Demigod Uchiha: The Lost Hero

Disclaimer: Naruto is the property of Masashi Kishimoto, Percy Jackson is the property of Rick Riordan, and Jojo's Bizarre Adventure is the property of Hirohiko Araki. All other references to any other works are property of their respective owners, I don't own this in any way please don't sue me.

Chapter 1: Watch your mouth Annabeth

To say that Jason was confused was to say that Zeus has a bit of a problem staying faithful to Hera, a massive understatement. Jason was on a bus holding hands with a girl he had no memory of, or any memories at all, in fact, the only thing he could remember was his name. Jason started to panic at his complete loss of memory, he didn't even know how it had happened or how he'd got here.

"You okay, Jason?" The girl holding his hand asked, Jason looked over at her, now that he looked at her Jason noted that she was quite pretty and he felt oddly calmed by her presence.

"What-" Jason started, just then in the front of the bus, a teacher shouted.

"All right, cupcakes, listen up!" The guy was obviously a coach. His baseball cap was pulled low over his hair, so you could just see his beady eyes. He had a wispy goatee and a sour face like he'd eaten something moldy. His buff arms and chest pushed against a bright orange polo shirt. His nylon workout pants and Nikes were spotless white. A whistle hung from his neck, and a megaphone was clipped to his belt. He would've looked pretty scary if he hadn't been five feet zero. When he stood up in the aisle, one of the students called,

"Stand up, Coach Hedge!"

"I heard that!" The coach scanned the bus for the offender. Then his eyes fixed on Jason, and his scowl deepened. A jolt went down Jason's spine. He was sure the coach knew he didn't belong there. He was going to call Jason out, demanding to know what he was doing on the bus and Jason wouldn't have a clue what to say. Then something weird happened, the coach's eyes widened in fear as he looked at something on Jason's neck, Jason looked down and saw a gold necklace with a small purple stone embedded in it, it wasn't an amethyst as it was too rough cut. Then the coach turned away without a single word. "We'll be arriving in about 5 minutes! Stay with your partner. Don't lose your worksheet. And if any of you precious little cupcakes cause any trouble on this trip, I will personally send you back to campus the hard way." He picked up a baseball bat and made like he was hitting a homer.

"Can he talk to us that way?" Jason asked the girl next to him, she shrugged.

"Always does. This is the Wilderness School. 'Where kids are animals.'" She said it like it was a joke they'd shared before.

"This is some kind of mistake," Jason said. "I'm not supposed to be here." The boy in front of him turned and laughed.

"Yeah, right, Jason. We've all been framed! I didn't run away six times. Piper didn't steal a BMW." The girl blushed.

"I didn't steal that car, Leo!"

"Oh, I forgot, Piper. What was your story? You 'talked' the dealer into lending it to you?" He raised his eyebrows at Jason like, 'Can you believe her?' Leo looked like a Latino Santa's elf, with curly black hair, pointy ears, a cheerful, babyish face, and a mischievous smile that told you right away this guy should not be trusted around matches or sharp objects. His long, nimble fingers wouldn't stop moving—drumming on the seat, sweeping his hair behind his ears, fiddling with the buttons of his army fatigue jacket. Either the kid was naturally hyper or he was hopped up on enough sugar and caffeine to give a heart attack to a water buffalo. "Anyway," Leo said, "I hope you've got your worksheet, 'cause I used mine for spit wads days ago. Why are you looking at me like that? Somebody draw on my face again?"

"I don't know you," Jason said. Leo gave him a crocodile grin.

"Sure. I'm not your best friend. I'm his evil clone."

"Leo Valdez!" Coach Hedge yelled from the front. "Problem back there?" Leo winked at Jason.

"Watch this." He turned to the front. "Sorry, Coach! I was having trouble hearing you. Could you use your megaphone, please?" Coach Hedge grunted like he was pleased to have an excuse. He unclipped the megaphone from his belt and continued giving directions, but his voice came out like Darth Vader's. The kids cracked up. The coach tried again, but this time the megaphone blared: 'The cow says moo!' The laughter only got louder after that.

"VALDEZ!" At this point, the whole bus was in an uproar of laughter and Piper stifled a laugh.

