from the Prologue Arc that will continue to the next seven chapters. From then, you'll begin to see familiar Arc, starting from Hargeon. But there will be quite a lot of twist that will definitely get you interested. Also, all our favorite fairy tail mages begins to make appearances after the prologue arc, so please, have patience. All the smut scenes will be there,too.

Lastly there are lots OOc elements in here as well, however, you'll notice that these changes were made to accommodate the AU setting of the story!

I hope you enjoy my story, once again thank you so much for checking out the story.


The entire structure of the story and the direction has been altered. However, the most changes are in the prologue. This is an ongoing project, and you will see numerous and continuous updates in the future. When the chapter has been updated, I will put up the following sign (REVISION NOTE) on top left corner.

If you do not see the sign, then it will either means it has not been updated or the update wasn't necessary.

The following has been altered.

Title: BLAZE to Prometheus.

General direction of the story

The pairing: Natsu x Erza, Mirajane, Irene, Dimaria, Brandish, Ultear, Sayla

Also, remember the check out the visual representations on my profile page. As Natsu is END, God slayer, and Dragon, as well as the tech prodigy, the following arts will be uploaded accordingly.

Remember that these are not supposed to be an art, and they are purely meant for the viewers to visualize the characters even better!


Warning! The following is yet to beta-read. My beta reader is doing his best to get the edited one out. It will be updated soon. Until then, keep calm and don't get cancer

"Are you ready…? To die... is an awfully big adventure."


"Death is like a thick cloud. We don't know what's behind it…. But perhaps that's why we live on. To see the final adventure finds us, and let it take us far far away to the unknown, as humanity had always sought out so many awesome adventures."

~by Ea Dragneel.







Alvarez Arc

Hargeon Arc

Lullaby-Galuna Island Arc

Tartarus Arc

Phantom Lord Arc

Tower of the Heaven Arc

Edolas Arc

-Revelation Arc-

Tenrou Arc

-Ankhseram Arc-

- Ascendance War Arc-

-Universe 17 Arc-

Grand Magic Game Arc

-The Dragneels Arc-

- The Daughter of the God Arc-

-The Legends Arc-












Child's voice echoed.


Chapter0: The Begining of All End





X392 Location: Unknown

If he had a voice, then he would sing to his lost one.

If he had courage, then he would let the world flurry in ashes to find him.

He could not.

As the fire burned the last remnants of hope that barely pumped his blood, he sat there in the cold, and dark cave. A drop of tear trailed down his skin, washing the ashes that draped over his body, tainting him with salts. The furnace of his flesh and bone felt like they were made out of nothing but ragged clothes, clothes that hung around loosely as the wind coursed by. Then his soul was somewhere below those clothes. Perhaps it was the ashes that danced away to the void, like the one that flurried around him.



These calling of the wind, even in his burning pain.

Like the orchestra of the crowd, mocking him, the wind entered his ear. He had no idea why. Yet, the music that they played only squeezed his young mind like a wet mob, letting the tears of the mob rain down to the ground. He shot his small hands to his ear, squeezing them, covering them as he cowered in fear.

Why wasn't Igneel here when he needed him? Did he abandon him or was this some sort of cruel joke, or was this just another nightmare that faded away? He didn't know. Honestly, he didn't know. How could he know? He was just only a little child.

For some length of the time, the torment he was encaged with felt very long (and so was, since his psychological suffering and the mocking wind the only thing that he could perceive) those terrible march of the gale was the reality. The wind brought no news of his father.

Time passed, and more he stayed in the damp cave, more tears he shed. Feeling solid ground that once blazed with his father's fire, he crouched in further, hoping that his heat might be still there. Yet, all he felt was just a cold solid ground soaked with his own tears. However, despite the reality, he wished not to leave.

This cave was the only thing he knew of this world. This cave was the only thing that remained of his father. This cave was his home. When his father was asleep, he liked to creep on his face and block his nostrils with lumps of rocks. He usually got mad when he did that, which resulted in making to go through extra training session as a punishment.

When he cried, he would lay around him and tell him that he forgives what he did. Then on the next day, he would do it again, causing him to anger even more.

Yet he wasn't here. The home wasn't his home without his father.

"Daddy! Where are you?!" He shouted, making him shudder as he curled up into a tiny ball.

It was maddening; it made him feel cold despite his resistance. Then whether from his soreness from the salty water he shed or the accumulating pain or his young mind withering, his eye felt heavy.

