Welcome to the final chapter of Tartarus Arc... this may well be the last chapter before I go into full Hiatus.

Once the training is over and gets assigned to certain battalions, I may be able to write again, but that's just speculation. Please wait, everyone, I'll continue the story and I and definitely not giving up.

I knew this moment was coming, but to experienc,e it now is too surreal.

It was a blast writing this story and this chapter, which means this one's going to be sort of 'wrap up' chapter for everything that has happened so far.

Also, it is twice as long, almost 30K

A side note, I realized 4th gen dragon slayers are actually a thing in Dragon Cry, so I changed ERza and Irene's type.

So the girls are now Generation X Dragon Slayers.

A warning to all non-adults reading this, this chapter definitely have an intense lemon!

That is a warning people. If you don't like the lemon part, you can just skip it.

Again, it was a blast. Please leave a review on how this story was like so far, and the impression of this chapter.

I would love to hear all from you before I go.





Before the attack on Tartarus

-"Zeref."- Natsu asked through his voice piece. –"Why did you manipulated them?"—

The pronounced statics on his voice was clear, yet it wasn't hard on Zeref's ear. It just made him aware that he was talking to his little brother remotely.

The dark mage looked down below as he strenuously sat on the dead log nearby.

"I don't know." He answered. "I wasn't in control."

Natsu knitted his brows remotely. -"Like what do you mean, you weren't in control?" "As far as I'm aware, your curse does not affect your mind."-

Zeref weakly replied as his solemn eyes fell to the dead grass below.

"I know that."

-"Then it could be a new curse or a variation of pre-existing one. Or maybe it wasn't a curse at all."- Natsu suggested.

"It wasn't a curse." The elder mage confirmed. "I know that much."

-"Then what was it?"- The younger asked again, this time, sitting on the grass with his legs gathered just to get his eyes to his brother's level.

"It felt like I lost control of my body. I…remember very little of what I've done, but at least I could feel that sensation." Zeref looked down at his palm and murmured.

"It felt like someone was controlling me." He looked haunted, genuinely.

Natsu contorted in seriousness and disturbance.- "Controlling you, brother? That's impossible. I've checked the power level of this world, and no one can even come across you as an equal."-

He added admittingly. -"Acnologia maybe, but I don't think a dragon would attempt to control a human… Then there was this weird ass organization called 'Olympus'…"-

He quickly perished that thought. -"Nope, I don't think they're relevant."-

Zeref remarked slowly as his eyes gotten wider. "Little brother, then you know what that very means. There's only one being who has power like that."

Natsu realized also. -"Ankhseram...Wait."-

Everything collapsed and reconstructed themselves all together in Natsu's mind. IT was like puzzles were starting fit each other to make a bigger picture. But the idea that someone managed to think so far to the future, and got them all fit into his plan scared him. Natsu felt something running from his spine. It had been long since he felt that.

The younger monologued, -"It's a wheel."-

He saw everything now, it just made sense.

Tartarus was trying to eliminate both him and the council, whereas Council was trying to get him and Tartarus. Then there was himself, trying to destroy both of them.

The wheel of their destruction wasn't just made coincidently, it was a set up from the beginning. Natsu urgently asked, "But you suggested me to destroy Tartarus, didn't you? Before everything happened?"

The black mage shook his head. "I've never told you anything like that. I did tell you to investigate and give them a warning shot. You've destroyed Tartarus by your own will."

Natsu muttered. -"I've destroyed Tartarus because I simply hated their existence… wait… no." "Ankhseram knew."-

Zeref commented. "He tried to exploit that."

-"Then what Larcade meant by you ordered him to infiltrate the Tartarus is… I see."-

"Ankhseram intentionally made them attack you. Then, his usage of the 'Well of the Dead' can be explained as well."

Natsu exclaimed as anger began to build up inside him. -"He tried to toy with me… and he succeeded."-

What they realized was the fact that despite their efforts, they hadn't got to anywhere. In the end, they were played by Ankhseram's scheme, and that was like a wheel. Tartarus, Council, and Natsu himself were on that wheel, rolling on the ground, and those were on top crushed those who were on below.

Natsu broke out of that wheel, and burn it with embers and ashes. But he realized it was too late.

All was too late…

Ankhseram was moving while he was busy dealing with problems that did not exist. He was two steps ahead. Natsu knew he had to prepare for war soon.





Chapter 53: Prometheus





Natsu thought of the conversation he had with his brother as he returned to the mansion. Perhaps Ankhseram knew he was going to lose Erza. That god found a way to let her know the truth, and he wondered the source of it.

But he didn't really blame on anyone as he thought she was right. It wasn't her who needed to help the most; he was continually staring outside, he had forgotten what he was like. Natsu never gave much of a thought on his past action more than until now.

He learned that he was a monster. Erza was right on that again. She was also right that he will never truly understand what it was like to be human.

He stared at Seilah's book form and sighed deeply. Then there was this one who was even more human than him.

"You seem troubled, milord," Ultear asked as she was packing her luggage. "Is there anything I could help you with?"

Natsu stared at Ultear. Then his onyx irises were fixated on hers. It was a vibrant and deep color of the fine wine, a mix between ruby and rose. It shined brilliantly. Then they lowered down to her perfect nose, then her thin- yet firm rosy lips that glistened with moisture.

He lifted her chin up unconsciously and observed her even closer, bringing his face closer to hers.

Ultear immediately squirmed, her heartbeat was loud enough for Natsu to pick up with his sensitive ears. It was fast and powerful; then he felt his hand warming by the heat of her face.

"L…Lord Dragneel! I…"

Her brilliant ruby eyes were started to spin with tears gathered on each side.

"I…I…" Then his hand traveled to back of her head, his fingers invaded her silky locks. Flustered girl stammered as she gathered her hands to her chest to suppress her beating heart and her erratic breathing. It almost looked like she's being smothered by her own heat.

Natsu suddenly pressed her head firmly against his chest and rested his chin on top of her head. He brought his both arms around her like a dove, cocooned her entirety with his body.

"What am I supposed do, councilman?" He whispered. "What am I supposed to do?"

Ultear didn't catch what he meant by that. Her mind was constantly running wild as she comprehended her in an utterly wrong way. She stammered again. "L…Lord… what do you mean…? Surely, after this… one…one would…." She trailed as she teared up again, hopelessly snuggling into his chest deeper. She couldn't say it out loud. "…Uuu…. To think that you would make a girl say this…"

Natsu suddenly smiled, pulling her away from his grasp. "So that's how it is…" Ultear yelped in sudden action and gazed at him confusingly.


He climbed up the stairs leaving Ultear completely baffled. "Milord?!"

He stopped middle of the way and saluted her cheerfully with his lips brimming with his sincere smile.

"Ultear, you know, I always liked you when you are flustered."

The girl was seconds away from fainting by her blood pressure rising too much, her brain going overload, and heat suffocating her. That was the first time that he called her by her name. Her eyes were spinning without stopping.

Natsu smiled at that again before he continued to the upstairs.

"You are that much more adorable."

Ultear collapsed with blood dripping out of her nose.




Brandish was staring at the armor that Natsu built. The armor was colored red and gold, and its paint was polished almost like a mirror, it shinned with fieriness and power. He helmet was shaped like a reversed triangle that had a vague resemblance to an eager and a dragon. It was incredibly simplified, and the rest of the armor followed its trend of being minimalistic, yet still carrying that powerful look. Plates were rendered into mostly hexagon or trapezoid and were colored red. Whatever it wasn't the plates were gold, and between the seams, blue light leaked out brilliantly.

She knew who this armor was built for, but since Erza has left him, Natsu has been neglecting it. It was her ho suggested him to make an armor for her. Thus she admitted there was some pride in her as well.

She didn't like something of a marvel sitting and rotting away. It needed a right owner, and that was Erza alone.

While she was wondering what to do with it, a voice surprised her from behind.

"Brandish? What is that?"

The bobbed haired girl yelped before rambling gibberish. "HG-ffkkk tck-uk, don't surprise me like that Belserion! Can't you see that for yourself? It's an armor."

Irene was quite fond of this side of Brandish. "I haven't surprised you since Alvarez. Just thought it would be fun."

The turquoise girl stared daggers at her before looking away. Irene just laughed it off before pointing at the armor.

"Well, who is it for?"

"It's for Erza." She answered as she sighed heavily. "I suggested Ero-hentai Natsu building one for her because he was so concerned about her safety… He hasn't been in this room since Erza left."

Irene murmured. "It has become too painful to see."

Brandish scowled. "Erza left him a big scar."

"It was going to happen one way or another… but you are right. But also, it was needed for all of us, not just him."

Brandish shrugged. "Erza is still too naïve. Just because he did something like that doesn't mean he is still now."

Irene had a mixed opinion on that. "She may be, but it is what's really needed. Natsu-sama is right. We need to change. We need to stop killing people."

The bobbed haired girl scoffed. "You've grown too soft. If you were still in Alvarez, then you would have been merciless to anyone who opposes you."

"Oh, I am merciless." She announced herself. "Just avoiding unnecessary killing, that's all."


Irene also began staring the armor. Perhaps too, she was slightly marveling at it. She then chirped,

"You know, we can still give this to her. Natsu-sama would like it better that way as well."

Brandish agreed to that. "That's a good idea." She paused. "It's no use on leaving it here like this."

She placed her hand on the metallic plate and imbued her magic in. The armor glowed in her greenish hue before shrinking into a size of a toy. Brandish stated, slightly put off by the unnatural limitation.

"I can't seem to shrink it any further." Irene didn't mind it as she just picked up the armor.

"It is his armor, it wouldn't be strange to find any gimmick that stops the magic. Though, this will be more than enough."

The turquoise-haired girl nodded in agreement. "You're right." She pointed out, suggesting, "Let me go get my backpack, I think it still has enough space to put it. We can't carry ourselves something like that wide open to the public. Abnormal, strange."

Irene chuckled as she recalled the girl's backpack. She distinctly remembered it shaped like a cat.

"You mean that blue kitty one? Is that what you speak of?"

The bikini-clad woman answered with a nod. "Yeah." Then she narrowed her eyes defensively, "There's nothing wrong with my love of Happy."

It didn't take long for the god of Isghar to realize that was the cat's name. "Oh." She exclaimed as she gently covered her mouth. "Oh." She spoke again.

Irene was not aware Brandish's love of feline ran that deep. She supposed it was one of her attachment.

"I see."

Brandish's eye narrowed in further. "What's with that response." Irene shielded herself with her palms.

"No… nothing. Why don't you get yours, I'll be waiting right here."

The turquoise-haired girl cautiously carried herself to the door and removed herself from Irene, yet her eyes were locked on to her the entire time. Like it was supposed to mean, 'I'm watching you.', but Irene found some cuteness in that.

Irene thought Brandish was great, although her newly discovered fact faltered that thought a bit.

She muttered to herself, remind the name of the cat again.

"Happy, huh?"

She held the miniature armor firmly to her, her amber slitted draconic eyes rested on it. She didn't know her lips lifted just a bit by then.

"Hmm, baka Natsu-sama…"




Natsu's re-equip magic and his reality god slayer magic was convenient when handling the luggage. Until now, he had no idea his magic would be used something so trivial like this, but he shrugged as it was something to help his girls by.

He was helping them out, and he was the one who suggested leaving Magnolia. Then he had a bold idea.

It was something that came to him on a whim, but he saw the necessity of it, even more so when he recalled what Erza had said to him.

He watched Ur and Ultear, and she adopted daughter Meredy climbing down stairs. He noticed the said violet haired time mage had two tissues stuck on her both nostrils soaked in blood.

He greeted them all. "Ultear, Mrs. Milkovich." Then he asked, "Would you be joining us, Mrs. Milkovich? I heard you would like to see how the world changed?"

Ur responded with a smile, wearing that leather pilot jacket that she always used to wear. "Of course I will." She made it look like it was an obvious thing.

"I also need to be with my daughter as well." She stroked Ultear's shoulder lovingly. The former councilwoman retreated back a bit.


Then Ur's smile spread even further apart, she jested, "I want to be the first person to see her first child with you!"

Ultear began to blush furiously, and her heart rate skyrocketed. She blurted out, too embarrassed to hear anything further from her. "MOM!"

She rushed to Natsu side without even realizing. Perhaps her brain told her unconsciously so as he had the aura of comfort (usually. When provoked was an entirely different thing.)

Natsu petted her hair as if she was a child again with a same joking smile that Ur had. Ultear's maddening blush got even stronger to a point she had a problem with her breathing.

Her violet ruby iris became teary-eyed, and her lips quivered before she brought her knees to her chest crying. "You… you are so mean!"

Meredy rushed in with her eyes hopeful, and asked, "Daddy, can you pet my head as well?"

The dragon's face scowled and crumbled up into millions of different shades of black. His imposing stature had suddenly become depressing.

"Stop calling me that."

Meredy's grinned. It seemed innocent, but it sure was not. "Or what, Daddy? Are you going to spank me?"

Natsu was literally two steps away from actually spanking her, but then something else had come up.

From the stairs, Irene and Brandish came down, joining everyone else in the house. Natsu asked aloud.

"Where's Dimaria and Larcade?"

The enchantress answered to that. "Larcade has already left, Natsu-sama. But Mari is still within the guild."

"I see. We'll need to talk to Mirajane anyways." Natsu spoke to himself and added. "Also, there's something I wanted to discuss with Makarov as well."

Irene heard that perfectly. Her eyebrows lifted in curiosity. "Something to discuss with Master Makarov? Has something come up, Natsu-sama?"

He shook his head. "Well, it's about an idea that I have. I'll explain it all to you once we get there." Natsu announced to everyone. "Come on, let's pack everything, even the house."

Brandish was taken back a little by his announcement. "I was actually considering selling the house… I didn't realize you are that considerate, lewd hentai."

The dragon-demon answered, his face contorting again but barely managing not to crush her head.

"Okay, don't call me that-" He forcefully smiled. "- and besides, it would be a waste to sell something you and Dimaria built."

Ur chimed in. "Yes, it would be a waste- if there's a mean to transport it."

The bobbed haired girl raised her hand. "Actually, I can do that… only thing I stayed away from doing it is because the structure gets weakened. Even its made out of concrete, it will shatter like glass unless I act meticulously."

She added, "It's a hassle, selling it would make more sense but…"

Meredy asked, "What about that big boobed blonde ugly witch? The female version of Dio Brando? She'd get mad if you sell it without her consent?"

Everyone was unsure how to respond to that, Natsu was pondering what that meant, while Irene was trying her best not to snicker. All were similar other than Brandish, who was giving her a thumbs up.

"That's why I wanted to sell it!" Her usual empty eyes sparkled. "Good job! 10/10!"

Meredy raised her tiny palm for a high five.

"Jojo fans unite by the name Zawarudo!"

Brandish just gave her one, even though she had no idea what that meant.

Natsu clapped his hand to gain everyone's attention. "Come on guys. Let's go."




Fairytail Guild

Everyone froze. The number one magic guild, Fairytail, froze for an entire minute. It was as if a minute was lost from the fabric of time. When things ceased to breathe and even think, when all their perceptions shut down, it sure seemed that way.

Alzack, Bisca, Cana, even Makarov froze staring at the person who entered.

They knew who it was, but they didn't know who she really was, the woman donned with golden armor, cloaked in swine-like sacred clothing with a perfect smile on her mocha latte/copper skin.

None of the members knew the truth of Dimaria Yesta, but they all did now, and the result was even more shocking than a world coming to an Armageddon.

Because Dimaria Yesta was a god, a being stood pridefully all among life forms, one who governed everything that fell underneath its hierarchy.

In this case, she was the Goddess of Time. God of Time(?) the gender seemed to become vague when it enters that kind of quasi-ether state.

The time stopped figuratively once she stepped into the guild of course.

But there was this girl of platinum snow hair with cerulean eyes. Her face tainted by the filth that was thrown at, the beauty of the girl was long gone, and all that she was now a petty girl who was covered in grimes.

The stark contrast between her and Dimaria was too high as she lost her brilliance. Mirajane never believed herself to be the best. The day she competed to be was lost with her memories, and she chased herself to be just… normal. Her magic was gone. Thus there was no need to be, nor she desired it.

Things changed when she got it back. That didn't mean she suddenly decided to go back to her old self-be reckless again, no. Having already suffered from her loss, she just wanted to do the best within her power. Protect his brother that was. She failed that again.

Now, there was Dimaria, a woman that Mirajane never thought she might be, walking into the guild with leisure, and her smile never faltering. The heavenly aura behind her was sacred, yet godly in its power, it screamed with supremacy and absoluteness with an unabating will.

The stark contrast between godly aura and filth was too great. Too great when she realized Dimaria was also a Takeover mage: A takeover mage who can control time, with a sword skill as great as Erza's.

Mirajane felt her Satan soul was so pathetic, and whom once tried to be competitive just lost her drive. It just felt like her power was useless, worthless and abhorred by everyone. That was the truth anyway, no one liked demons.

No one liked them when one of them can turn into one, then they start blaming all their problems on that person. Just because what she was, it gave them a reason to hate… but that never happened with Dimaria.

She was a priestess and loved by all despite what she did. That was the inevitability it seemed, and the priestess's light never seemed to reach her anyways.