"My God, Leo, how did you do that?" she asked, Leo slipped a tiny Phillips head screwdriver from his sleeve.

"I'm a special boy."

"Guys, seriously," Jason pleaded. "What am I doing here? Where are we going?" Piper knit her eyebrows.

"Jason, are you joking?"

"No! I have no idea—"

"Aw, yeah, he's joking," Leo said. "He's trying to get me back for that shaving cream on the Jell-O thing, aren't you?"Jason stared at him blankly.

"No, I think he's serious." Piper tried to take his hand again, but he pulled it away.

"I'm sorry," he said. "I don't—I can't—"

"That's it!" Coach Hedge yelled from the front. "The back row has just volunteered to clean up after lunch!" The rest of the kids cheered.

"There's a shocker," Leo muttered, but Piper kept her eyes on Jason like she couldn't decide whether to be hurt or worried.

"Did you hit your head or something?" Piper asked, "You really don't know who we are?"

"I barely know who I am." Jason whispered feeling helpless and horrified." Jason looked at his hands, they were callused and now that he actually started to calm down Jason could feel everyone around him, even without looking up he could sense where everyone was. Most were insignificant to him but, for some reason Jason couldn't understand, Piper had the strongest sensation, Jason looked at her with a puzzled look on his face.

"What?" Piper asked, "Is there something on my face?"

"I don't know if this will make any sense to either of you," Jason started, "but I sense everyone around me and for some reason, your presence sticks out the most."

"Well duh," Leo rolled his eyes. "She's your girlfriend, of course, you're going to notice her the most." Piper's face turned red. Jason could feel his face burning too. He thought he'd remember if he'd been going out with a girl like Piper, then Jason looked at Leo.

"No, it's more than that, I can't really describe it but some presences are stronger than others." Jason pointed at a kid in the front of the bus. "I can barely sense him," Jason pointed at another. "He feels twisted, almost evil." Jason then pointed to Leo. "Your's feels like a raging inferno that is boiling just under the surface." Leo gulped a bit then finally Jason pointed to Piper. "Your's dwarfs everyone on the bus, it's like comparing a bottle of water to an ocean." Piper scrunched her face in confusion, just then the bus dropped them in front of a big red stucco complex like a museum, just sitting in the middle of nowhere. Maybe that's what it was: the National Museum of Nowhere, A cold wind blew across the desert. Jason hadn't paid much attention to what he was wearing, but it wasn't nearly warm enough: jeans and sneakers, a purple T-shirt, and a thin black windbreaker.

"So, a crash course for the amnesiac," Leo said, in a helpful tone that made Jason think this was not going to be helpful. "We go to the 'Wilderness School'" Leo made air quotes with his fingers. "Which means we're 'bad kids.' Your family, or the court, or whoever, decided you were too much trouble, so they shipped you off to this lovely prison sorry, 'boarding school' in Armpit, Nevada, where you learn valuable nature skills like running ten miles a day through the cacti and weaving daisies into hats! And for a special treat, we go on 'educational' field trips with Coach Hedge, who keeps order with a baseball bat. Is it all coming back to you now?"

"No." Jason glanced apprehensively at the other kids: maybe twenty guys, half that many girls. None of them looked like hardened criminals, but he wondered what they'd all done to get sentenced to a school for delinquents, and he wondered why he belonged with them. Leo rolled his eyes.

"You're really gonna play this out, huh? Okay, so the three of us started here together this semester. We're totally tight. You do everything I say and give me your dessert and do my chores—"

"Leo!" Piper snapped.

"Fine. Ignore that last part. But we are friends."

"He's got amnesia or something," Piper said. "We've got to tell somebody." Leo scoffed.

"Who, Coach Hedge? He'd try to fix Jason by whacking him upside the head." The coach was at the front of the group, barking orders and blowing his whistle to keep the kids in line; but every so often he'd glance back at Jason and scowl.