Feeling the darkness that enveloped him to creeping up to edges of his eyes, he let it gently close his vision, giving the dark take him away, waiting for the fate to show what will happen next. Soon it will come. Soon it will come.

When he had given up everything, a sudden voice struck his ears, his voice calm and serene as the heaven.

"Dry your tears, little one…"

Then from the edge of his eyes, the creeping darkness immediately evaporated as the golden light basked his little body. His eyelids fluttered open, and his head followed in suite. The crisped and hardened trails of his tear pulled his skin tightly, yet his eye stared at the newcomer, his stance tall and proud as the golden light shimmered around him, beaming down on his tiny form. His bloodshot eye shook wide open as his brow furrowed. He had no idea who this was, nor he had any idea why he was here, but he pleaded.

"Please… help me find my dad…"

The being came closer, and the boy looked up to meet his heavenly gaze. He pleaded once more.

"Please… find my dad…"

The man in gold kneeled down and brought his arms out to him as he hugged gently, patting his back, whispering,

"Do not fear… I'll help you find your father…"

His embrace was like of a mother. The serenity, the tranquility, and the overwhelming comfort draped over his tiny soul. Like his anguish washing away, he snuggled his head little further as the tear seeped out from his closed eyes unknowingly. The man then lay his illuminating hand to his pink locks. Grazing them, he asked,

"What is your name boy?"

The child responded.

"Natsu… Natsu Dragneel."

X784 -Location: Aegis Zero-





"At last... how long I've waited for this moment."

He howled with his low, resonating voice that shuttered the strings of space.

"Yes. As I have promised, you'll return." The presence replied.

"It's been too long, master."

The dragon sulked, his voice deepening as if almost a hundredth of dark shades tented over him.

The presence did not reply, yet he stood there as his student's voice echo in the little world of theirs.

The great wyvern stretched his dark neck to the sky, that which glistened with millions of white, and violet fireflies. Fireflies that lived light years away.

A soft sigh escaped his mouth.

"Master, will I truly find him again?"

The presence responded coolly.

"I'm sure you will. You power matches mine."

The dark dragon's densely armored skin glistened slightly as he turned his head to his master, and feeling somewhat content of his reply, his dark corner of his lips lifted up slightly, and folds of his glimmering pair of red orbs lifted up as well, draping over them just slightly.

Then he asked,

"Do you think I am anything like him? Anything remotely close?"

The being's soft yet intellectual tone remained unhindered as he voiced out his response.

"Natsu, you are the Prime Dragon. The only breed who wields the power of god, dragon and a demon. You are far far different from those of mortals, your father included."

Natsu looked back to the stars and let the silence bathe over them. His lips parted,

"I suppose that is true."

His master did not reply, yet he enjoyed their little serenity that which enveloped them.

Master was right about one thing. Natsu was a demon. He could almost remember the day when his master severed his connection with a "Book". He had gone over that fact very long time ago, the fact that he was the END, the vilest and most powerful demon that ever existed. He slightly mused by that fact.

'Of course. I am a demon. I can never be someone like my father…'

He leered at his master over his wings. 'Right. It was foolish of me to ask such question.'

Even though he possessed a dragon form, the fact never changed. However, was he grieved by the reality? No. Natsu was content with what he was. He was content that he has matured from a pathetic and traumatized child that lived long long ago.

Natsu had changed, and they were bound to happen to those who lived so long. Changes found him whether he liked them or not. As he walked among the stars, his master thought him so many things that he would never dream about. The teachings that made him infinitely more powerful, to allow him to use magics and skills that of the gods…

His master's was as known as Theos Aphenes. The Prime God, the one above all.

He had the ultimate authority to rest of the elemental gods and goddesses. For Natsu, it made him wonder why from all those lives, from this decillion of life that has existed in all planes of universes, and exist, and will exist, it was him that his master decided to take him as his disciple. He never understood why, but that was all he knew. He never asked questions towards his master.

However, he knew why he was training. His master told him about everything about his brother, Zeref.

Natsu was aware of his resurrection; he also knew his brother yearned for his death. Was he going to kill him? He found no benefit in killing his own family.

Then there was his personal goal, the one that prioritized itself from all others.

That was to become strong so that there be no obstacle when he finds his father. 450 years passed. It was the only thing that kept him somewhat sane from the complete isolation for such a long time.

Living in this master's domain, the first thing that he had mastered when he was 18 was his Fire Dragon Slayer's Magic.