Dimaria stopped in front of Mirajane and used her magic. Mirajane noticed the filth just washing away, and her whole self-turned to a state before she was greeted with public humiliation. Mirajane broke again.

Her azure eyes fell to the ground as she collapsed crying. Dimaria panicked and kneeled beside her.

"Mira, are you alright?"

She did not stop but continued to cry. The Valkyrie shouted to the rest of the guild. "Everyone! Please, get her something warm!"

Her golden eyes locked to Master Makarov. "Master!" It was a sharp eye that asked him 'What have you been doing when I was out there fighting?'

He stammered to get out an answer. "W..well! We were all too busy staring at your power…"

Valkyrie scowled. "But you should have tended to her first!"

"s..sorry.." That was all he could say. Mirajane shouted through her tears.

"I'm alright!" She held her hand before repeating herself again. "I'm… I'm alright."

Dimaria suggested her. "Maybe you should rest. Take a nap or something that would help you relax."

Mirajane did not reply other than to sniffle her own tears. Dimaria asked Master Makarov again.

"How's her brother, master?"

"He's been moved to Polyusica… she is taking care of his wound as we speak." Both Dimaria and Mirajane found solace in that.

A voice came through Dimaria's earpiece, it was from her senpai. The girl perked up a bit when she heard his voice again.

"Natsu Senpai!" She exclaimed, gaining a dubious look from everyone else, all except Mirajane and Master Makarov.

The voice was certainly small, but Mira was close enough just to pick up the vague idea of it. It seemed like Natsu Dragneel was just outside of the guild. He also mentioned something about a demon and moving, but she couldn't make sense of it.

The door opened, and the familiar face was greeted with quite a lot of hate and repulsiveness. It was none other than Natsu Dragneel.

Thankfully, everyone brightened when they saw Irene and the rest of the gang behind. Ultear, Brandish, Ur, Meredy. Oddly, there was no Erza. Dimaria rushed to greet him but was stopped when Natsu suddenly drew her to his chest, hugging her.

Dimaria froze before she was pulled away, her smile forged out of too much formality shattered instantly, and the joy and delight crept up through her lightly quivering lips. She relaxed in his embrace and hogged everything she could get with her five sense.

Mirajane could only watch the scene with a mixed expression. She wondered if what Erza said was right, and the way he greeted her made him look like every other good couple does.

She moved out of it. The pink haired C-class noticed that, although she very well knew that ranking is flawed, and he was a monster.

"Mira, I'm glad to see you alright." He added with a smile. "Takeover Satan Soul… I would have loved to see it with my own eyes."

Irene gently pushed him to his ribcage to watch his tone. He was getting little too excited. "Oh, sorry. Again, I'm relieved."

It only nerves wrecked her even more. The idea that someone approved her magic would usually have been very welcoming, but not in this case. She wondered if he doesn't know what she had done to Erza.

Dimaria asked after he pulled her out of his embrace. "Where's Erza, Natsu senpai?"

The mood suddenly plummeted, the smile on Natsu's immediately destroyed by her question. By then, both girls could sense what happened. Irene answered it in his place.

"My sister and Natsu-sama…needs some time. That's all." The scarlet wizard saint held his arm firmly to remind him not to lose control. He managed to smile again, this time, it was clearly forced.

"Just like she said… Erza and I just need some time for each other. No need to worry about it, guys."

Dimaria and Mirajane could tell that wasn't the case. They could feel the pressure behind those words. The satan soul mage wanted to escape, all though she knew it wasn't possible.

Both girls looked at each other before drawing to a conclusion. The priestess spoke.

"Senpai… I have something to confess."

Natsu's brow knitted his head tilted to the side as if he had noticed what she was about to say. Mirajane quickly left the scene; she no longer wanted to partake the scene any longer. Call her a coward, but she just wanted to escape from her current self.

There was nothing that could come out of it, after all, and it was, and ever will be.

His draconic eyes veered off to Mirajane before quickly returning to Dimaria.

"So, what is it that you wanted to talk about?"

She closed her eyes and breathed deeply. She waited for Mirajane to be far away enough. That was something that she could at least do to a girl who suffered enough. It was all hers to blame anyways.

Her heart, however, could not escape from beating itself too fast. She confessed.

"I was the one who told the truth. I've told Mirajane, knowing that she'll spread the truth."

The face the Prime Dragon made was not anger. Instead, he was calm. There was a halcyon breeze between him and her. Irene, Ultear and even Brandish gaped their jaw after hearing what she had done. The matter was serious, and yet, there was no response from him.

Dimaria quickly retreated herself and shut her eye in fear of facing his wrath. She had seen it before in Alvarez. It shot electricity up in her spine and injected her into unfathomable depth of despair.

However, END was not angered, or even provoked. There was only a shadow casting over his eyes. Perhaps that suspense made Dimaria even more scared. Every member of Natsu's gang prayed that Dimaria lives to see another day.

Natsu opened his lips, he questioned her. "Why did you do it?" The valkyrie was certain she saw him drawing his fang.

She quickly defended herself. "senpai… I'm sorry for telling her the truth… but if you could listen to my reasoning!"

He motioned her to go on, which she did pressingly. Dimaria instantly kneeled and nearly screamed, losing all dignity as a clam and gentle priest. She was panicking, and it looked like she was begging him to let him spare her.

"Natsu Senpai! You go on every day, sacrificing yourself to lift the curse on your brother! You are a being beyond this realm, and yet, you are being humiliated by everyone! Do you not have honor, senpai!? Do you not want people to treat at least you better? They need to know who you really are! The truth was going to be spilled eventually, and by the time it does, it was going to be too late! People need to know you are the Prime Dragon; they need to know you are the true disciple of God of Everything! They need to know you are the END… and yet, they also need to know you are not a monster… they need to know you are not just another C-class nobody who got lucky against Titania."

She added. "I ask no forgiveness for what happened to Erza, but at least try to see it from my perspective… as your underclassman, senpai!"

What she received from him was nothing but a shock. It left everyone confused, even Irene.

Natsu laughed. He laughed out to all his heart's content, and no one had seen him laugh. Ever. It was a strange sight indeed, very different from his usual smile. It looked like he was losing himself.

He kneeled just like her.

"First off, let's get this straight. No more kneeling. If you are gonna do that, then I will do the same."

Dimaria had no idea what was going on. "Senpai…?" She trailed, her brain trying to process what she was witnessing.

He continued, "Dimaria, why are you even apologizing for something you didn't do wrong?"

From the side, Irene was tilting her head with her frozen blank face. That included Ultear. But Brandish just started to suck on a popsicle. Meredy requested her one, and she gladly gave her.

Dimaria chirped. "Heh?"

"Dimaria.. no, Mari. The truth was going to be known anyways. I tried to lay low, but I found that inevitable. But then, you do something I had no courage of." "Erza may have left, but thank you."

"Thank you for doing something I cannot."

Dimaria's hair stood up before falling back down again, a mixture of many emotions rushed through her body. She wasn't sure what to make of the feeling she was receiving, it was all too complicated. But what was sure, was that she did not expect to hear appreciation coming from him. She whispered.

"Senpai.. but Erza?"

"It's okay. It was a much-needed change… It's just that we both need some time. That's it."

He leaned forward and cupped her cheek, he whispered back to her. "But at least you could have told me in advance, don't you think?"

Dimaria stood frozen, and she skipped a beat when he finished his last sentences. "Tonight, come and find me. I'll be waiting."

All of her blood rushed towards her face; her eyes widened as she began to squirm uncontrollably. She nodded without question as she formed fists with both hands before holding them close to her collar.

Then all the sudden, a sound of the explosion echoed in the guild. The guild master shouted, breaking away from the scene. "It's coming from a shower room!"

It did sound like it came from the back door. It was also a place where Mirajane was headed. A rude voice erupted in the middle of the guild when things had gotten quiet.

"Hey, C class! Why don't you hurry up and fix it!"

Irene's fingers clenched onto her staff, Dimaria growled, and Brandish's face crumbled in displeasure. Ultear was ready to decapitate whoever that was, and Master Makarov began to sweat like a pig as he searched the guild with his old eyes.

Natsu stood back up and announced to the rest of the people.

"Yeah, yeah. That's what the C-classes are only good at, right?"

He just shook it up like it was nothing and walked through the crowd. His visceral senses instantly picked up who it was, and saw it was none other than some random nobody in the guild. Natsu tapped his fingers to activate one of his 'Reality God' spell.

It instantly changed his clothing into a pink frilly dress. Natsu grinned as he walked by.

"Wow, is that what people wear these days? It really is hard to understand you guys."




Water washed away the pain that attacked Mirajane like a parasite, and soon, welcoming warmth of hot steaming shower embraced her. Mirajane was given up, literally. She gave up on everything. Perhaps there was no more meaning to becoming a mage for herself.

Her eyes began to hurt as they swelled in red. Something damp yet heavy ascended from her throat, and her chest contracted from all sides. Tears fell from her bright blue eyes, but at this point, she couldn't tell which was her tears and which was water. They were both burning to her skin.

Little did she know, her pale, snow white skin was flushed red. She sniffled at the start, but the growing emotion only stormed inside her and swept all her barricade. Mirajane clenched her teeth tightly and groaned in her own misery. Her face wrinkled with folds that one would never realize they existed and burned in red heat.

Her moans had become uncontrollable silent howl; she eventually choked in her tears. Her fingers curled into a fist and whitened her hand by the sheer pressure she exerted, and then she slammed it to the mirror without precaution.

The mirror shattered, and its fragmented pieces covered her fist and layered onto the ground. Mirajane neglected the growing pain in her hand slammed it again and again. Like the mirror was her enemy, she just kept at it until the wall shattered.

The pipe exploded eventually. Water filled in the shower, and with nowhere to escape, it just flooded the place.

Mirajane ceased crying, it was so sudden she didn't even know why. But the hot water felt so welcoming. Slowly, she kneeled even though water had already reached to her shin. She began to hiccup while choking. Then she curled herself into a ball.

Water rose slowly and slowly, and she watched it without a word. She whispered.

"It's not fair…" She tightened herself even further. "It's not fair…"

Perhaps Erza was right. There was nothing in the guild she did good when she was a mage. She lost her own town, then her sister because of that. And now, she was lost the trust of the people, and she lost Erza.

All the good things she had done came from when she was just a barmaid. Mirajane was haunted by herself, and she thought she had won, but it wasn't.

Water already reached to her lips. It was warm, it washed all the pain that she had. It whispered to her to stay, and she obliged. She closed her eyes and held her breath. Mirajane let the water take her away. She didn't know where it would, probably death, but it was comforting.

Bubbles rose from her nostrils, and her platinum hair floated, freely waved across it as if it had been liberated from all miseries and hardships.

She waited inside as the gentleness of it encased her whole. Water raised her and allowed her to float in the middle of it. There was nothing but darkness here, there was no sound, there was no past or future. At this moment, there was this idea of the present with no memories to recollect what so ever.

She waited again to take her away, somewhere far and far away from this place, so that she may never have to return.

Mirajane missed Lisanna, she missed her dead parents.

In the vastness of its darkness, as a welcoming embrace of water cocooned her gently, she felt nothing but infinite loneliness ruling her soul.

She finally felt her mind black away. She thought to herself, 'Finally…'

Then the whole world crashed. Something grabbed her by her side and quickly wrapped her around. Water that covered her whole was draining away, and that 'something' pulled her out from it.

Mirajane gasped not realizing she had been suffocating, the taste of air never felt so different. Her body steamed of heat, and felt the lack of warmth that water provided… and yet, it was still comforting differently.

Her eyes shot open as she drew air again. The sapphire irises glittered by the tears she let out, and they hurt her quite a lot. However, they searched for whatever that pulled her out.

Mirajane was too busy trying to find the answer, then she saw something pink.

The voice spoke, "Don't die, Mira. Don't die on me."

She coughed before finding the strength to open her lips. Her beautiful voice was being suppressed by the amount of suffocation she just experienced, but she managed.


Her body began to glow in gold, and miraculously, everything became more evident. She was able to see who it was holding her.

It was a guy with a pink hair with sharp, bewitching eyes with a body of a god. It was none other than Natsu Dragneel.

"Y…you…!" Mirajane gasped before her brain being short-circuited. Thousands of questions swirled inside her head.

Natsu pressed, "I heard everything from Mari, do not die for something you have not wronged."

"Why are you…?"

"You have no reason to die, yet have every reason to live for." He pressed again while Mirajane's eye darted everywhere. She was beyond confused. First off, she wanted to know why Natsu was here, and she wanted to know why she was being held by like a bride, and third, she wanted to know he was staring at her naked.

But all that questioned vanished when he suddenly hugged her. She found herself in the mercy of a monster but realized Natsu was not a monster that she knew.

He seemed sincere even though her breasts were pressing firmly against his own chest like he didn't even care. His mind was all too focused on herself, as her mind, not to her body. She heard him whisper again.

"You still have a brother. Besides, despite everything that you did, I cannot hate you. It is impossible to hate you."

Mirajane tried to pull herself together but found herself utterly failing again when she heard him say that. She never expected, let alone from a man who he might loathe her, to compliment her accursed power in such way.

Her cognitive function nearly failed. She shook her head desperately to regain her drifting out consciousness. She exclaimed, her eyes wetting themselves again,

"Wh..why? Why are you doing this? Even you know what I did…?"

It was like he was reading her mind the whole time. She watched his stern look starting to soften, he pulled her away as he spoke,

"Thank you."

She was confused. He repeated himself.

"Thank you for doing something that I had no courage of."

Mirajane's eye darted again as her heart rushed. She felt vulnerable by this man.

"But… but because of me… I made her..." she stuttered through her choking tears. He hushed her.

"Erza left me, that's the truth. Would I ask Dimaria to turn back time? No."

The girl's eye wavered as he continued.

"I learned crucial lesson that day. Something that even my master could not teach me."

"But… that would mean… you know what I did… You were supposed to hate me…" Tears rolled down from her eyes all over again.

"I thought…! I thought….! If. If I just… If I just go away, then I would be free!" She stammered out loud between her tears.

"Erza hates me, the entire Magnolia hates me, and I thought…I thought… I thought I could just escape from everything…!"

His eye locked onto her, his finger traced along her cheek and wiped her tears off. His face seemed frozen when she mentioned what she did as if he was conflicted. Yet, that didn't stop him from comforting her.

"How did you even find me here…" She trailed as she was unable to finish her sentence, and Natsu responded with a hug and a comforting whisper.

"When an explosion comes from where you were, people tend to get worried. I knew something was up with you when I heard that."

She realized he was staring at her the whole time before she entirely left the hall. He added,

"I also took a small peak to your head. I hope you don't mind."

Mirajane closed her glistening sapphire eyes. This time, she accepted it. IT was the first time she touched him so directly. This time, she could feel his skin, his rigid physique, and his steady heartbeat. Her hands traveled back of his shoulder as she embraced his hug.

He whispered back in a most calming tone possible. "I know… but no one deserves to die. Especially a woman like you, even more so when you have a little brother by your side. I repeat this, it is not fair."

He added, "Remember your family, Mirajane. Remember yourself. That's enough reason for you to continue."

He then suddenly said, pulling her away once again leaving Mirajane confused.

"Come with us!"

Mirajane's eye shot open. He repeated. "Come with us, Mira!"

She responded perplexed by his sudden suggestion. "where?"

His eyes were brimming with hope, and somehow, it began to affect her mind as well. He replied.

"To the west!"

"West? But… but you've destroyed it…"

He nodded, "I know, that's why we're going there!"

She was beyond confused. "I don't know what you're saying... but…"

Natsu explained, "Mira, the world is against you, but they don't realize who you really are. Say whatever you want, and they won't understand. Take over Satan soul? I like that magic, you should keep at it… but you won't find a place to practice and improve it here.

But to a place where I'm going, I can help you become even more. Besides, we could use a person with actual cooking skills."

Mirajane was tempted, her heart fluttered when she heard he liked her power. He was accepting who she was and what she was. He even turned a blind eye to her past actions and saw her as Mirajane, not as a cursed woman.

"But the guild… My brother…"

His response was quick. "I actually have something in mind about that."

From the air, a golden light appeared before materializing into a fabric. He draped her with it, allowing Mirajane to cover up herself from nudity. Natsu spoke.

"Rest easy now, because I will take care of you."

Mirajane closed her eyes to regain her composure before fluttering them open again. Her blue-marine eyes were naturally drawn to his. She observed him for seconds before finally responding with a smile finally appearing on her face. She forced out it of course, and her voice was still swindling from her trauma.

"Ara~, I never thought I'd be hearing something like that from a guy…" She cupped her face as she whispered with puckering lips, "Are you trying to seduce me?" She helplessly giggled. It was all to make herself feel better.

Natsu grinned at that. "I'll let you decide."

Mirajane was actually taken back by his words. Her eyelids half closed as she reached to his neck to wrap her hand around before raising herself closer to hem.

"I was wrong. I should have trusted Erza. You don't look like a monster."

He replied. "I am a monster. I still am." He paused before staring back at her with determination. "That's why I need to change."

Mirajane saw the truth in his words. Her hand moved to cover his cheek; she felt the warmth and the smoothness of his skin. She then dragged herself even closer and whispered in his ear. "Maybe I can help you with that."

His eyes widened a little by her whisper. She added with a smile.