"Leo, Jason needs help," Piper insisted. "He's got a concussion or—"

"Yo, Piper." One of the other guys dropped back to join them as the group was heading into the museum. The new guy wedged himself between Jason and Piper and knocked Leo down. "Don't talk to these bottom-feeders. You're my partner, remember?" The new guy had dark hair cut Superman-style, a deep tan, and teeth so white they should've come with a warning label: do not stare directly at teeth. permanent blindness may occur. He wore a Dallas Cowboys jersey, Western jeans, and boots, and he smiled like he was God's gift to juvenile delinquent girls everywhere, Jason's left hand twitched almost subconsciously and balled into a fist.

"This guy," Jason thought, "he's trouble."

"Go away, Dylan," Piper grumbled. "I didn't ask to work with you."

"Ah, that's no way to be. This is your lucky day!" Dylan hooked his arm through hers and dragged her through the museum entrance. Piper shot one last look over her shoulder like 911. Leo got up and brushed himself off.

"I hate that guy." He offered Jason his arm like they should go skipping inside together. "'I'm Dylan. I'm so cool, I want to date myself, but I can't figure out how! Do you want to date me instead? You're so lucky!'"

"Leo," Jason said, "you're weird."

"Yeah, you tell me that a lot." Leo grinned. "But if you don't remember me, that means I can reuse all my old jokes. Come on!" Jason figured that if this was his best friend, his life must be pretty messed up; but he followed Leo into the museum. They walked through the building, stopping here and there for Coach Hedge to lecture them with his megaphone, which alternately made him sound like a Sith Lord or blared out random comments.

"The pig says oink." Leo kept pulling out nuts, bolts, and pipe cleaners from the pockets of his army jacket and putting them together like he had to keep his hands busy at all times. Jason was too distracted to pay much attention to the exhibits, but they were about the Grand Canyon and the Hualapai tribe, which owned the museum. Some girls kept looking over at Piper and Dylan and snickering. Jason figured these girls were the popular clique. They wore matching jeans and pink tops and enough makeup for a Halloween party. One of them said,

"Hey, Piper, does your tribe run this place? Do you get in free if you do a rain dance?" The other girls laughed. Even Piper's so-called partner Dylan suppressed a smile. Piper's snowboarding jacket sleeves hid her hands, but Jason got the feeling she was clenching her fists.

"My dad's Cherokee," she said. "Not Hualapai. 'Course, you'd need a few brain cells to know the difference, Isabel." Isabel widened her eyes in mock surprise so that she looked like an owl with a makeup addiction.

"Oh, sorry! Was your mom in this tribe? Oh, that's right. You never knew your mom." Piper charged her, but before a fight could start, Coach Hedge barked,

"Enough back there! Set a good example or I'll break out my baseball bat!" The group shuffled on to the next exhibit, but the girls kept calling out little comments to Piper.

"Good to be back on the rez?" one asked in a sweet voice.

"Dad's probably too drunk to work," another said with fake sympathy. "That's why she turned klepto." Piper ignored them, Jason's fist clenched and the room shook a bit and the ground started to crack as power surged within Jason. Jason took a step forward and his hands started moving as he brought them together Leo caught his arm.

"Be cool. Piper doesn't like us fighting her battles. Besides, if those girls found out the truth about her dad, they'd be all bowing down to her and screaming, 'We're not worthy!'"

"Why? What about her dad?" Leo laughed in disbelief.

"You're not kidding? You really don't remember that your girlfriend's dad—"

"Look, I wish I did, but I don't even remember her, much less her dad." Leo whistled.

"Whatever. We have to talk when we get back to the dorm." They reached the far end of the exhibit hall, where some big glass doors led out to a terrace.

"All right, cupcakes," Coach Hedge announced. "You are about to see the Grand Canyon. Try not to break it. The skywalk can hold the weight of seventy jumbo jets, so you featherweights should be safe out there. If possible, try to avoid pushing each other over the edge, as that would cause me extra paperwork." The coach opened the doors, and they all stepped outside. The Grand Canyon spread before them, live and in person. Extending over the edge was a horseshoe-shaped walkway made of glass, so you could see right through it, Piper looked around with a frown clearly evident on her face.

"What's wrong lovely Piper?" Dylan asked, trying to wrap his arm around her shoulder, Piper brushed off his arm as she walked forwards to look out over the canyon.