The power of that was monumental; his strongest Fire Dragon Slayer spell leveled an entire continent. He did- collapse and immobilized after that.

That wasn't good during combat, he believed. Thus he turned to his demonic nature. That curse power he contained that he never tapped before. It was not until he became 26, he finally mastered his fire demon curse, unlocking his Etherious form.

It was much quicker than he had initially been anticipated. Perhaps it was his visceral senses that granted by his brother.

At that age, the first changes in his body did not go recognized until he became 40. He did not age. His face still retained that healthy and young complexion during his years of the twenties. In fact, He looked the same from the photo that he took when he first mastered his curse. The only thing that changed… was his growing silly pink beard.

A simple razor has placed the front of his mirror that day.

When he became 45, during the practice of his dragon slayer magic and his curse, he felt strange but immense pain pulverizing him all over his body.

He remembered how he rolled on the ground begging his teacher to cease the torment, but the Prime only watched him as he suffered. Dense, armored jet black and jagged armor encased his body, and between the armored sections, blood red light erupted like magma within the deep crevice. Wings sprouted and talons emerged.

That day he became the dragon.

The Prime Dragon, a fire dragon tarnished by the demon blood, it was a being thousand times more powerful than all dragons lived combined

At the age of 50, after he learned to control his dragon form, his master immediately began to teach him his magic. It was probably the moment when Aphenes found Natsu finally capable of handling his magic, so Natsu thought. The magic of the Prime God, the one that called Elemental God Slayer magic.

It was the type of magic that made Natsu drool despite his age. He had heard of these dark schemed magic before, the ability to kill the gods themselves.

He wanted it because it made him stronger, and Elemental God Slayer magic allowed him to learn all other god's magic inherently.

Fire God, Ocean God, Earth God, Lightning God, Reality God... you name it, it had all.

Besides, this Elemental God Slayer magic was the absolute form that combined of all them. That was the definition of infinity.

When he reached 70, he became the master of the Elemental God Slayer Magic and had power to reign over the cosmos and the realities itself.

Since that day, he began challenging his master, which meant he had to grow even stronger.

He began to work on combining three different magic into a single one. The Magic of Everything, he called.

The first one that he successfully combined was Curse and Dragon Slayer magic, as he already knew so much about them. Then followed Dragon God Slayer, then came Demonic God, until finally, he reached his goal. It was his Demonic Dragon God Slayer Magic. When he succeeded in creating most powerful magic ever existed, He did not realize his age reached 140. However, the changes of his magic did not end until he reached 201. The day he unlocked his God form.

The power that allowed him to be somewhat nigh-similar to his master regarding skills, capabilities, and pure destructiveness. If there was a thing that he could not do, was to revive life and reverse the time.

And he was content with that. Natsu Dragneel was ready to unleash hell to anyone who got in his path... and no one got in his way because no one visited his plane.

He was still alone in the realm of the Prime God. No one to talk to aside from his teacher. So he did what he could to keep his mind away from the loneliness and the solitude he experienced. He trained, honing his skill as much as he could, hoping that he would meet his master's power, to find his father, and kill his brother.

It was his drive. So another 70 years passed until he found himself as old as 271 years old.

Things grew… obscure since then. He became distant to everything, and the things he loved were now laid on the floor randomly, giving little to no attention towards them. He even had forgotten why he was continued to train; he wasn't even sure he knew it in the first place.

He had hoped to reconnect with the world from the solidarity that he was washed over, yet he knew he couldn't. Not yet. Not until his master allowed him to. It only made him wonder how his master manages to live so sane.

Slowly losing the grip on his mind, he tried something completely different from training, hoping that it would occupy him. For the first time in the history of the cosmos, Natsu Dragneel picked up a book.

Interestingly, more he read, more he was indulged, and eventually lead him stuck tinkering with machines he built. Natsu Dragneel was actually knowledgeble in laws of physics!

It was like a little child attentively thinking what they should build with their Legos. So he built things. He created suits that may come in handy, and he sometimes invented things that were completely useless.

Like that bipedal vacuum toaster robot that walked around behind him with no real sense of direction. Although some of his inventions were questionable, it led him to learn the new type of magic. It was Re-equip Magic.

Because of his isolation, and the long time from building and tinkering with machines, laws of magic and etc, he had grown cold. He lost... interest in many things. Did he lost interest or did he forget? He didn't know which to choose from. One thing was certain. He now saw everything as one and zero. Black and white, and action and consequence, input and output.