"I'll live. You're right, I need to stay alive for my brother, Natsu… and thank you." "For reminding me. The malevolence within me that accepted, but when the whole society turns on me again, I guess I was just foolish."

Natsu replied.

"The offer still stands."

"And I accept!" Mirajane exclaimed. "As you said, I can't stay in Magnolia anymore. I'll join you, Natsu, take me where ever you want to take me, I'll follow you as long as you keep your promise.

And you better take responsibility for me, got it?" She added playfully. "You're the only person who saw me naked…and to hold me like this…" She shielded herself with the towel, covering her bashful face.

Natsu stammered, and it was him who started to blush. "Wait… that was totally unintentional…"

Mirajane's eye fell, but her lips continue to smile. She mused to herself quietly, 'I can see why Erza fell for him…'

But her diabolic nature slowly spread through her. "Or the fact that your chest has been touching mine the whole time, or the fact that your other hand is too close to my.. you know what…"

"W..wait, I really didn't mean any of that...!" He exclaimed, and Mira was enjoying the look on his face a little too much. With a smile, she responded.

"I don't mind it you know."

Natsu blinked. "What?"

"I don't mind it as long as it's you. You practically saved me."

"Ah… I see…"

The pain or sorrow was completely gone from her, all that she had was a beautiful smile that spread all across her face. With a tilt of her head, she asked.

"Can you help me dress? My hand is still hurting."

Natsu stammered to find an answer. "S…sure."

Mirajane pointed to the door with her usual oblivious and blissful smile. "It's that way." And Natsu carried her out of the shower room. Despite what just happened, she was still a devil in disguise; there was no doubt about that.




It started with her bra, Mirajane couldn't reach the clips without hurting her hand. Yet, Natsu was sure he had healed her properly. He could only have assumed that she was doing this intentionally just to tease him. The dragon, however, couldn't say no to that. He already had so much experience with a bunch of women teasing him, he already knew how to handle this kind of situation.

After all, Irene and Dimaria, even sometimes Ultear had thought him many things.

Already, a competitive fire was burning inside of his eyes. He was boasting with confidence, a grin on his face was proof of that.

He mused to himself. 'I guess you're right. Despite your look, you're not innocent at all.'

As a stiff black fabric snuggly cupped her creamy and ample mounts, his hands reached to help her fix the clips behind her. He pretended the clips wouldn't reach. His brows lifted in pseudo-shock and initiated his strategic teasing maneuvers.

"Hm, Mira. You didn't intentionally bring the small one, did you? It doesn't seem to fit."

Mirajane's cerulean eyes glistened in puzzlement as she turned to gaze him back over her shoulder.

"No way~ It grew again?"

Natsu remarked sarcastically. "Oh, sure it did."

She found herself quickly pouting. "It does still grow, you know. You may be in the early twenties, but I'm still nineteen!"

"Thank you for complimenting me, but you got my age wrong."

Mira's eye wavered a little. "Oh my… you're not in the twenties? But you look so young… maybe thirties? I guess… I guess I don't mind you being that old…"

Natsu grinned again at her obliviousness. "Let's keep it at whatever age you want me to be." His hand finally clipped on her bra,

"Or would you like to play a little game with me?"

She asked, tilting her head to her side.

"What kind of game?"

He then suddenly grabbed her by her wrist and spun her to face him, She yelped in surprise. That cute moan that she accidentally made only made Natsu feel more competitive. He quickly pinned her down to the floor while he kneeled right above her.

His shadows covered her entire milky white body, his dark soul-drilling eyes penetrated her teal ones with no mercy. Her long silky platinum hair spread on the floor like the flooding of heaven's light, but the state she was in was something far far away from heaven.

Mirajane was shaken for a second before she regained her composure, yet she was already blushing madly, and her marine-blue eyes were already seconds away from spinning. Natsu could even hear her heart pumping in his ears, he also saw how fast it was beating. It was too obvious when her skin was this clean and pale.

She managed to let out a mischievous smirk.

"Ara~ara~, Natsu.. you're so bold, trying to make me so vulnerable…"

He smirked back. "Let's play a guessing game. Three questions to each."

She questioned as her eyes desperately tried to focus on his face, and yet it fell on short.

"…and If I win?"

He replied as he lowered himself closer. "I'll help you finish dressing…and will take full responsibility for you." Then he whispered with that diabolic and attractive voice of his.

"But if I win… well, you'll have to take something that I'm about to give."

Mira found herself breathing erratically as her imagination ran wild. Her eyes fell on his body, slowly creeping down to his nether region before darting them back up.

The platinum beauty gasped aloud before reaching to her heart, almost choking to herself by the excitement that this man gave. She never felt so vulnerable and yet so enthralled by the same time.

"and what is that?" She didn't even notice her voice was starting to tremble.

He grinned back as he leaned back. "I guess you'll never find out if you lose."

The girl would usually be angered, but this time around, she found herself hopelessly being defeated. She knew why Erza had fallen for this man, the aura, force and everything of him was screaming for dominance, and yet it wasn't like that brutish-caveman like one. He worked like a spear that would jab at her barrier that she set up, and then came in like a cannonball.

Mirajane wanted to win, no matter what the result was. She knew she would be left humiliated if she didn't. She immediately questioned, as she wanted to know nothing more than his actual age.

Her crystalline voice echoed the dressing room much louder than she had thought.

"N…Natsu! You… you are hundreds of years old despite your look!"

Natsu raised his brow. "And do you know why?"

The platinum girl knew she had won that round, and yet with him being so close to her all the sudden, she couldn't help to feel helpless again. She hastily shook her head.

He smirked in response. "Because I am not a human."

Mirajane's eye snapped open in surprise. "You're not a human? Are you-?"

However, he wagged his finger as he shook his head. "Not until the next question."

"My turn."

"You may only have used a single demon form, but you have two more installed."

Mirajane knitted her brows at the surprise. There was no way he would know that, as far as she knew, he didn't even know she was a takeover mage until recently. Mirajane clamped her lips in frustration before she started to retaliate.

She just had to know what he really was, and perhaps, this was the best time to understand more about him. She could not lose. Thus she approached carefully this time.

"Natsu, are you a vampire?" Her eyes fixated on his sharp fangs underneath those perfect lips. She was confident she got that one right. Then he suddenly lifted her finger and bit it, earning a surprised high-pitched yelp from the girl lying below.

She shut her eyes tight as her face burned brightly. Natsu hoped he didn't frighten her.

"Hm no." He spoke. "Does that answer your question?"

Mira looked at her finger and saw bite marks, but no actual penetration. She was just as confused as she was. The smug on his face never went away. It started to make her feel even more irrigated.

"Now my turn," Natsu announced. "You never clean your room, not unless forced."

"HOW DID YOU?!" Mira's soft look instantly vanished, leaving her completely shell-shocked.

Natsu playfully jested, "I was merely guessing, but looks like I got that one right."

The platinum girl was no longer that gentle oblivious girl, and her inner natural started to creep back up again. The frustration and desperate emotions really did take her a toll, and just standing by him, she could not stand to contain all that.

She wondered how she was so utterly being defeated by him; With a boasting smile with frowning eyebrows, she exclaimed confidently that she'd get him this time. But then, Natsu suddenly warned her.

"You won't see what I've prepared if you win."

Mirajane managed to counter even though it was that much alluring. She gasped. "Natsu..! J…just letting you know, I'm not that curious…"

He raised his brows. "Yet you are."

Mirajane raised herself back up again and half-shouted at him.

"You… you don't know how to use any human facilities at all!"

That one came in like a torpedo in Natsu's eye. In fact, just not too long ago, he just discovered what a kettle was. If not for Brandish, he would have never known. He didn't even know how to use fork and knife in the first place.

"…R…right. That's correct." Natsu admitted while making a troubled look.

A smile finally grew on Mira's pink lips, the usual herself came back a little as her victory managed to calm her down a little. She taunted him a bit,

"Ara~ Guess I'm winning, Natsu. It looks like you'll be taking up all the responsibly of what you did… You should get yourself prepared."

"But that the same time," Natsu added, "I won't be giving you my 'gift'…" "That was the agreement, wasn't it? Come on, aren't you curious?"

Mirajane realized she wasn't the one who was taunting; it was him. His fangs were never so shinning up until this moment. "But I guess you'll have to win because I can do whatever I want with you, you know? Are you okay with that?"

She prayed he got the next one wrong, but then, he leaned closer to her, their skins were touching again, her white and alabaster milky skin to his lightly tanned… Except that her whole body was glowing red. His hand reached to her back and ran through her clear snow white hair.

Mirajane squirmed before moaning without her consent. His fingers tingled her spine and her neck, but not in a bad way. Her mind went wild, and her heart skipped beats several times already. It pumped so hard and fast she could hear it ringing in her ears.

How he handled her hair was oddly satisfying, and the way he held her so close…Mirajane started to feel jealous of him.

Natsu tied her hair back into a ponytail, but not in a lazy manner that it would collapse without shape, it was the same kind of hairstyle that Mirajane used to have years back.

He retreated and said, "I know you used to do hair like this before you lost your sister." "I like it better that way, Mirajane. You should keep it."

The platinum girl felt her ponytail as she ran through it just like how Natsu did. Her eyes never left him again; she continued to stare at him in shock and confusion.

And that sense of affinity and interest only skyrocketed. Natsu stood back up and began to walk to the door on the other side. He leered to her way over his shoulder, his proud smile dropping to let out a genuine one.

Her mind was still staying at the moment he tied her hair back, and in fact, she kinda hoped it lasted a little longer. She could not stop her erratic breathing to the point that she might die from suffocation. Through panting, trying her best to look cool, Mirajane asked, her finger ceaselessly twirling the ponytail.

"But how did you know?" But after that, her lips shut close in embarrassment, and her eyes averted away. Though, her finger never stopped twirling and fidgeting her hair.

"Ah, that?" He explained. "I did take a peek into your head. I hope you don't mind." Mirajane was staring at him with the almost blank look. She had a hard time believing he would do something so cunning as such. Then she finally forced out her thought.

"Y...You're mean!"

He just smiled back at her. "You were trying to do the same thing from the beginning weren't you?"

She quickly defended herself. "But I wasn't…"

He raised his brows. "You did try to seduce me, right?"

"But I was only trying to…" She spoke urgently, but he cut her off.

"It doesn't matter." He answered. He then moved back to her again, it forced Mirajane to retreat to the wall. He placed his hand on the wall and leaned forward before whispering into her ear. "Your strategy seems like it worked."

Her hair stood up from embarrassment as she realized how hopelessly she had been outdone by him. It was as if she had been playing on his palm all along. She almost teared up in hot steaming, swirling mixture of rapture and hundreds of different emotions behind it.

Though, she was so mortified she could almost repeat her suicide all over again.

She whimpered as she began to tear up helplessly. She choked in her breath, before shouting at him with all her heart's content.

"Y…you're a meanie, Natsu! You're so mean!"

Natsu's smile did not falter. "Come on, let's go meet the others soon. I'm about to see Master Makarov."

She asked, "Master? What for…?"

"You'll see."







Everyone gathered in the guild master's office, and all they waited was Mirajane, the last remaining S-class who hasn't gone missing. Even Laxus was present, sitting next to his grandfather uncomfortably. Despite Erza's departure, the atmosphere was relatively okay for being what it was. It was a tightly packed meeting for only important people, after all.

Irene felt it could have been better if her little sister was here with her. Now that she was without her again, a part of her soul felt empty. She hated that feeling.

She wondered how much the pain it could be, to suddenly see someone who loved leave, and unable to do anything about it. Perhaps she was feeling that vicarious sensation as well for being so close to Natsu always.

Even by now, she was holding his arm tightly to herself. Then, she couldn't help to grin when Dimaria furiously blushed on the other side of him. Ultear was no different; in fact, the scarlet enchantress noticed she seemed to be little jealous.

Then there was Brandish, sitting on the opposite side staring at them with the miffed look. Irene could see through her too; such was more reason to pull Natsu closer to her.

Master Makarov was the one who sat on the very end side of the table with the most prominent chair. The guild master required a different treatment.

Lastly, there was the lightning dragon slayer, Laxus. Who has been missing for quite a while, only to return at the last moment? From what Irene heard, he was on a mission with Lucy Heartphilia and something about the celestial key. The First God of Ishgar didn't mind that at all.

The door finally opened. Mirajane entered the scene.

Though, the girl who entered shared a very little resemblance to her former demeanor. Everyone was either too shocked or dumbfounded to see that, save for herself, Natsu, Dimaria, and Brandish. There was also Laxus everyone decided to ignore. He smirked at her new appearance with crossing his arms.

The long flowing hair was replaced with a plump and rich ponytail that ended with multiple bangs, and the front hair tie was long gone, almost too wildly covering her forehead. The dress was gone, that was also replaced with something more wild, combat oriented.

She donned a pair of jet black combat boots. A pair of black skin-tight leather pants followed, glistening like obsidian, it had a single gigantic cut that divided the whole thing from the side, then there was another set of smaller cuts right on the edge of her groin to her thigh.

It made the leather pants to look like they were two separate pieces, and the only way they were holding themselves were leathery zigzag stitches that ran across its side. Which it revealed far more skin then what usual pants should, and the stark contrast between the jet back and her milky white complexion made it even more alluring.

A chain ran through around her belt and left dangling on her side, and there was a skull mark on the center of it.

She wore a belly cropped studded top with matching black color, which was both ripped from the front and back to reveal her cleavage and her back. She didn't seem to wear a bra underneath, which led to believe the top was much similar to a sports bra, but with more flare in fashion.

She had a pair of studded combat gloves on her each hand, and lastly, her oblivious smile was gone. Instead, there was a sinister one who looked ready to tackle any challenges.

The demon princess was back, but this time, she did for good.

Irene smiled in admiration how fast Mirajane recovered from her misery, and emerge as someone completely different. She especially liked how brilliant her eyes were, and how her teeth almost blindingly shined with confidence.

The platinum Satan Soul boasted. "Natsu! How does this look!" The only thing that she shared with her former self-was her voice. It was still crystal like as usual.

Irene saw his usual devilish grin appearing on his lips. Just like her, he approved of her new look.

"Like a true devil."

That confident grin on Mirajane's face grew even wider as she approached one of the seats, and turned into a scowl and she realized,

"Ara~ara…I'm too far away!"

She picked up the chair moved it back to Natsu's seat, and placed it there. Irene's brow lifted just how different she was. It looked like Brandish was groaning as well, muttering something about "It's going to be a pain in the ass…" Or something.

Then what she did even shock Irene, even more, Mirajane draped her arms around Natsu's shoulder and rested her head on it. The girl stared at him with lustful eyes and smiled she bit her lower lips.

It was a bold move that made the infamously libidinous scarlet woman freeze. For a long time in her history, she felt competitive again. Undoubtedly, this new Mirajane was a demon, a girl who was finally worthy of her match. Irene intentionally pulled his arm into her voluptuous, soft mounts.

Mirajane grinned at her attempt and rested her well-bosomed chest on Natsu's neck.

Natsu notified them both. "Girls, can you wait for a minute?" Then he spread his wicked smile again. "and Mira, that kind of seduction doesn't work on me anymore."

The girl whispered into his ear seductively. "Hmmm…But you like it."

Natsu playfully bit his lips pinched her cheek before harassing it the way he wanted. Satan soul mage yowled in pain, her face blushing again. "Oweee~ stwop eet~! S..stewp~."

He let go of her, and she immediately retreated back. She puffed up her cheeks and crossed her arms and muttered. "Meanie."

Irene smirked at how she was treated. As she was about to stick out her tongue, Natsu pulled her cheeks as well. "W-what, Neetsee-seme~!"

He titled his head as if he didn't know what was going on. That was, even more, scarier. "hmm, what was that?"

Which caused her to immediately retreat, rubbing her cheeks constantly in the process.

"Hggg~ Fine."

Things had gotten a lot quieter then; Master Makarov ceased this opportunity to start the meeting officially. He coughed to gain everyone's attention.

"Kh-hm! Natsu, you were the one who requested this meeting in such privacy…may I ask why?"

The pink haired dragon nodded.

"Right." He stood up from his seat, Mirajane scooped to the side a bit to give him more room.

"The reason I've asked all of you here is to share the plan that I had going on for a while."

Ultear closed in as he claimed. Irene's demeanor changed as she crossed her legs, and Dimaria calmed herself to listen in to what he had to say. Brandish was just being indifferent as usual, Mirajane leaned closer to Natsu from the back. Master Makarov tucked his chin on his gathered hands, and Laxus was just busy eyeing everyone.

But it was safe to say, he had everyone's attention now. He continued.

"I am going to rebuild the Empire."

"What?!" Irene shouted before quickly covering her mouth, and Dimaria stood up from her seat, knocking down the chair behind. "Senpai- that's…!"

Even Ultear seemed to know the implication of it. The idea was simply impossible. Such as, how's he going to gather that many people to reform a fallen empire, and how's he even going to find a land to rebuild on? Where's he going to get all the finances and such… there were thousands and thousands of problems with that proposal.

Only the clueless one was Laxus. He didn't even know what empire he was talking about.

Mirajane asked from behind. "Natsu… I'm not sure how you are going to do that. The entire continent is gone."

He replied, his eyes falling to the floor.

"I know what I am asking is ridiculous… but it is possible. I have brought too many errors and destructions on this land, that resulted killing in billions."