"This place," Piper started, "has a dark history, a great tragedy occurred here."

"Yeah I bet." one of the girls who was bullying Piper earlier spoke up. "Let me guess, 'you feel it in the water?'"

"Or do you feel it in the earth?" Another added, Piper glared at them, her arm was twitching, Jason felt a pressure fill the air, the two girls threw up, everyone looked over at Piper with a scared expression. Jason looked at Leo who had the same expression on his face, while Jason was the only one who wasn't afraid, he felt the pressure but was unaffected.

"Do yourself a favor, Brittney," Piper began her voice full of anger, "don't ever talk to me again." The pressure ended and everyone looked at Piper with a new level of respect and fear, Jason was the odd man out again, he felt his face turn a bit red as Piper walked away, Jason could see the outline of a woman standing over her, Jason couldn't make out much but all he saw was red hair. The boom of thunder brought everyone crashing back into reality as the wind picked up papers started flying everywhere.

"This can't be safe." Leo squinted at the clouds. "Storm's right over us, but it's clear all the way around. Weird, huh?" Jason looked up and saw Leo was right. A dark circle of clouds had parked itself over the skywalk, but the rest of the sky in every direction was perfectly clear. Jason had a bad feeling about that.

"All right, cupcakes!" Coach Hedge yelled. He frowned at the storm as if it bothered him too. "We may have to cut this short, so get to work! Remember, complete sentences!" The storm rumbled, and Jason's head began to hurt. Not knowing why he did it, he reached into his jeans pocket and brought out a coin, a circle of gold the size of a half-dollar, but thicker and more uneven. Stamped on one side was a picture of a battle-ax. On the other was some guy's face wreathed in laurels. The inscription said something like ivlivs.

"Dang, is that gold?" Leo asked. "You've been holding out on me!" Jason put the coin away, wondering how he'd come to have it, and why he had the feeling he was going to need it soon.

"It's nothing," he said. "Just a coin." Leo shrugged. Maybe his mind had to keep moving as much as his hands.

"Come on," he said. "Dare you to spit over the edge." They didn't try very hard on the worksheet. For one thing, Jason was too distracted by the storm and his own mixed-up feelings. For another thing, he didn't have any idea how to 'name three sedimentary strata you observe' or 'describe two examples of erosion.' Leo was of no help. He was too busy building a helicopter out of pipe cleaners. "Check it out." He launched the copter. Jason figured it would plummet, but the pipe-cleaner blades actually spun. The little copter made it halfway across the canyon before it lost momentum and spiraled into the void.

"How'd you do that?" Jason asked. Leo shrugged.

"It would've been cooler if I had some rubber bands."

"Seriously," Jason said, "are we friends?"

"Last I checked."

"You sure? What was the first day we met? What did we talk about?"

"It was …" Leo frowned. "I don't recall exactly. I'm ADHD, man. You can't expect me to remember details."

"But I don't remember you at all. I don't remember anyone here. What if—"

"You're right and everyone else is wrong?" Leo asked. "You think you just appeared here this morning, and we've all got fake memories of you?" Jason couldn't meet Leo's gaze.

"That's exactly what I think." Jason thought to himself, But it sounded crazy. Everybody here took him for granted. Everyone acted like he was a normal part of the class—except for Coach Hedge. "Take the worksheet." Jason handed Leo the paper. "I'll be right back." Before Leo could protest, Jason headed across the skywalk. Their school group had the place to themselves. Maybe it was too early in the day for tourists, or maybe the weird weather had scared them off. The Wilderness School kids had spread out in pairs across the skywalk. Most were joking around or talking. Some of the guys were dropping pennies over the side. About fifty feet away, Piper was trying to fill out her worksheet, but her stupid partner Dylan was hitting on her, putting his hand on her shoulder and giving her that blinding white smile. Jason continued towards his destination when he heard the unmistakable sound of a voice going 7 octaves higher, he spun around to see Piper had kneed Dylan in the groin and Jason involuntarily flinched in sympathy.

"Say that again and I'll toss you over the edge." Piper growled, Dylan collapsed clutching his groin and whimpering in pain. Jason made his way over to Coach Hedge who was leaning on his baseball bat, studying the storm clouds.