That was all there was to everything. The only thing that kept him sane was the sense of family in him. He missed his father; he wanted to see his brother one day as well.

Kill him if he had to, at least see his face, he asked nothing more.

That was the only thing that remained untouched, as he clung to it desperately for past hundred years.

Perhaps he has forgotten his humanity. No, he never had a true chance to be a human living in a normal society. He, however, had the chance to become a uselessly powerful being.

So there he was now, his age now turning almost 460, staring back to the stars, trying to remember how his father looked like.

In fact, he could barely remember him. That was why he was always in Dragon form. It made him remember easier.

A strike of punch was received from his back, sundering him out of his thought. His red eyes flickered with vexing as he spun his head, letting out a low growl. "Master...!"

Aphenes spoke.

"One last thing, Natsu Dragneel."

The dragon's lips grew at the implication of his words. He groaned before asking him.

"Hnnn..." He stretched his neck. "What is it, master?"

The Prime answered.

"Remember that your learning is not finished yet."

Natsu pouted, his mouth curling down with a frown.

"Master, you jest. You are the god of everything. If I learned from you, then what's there for me to learn anymore?"

Aphenes raised his hand, stopping Natsu's question. Natsu's scaled brow knitted together and his spiked tail lashed in agitation.

The master quietly replied, serene as he was.

"Natsu, it is that something you have never had a chance to learn. Before you became the demon, and before you became the dragon, and lastly, before you achieved your God form, you were a human. Perhaps it is time to learn what you never became to be. That is something that I cannot teach."

Natsu argued. "I see no point in returning to learn humanity, master. They are weak, feeble and pathetic. They are easily killed and die by their own age. You helped me escape from that path. I have no intention of learning their way."

His master responded. "Lives of men are worth learning, especially someone like you, Natsu Dragneel. You have grown so cold, you have become a machine."

The dragon's reply was emotionless. "Everythings are machines. Including me, including humans."

The prime god sighed as he folded his arms to his back. "Your father remembers Natsu Dragneel as a young smiling boy, not a heartless and sinister beast."

"You've made me." Natsu snarled.

"And that, I intend to rectify. It is because humanity is what you lack, it keeps you away being from perfect."

Natsu's throat rumbled in a draconic growl. He circled his master with narrowed eyes. His hellish red iris burned underneath. "I don't get it. Why do they pose such importance? They are the inferior type."

The prime god pointed out. "Even with your dragon and god form, would you say that to your father, who is now a billion times weaker than you?"

He roared. "That's not the same with my father!" The earth shattered by his rage alone. Broken fragments of the ground floated in the air by Natsu's magic slipping away.

The deity raised his hand to cast a barrior and with a single push, reverted everything back to normal.

It also calmed Natsu. The god continued.

"Your brother resurrected you, he is a human, immortal one, just as old as you. And there's this dragon you fathered. Do you understand their action?"

The Prime Dragon's growl softened. "And being a human will help me learn that? Are you certain of this master?"

The being answered. "I am not the god of lies, Natsu. Truth and Infinity as always."

Natsu whispered.

"Fine then."

He turned his body to a full degree; he let his dragon form fade away in deep scarlet and black smoke.

From the smoke, dark pink hair locks wavered gently in the cosmic breeze.

Fashioned with dark colored fur- lined long coat with a muscular white T-shirt that stretched tightly over his broad and lean body, and his pants rolled up to fit his combat boots, he stood firmly on the ground. His feet were almost digging his boots into the dirt.

The man's stature was impressive. Muscular body with standing 7feet and more, his physique screamed with pride and power. Yet his face sported a look of a perfect man. Sharp and observing onyx eyes glared from his professional vista, and the chiseled chin and furrowing brows added to his killer look.

"I will learn their method. I will see what these humans are so worth noteworthy for myself. But I am not stopping from finding my father again."

Theos saw no problem in that as he suggested. "Meet your brother, Zeref."

Natsu responded to that tersely. "Already planning on it master." Then he formed a demonic smile.

"He and I have a lot of catching up to do." He spread his arms. "What are you waiting for?"

The prime god narrowed his eyes, and pushed him against the portal he just summoned. Natsu let out his devilish grin again, and with it, he disappeared.

Theos Aphenes was glad that the things were working out just the way he had intended. Soon, the world will burn by the hand of his disciple, and there was no one, not even gods could stop him now.

The entire universe longed for its destruction, and Acnologia was not enough.