He pointed his finger outside. "and because of me, there are thousands of demons with nowhere else to go. That problem isn't just Tartarus to blame, I am also accountable… not to mention the destruction of Fairytail I did not foresee."

"It's time to fix everything." He claimed. "I have the power to do so, and intend to use it for good."

Irene scowled. "But Natsu-sama. Rebuilding the continent and the building is one thing, but even with all those demons, that's not going to be enough populations to form a stable government."

Brandish added. "And there's a reason why demons and humans live don't together. The racial discrimination… their ethics and culture, it's like trying to mix water and fire."

Natsu answered firmly to that. "Of course, it would be impossible to make an empire with so little population. But why do you have to look, when every people we need is right there?"

Irene furrowed again. "I don't quite follow…"

The dragon asked Dimaria to stand up. He asked her. "Mari, what does it take you to rewind the time enough to bring back a dead person?"

Time priestess answered. "Senpai… bringing a dead person requires my life in exchange… not to mention it requires a vast amount of magic."

He asked again, "But what if you can allocate the exchange with someone else? What if you can find an infinite source of magic?"

Everyone froze at what they just heard. Everyone exclaimed.

"Natsu senpai! You don't possibly mean-!" "Natsu-sama! That is just reckless! The risk following is too great!"

"I know that." He responded. "But it is a risk I am willing to take."

Mirajane quickly asked. "But… what about the demons?" It was something that concerned her as well.

"If you bring them into the human world, they'll sure be chaos."

"That's why we are going to be an example. Not only demons but Dragons as well… if they are still out there. The empire that I have in my vision is a place where no discrimination exists. It will be a haven for all."

Mirajane found herself blushing at the thought and the possibility. Makarov questioned.

"Na…Natsu. It is a noble cause… but how are you going to make an example out of everyone? Even here in a small town… the thought of it is impossible."

"That is simple. One of us has to be their leader. If they see their leader accepting demons as a member of his citizens in a first place, then they might follow."

Mirajane tried to interject, but he halted her by accentuating his first word, staring at her the whole time.

"And…once the matter of marriage comes into place, that would settle their disputes as well."

Effectively gaining a blush from Mirajane again… Irene nodded in understanding.

"I see… I think I see how this goes. Then the same goes for the rest of us, right, Natsu-sama? I like the plan."

Brandish added. "It's a convenient way of explaining Hentai's massive harem to the public as well."

Ultear nodded as she narrowed her eyes. "You're right. Hmm, that sure is convenient, let's go with that."

The bobbed haired girl narrowed her eyes even further. "You are trash."

The said velvet eyed girl's eye widened in the offense. "What? What did you just say?"

Brandish stuck out her tongue. Laxus carefully raised his hand, already knowing what will happen if he steps out of his line. He certainly did not look forward to getting his power ripped away or turned into the woman again.

"I have a question…"

Natsu motioned him. "What is it, lightning dragon?"

The blonde man responded. "Well, I understand your power, but you haven't explained who should be ruling."

Ultear barked at Laxus as if she was about to bite his face.

"Of course, it is Lord Natsu! Who else is more fit to rule other than him! He was the prince!"

He shook his head. The red-eyed girl furrowed her brows in concern and confusion. She asked,

"But lord?!"

"I am not fit to rule a nation." He responded. Enchantress/ Generation X Dragon Slayer interjected. "Natsu-sama! But if you're gonna build a nation, then don't you think it's your responsibility to rule it?"

The dragon himself could only manage to let out a weak laugh. "How can someone be so arrogant to appoint himself as a ruler? Just building that world is plenty arrogant enough already."

He pointed to her instead. "I was actually thinking about you. Empress Irene Belserion. How does that sound?"

Irene gasped a little before she immediately rejected the offer, no matter how tempting that sound.

"I cannot take that title. Should there be a ruler, then it is you. It's only you." She added before a pause.

"Without your brother, you are the direct heir to the throne by the law. You are the crown prince."

Dimaria nodded in agreement while both Dreyars had a difficult time comprehending what they just heard.

"Senpai, she is right. You build a nation; then by rights, it is yours to rule."

"Guys. I am not qualified. My birthright can't simply mean everything." He defended, though, that only brought more arguments from everyone. Irene roared.

"Natsu-sama! Might I remind you the work you've prepared is paramount? You can't just build an empire because you feel it! If that is the case, then what's the difference than a child building a sand castle only to destroy. What you are about to do takes an enormous amount of pressure and responsibility. If you reject them both, then you might as well not make one."

Ultear agreed. "Milord, please think this differently. Learning how to rule will help you understand deeply about human society."

The pink haired dragon turned to face Mirajane. She was struggling to say something with a frown on her face. She asked as her expression slowly turned soft and her brows lifting in disbelief.

"Natsu… are you…really the prince?"

"Technically I am…" He answered deflatingly.

"Then I agree with everyone here. You should be the ruler, not a bystander."

At this, Brandish's keen eyes picked up something from Natsu. She aggressively asked. "Natsu, is there's something you are not telling me?"

Everyone has fixated on her the turquoise-haired girl. She squinted her eyes. "There's an ulterior purpose, isn't it?"

Natsu's onyx eyes darted everyone's face before returning to the floor. He raised them up again, and looked straight into Brandish, and answered.

"I am in a desperate need of an army."

The reaction was unanimous, to think that someone this powerful to need an army was a preposterous thought. Irene wagged her hand as if she doubted her hears.

"Natsu-sama, surely you jest."

"I am not joking." He replied. He slowly turned, looking from person to person, he conveyed his reasoning.

"the Well of the Dead, it wasn't just a coincidence you found its map, Master Makarov. Ankhseram knew it from the beginning that I must look for it to gain access to his realm. He also knew that I was going to destroy Tartarus at some point…

He wanted my presence here on Earthland to be devastating as possible."

Brandish questioned. "Are you be sure of that?"

"My brother has been mind controlled; then he made Tartarus attack the Magic Council and me. That librarian girl was manipulated by him as well. He knew that Dimaria would come and shatter the artifact. That opened a gate to his realm, allowing the dead demons to wreak havoc in Magnolia.

In result, the hate of all demonkind rose, making Mirajane fall victim. The council saw Fairytail as something to be destroyed, and yet they were annihilated by Tartarus, which was another scheme that Ankhserma had set up."

He concluded. "We've been circling all along, chasing at nothing."

The office became cold all the sudden. Their warm breath felt colder than snow.

"but there's one thing that he did not foresee." He pointed to Irene. "and that's you, Irene."

"However now that he saw what we are truly capable, he will no doubt attempt to quickly deal with us. You all need to get stronger if we're going to face his divine armada. I might stand on equal footing as he, but I alone cannot fend off all the attack if he decides to siege from all sides.

We're going to need an army that can help us protect the Earthland from his soldiers while we deal with him and his elites."

Makarov began to sweat a little. "Natsu, doesn't that plan gets pointless if you don't become a ruler?"

Natsu Dragneel blinked. "Ah. Wait. I thought about training them in secrecy…"

Irene smacked her face by his easy way of thinking. She was sure he didn't mean that, but he knew very little about training a large group of soldiers. Maybe a handful might work, but tens of thousands were just ridiculous. They needed an open field, not some covert shadows to hide from anyone.

"Natsu-sama, if you become the Emperor, then I will aid you everything I've got because you really don't know anything about growing an army."

Natsu sighed in defeat. He sat back down in his chair as he accepted his fate. "I guess I have no choice here."

Mirajane cheered him up a little. "Natsu~ but at least you have all of us aiding you, it can't be all that bad."

He let out a smile as he looked at her bright blue eyes and milky white skin and hair. He sighed again. "You're right."

She added, "Besides, if you become a king or emperor or something like that… then I can be…I can be…"

Irene shut her up by pressing her hand on her mouth. She shouted to the entire room, her breath slightly going irregular. "We'll have SEX with you every day, Natsu-sama! We'll have hundreds of children!"

Makarov nearly fainted, Laxus's face glowed red. Ultear and Dimaria however, almost squealed in the brilliance of that idea. Mirajane's face turned beat red and bit down the female dragon slayer's hand. "Let go of me, you pervert!"

Irene yowled in pain, her hand gripping Mira's face to pull her hand away. "No, you let me! There's nothing wrong with loving sex when a perfect man to have children is right in front of you!"

Makarov and Laxus felt like they should both jump off the bridge or like something. They just could not bear that sadness that crept behind their soul, and even more so when that many girls were clinging to a single man like him.

Thankfully, Master Makarov quickly regained his composure before asking to the END.

"By the way, Natsu. What's the Fairytail's involvement in this? Surely there's a reason why you needed me here."

Natsu leaned towards the table. "You're right. I have an offer for you guys."

Laxus's brow raised. "An offer?"

"Right." The Prime Dragon answered. "How would you like move to my new empire?"

"Move to your empire?" Makarov raised his voice questionably. "You mean as a temporary stationing?"

He shook his head. "No. As in permanent." "Magnolia doesn't want you here despite the sacrifice you've put on. Clearly, but if you come and station the guild there, then there should be no problem with the reputation and your finances right? I'll also provide government protection and funding, of course, as it's going to be the first official guild."

Laxus nervously turned to Makarov for an answer. The deal was good. Very good, in fact. The state the guild was in was almost similar to a ruin. Surely they would need a lot of budgets to rebuild everything and a lot more time to regain trust from the town. Just simply moving to a new country that Natsu offered, Who was also a Fairytail mage, solved all of that problems.

"Oi, gramps… that's… that's actually really good."


"I'm sorry, Natsu. I'm afraid I'll have to turn it down." Makarov answered. "Right now, there is no Magic Council, it is damage that needs to be fixed. And to rebuild the Magic Council means everyone guild must gather to pick new members. That is going to take many years to complete. Besides, it is not right for us to just leave Magnolia after so much history we've built on it. This town, despite the town folks hate it or not, it has become home to all Fairytail mages.

I am sorry."

Natsu was left mostly unsatisfied. He eyed Mirajane briefly before suggesting again.

"Then how about a daughter guild?"

Master Makarov raised his brows in question. "A daughter guild, you say?"

He nodded." Yeah, A daughter guild. It will be an extension guild to Fairytail for members abroad. We can set that up in the new empire." "Technically, even we become the rulers, we'll still be members. Which means we already have rational numbers to make one. Besides, it will also give you lots of political benefits, don't you think?"

Makarov dropped a massive sweat. "I'm okay without all those political powers… those give me a headache."

Natsu leaned forward even further. "But a sister guild, what do you think of that? We'll send you necessary funds to maintain the guild no matter what happens to your side."

Laxus asked nervously.

"Well… don't you think you're too generous?"

"Generous? I am reasonable. I can create diamonds out of thin air, what do you think money means to me?"

Makarov tucked his chin in and began to contemplate for a while. Natsu sat back for an answer. Then the graying man threw his hand at Natsu. He exclaimed.

"Alright. I can agree on that. It is not a bad idea to hold a second footing on the different continent after all."

Natsu grinned and immediately grabbed his hand before performing a handshake.

"Fairytail will now become an international guild, you know?"

The guild master couldn't help to grin back at him by that possibility.

"I can't say no to that, Natsu!"

Now, all that there was to decide was the name of the empire and the guild.




West Continent, Alakitasia( now a small island)

Ripping a tear into the fabric of spacetime, it was powerful and convenient magic, but it was never invented to be used by a single man. Portal existed in this world, Mirajane heard there was one inside the capital, and that was just a rumor. And it had it that it was gargantuan, and never been operated until recently.

All that was just rumors, she was aware. But she had never seen an actual portal herself until now.

It was a rip through space like she imagined met to be. Also, she never quite imagined seeing it being cast by a single person. She believed magic like that would require a lot of magic, but the way Natsu did it seemed so effortless.

Combat readied Mirajane awed at what he could do. But that was to be expected when the God Soul Dimaria and First God Irene served and loved him.

Mirajane entered through the portal just like everyone did. She looked back to see Magnolia again, and when she turned her head forward, there was an endless ocean that stretched all the way to the horizon and kissed the sky.

Soon she realized she was on an island. Mirajane watched the rest of the guild followed through, starting from Master Makarov, Laxus, then Lucy. She seemed little confused though, but Mira could understand that. She was too, confused at the beginning.

When the whole guild followed through, she realized the island was not quite enough to fit everyone comfortably. From her side, Irene seemed to recognize the place.

"Natsu-sama… this place…"

Brandish finished. "It's a place where we've first left... This brings me back memories…"

Mirajane asked Dimaria, who was closest to her. "Mari, did something happen here?"

"Mira." The God Soul stated. "This is the place where senpai and all of us got together. Many things happened here in such a short time."

Then she smiled back at her. "By the way, it's good to know you're back, Satan Soul." There was a hint of elations in her avid golden eyes.

Mirajane couldn't help to smile back little competitively. "It is good to be back, God Soul. But you better be careful, because I'm going to catch up to you before you know it."

"Oh? Is that a challenge?" Dimaria grinned, which Mirajane nodded. "Damn right it is. Winner gets to stay with Natsu for the entire week."

The priestess burst into laughter. "What?! That's too good!" "Alright, you got yourself a challenge, but watch out not to hurt yourself too much. It wouldn't be much of a challenge then, would it?"

Natsu approached with an affectionate smile.

"Hey, it's good to see you two getting along." He exclaimed softly.

Mira smirked. "Oh yeah, definitely. We are both takeover mages." Mari added,

"Take over sisters, Mari and Mira. Doesn't just that rolls off the tongue, senpai?"

"I suppose that is true." He then turned to all three spriggans. He announced, "Guys, now it's time to do something really stupid."

He requested to Brandish. "Let's start with the new continent itself." The bobbed haired girl nodded as she pushed her fist upward, shouting,

"Command T!" For a moment, nothing happened. That was until the entire island shook. Some even fell, and they all knew they were about to see something grandiose from this girl. Even Mirajane felt it, the power that she exerted exceed all her expectation.

Brandish never fought, so she assumed she was on par with herself, but apparently that was not the case. From the ocean, a land erupted outward.

Ocean clashed as it foamed around it, and its waved hailed towards the island, of which Brandish shrunk them all. Within a second, there was land as large as Magnolia. Her brows knitted in displeasure and explained it to Natsu.

"I'm sorry, hentai Natsu. This part of the ocean is quite deep. It took me a while to pull this chunk of rock…"

He complimented her, however. "That's alright. It looks good enough, Brandish, Good job."

The girl seemed to startle a bit before a light dusting of pink sprinkled on her cheeks. "Pat me, hentai."

Natsu raised his brows, he seemed unsure what to do, and yet, he treated her just like he would do it every other girl. The turquoise-haired girl closed her eyes blushed even further. Mira was sworn she heard the girl purr. Although, that could have very well her imaginations. She shrugged, thinking,

'She does like cats after all…'

"Alright, Irene. Now it's your part. You think this is enough for you to use that magic without straining again?"

Irene smirked in reply. "Oh please, Natsu-sama. I am not longer that weakling anymore. With the power you gave me, I might even perform something greater than that."

Natsu still warned her of the possibility of it, but again, Irene was too confident for her own good. Although, no one could fault her for that as there was no living human stronger than her. Mirajane considered Natsu, but he did say he wasn't human. She perished the thoughts.

From Irene's cloak, two large feathered wings covered in fire spread. Blazing feathers sprayed all over as she did so, and with a single mighty flap, she became airborne.

The rest she relied on her flight magic to move higher up to the sky. Every member of the guild stared at her with admiration. Their eyes literally sparkled with respect and love. Mira was she sure she wouldn't be too weird out by the fact that there was actual fan club based in Irene.

The woman's power returned to her full might, and all felt the immense magical pressure weighing down on them from above. Master Makarov coughed at the tremendous surge of energy, and some kneeled by its unrivaled might, and some even gave up standing completely. Such person like Macao was the prime example of that. He just stayed on the floor with his face flat to the ground.

Mirajane's focus was on Irene, however. The scarlet woman raised her finger and chanted.


The entire ocean and the new island Brandish made glowed with thousands of streak of light reaching to heaven. It shined like aurora borealis on the earth, not from the sky. And soon, as the entire world trembled again.

The land the Brandish uncovered expanded into a size of a continent in a blink of time and what was ocean was filled with soil. The horizon that was met with sea and sky was not replaced with endless dirt, and the dampness of them suddenly dissipated into the air.

The power that these two had just left Mirajane in awe, and no matter how many times she felt Irene's power, it never grew tired of her. The Satan Soul mage aspired herself to be strong as them. S-class almost felt like it was nothing compared those, and she could only stare at them, especially Irene with profound respect and admiration.

Then lastly, Natsu stepped up.

All eye fixated on him incredulously. Skeptical looks came and went between the guildmates as they whispered to another. Mirajane didn't fault them for that. They didn't know the truth, but alas, they were about to witness anyways. She figured it wasn't much of a use for them to know the everything as she hoped his display of power explains them all.

Yet, she too felt the increasing thirst to know Natsu's true power. As far as she was concerned. Natsu initially came across as a re-equip mage who was a tad bit stronger than Erza. She now knew that wasn't the case, but it still made her wonder what he really can do.

He spoke as he turned to face everyone. His smug slowly reached up to his cheek.

"Let's get to work."