"Did you do this?" The coach asked him, Jason took a step back.

"Do what?" Coach Hedge glared at him, his beady little eyes glinting under the brim of his cap.

"Don't play games with me, kid. What are you doing here, and why are you messing up my job?"

"You don't know me?" Jason said. "I'm not one of your students?" Hedge snorted.

"Never seen you before today." Jason was so relieved he almost wanted to cry. At least he wasn't going insane. He was in the wrong place.

"Look, sir, I don't know how I got here. I just woke up on the school bus. All I know is I'm not supposed to be here."

"Got that right." Hedge's gruff voice dropped to a murmur like he was sharing a secret. "You got a powerful way with the Mist, kid if you can make all these people think they know you; but you can't fool me. I've been smelling the stench of a monster for days now. I knew we had an infiltrator, but you don't smell like a monster. You smell like a half-blood. So—who are you, and where'd you come from and why do you have that stone?"

"What stone?" Jason questioned Hedge who pointed at the necklace and his face was grim.

"That one, the one in your necklace."

"I don't know, I don't know who I am, I don't know where I've come from, I don't have any memories." Coach Hedge studied his face like he was trying to read Jason's thoughts.

"Great," Hedge muttered. "You're being truthful."

"Of course I am! And what was all that about monsters and half-bloods? Are those code words or something?" Hedge narrowed his eyes. Part of Jason wondered if the guy was just nuts. But the other part knew better.

"Look, kid," Hedge said, "I don't know who you are. I just know what you are, and it means trouble. Now I got to protect three of you rather than two. Are you the special package? Is that it?"

"What are you talking about?" Hedge looked at the storm. The clouds were getting thicker and darker, hovering right over the skywalk.

"This morning," Hedge said, "I got a message from camp. They said an extraction team is on the way. They're coming to pick up a special package, but they wouldn't give me details. I thought to myself, Fine. The two I'm watching are pretty powerful, older than most. I know they're being stalked. I can smell a monster in the group. I figure that's why the camp is suddenly frantic to pick them up. But then you pop up out of nowhere. So, are you the special package?" The pain behind Jason's eyes got worse than ever. Half-bloods. Camp. Monsters. He still didn't know what Hedge was talking about, but the words gave him a massive brain freeze like his mind was trying to access information that should've been there but wasn't. He stumbled, and Coach Hedge caught him. For a short guy, the coach had hands like steel. "Whoa, there, cupcake. You say you got no memories, huh? Fine. I'll just have to watch you, too, until the team gets here. We'll let the director figure things out."

"What director?" Jason said. "What camp?"

"Just sit tight. Reinforcements should be here soon. Hopefully, nothing happens before—" Lightning crackled overhead. The wind picked up with a vengeance. Worksheets flew into the Grand Canyon, and the entire bridge shuddered. Kids screamed, stumbling, and grabbing the rails. "I had to say something," Hedge grumbled. He bellowed into his megaphone: "Everyone inside! The cow says moo! Off the skywalk!"

"I thought you said this thing was stable!" Jason shouted over the wind.

"Under normal circumstances," Hedge agreed, "which these aren't. Come on!" The storm had transformed into a mini hurricane. Funnel clouds snaked toward the skywalk like the tendrils of a monster jellyfish. Kids screamed and ran for the building. The wind snatched away their notebooks, jackets, hats, and backpacks. Jason skidded across the slick floor. Leo lost his balance and almost toppled over the railing, but Jason grabbed his jacket and pulled him back.

"Thanks, man!" Leo yelled.

"Go, go, go!" said Coach Hedge. Piper and Dylan were holding the doors open, herding the other kids inside. Piper's snowboarding jacket was flapping wildly, her dark hair all in her face. Jason thought she must've been freezing, but she looked calm and confident telling the others it would be okay, encouraging them to keep moving. Jason, Leo, and Coach Hedge ran toward them, but it was like running through quicksand. The wind seemed to fight them, pushing them back. Dylan and Piper pushed one more kid inside, then lost their grip on the doors. They slammed shut, closing off the skywalk. Piper tugged at the handles. Inside, the kids pounded on the glass, but the doors seemed to be stuck.