Dimaria responded with a nod before unleashing her magic. "TAKE OVER GOD SOUL: CHRONOS!"

Her body exploded in heavenly flames before reducing into a form of a female entity. Black swirls appeared on her body lazily swimming around her, and underneath showed endless pits that glowed in light gold. The only thing that remained human was her head, not even her clothing or armor.

They all seem to dissolve into her magic, and just like Irene, her magic was outlandish and inconceivable. Mirajane smirked slightly at that. Her heart almost skipped a beat as she imagined her future self would be just as strong as her.

Then there was everyone else, gawking at her god form. This was the second time they were staring at her this way, and no one said anything about it. Their mind was preoccupied with the goddess that stood in front of them, their clothes blown away, themselves tumbling in the floor by the sheer power mattered none.

They were all too busy basking in her presence. It was as if Fairytail had two goddesses for them to worship.

Then lastly, there was Natsu. He who himself supposed to have infinite power. As Dimaria floated away to the sky to join Irene, Natsu followed a moment after.

He spread his arms open and let himself go airborne. Then the disciple of god unchained himself.

Mira had forgotten how to breathe. The force that struck her was absolute and simply impossible in every way. There was no logical explanation, no reasoning, and no methods to explain this kind of power. It struck her body and soul and drilled into it, and ravaged everything within her. The world that she believed collapsed like a sandcastle meeting the tsunami by the man that stood in the sky.

It knocked all he airs out of her lung, froze her entire nervous system, and her body trembled chaotically before her skin perspired by coldness. Her body ran numb like she had caught hypothermia, and her bone ached oddly.

Finally, she collapsed to her knee before staring at the transformation above.

Mirajane tried to breathe but she couldn't, she tried to think, but that was impossible. Everything was useless in front of that man.

A gush of mighty wind blew everyone, yet Mirajane managed to hold herself to the ground. Master Makarov instantly transformed himself into a titan before shielding them all.

And that did last long as his magic was literally being blown away by.

Brilliant golden light exploded, and with it, the pressure that exerted on everyone was gone. Like as if Natsu himself was erased out of existence altogether.

Mirajane trembled as she looked up, and looked up to see the god in person.

What stood there was not a man or a beast. That was the god who was standing, acknowledging the mortals by his undying presence.

The god himself had no fixed form, and yet the nebulous shape of his most resembled a muscular man, of which continually shifting and loving like a liquid in the air. The amorphous state of his body radiated large to small particles that broke out of himself.

Even that single bubble contained more energy than the entire Isghar could manage, and Mirajane was sure of it, and it was as if Natsu himself could not contain the magic that was emanating from him.

Then himself was divided by abyssal lines that glowed in blue- and its color was the color of the star, his faceless head stared back at her with nothing more than two glowing blue eyes. His brow ridges seemed to be more pronounced, and his cheeks sunk as if his head had been chiseled by a sculptor. Those were only facial features that were fixed, and recognizable to Mirajane.

She muttered, herself choking by her own words.

"God...Just…just what am I looking at?"

Makarov whispered next to her. "Kids… you are now… witnessing a true personification of infinity."

Natsu opened his palm towards the land and exerted his power. The continent glowed with his power, and the ether-nanos erupted out of everywhere.

Thin golden lines of structures formed and spread out the entire continent before they materialized into something she could understand. From a flat land, mountains that pierced the sky formed, snows covered them, and ridges separated heaven and earth. Grass meadows covered the barren landscape, flowers bloomed, and woods reached to the mountain and to the end of the horizon, rivers split the land, and lakes formed.

The new world that Natsu created was unlike any building they had ever seen. The ground she was standing was replaced by stone road which stretched all the way to the valleys of titanic mountains. The road reached to the center of it, and there was a lake that was as large as the ocean. It made the mountains look far away. And they were, Mirajane could see that as their images were washed out by the color of the air.

The reason why they seemed so close was simple. Mountains were that big. Even far away, they looked so near. The lake played a considerable role in that.

In the center of the lake, there was an island with a steel bridge that connected the roads.

Her eyes traveled to see the structures that stood on it. It was a castle that stretched to the sky and disappeared into the clouds, and they were made entirely out of gold and white marbles. The castle was surrounded by buildings with similar structures, and its rims were finished with harbors and docks.

Natsu spoke, "Dimaria, prepare your magic. Let's do this." He reached out his both hand to her. Dimaria hesitated. She looked at her black-golden hand before accepting his.

Instantly, her body jolted as his power rushed into her. The time goddess panted, but slowly adjusted to his, and he did the same, matching their levels and frequencies. Dimaria's body glowed even brighter than before.

Natsu nodded, and she did so in return. Then together, they invoked the spell.

"Age of Contradiction"

Space-time continuum shattered by their call. Mirajane watched their fragments floating away like pieces of glass that she could not touch. The platinum girl saw her reflection from them as they passed away by her head, and the sound it made echoed like the ringing of a wine glass from her ear.

Everything moved slower than what it should be. Her heart beat calmed as her sapphire eyes widened at the grand vista. Images flashed before her, an epic destructions and annihilations came and passed by, and she witnessed them all in a split second. And the same time, she saw every detail of it. She heard people's scream, the collapse of buildings, and an explosion in the air in the night.

Natsu and Dimaria glowed brighter than before, and the light engulfed them both and disappeared within it. The shadows that loomed behind everyone were consumed by the ethereal streaks of light that came from below.

Mirajane closed her eyes and felt the light envelop her, and soon, all senses were stripped away from her. For a second, everything shut down, and she entered the state of nothingness where she no longer conscious of her body.

Then in a flash, everything returned. Images and color exploded, and Mira gasped.

Purple gaseous beings what seems to be souls descended from the heaven like heavy rain. Then each of them found their shapes and changed their colors. Purple went to pink and white, some brown, and some with a yellowish hue, and some black.

Mirajane realized they were people resurrecting from the dead.

She was witnessing the billions of the dead becoming alive again, all done by two godly beings.

A dark pillar thundered and fell from the sky and struck Natsu. The energy, however, was bounced around in a circle before converted into golden one. It was then redirected to all directions before evaporating.

Finally, the spell was done. Dimaria's flight grew unstable before she collapsed. Natsu immediately held her and floated down to the ground. Her god form faded away.

Irene landed next to him and tucked in her wings under her white coat, and Brandish wiped the sweat away from her forehead.

Mirajane rushed in. "Natsu-?" She asked, unsure how to approach him now that she was so close to him again… in his different form.

His godly aspect remained. He replied. "Mira, I hope that didn't put too much stress on your body."

The demon princess blinked before laughing it off. "I..it was nothing! I can handle it just fine!"

Natsu chuckled as he pointed to the rest of the Fairytail. She turned to face them and discovered they were all fainted. Even Master Makarov and Laxus.


Then she looked for an explanation of what just happened. "What was that dark pillar? That felt… different. Is she doing alright?"

Even with his mouthless face, she could tell he was smirking underneath. "That was the god of life and death. His curse does not work on us now." He looked up to the sky.

"I've beaten him this time… but not for long." His deep voice echoed, and she realized it was calmer and serene than what he used to be. Mirajane found odd peace in his voice She kinda liked it.

Natsu held sleeping Dimaria close to her and whispered. "You did a good job…" with his mouthless face he kissed her on her forehead.

Mirajane found herself little jealous at that. That could be same for Irene as well it seemed. The gen X dragon slayer exclaimed.

"Natsu-sama! That's not very fair!"

Though, she didn't realize what was coming to her. Natsu's hand moved faster than anyone conceived and poked the most sensitive part of her wings. Irene gasped and yelped in surprise.

"Natsu-sama— HIEEEK!"

Her jaw fell open without consent, and her tongue escaped with saliva bursting out from it, her face instantly melted away. She gave up without a fight as the pleasure destroyed her mind, making her surrender by collapsing onto her knee panting heavily. "Ah, …ah….hng….ah…N…Nats—"

Mirajane's eye widened.

Though, Irene managed to recover from it after a while. She stood back up while blushing and staring at him lustfully. "Ah… Natsu-sama… wh..what an unexpected present…"

The god slayer in his divine form answered, his eyes equally narrowing down to her and whispering. "I still haven't forgotten about what you suggested. Irene. I'm ready to teach you tonight. Are you ready to learn?"

Irene nodded furiously as her pupils turned into hearts.

Brandish growled as her face crumbled into thousands of blacks. "Die!"

Natsu raised his hand and began to move most erotically. His shadow loomed over the bikini-clad girl even though his body emitted light. "What? Do you want the same treatment?!"

The bobbed haired girl shouted. "Hentai! Ecchi! Lewd pervert!"

The Satan Soul mage covered her mouth as she stared at what Natsu could do… and this was great news. Mira stared at Natsu with totally different kind of admiration and excitement.

Then all the sudden…

"Milord! Please teach me!" Natsu was so startled by the sudden roar behind that he almost dropped Dimaria. It was a comical sight that even a being so powerful can be caught off guard.

Mirajane shouted herself in her mind. 'teach me what?!'

It was Ultear who shouted while kneeling behind Natsu. He stared at her not knowing what to respond. "Uh…Teach you what exactly…?"

Ultear's eye sparkled. "Teach me that magic!"

Natsu stammered. "I…I already have to teach Mira…"

Ultear shouted again, "Please, milord! I want to be more useful to you! I implore you to teach the magic you used to create this new world!" She added, this time being bashful.

"..and…and please teach me how you broke her so instantly…"

The elemental god slayer peeked at her vigilantly but quickly becoming more aggressive in his approach. "I can do that… but I wonder if your body can hold up to my standards… should we test that in the bed?"

Ultear's eye spun, and her brain froze as her cognitive functions began to fail altogether. "y..y..Yes, milord! Sho..should I prepare myself?! I can do that right now!"

Natsu stopped her. "Not now. Enough of that. On the matter of teaching you magic." "You want to become a Creation God Slayer?"

The girl with rich violet hair immediately answered as if she practiced it hundreds of times.

"My mother is a Molding mage who can cast ice spells… I know her spells as well. I feel that this Creation magic is more effective, and not limited to what elements I can use!"

Natsu raised his brows as he placed Dimaria down to the floor, quickly creating a bedsheet beneath her to cushion her from the soil.

"But why would you want to do that? You've spent lots of time trying to learn the lost magic."

The girl's eye fell to the unconscious girl. The excitement she contained seemed to die a bit as she opened her lips softly.

"I've tried to master the lost magic to reverse my fate. I wanted to go back to my past. I wanted to stay with my mother the whole time." She paused. She inhaled sharply before continuation.

"But now, I have her back, thanks to you. The magic I learned was given by the past that I no longer want to associate with. I want to start a new beginning. Learning to become a Creation God Slayer might just be what I need, milord."

"I see. It will be the turning point."

Mirajane watched him mutter. She wondered what Natsu was thinking, but she found herself quite urgent situation. The promise that Natsu made to her was on the verge of breaking, and she did not want that. Though, she did see where Ultear as coming from. The eyes that she gave to Natsu were filled with vehement desires and hope. Mirajane couldn't deny that.

Then she heard him speak.

"Very well. I shall teach you. But keep in mind that I also have to teach Mira as well. We'll have to split the time."

Mirajane rushed up to him and asked little disappointingly, her face was already in full of disapproval.

"Natsu, I thought you're going to help me train full time…"

"Don't worry." He said. "That just means we'll just to work even harder." Natsu pumped up his fist. "Ya ready for that!?" He roared, and her face perked.

She pumped her fist in the air just like he did. "I'm ready! Throw me anything!"

Ultear followed as rose back again. "Absolutely!"

Irene chuckled as she approached them. "Well, I'm looking forward to what fruit you'll bear, Natsu-sama. But be that as it may, you now have your subjects waiting for you."

Natsu turned to the people, and Mira followed him after. She looked to the open field, where there were billions of people sleeping soundly. However, they were starting to stand up one by one. Some of them began to spoke, mutters of disarray and confusion were the first thing they spoke.

The Satan Soul's fervent eyes gazed at him, who was discerning his subjects with his observant eyes.

More people rose, a handful of them quickly grew in size, and soon, thousands of people were standing. Some went to wake up the others, and some searched for his own family.

Then she saw one of them speaking something as it pointed at Natsu. People listened and turned at the directions before freezing at what they saw. More of them pointed at her and the rest of the gang. Soon, billions of a head filled the endless field, and they all turned to face the man in gold.

Mira almost teared up at sight; there was something powerful that these people gave when they all turned to see him.

They all waited for something to happen it seemed. Irene whispered to him.

"Natsu-sama. These people are waiting for you."

She saw him gulping down saliva. She wondered if he even can do that without having a mouth, but she just accepted it as such. Natsu wasn't human after all. In Mira's eyes, he was a god.

At last, he announced. His magic carried his booming voice as far as her eyes could see.

"I am Natsu Dragneel, Son of Dragon King Igneel, Disciple of The Prime God Theos Aphenes, and Lord of all Demons, brother of your former Emperor, Zeref Dragneel."

Mira's eye shot open when he mentioned that name. 'Z..Zeref…?'

"The Alvarez you've lived is now gone, and you were all perished within it."

Murmurs began to come and go between the people. Natsu continued.

"However, you are not dead! Look at the person next to you, and the one who stands in front of you, behind you! You are all alive! I have brought you all back because it was not fair."

"I have given you a second chance to dream again. Acknowledge me as your new emperor, and I will help you fulfill them."

There was an eerie silence between him and the crowd. Mirajane could see Natsu starting to sweat in nervousness. Even herself was breaking down from the drama that the whole scene generated.

Then an elderly man kneeled and bowed at him, which was followed by people around him. Like a tide, more people followed.

Billions bowed at Natsu Dragneel. It was countless, yet all these lives acknowledged him and accepted him as their new leader.

Mirajane burst into tears, yet she tried so hard not to.

Irene whispered on the side. "Natsu-sama. There's going to be lots of chaos once you introduce them to demons."

He whispered back. "I know. We have lots of work to do… if only Erza saw what I am seeing…"







New Citadel/ Castle. Natsu's Master Room

Natsu found himself impossible to return to his base form. Not without some restriction magic, that was. He wore a collar around his neck, and it was enchanted with his own Elemental God Slayer magic to suppress his god form.

Which it did the job, but often then, he found it not enough. He figured sacrificing his billions of years in his lifespan did take a toll in his magic container.

It had simply grown that much more, he grew so strong that his body had forgotten how it was like to be at nigh-zero state, let alone his dragon form. He could not change his body.

Until he got used to it and able to change back again by himself, he had to rely on the collar he created.

That certainly didn't feel too good. So he decided to undress completely just to relieve his stress. That was far better than destroying anything.

The day was now falling, it was going to be night soon. He crackled his joints as he leaped onto the bed. Sleep was unnecessary, but his head throbbed after working out so many different problems. It didn't hurt to rest once a while after all.

He never handled that many people, when everyone became silent, he thought he screwed up. Thankfully that wasn't the case, and he found peace in that.

After that, he had to explain to Mirajane about his relationship with Zeref. She did understand the fact that he and Zeref were not the same. She came to accept what he is and kept her avid personality with it. She still seemed to look at Natsu just like she used to, but more frequently as he recalled.

He helpless grinned at that.

"I'll have to tell her to stop doing that… it's not good for my heart."

Then there was the matter of situating everyone to every house and district. It wasn't completely dealt with, and he knew her, and the rest of the girls will have to work entire month to finish it.

But that was only to be expected. Running a country did require lots of resource after all, which, he had more than plenty.

At last, there were problems associated with demons. He introduced them to each other, and there were quite a lot of disagreements between the tow populous. Natsu and Mirajane had to transform to solve that problem, however. The two peoples still weren't too happy about living together it seemed, but Natsu was sure he could solve that given the time.

But after all, they were both extremely thankful for what he had done. They saw him as their savior, and to that extent, they listened and quieted down themselves.

"Speaking of which…"

Natsu pulled out a book from his pocket dimension. IT was a book of Zeref. He opened the book and imbued his magic in it, and called out the Etherious to a physical form.

It began with a large rune that expanded out of the book. A streak of light burst out from it, and a woman with a leopard kimono emerged. She floated in the air, and the book was gone, soon, she collapsed onto the bed like a broken doll.

Her dark, velvety hairs covered Natsu's leg as fall flat in between, her pair of golden horn scraped alongside his skin. He didn't mind them too much.

The girl fluttered her eyes open, and her long, bountiful lashes revealed a pair of dark eyes glittering underneath.

She groggily raised her head, moaning softly as she did so. She moved aside the hair covering her face, and fixed her white headband… only to discover Natsu's gigantic manhood staring back at her directly.

The girl jolted back in surprise, and her face glowed deep crimson red. She quickly raised her head to see who it belonged to.

She exclaimed, recognizing the power.

"M..Master END?!"

Natsu waved. "Yo. How are you feeling?"

Seilah's eye widened for the second time as she looked around. She felt her face and confirmed that her flesh still existed, and the leopard kimono she wore unchanged, if not a little loose. She saw her own delicate hands that they were and began to shake slightly.

She looked up again and questioned in a whisper.

"M…Master END…?..."

Natsu finished her question for her. "Why are you still alive? Simple. I found that you do not deserve that kind of punishment."

The girl's eye glistened as her body tensed up, before completely losing all of it. Her eyes fell and let out a small smile.

"I.. I see…To see that I was worthy of saving, it is such an honor." She then immediately kowtowed.

He ordered her. "Raise your head. There's no need to bow when deserved it." He added as he leaned forward. Seilah's milky body tensed up again and failed to look back to his eyes, which naturally fell on to his huge asset and equally large jewels beneath.

Her lips tightened try not to let out her emotions swept away her mind, but her face was already glowing a deep shade of red.

He spoke. "I summoned you back because I saw it as a right time. There's something that you must do for me."

The demon girl's eye began to spin. She wiped away her mouth urgently before she replied. Which she did too quickly altogether.

"Y...yes, Master END! Anything you ask!"

Natsu's eye narrowed at her strange behavior, but he explained.

"I have built a land where human and demon kinds can live together in peace."

The girl's response from it was immediate. "Master?! But humans are lowly creatures—"

The END's face was quick to frown. "Say that again?"

Seilah completely lost dominion over herself when she realized she made a mistake. There was a significant fear towards him. After what he had done, that was only natural. Though, Natsu didn't want fear to be the only method of handling her.

She, however, immediately kowtowed again and asked for forgiveness.

"I'm sorry, Master!"

"Why do you think that way? I'd like to know why." He asked.

Seilah hesitated a bit, but she strongly stated while keeping her emotions in check. "B..but master. They are feeble-minded creatures with countless weaknesses compared to us demons… to have them live together… I can't stand them standing near me and being riddled with their filth!"

"So it is solely for emotional reasons," Natsu confirmed. He added, " Zeref is a human as well. Do you think he's filth as well?"

Seilah froze at that question. "Ma..master. But that's— He is different..!"

"You would think that… but if its human you hate, then taking an appearance of a human seems little counterintuitive, doesn't it? Of course, you were created to look like one. Don't you find anger in that?"

The girl had no way of responding that question. Natsu continued. "Or the fact that you're staring at my penis the whole time… It doesn't look at that different does it?" He grin that appeared on his lips was good enough to put Lucifer into shame.

Seilah's heart skipped as she quickly averted her eyes. She mumbled, too embarrassed to say it out loud.

"M..master… t…this is my first time seeing one…" Then she shut her eyes, although she peeked through them carefully.

IT was so eye-stealing, it screamed for attention. It was huge, slightly larger than her forearm…

"Well, just to let you know, I am part human. Technically speaking." He spoke, rising from the bed and walking up to the gigantic window that became permeable. Natsu walked through the balcony and looked out the scene outside. He motioned her to follow.

She obeyed and walked through the window just like him without even questioning how the windows even worked.

What she saw outside was a breathtaking scene that stole all her emotions away, replacing it only with awe. The riling embarrassment that clouded her mind was gone and replaced it with the cool evening breeze.

Sun was falling. It was tugging just above the land, but she saw everything. The land, no… countless buildings that stood below was covered in by lake-side fogs, and the whole sky glowed in amethyst lavender. The reflection on the lake shinned like a mirror, and the gargantuan mountains that circled felt regal and monumental.

Seilah took a sharp breath, before gazing her way to him. The lavender-orange light bounced off from his perfect face. Seilah averted her eyes again before unconsciously fidgeting her hair.

"M..master. Why have you brought me outside?"

Natsu answered. "Twenty-six billion five hundred thousand and counting. That's all the population that I am going to rule, humans and demons alike. Yet, demon's is a minority here. I already have someone who speaks for them, and She's already in my personal interest. But I need someone who's willing to work for me in place of them."

"Tomorrow is my coronation day. Zeref will be coming as well."

The girl's eye widened. "Lord Zeref…?"

He nodded. "Just to be clear, I am his brother."

Seilah let that information sink into her brain, which it failed to for a couple of seconds. She exclaimed. "Master is lord Zeref's brother!" Her eyes glistened the way it never did. There was much enthusiasm inside her, it almost didn't seem like Etherious that he knew.

He further explained. "His younger brother."

Seilah shouted again. "Master's lord Zeref's brother!" She leaned even closer to revelation. The girl looked genuinely happy.

Natsu couldn't help to smile at that. He petted her head… which he found little difficult because of her two large horns.

"Sleep on that. Reconsider your thoughts on humans; then I'll let you stand next to my mate and mates to be." Then he whispered.

"and I'll also free you from the book." Seilah's eye wavered when she heard them. She didn't think twice before quickly nodding.

"M..master! I… I implore you to let me stay with you during the event! I wish to see you become the ruler of this land with my own eyes!"

"Even though my mates are humans?"

Seilah dropped her eyes as she found herself conflicted. Her dark pair of eyes landed automatically to his dangling dragon rod and his jewels again.

She furiously blushed before looking away. "I… I am okay with that… if their powers are equal to mine."

Natsu raised her chin, forcefully making her stare back at his onyx ones again.

"Hey, eyes up here." He let out a cheeky grin. "But I see that that's not going to be a problem anymore." He added, "They are much much stronger than you."

Seilah gasped. "Impossible! To see that humans to possess that much of power…" But she realized she was staring back at him directly. She blushed again before clamping down her lips in embarrassment.

"So you agree to my offer?"

Seilah nodded. "I do, master!" She nearly screamed out of half excitement and half embarrassment.

"I do!"

Natsu placed his hand on the center of her chest. Seeing that he was naked, she could only assume that he was trying to undress her now. Her heart raced as his skin touched hers. She changed her thought quickly, seeing that how his hand was touching her, she speculated again that he was about to grope her here, outside.

Yet, that wasn't the case.

She felt something pulling out of her chest, and it glowed in gold with runes appearing in the center. She was mesmerized by what he was performing, although she had no idea.

She thought it was her heart, but then it wasn't.

IT was a book. She realized it was a book of hers. There was no pain when doing so, and yet… she didn't feel empty.

Seilah felt something completed inside her, and her pale skin gained pigments that added liveness. She just felt different in every way.

Natsu explained as he placed the book aside.

"You are free now. You are a full demon but with all Etherious aspects carried over. How do you feel?"

Seilah was about to say something, but she felt something tingling down there. She furrowed her brows by the odd sensation that was about to come out. It felt natural to hold it in.


Natsu knitted his brows again a concern. He was certain the procedure was correct. He exactly copied and pasted his master's method. He knew that there wasn't supposed to be an error.

"What's wrong?"

Seilah closed her thighs as she clenched her teeth. She looked at him with wide eyes with her body starting to shake.

"M..master…! I feel… I fell strange…! I feel like something's about to come out!"

Natsu blinked before he narrowed his eyes. "…Wait…"

Seilah implored him. "Master! What should I do?!"

Then it clicked faster than lightning in his head. He tapped his hand. "Oh right! Freeing from the book also means you gain every bodily function just like everything."

He opened the gate that led straight to woman's bathroom. Of course, he didn't have a concept on why humans separated the gender but entered anyway. He thought it would be fine as he was just helping his demoness to get acquainted with daily objects.

Then again, he didn't know how to use the toilet just like her.

He saw one of the bathroom stalls in the array. He pointed there. "I think you're supposed to go in there?"

Seilah's eye opened wide. "Hu…humans solve this kind of problems by locking themselves up? H..how peculiar..!"

END blinked. "Now that I think of it, that's strange."

Natsu opened the portal again, this time, it led straight to Dimaria. "Just wait here a bit, let me ask my mate…"

Seilah collapsed on her knee as her eye became teary. She shot her hand at him desperately in hopes of not leaving her alone. "M..Master END! Please don't desert me!"

Yet on the other side of the portal, Dimaria stood there, her eyes wide, her clothes all off other than a pantie that was only half way up. She tensed up as he continues to stare at her. She asked,

"S…senpai…. T…the punishment…. You wish to do it now? B…but I'm not ready, and it's still 8…!" She began to ramble.

"I mean we can do it here, senpai. Bu…but I'll have to wash first… and and if you continue to stare at me like that… Please don't look at me until I prepare myself! I mean! You can look but not when I'm dressing! N..not that it matters of course, because of you and I…. you and I….!"

Natsu held her chin and forced her to look straight into his eyes. He reminded her again.

"Mari. Punishment, 10 o'clock. Got it?"

The God Soul immediately nodded as she collected herself, covering her chest in the process.

Natsu added. "For now, I have a new member in this castle, and she doesn't know how to use the bathroom. Would mind explaining it to her?"

Dimaria blinked in confusion. Natsu turned back to Seilah who was on the verge of exploding. She even began to sweat all over.

"Seilah." He called. "Follow her. She's one of my mates, so treat her like you treat me."

The demon girl quickly nodded, unsure how long she can hold anymore.

Natsu slapped his face as he muttered.

"This is going to be a long night…"




(explicit content ahead)

The sun fell a lot faster than Natsu thought it would be. After sending Seilah to the bathroom, and situating her own room, he returned to his to enjoy his solitude.

Yet, that didn't last long. A knock on the door, he let the person in. He already expected who it was, and a diabolic smile spread across his lips. It bared his fang; it was a smile of a wolf staring down at its prey.

"Good evening… senpai. Dimaria greeted.

"You're on time." He responded.

Natsu watched her enter and saw her usual clothes were missing. All she wore was her undergarment, which was colored in black with no decorations whatsoever. IT was very plain… and yet the ampleness of her body, the perfect balance between fit and thick was more than enough to allure anyone who stood near.

Natsu remained on his bed as he gazed at her. His predatory gaze returned, and his sharp dominant eyes inspected every inch of her curves. He realized she had decent muscles, but not as pronounced as Erza.

But just like her, the Amazonian curves with a copper-gold skin, her bountiful mounts on her chest and her voluptuous bottom were fixed in a golden ratio just like her perfectly molded face. The face fits enough to be a warrior, and yet kind enough to be a priestess.

Dimaria approached her with her eyes away from him, her whole body glowing red. Her breathing became erratic as she carried over herself to him.

Natsu silently waited for her to climb on her bed. He ceased the opportunity and turned over, and pinned her down by taking both of her wrists.

She was helplessly fallen to the bed with him looming over her entire body. His eyes glowed under the night sky, and it was the gaze that a lion would give to its prey. Dimaria whimpered before tearing herself up.

Excitement and expectations coursed through her body through her rapidly pumping heart. He leaned forward and almost touched her nose with his. He whispered.

"The punishment, Dimaria."

She nodded. Natsu tore apart her bra, revealing her two breasts wide open. He realized how tight her bra was the way the both of them bounced. Dimaria squealed with excitement and embarrassment again.

He then pressed his mouth to hers. Their lips connected, and he rushed his tongue into hers. She tried to fight back but was dominated by his sheer strength. His traveled, scanned every inch of it, his ran through her pearly white teeth before inspecting her owns.

She closed her eyes as she breathed heavily. He broke apart and let their both saliva connecting a thin bridge between them both.

Dimaria grinned, and he did the same as well. He went for a second round, plunging his tongue to her lips again. She tried harder this time, and finally was able to get through his opening where she explored his. Just like him, she ran her muscle through her teeth and found a sharp fang which she rolled over.

Just as he broke apart, she licked his cheek. She gazed at him lustfully with a mischievous smile. Natsu let out a devilish smirk in response and began to attack her breasts.

Her buxom copper breast with a succulent topping of a pink areola as big as a quarter-sized coin….and they stood proud against him, which he meant to subjugate them both.

He gripped one as much as he could, yet her ampleness was more than he could manage. Perhaps if he had six hands then maybe… But he didn't care. He gave no shit about being able to contain them all, he just gripped it as hard as he could, and his thumb and pinkies found their way to clamp down on her erected nipple.

The other top was left alone, which he quickly besieged. He bit it down with his teeth Its luscious tip tensed, and he ravaged it to his heart's content, caressing, and sucking it ceaselessly.

Dimaria thrashed and moaned as an explosion of pleasure drilled through her skull like dynamite. Her tongue escaped her mouth, and saliva squirted out. On the back of her head, she wondered how he even managed to make her feel so good in a split of seconds.

She gasped and looked back at him, and saw a symbol beginning to etch itself on her breast. She realized something was up.

She asked, heaving through heavy breath, trying to say something without deforming into gibberish. That was an extremely difficult feat when her eyes were about to roll back to her skull in immense obscene levels of pleasure.

"S…S..Sempei~! H…how ded deu~!"

He stopped just to answer her briefly. "It's something I learned recently." He spoke with a wolfish smile before he began to ravage again. His tongue flicked her hardened points, which she immediately moaned aloud in brain wrecking pleasure.

"AaAaAaAaAaAa~~! EEEEEEEEEEKKK!" Before she knew, her entire body thrown into anarchy. Her copper flesh quivered as her pelvis shot up high to the sky. Her eyes rolled, she spat out saliva even without knowing. From her panties, liquid gushed out like a torrent and drenched the fabric, her thighs, and even some even got onto his half-erected rod.

He grinned in response. "You are fast, aren't you, Dimaria? Looks like you need more punishment!" He roared as he aggressively landed his strong hand on her flower, then he clenched it just enough to feel the give of her plump folds. The blonde jolted in pain and pleasure, then she gasped has he ran his hand over it.

His fingers split, and his middle ran through her clits and the center crevice while his index and ring finger rubbed across the outside of plentiful folds. Yet, he never inserted them, and the fabric that separated her jewel to his hand was too rigid and wet for her to feel the full experience.

It was a different kind of build up, and yet it was powerful enough to drive her to the edge. It just wasn't quite enough to send her to another wave of orgasm again.

Dimaria, however, found herself desperately craving for it. She stuck out her tongue and moaned even louder, yelling out his name.

"Natsu senpai! Yes! Ah! Ungh! Hng! Ooh! HIEEEK! AH! AH! AHH! AaAaAaAaAaAaAaH!"

The sounds she made was something that she never thought she would make, and she was making them anyway. She just didn't have power her over volume or what she was even saying.

Then all the sudden, Natsu stopped. Dimaria jerked her head to see what made him halt all the sudden, she was so close to squirting out another wave. The sudden stop wasn't fun or enjoyable.

It just left her frustrated and depraved, even annoyed.

She asked, her voice still trembling from the lust and raging libido that began to cloud her brain.

"S..senpai… why. Why did you stop?!"

He grinned again, and this time, his eyes glowed in the dark in blood red color. He lifted his finger away from her flowering region, and a long sticky nectar stringed out from it, clinging to his middle finger and her centerfolds.

Dimaria's eyes opened disproportionally at what she saw. Natsu inspected it before bringing it to her face. She trembled, and her spine tingled uncontrollably by his authoritative voice.

"Are you seeing this, Dimaria?" He asked, which she nodded promptly.

"You're too wet. This is inappropriate behavior for a priest. Didn't I tell you this is for the punishment?"

Dimaria shouted frustratingly. "Yes! Yes, you did!"

Natsu's vocal chord rumbled like a beast, and without remorse, he plunged his middle finger into the folds. Dimaria yowled as she jerked her body back, her head flipped, and her sweating hair cascaded along. Her juice gushed out from her again, spraying over Natsu's face and his chest again. She howled,

"Guuuuuuh!Eeeeeeeeeeeeee!" She grabbed his hand to beg him to let go of it, he didn't listen.

And as if he didn't tolerate it, he pumped his finger as fast he could. The girl's body was burning like it was on fire. That was what Natsu had intended, and she was being subjugated without even a single retaliation.

His finger ruthlessly harassed her spot, it tortured it with thousand levels of blinding bliss. Even though her pantie was blocking him and her inner flesh, his skill was more than adequate.

Her body trembled again, her muscles moved without her will, and soon, she started to thrash and flail her arm like a wild animal. She urgently grabbed his hand again to make him stop.

She just wanted to breathe, or even collect herself for a second; she couldn't do any of that. It felt like her intelligence was vaporizing by the intensity of the heat that he generated, and her mind melting away into a pile of goo by the violent, sinful act of these countless orgasms she had.

Despite all that, he just went on, continuing to drown her in the endless rapture forcefully.

Dimaria exploded again, her face morphing into most obscene and vulgar face she could make. Her eyes rolled back to her skull; she shouted out her groans.

"GuuuuuuHHH! Ohhhhhhhhhhh!"

Her liquids drenched his hand, and the bedsheet beneath was no longer able to absolve the liquid anymore. They pooled underneath, a pool wholly made out of her cum.

Her pantie was no longer able to contain the fluid, and the stickiness of it oozed out slowly around her groin and thigh. That wasn't enough for the luscious honey that she excreted; it eventually dripped down to the bed.

Natsu bit her pantie and ripped it apart through his draconic fangs. Then he grabbed her voluptuous ass and pulled her up to his face. Dimaria found herself almost upside down, and the back of her head rested on the bed still.

She tried to support herself by pushing the bed underneath. The blonde squealed. "Senpai… please wait… senpai…"

Natsu's face was too close. The god soul thought she had enough. Mentally, she was all worn out. Yet, there was that intense thirst in her that she could not extinguish. She stared at how Natsu glared down at her bare flower folds that were utterly drenched in her cum and her sticky nectar. It dripped down forming a thin line, which fell on his gland.

She was certain his rod twitched, and yet she could not see it because he was still wearing his boxer, though its gigantic shape revealed itself all too well.

He then stuck his nose and sniffed it like an animal would. Her mind raced a million of miles as he pulled himself away, licking his lips as if he just smelled the most delicious meal.

Just like that, he began to devour her. Dimaria helplessly jolted and jerked as his teeth bit down her rubber-like clit, his tongue played her most sensitive region then.

He would then tease her of the entrance, which made her twitch with no self-control. Something thick and musky filled in her nostrils and entered her brain. IT clouded her vision and her mind. She bit her lips, and she clenched her teeth. Her fingers curled into the bed underneath.

She tried to hold in it, yet, she kneeled at the devastating pleasure that devoured her.

She came again, and fatigue began to creep back up; only to be refreshed by his magic.

He growled as he grabbed her cheek with his firm hand, squeezing her lips to make her look stupid.

"We're not done yet!"

She found herself quickly accepting it unconditionally. She screamed out her consent. "Yesh! Yesh! Shenpai!"

Then finally, he dropped his underwear. Her eyes widened in shock and awe, astounded and bewildered by the monumental size of his dragon cock.

Fully erected, it was larger than her two wrists combined, and its shiny round head was leaking with precum. Its skin was darker than the skin around it, and the veins throbbed in pulse, making it throb like a heart. IT was stiff and standing proudly with its head high.

He grabbed it and gave it a few strokes before slapping on her groin. He growled, lowing himself to whisper in her ear.

"Do you want it?"

Dimaria was completely intoxicated by his asset. IT was like a drug, and she wanted it. She wanted it all for herself before she knew, her eyes were turned into throbbing hearts.

She threw her hands to grab his long and fat shaft; she meant to pull it in her direction. That miserably failed as she found his radius was just too fat for her to handle.

He snarled and pulled her wrist away. He leaned and pinned them down above her head, like a prisoner about to be tortured. He roared.

"Answer me!"

She furiously nodded.

"I…want it…"

Natsu growled out his whisper. "Then beg for it." He grabbed her face again.

"p…Please… I want it… shenpai…" She moaned through her squeezed cheeks. He whispered. "Louder."

The blonde managed to scream this time, letting out all her pending desires in one go.


Natsu cast a spell on her lower belly, another set of runes etched on it, this time, it glowed in gold before turning lavender. She didn't even have enough consciousness to be aware of its shape, but she recalled it had an odd resemblance to a heart and a womb.

He rushed down, bit her shoulder as he suddenly thrust his entire rod into her in a single go. The sound of air billowing echoed with a loud, *whooooom!*,

She felt the shape of his thick cock rubbing onto her tightly clamped walls. She could literally read the dimensions of it, from how the gland was like to how long was his shaft was. Then, his touched what seems to be the end…only that he didn't stop.

She felt his going in even further, that was a place that should not propel into. At least, it seemed that way. However, she did not feel the pain. The dragon only stopped when he could not go any further, which was inserting all the way down to the root until his balls kissed her bottom.

Dimaria froze. Saliva pooled in her mouth before it overflowed. Nose water began to drip; tears congregated before trailing down to her cheeks.

She could not breathe, her heart panicked and stopped for a second, Her brain ceased to function, and she lost her mind. The world began to black out, and her sense of self was begging to pull away. She figured she was fainting. Her body grew limp, and she began to fall back.

And then, she was brought back with a sloppy kiss that he forced down to her. Something made of ether-nano rushed into her annihilated mind.

Dimaria respired, hogging for breath, she regained her most basic cognitive function and looked down to the massive thing that was inside her.

In fact, it was so large that it bulged out her stomach like a pregnant woman. It just made her entire body so full and densely packed. There wasn't even a single air molecule left when he plunged it in.

Her fleshed cocooned her like a vacuum.

Then it came.

IT came in like a meteor. The pleasure that devoured her whole came in like that comet falling to the earth. IT was simply an Armageddon on Dimaria.

The blonde mage screamed, her cum gushing, no, spraying out the nonexistent-gaps between flesh to flesh that tightly constricted to each other. Even so, her pedals clamped down on his rigid, hefty, girthy member who only made the fluid harder to escape.

AS her body thrashed, and her body arced itself up and her head jerking back, she nearly pulled Natsu with her. The gripping force and the extremely tight fit worked together to achieve that, which Natsu didn't want any of it. It would not be fun if it were impossible to move around.

There were plenty of fluids that worked as a lube between the both joined flesh, but still, that wasn't enough.

As Dimaria collapsed on her back again with the perfect ahe-gao with dumb giggles, and her body liquids began to leak everywhere. Her copper skin was drenched in her own burning sweat, she was dripping with saliva. Tears fell from her eyes and nose water rolled down. She quivered again.

Natsu decided to use his magic on her to force trigger her take over magic.

She unwillingly entered her god mode; energy rushed into her as she grew stronger. That combined with her mind slowly returning to somewhat more sensible state.

At least, she didn't giggle like a broken girl, but the ahe-gao was still there. The room shattered eventually, and the window was long gone. The bed was nothing more than a burning crater. She dazedly asked with her equally befuddled voice. Even she now had the voice of a god; she sounded just as exhilarated and drunken by his sex as before.

".E.. … W..what art thou…" She trailed, unable to speak any further as she felt his member throbbing inside. She felt like she was about to go off again, although she felt somewhat saved. She was actually able to collect her breath in her god state, that was something that she needed. Maybe… maybe she thought she could handle him now.

She was wrong.

She was so wrong when he also entered his god form.

His infinite power returned, and it instantly made her so pathetic and insignificant. He stared down at her with his featureless face, which slowly wrinkled with many folds and deep shadows.

His two powerful hands grabbed her waist and lifted her up in the air. He clamped her divine body to his and pushed her bosoms into his face trying to bite them.

Which he couldn't. Because he didn't have a mouth.

He growled and pulled out his member out of her body. The enormous amount of gripping force was incessant, it persistently prevented him from easily slipping it out. But the danger was quasi-zero as they were both their god form, so he pulled it out, denying her vice-like tightening clamps.

His rod escaped with her womanly transparent goo dripping and leaking all around dragon's rim, and it made that plopping sound- like similar to suction cups popping out(being unattached) from the wall.

She felt her stomach becoming empty again, which was a strange feeling that she didn't know it existed. And once again felt the shape of his cock sliding inside her. Her gluey juice filled in the gap again as if it knew his dick was going to enter once more.

He defiled her god form like a fuck toy.


It went all the way up to her womb in less than a second, that said liquid squirted out at the rims of her vagina and his cock. His dragon relentlessly struck the ceiling, bulging out of her stomach. That thrust shocked her brain so much so that her god state retreated away from her head.

She was just human above, with human flesh and human eyes, and hair… but everything below her neck remained in the body of Chronos.


She groaned like an animal as her eyes rolled, her brain washed away of proper consciousness all over again and became something far less than herself. IT was so low that she didn't know it was possible to fall this much.

Alas, here she was, sealed in that fate.

Dogged dragon pulled, and thrust again, earning another rigorous moan and screamed from her. Then it became rhythmic, it became faster. Her countless moans echoed with the harmony of his unrelenting, ruthless pumping noise- his balls smacking into her ass, his cock plunging into her walls.

"Ah Ah AH AaAaAaAaAaAaAaAaAaAaAaAaAaA! Yhes! Yhesh! Yhesh! HIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEKK! ARGH! HA! AH! AHnG~~!"

Her god-made pussy began to fluster in red, and swell by the moisture and the force of the disciple's vengeful scepter.

The girl bounced up and down from his, and his member sullied her cave with no remorse. IT was rough, fast, violent and even cruel. Natsu was almost even furious. His snarl echoed in her ear, and he slapped her bouncing rear with a force of a beast. She responded with pain and blissful moan.


His primal instincts took over and threw her down to the floor again. His penis plopped out of her, and she hit the ground without even being aware.

He landed over her and leaned himself against her body. His godly skin felt her hard nipples against his, and he pressed himself on them even further, squeezing down like a clamshell.

He slid his hand just over her groin, where her usual G-spot lie underneath. He rammed his member again into hers. Her entire body jerked and shifted by the pleasure and momentum.

"Annnnngh!" She moaned aloud before cumming again. Everytime time he struck her inside, she would squirt out another. Her nose water dripped, she would be incinerated by the vacuous rapture, and she spat out her pooling saliva as she failed to swallow them all.

Liquids were coming from nearly every hole on her body- to put simply.

AS far as she was concerned, she didn't care how he did it. She assumed it was that rune was amplifying her stimuli, but that didn't go without saying his actual skills, his gigantic rod was more than excellent.

Beyond perfect they were, and she was certain she would cum blissfully without his runes, not knowing if the world burned.

She knew Natsu was aware of that, and yet he did it anyways… only to punish her even more. It came clear that he was going to break her.

Actually, she was already broke. She wasn't enjoying his cock not because she took it as a sign of her affection and admiration; she was taking it because she loved it.

Whenever he pulled his penis out, despite knowing that it will fill her up again, she found herself mindlessly begging for it. She implored, beseeched, prayed, urged it to be thrust back in. She craved these feeling: the sensations when it slid and brutally tortured her G-spot without mercy, how his veins rubbed against her walls, how his girthy thickness stretched her so apart, and how he forced into her cervix without giving a thought…

She came to know she wrathfully coveted these kinds of ungodly sins. She yearned them with all her delight.

Dimaria no longer acted on her logic, she acted on the ancient animalistic instinct that resided deep inside her (homo-sapience's) brain.

She yielded everything, and then she would cum again as he pulled his dick away. With that ungodly loud sound of pop, his member left her with her gap refusing to close back in.

Then he would carry her by her waist and push her against the wall. Her cheek and her chest squeezed against it, and he would lean over her to make sure she can't move.

He grabbed his bottom without any regards to the damage, and his another traveled to her breast. His both fingers dug into her ample flesh, and hers gave in like water balloons with no resistance.

Then last, he would ruthlessly plunge his dragon back again, deep all the way into her womb. And since her stomach was being pushed against the wall, his rod had nowhere further to go.

Which left both of them frustrated. But Natsu took advantage of it and slid in and out just his head.

That drove her crazy. She screamed in frustration.


He growled into her ear, his voice rung in her head. "Beg again." She immediately obeyed.

"PLEASE GIVE IT TO ME! FILL ME TO BRIM, SENPAI! FILL MEEEEEEE—" She failed to say anything coherent once he pulled her away to put his member back in.

She jerked, her body trembled in mindless rapture. Her soul was once again in forever euphoria.


He turned her around and pushed her on the ground, and his relentless and endless movement pumped back and forth until Dimaria couldn't even twitch her finger. His two jeweled flopped against her bottom, and every time they would smack against hers jiggled her flesh. Her black and golden skin became red after too much beating, yet the pain was never a thing that she considered. She couldn't feel anything other than pleasure itself.

Then that zealous pleasure made her mind inane and blank, drained of all knowledge. She had forgotten how to speak; she even had forgotten who she was.

She as on a blink of her exhilarating death. She thought she could almost feel the heaven by him constantly pumping her in and out. By now, she was deprived of water; she could barely even squirt anymore.

Then, at last, Natsu pulled her closer to her even more so than ever. He groaned out loud,

"I'm cumming-!"

Then she felt it, the hot, burning liquid pouring into her womb directly. The one that mixed with his own god particles.

She clenched her teeth and her muscles locked. Her body tensed up as it formed into an arc shape. Her legs shot up and wrapped around his body to squeeze him further down to her tunnel.

Both couples trembled as his seed coursed through her womb. It poured in like a bucket, but with a power of a jet. IT struck and stimulated her to the next level. AS it continued to fill up in her belly, she could not breathe. She saw him staring down at her from above, but she recognized nothing. Even though he was there, she just saw…blank.

She failed to understand everything at that brief seconds. The world? What was even reality to her now? That concept didn't exist. She had no room to spare when her cup was already full with Natsu alone.

The world became dark around her. Then sleep crept back up. She saw him watching her falling into darkness. Soon, everything became so distant… he called out to her, but she could not respond. She wasn't even sure he was talking to her.

A warm glow surrounded her again. The darkness loomed over her subsided. Dimaria blinked once and twice before she regained herself.

She wheezed out air and smell something musky and cloudy.. something that was intoxicating… She realized it was coming from below. Her golden eyes that were once clouded nothing but sex, could clearly see who was above him.

That man was no longer in his god form, just like she lost hers. She muttered.

"Natsu senpai…"

He touched her cheek. "Dimaria." He whispered. "I'm pulling out now."

She wasn't ready. He pulled it out slowly, however, just enough to cope with the electrifying pleasure. Her nervous system began to fry again, clenching her teeth came naturally, and they shut themselves to stop herself from moaning.

She even clenched herself tighter to force her rapture down. She didn't want that vacuous pleasure to rule her again any longer… because something told her that she wouldn't be able to walk for a very very long time.

Unfortunately, that made him even difficult to pull out. But with leaking seeds were coated around his member provided just enough yield to remove it away

At last, he managed to plop it out, and his white seed exploded out from her cavern. Dimaria unwillingly felt another orgasm hit her.


With her cum and his spayed all over the place. Though, they did not travel very far. Especially his seeds. They only drooled out of her after the initial explosion and pooled around her groins before covering her entire back and her legs. She almost swam in it.

Natsu leaned against her once more to give her a light kiss. She closed her eyes and did the same. He whispered.

"You did well…Punishment is over…"

She whispered back as she cupped his face as well. "I'd like this kind of punishment to continue… this… this was too good…"

Dimaria let out a weak giggle, too fatigued to let out a full one.

"I thought I was going to die several times…"

The dragon combed her sweat-drenched hair away from her face, to give her another speck on her forehead.

"But how was it?" He asked. She smiled in return, before whispering in her hoarse voice after screaming too much.

"I don't know senpai… I really don't know. I don't know it because I can't find a word to describe it."

Then a different voice spoke from the end of the room.

"That you can lose yourself, lose time, lose reality and everything that you ever were and ever was, entangled to one another so much that you forget who is who and what is what. And the when rapture consumes you whole, it kills you for a brief of time. You experience what the heaven is like and feel as if you'll never return.

And yet, he is still there beside you. It's like a miracle. To go to heaven and come back alive. You can go back anytime with the one you love."

The voice paused, before asking. "How's that?"

Both Dimaria and Natsu turned to the source. They exclaimed in unison, Dimaria quickly trying to cover up herself but failing as there was no clothing left to wear.


The scarlet girl observed around the both, and the white gooey/and transparent liquids that they were surrounded with. She licked her lips as she lustfully stared at him with her draconic eyes.

"I came to see what was causing so much destruction at night… and what do I see, Natsu-sama?"

She moaned, dropping her night garment to the ground, revealing her naked body. The figure was even more impressive than Dimaria. Natsu remembered it, and it was just as how he thought it would be. The perfect balance between voluptuous and fit, even more so than Dimaria.

Irene was the perfect girl, he had almost forgotten about that after his sex with the blonde.

She kneeled down as she erotically lowered her gaze down to his member.

"See? Natsu-sama? It's still rock hard… and very very slippery…"

Dimaria's eye nearly fell out when she gazed back at his member. It was still standing high and mighty, and stiff as steel.

She asked somewhat fearfully. "S..senpai?" She added, "By… by this rate, you'll get me pregnant!"

Irene hushed her. "Don't you think it's too late, Mari? After all, the amount he had loaded inside you isn't just little."

She wiped the pool of cum beneath before tasting it herself. She hummed in pleasure before giving it to Dimaria, which she sucked it just out of curiosity. She raised her brows at the musky, thick sent that slowly clouded her mind again, not only that, it tasted like a very creamy fruit. It wasn't just sweat, it had some tanginess that one would get from apple, but it was somewhat closer to mangosteen.

Natsu explained, "Actually. The spell I cast on her groin is actually just a contraceptive."

The goth girl gasped for a very different reason. Irene then remembered the incident when he asked her about a condom.

"Ah. I see. You remembered, Natsu-sama."

He grinned back. "I can have you bear my children if you so desire."

Irene didn't say anything about that, other than to quickly avert her eyes way. He stood up with his dragon still raging. His eyes glowed in red under a moon. He announced.

"Let's go for a round two… and there will be no stopping until I am satisfied.




The coronation was postponed for a week after that incident, and even then, none of the girls were able to walk properly for another week.




(explicit content end)

Fiore/ Oak Town/ Random Bar

"Hey! Did you hear the news? There's a new country over the west sea!"

A man shouted to his lanky mate sitting next to his seat.

"What? You sure you ain't hearing shit?" His friend replied.

"No, did you look at the paper? Apparently, they are calling it, New Alvarez Empire." He answered as he spread his hand across in conjunction with the name.

Another voice interjected, belonging to a female. "That's bullshit. I've read them and all they mentioned was it was 'built from the ruins of Alvarez'! They said they are planning to announce it on the day of coronation."

The man shrugged at the girl. He gestured before he went on to jugged down his beer.

"Yeah. So that's basically New Alvarez, right?" He wiped the foam on his burly beard. "I mean, you see? You can just see it without even looking at it. It's easy, they're all the same!"

His friend exclaimed, asking for everyone this time. "Wait, is this for real?"

The woman spoke again. "Damn right it is. What you live under a rock?"

"Fuck, hell no. But didn't that place was leveled by some crazy demon?!"

The first guy with fat beard waved his hand. "That wasn't a demon! Didn't you hear? Tartarus is gone! The rumor says it's a dragon!" He whispered at the end to add more drama.

The female mage shook her head. "What? Dragon? That's stupid. They've been extinct for four hundred years!"

"Then what the fuck was it?!" He demanded.

"The rumor goes that it was actually a god!" The woman claimed, which gained even more disbelief. "God? Now that's real bullshit right there!"

"So what's the guy's name?" The tall one asked.

"Who?" The woman questioned back.

"The king! Emperor! Whatever!" He wagged his head as he spread his both palm out. The bearded one answered. "They say the dude's name is Natsu! Apparently, the guy's just a low rank nobody from Fairytail!"

"How did he become a king, then?! That place is now nothing but a ruin now!" His mate demanded. "With all that shit going down there, how did he even become a king?"

The woman chuckled as she crossed her muscular arms. She added, "Ha that nobody has more woman than you two will ever meet!"

The lanky male's eye widened. "What? He's got some harem thing going on?!"

The burly male nodded before he requested for another beer. "Damn right, huu… Lucky bastard!" "Hey, missy, another beer here!"

A girl aged around in her teen with orange hair answered. "Just a moment!" The girl paused at the newcomer sitting on the bar stool.

The barmaid's eye froze as she recognized the face instantly. The red hair and the sharp defining face of a knight but with the beauty of a princess, it was none other than her.

She shouted, almost dropping a newly filled beer.


The queen of Fairy Tail closed her eyes with peacefulness. She ordered as if she was used to it.

"I'll have strawberry milk."

The barmaid dumbly nodded with her jaw fell opened ajar. Then the entire bar exploded with waves of admiration and fear.

"Holy shit, Titania?! The Titania!?" A burly bearded man roared in excitement, and his mate followed,

"The Fairy Queen! As I live and breathe…!"

Then the muscular woman shouted, "That is the real Titania! The strongest female mage of Fairytail!"

Which was followed by more screams and shouting. Erza got annoyed and she instantly summoned a large blade next to her.

It dropped down to the ground with a large thud, going through the woods. IT also did an excellent job of shutting up everyone.

She quietly muttered to herself, although, no one was sensitive enough to hear her.

"I am not the most powerful mage… Some people are far stronger than me."

She shot up at the barmaid. "Where's my order?"

The brunette stammered. "Ah! It's…IT's coming right up!" Erza hummed at that.

Though, no one seemed to notice that she wasn't wearing her usual armor today. It has been that way since she left her Onii-chan.

She just couldn't stand being near him anymore, the way he made her mind dazed and confused, she hated it.

More and more she looked back, she felt more foolish for herself falling for a man she did not know. Yet, had she known the truth from the start, she wondered would it had been different. Once she was unable to think that far- her mind was always clouded around him.

Then again, he was always kind. HE always looked after her till the day she departed.

At least, she now knew everything about him… she even knew he was related to Zeref.

Zeref… the evilest mage that ever lived in the history of the mankind. And Natsu, a man who slaughtered thousands and thousands like a child's play.

She didn't know who to hate more, him or her Onii-chan. But her emotion towards Natsu was still conflicted.

She still loved him and yet, wanted to hate him at the same time. That was the reason why she left him in the first place, and not long after she already missed his embrace.

The Fairy Queen Titania, she wanted nothing but his warm embrace, his hard chest, and his unique smell. She missed his devilish smile and his deep onyx eyes. She even missed how he treated her in bed… even his little dragon.

Such experiences were difficult to let go and to make it worse, he was part of her now.

There were dragon's power and soul running through her vein. Erza was now a Generation X Dragon Slayer- the kind that the world has never seen before.

She and he were inseparable. Erza hated that. She absolutely hated that.

Her fist clenched in frustration as she muttered his name again.

"Natsu Dragneel…"

She growled not even realizing her pupil was starting to turn into slits. "Natsu and Zeref… you are the same…"

Then a voice called. Erza looked up, it was that barmaid again.

"H..here's your strawberry milk…!"

Erza took it, and then she put in another order. "I'll also have a strawberry cake as well."

"S..sure thing!" She ran away to the back. Erza shrugged and sipped the milk through a straw. She savored the taste with a satisfied hum. No liquor beat the strawberry milk in her opinion, it just made the stress to fly away."

That was until she felt a familiar presence behind her- from above to be exact. Her stress level spiked up again.

Erza furiously chugged all of its contents before slamming on the table. She recognized the power- it belonged to her sister.

Dragons recognized each other- it was simple as that. Besides, she reeked of Natsu. That indicated that affair that she had. Erza was unsure what to be mad for- the fact that she slept with him again without her- or the fact that she could smell his presence even though she didn't want to.

The door opened from behind, and Irene entered.

Erza turned and saw she was a lot different from how she remembered.

Her sister's usual hair cascaded down to her back and her side. But this time, it was shaved short on the left, and all her hair were pulled to the right. On the shaved side, there was a symbol of a dragon. Her small braid on her front bang remained the same, however.

Then she saw her clothing, which she did not recognize. On her head, there was a platinum band shaped like a nestling dragon around her forehead, sitting underneath her fiery hair. It wasn't bold, but it added to her sister's figure, and even more, her look like a royal.

She had completely ditched her Wizard Saint garment and instead, was wearing an alabaster white cloak with golden inlays around the rims. The cloak also had shoulder pads that reminded of a high-ranking official, but Erza couldn't pinpoint on it. Underneath them, she wore a cleavage-revealing top with painted jet black, belly cropped, and leathery pants. A single piece golden choker rested on her neck, and it extended down to her collarbones as a single chain before splitting into three. The three ran down under her shirt- two over her mounts and one cutting through into the valley.

Then there were golden gauntlets with red illuminances embedded throughout its seams and matching boots.

The staff she was holding was also different, as it was no longer staff. IT was a scepter with a blade at the end. That was clearly a weapon.

The most striking difference was her skin, which was covered by a large black dragon tattoo(stretching from her neck, reaching her stomach and all the way to her legs), and on some parts, her skin was replaced with scales, and her wings had grown much more pronounced.

The scales weren't disturbing to look at, however. IT was white in color, in actually made her look rather divine- in a way.

Dragonification was progressing rapidly on her, and Erza assumed that was because she slept with him.

"Big sister… You look… different."

Irene strolled as all eyes fixated on hers. The girl didn't mind as she sat next to Erza.

"And you look the same, little sister."

Erza asked again. "I assume the cloth you have is because of the new country I hear about?"

Irene grinned. "You are fast."

The Titania huffed before crossing her arms. She questioned, "Why did you come here then

"Aren't you supposed to be with him?"

Irene smiled again as she leaned towards her sister "What? I can't even visit my own sister during my free time?"

Then the bar woman returned with a piece of cake neatly placed on a plate. The girl looked at Irene and froze at the moment. The girl then darted her eyes between Erza and Irene before recollecting herself. "Oh..Ah… um…sorry, may I take your order…?"

The seemed especially polite to her as well, that was because the clothing she wore and the similar appearance to Erza.

Irene responded, "I'll have what she have."

The barmaid nodded hesitantly,"R…Right!" before bolting away. Erza scanned her sister head to toe, before turning away.

"Tell me the truth, sister. What's really going on?"

Irene responded, setting her scepter aside. "What's to hide? Natsu-sama did build an empire."

Erza snorted. "I don't believe that a bit."

She furrowed her brows. "Really, little sister? The truth is, Natsu-sama is not the same person anymore. He's left since you left. He is working hard for his redemption."

"What does that has to do with building a country? Where are the people who'll follow him? You know what he is, sister. A person like him, no one will follow…"

Irene pointed out. "Yet we do."

Erza averted her eyes. "Not me. Not anymore."

The elder sighed, before she explained, "Erza, Natsu-sama resurrected all the people he had killed in Alvarez. He also brought the demons who were forced to slave under Tartarus together."

The scarlet knight's eye widened at the mention of the resurrection.

"Resurrection? How…?"

Irene tersely put it. "IT is Natsu-sama. He did have help from Dimaria but…" She pressed.

"Erza, just think about. Twenty-Six billion. That's much life he had brought back again. Twenty-six billion. No one and no god demon or dragon in this world have never achieved something like that.

What he did was most improbable and ridiculous thing ever. And yet, he did it because he believed in you."

Titania collected her brows. "What do you mean he believed in me?"

"Exactly what you said. He thinks he is a monster, and he is desperate to change that."

Erza's eye fell on the cake, she couldn't say anything to that. Irene continued.

"Aren't you going to say something, Erza? He sacrificed his life. Twenty-six billion, and one man's life accounts for Natsu-sama's single year."

Fairy Queen finished. "He sacrificed that many years in his life?"

Irene nodded. "He is not the same person anymore, Erza. His appearance still may look the same but… Natsu-sama is now really old...He is beyond legend at this point. "

Erza's voice trembled.

"He… he's not hurt is he…? Did he... change?"

Her sister shook her head. "He isn't. If anything, his magic container had gotten that much older… which means his power grown... to a new level. He has been locked in his god state ever since."

Erza sighed as she scooped a spoon off from a cake. "That's good news…at least."

Irene added. "People are calling him Prometheus." "A Titan who was punished by stealing the fire from Olympus and gave it to humanity, so that humans can start civilization…"

She added, almost as if it was a confirmation. "You still love him. You only left him because you thought he was not what you thought him would be."

Erza nearly snarled at that. "I left him because I needed him to change!" She slammed the table, knocking her cake away.

Irene scowled. "And he did! Do you know why he even bothered to build a nation with humans and demons? He wanted to see a place where all lives live in equal, that's the vision. That's how much he has changed."

"And he shouldn't have done that!" Titania exclaimed. "After he killed all those people, he's playing god?!"

Irene confirmed. "He is the next closest thing to a god."

Erza shook his head. "and that's why he can never learn to be one of us. He can't just play with lives."

She began to tear up. "I hate him, sister. I hate him! I hate him, I hate him, I hate him!" She collapsed and began to cry quietly. "Why can't he just… just be normal? Why does he have to do such thing?"

"I hate him so much, I miss him… and I don't even know why."

Irene petted her back. "Why don't you come with me, Erza?" She suggested.

"Tomorrow is the coronation day, you should come." "At least see him receive the title."

Erza shook her head. "I can't." The next words came out in a whisper. "I might…not able to leave him again."

Irene sighed. "Natsu…sama has something for you."

She placed a doll on the table, which Erza immediately recognized it as a miniature armor. She asked. "What is…?"

"Brandish shrunk it for the sake of carrying. It should return to its original size once you store it in your pocket dimension."

Erza nodded, but she insisted knowing the purpose of it. "What's the meaning of this, sister?"

Irene pushed it onto her sister's hand. "Just take it."

Erza stared at it for a while before asking. "Does it have a name?"

The elder answered. "Happy."

The younger sibling raised her brow. "What?"

Irene repeated. "Happy. That's what he wants you to be." The younger sister looked at her incredulously. Irene just smiled in response.

She then stood up from her seat and grabbed her staff back. "Just to let you know, one of Seraphim's seat is empty." She smiled again.

"Natsu-sama has reserved that seat for you if you ever decide to return."

Erza continued to fidget her newly acquainted armor. After a long silence, she broke it with her question.

"What's the name?"

Irene hummed in response. Erza repeated. "I need to know the name of the empire if I ever decide to come back."

The elder sister's smile grew up on her cheek before she leaned on her little sister's ear. She whispered.

"The name will be… Erza Empire…!"

The girl shrieked in embarrassment. "WHAT?!"

Enchantress began to laugh at her reaction. Erza growled, thumping her foot to the ground like an angry bunny.

"Don't joke around like that!"

Irene giggled again before whispering once more. "Quaternity Empire." "In hopes of uniting Gods, Dragons, Demons, and Humans one day…"

Erza's eye widened. Irene waved at her sister, and her draconic/angelic wings spread.

"Well then, sister. I have to go now. I can't leave my seat unattended too long."

The knightess shouted. "Wait, sister!"

Irene then rushed out, and soared to the sky. Erza ran after her hopes to see her a little longer. But that wasn't possible.

She was long gone before she came out. Erza shouted at the air above, throwing the armor to the floor.


Tears fell again, she spoke, her rage dissipating… "Don't you to toy around with my emotion like that…"

Then she picked up the armor that she threw and long observed it. She quietly placed it in her pocket dimension. She sniffled before something clicked her.

She was suffering because of him, and there was nothing she could to deny him. Leaving him was the best course of action, but she knew if she didn't do something, she'd find herself returned in his embrace.

She had to do something- which means she had to get stronger. She wanted to face him again, and when she did, she wanted to give him a good fight at least so that he might give her a chance. She wanted to make him realize, and make him see the world as she sees.

Erza wanted to inflict pain on the one she loved. She wanted to make him understand.

She looked at her own hand and spoke. "I need to absorb more."

Her eyes began to spin. "I need…more power… because… I… hate… him?"

"I need to gain more dragon magic." She didn't need to partake an intimate relationship with one to gain that power, she just had to eat that part that had dragon's flesh.

She shouted in thrill. "I need to devour more dragons!"

Be that as their skin, muscle, or even heart…

And as far as she knew, Dragon Slayer was basically dragons in human form. Which meant there was one in her own guild. She also heard there's another dragon slayer in Phantom Lord.

"Just you wait… Natsu Onii-chan… I'll become as strong as you! I won't let you control my emotions again!"




Quaternity Empire Center Citadel

The Coronation day came. That day, Natsu was crowned by the former emperor and his brother, Zeref.

The entire world stood that day, millions of royals and mages, even merchants, came to see the new leader being appointed.

They even saw Zeref with their own eyes, though he went under the fake alias as Zen Dragneel just to get the good impression on the public's eye.

Yet, the odd tension between him and Mirajane and Elfman was unmistakable. Even Makarov wasn't too comforted by it. However, he was the emperor and was giving his crown to Natsu.

They found solace in that, they were all certain that Natsu, with his changed heart, will make his empire a great place.

Flowers rained from the sky, and trumpets of cheers of the public explode as Natsu revealed himself with a crown on his head. His girls were standing behind him, starting from Irene, Dimaria, Ultear Brandish, Mirajane.

Seilah stood on the farthest side as she was supposed to be the one with the lowest rank. But that didn't matter because as for her, she was witnessing his master becoming a true ruler.

Even better, no one frowned at her despite what she had done. Demons trusted Natsu Dragneel and forgave what she did. Though, she knew she still had a lot to do to gain their perfect trust. As for right now, the demons favored Mirajane. She was… like an idol, being called Demon Princess and all that. Undoubtedly, she was the one with the prettiest face.

That being said, Mirajane didn't mind Seilah. She confirmed her change of her mind and her royalty to Natsu Dragneel, so both girls found a truce.

These girls were called Seven Seraphim. Though, the public noticed one was missing. No one knew why or whom.

Then were elites who served under each Seraphims. They were called Titans. Meredy, Zancrow, Elfman, and that cat woman, Hanada, even Arnstrid fell in that category. There were lots of leftover seats in that regard, they were still in a recruit.

Natsu walked forward and announced the name of the empire to the public.

Quaternity Empire. Empire that stretched to the entire continent, covered in wealth and powerful mages and alike, with the new inventions developed by their emperor, this nation was no doubt the most powerful one out there yet.

And by the look of it, it didn't seem it won't fall in just after a hundred years.

That's what the kings and queens of other land felt. Among the celebrating royals, a man with blonde hair with oversized royal garment stood glaring at Natsu Dragneel.

"Your majesty? I didn't think I'd see you here."

A voice came from the back. It was a girl with long cascading jade hair. The king answered. "Princess Hisui. Why a new nation has just formed, a king must see the new leader with his own eyes. I need to know if he's not an enemy to my people, after all."

The princess tilted her head. "So, you're not here to celebrate?"

"That too, indeed."

Then a woman with white hair with dark skin appeared on his side. She courtly bowed. "Sire, we must take our leave now, Dragon Cry cannot remain unattended too long."

The blonde man responded. "Of course. Swan, prepare the ship."

The woman bowed again. "Yes, sire." She retreated back to the crowd. Princess Hisui asked.

"Who was that?"

The king answered, he too, retreating from the ceremony. "I believe that's not important. Let's hope we meet again on a fine day like this."

The girl stared at the man for a while with knitted brows. A short man came next to him and asked. "Is something matter, my daughter?"

She shook her head. "No. Nothing, father. Everything is fine."

A crowd began to cheer again from below. Royals send the wave of applause as Natsu Dragneel announced the first magic guild inside the nation.

Dragon Tail.





Natsu's immortality: He cannot die other than facing a god. Only a god can kill Natsu and the death by aging does not exist on him. Aging only makes him stronger.

Natsu's power: He is nearly on par with his master- he has Ankhseram's Vitality God Slayer magic, and just learned Chronos's Time God Magic.

Erza's obsession with dragons: She will devour dragons, starting from dragon slayers. Remember the chart that Natsu uncovered in his time inside the Magic Council? Them, and all the dragons from Eclipse Gate. I don't know, maybe Animus, too? Who knows? She might devour Acnologia someday as well.

Irene's Dragonification: She is clearly turning into a dragon, and she's loving it. Her current self is now on par with cannon.

Brandish: I wasn't able to get her join his harem yet... sorry.

Dragon Tail: Extexntion guild of Fairtail, and soon to have extremely powerful mages there as well. Elfman is a notable member who works seperately from the government.

Larcade: He will appear with his shrine in Natsu's empire. There will be surprises for him!