"Dylan, help!" Piper shouted. Dylan just stood there with an idiotic grin, his Cowboys jersey rippling in the wind, like he was suddenly enjoying the storm.

"Sorry, Piper," he said. "I'm done helping." He flicked his wrist, and Piper flew backward, slamming into the doors and sliding to the skywalk deck.

"Piper!" Jason yelled as he tried to charge forward, but the wind was against him, and Coach Hedge pushed him back. "Coach," Jason said, "let me go!"

"Jason, Leo, stay behind me," the coach ordered. "This is my fight. I should've known that was our monster."

"What?" Leo demanded. A rogue worksheet slapped him in the face, but he swatted it away. "What monster?" The coach's cap blew off, and sticking up above his curly hair were two bumps—like the knots cartoon characters get when they're bonked on the head. Coach Hedge lifted his baseball bat—but it wasn't a regular bat anymore. Somehow it had changed into a crudely shaped tree-branch club, with twigs and leaves still attached. Dylan gave him that psycho happy smile.

"Oh, come on, Coach. Let the boy attack me! After all, you're getting too old for this. Isn't that why they retired you to this stupid school? I've been on your team the entire season, and you didn't even know. You're losing your nose, grandpa." The coach made an angry sound like an animal bleating.

"That's it, cupcake. You're going down."

"You think you can protect three half-bloods at once, old man?" Dylan laughed. "Good luck." Dylan pointed at Leo, and a funnel cloud materialized around him. Leo flew off the skywalk like he'd been tossed. Somehow he managed to twist in midair and slammed sideways into the canyon wall. He skidded, clawing furiously for any handhold. Finally, he grabbed a thin ledge about fifty feet below the skywalk and hung there by his fingertips.

"Help!" he yelled up at them. "Rope, please? Bungee cord? Something?" Coach Hedge cursed.

"I don't know who you are, kid, but I hope you're good. Keep that thing busy"—he stabbed a thumb at Dylan—"while I get Leo."

"Get him how?" Jason demanded. "You going to fly?"

"Not fly. Climb." Hedge kicked off his shoes, and Jason almost had a coronary. The coach didn't have any feet. He had hooves, goat's hooves. Which meant those things on his head, Jason realized, weren't bumps. They were horns.

"You're a faun," Jason said.

"Satyr!" Hedge snapped. "Fauns are Roman. But we'll talk about that later." Hedge leaped over the railing. He sailed toward the canyon wall and hit hooves first. He bounded down the cliff with impossible agility, finding footholds no bigger than postage stamps, dodging whirlwinds that tried to attack him as he picked his way toward Leo.

"Isn't that cute!" Dylan turned toward Jason. "What do you think those fists are going to do, boy?" Jason looked down at himself and saw he had dropped into a battle stance, the thought was so subconscious he hadn't realized what he had done. Jason closed the distance between them so fast Dylan's eyes widened in shock. "Wha-?!" was all he got out before Jason brought his fist down crashing into Dylan's gut. Dylan coughed up blood then was thrown into the side of the building from the force, the glass cracked from the impact. Inside the museum, kids stopped banging on the doors. They backed away, watching in terror. Dylan got to his feet clutching his gut. "That hurt demigod." Dylan growled.

"It was meant to." Jason replied in a cocky tone that he didn't recognize. Dylan's body dissolved into smoke as if his molecules were coming unglued. He had the same face, the same brilliant white smile, but his whole form was suddenly composed of swirling black vapor, his eyes like electrical sparks in a living storm cloud. He sprouted black smoky wings and rose above the skywalk. "You're a Ventus," Jason said, though he had no idea how he knew that word. "A storm spirit." Dylan's laugh sounded like a tornado tearing off a roof.

"I'm glad I waited, demigod. Leo and Piper, I've known about for weeks. Could've killed them at any time. But my mistress said a third was coming, someone special. She'll reward me greatly for your death!" Two more funnel clouds touched down on either side of Dylan and turned into venti ghostly young men with smoky wings and eyes that flickered with lightning.

"Aww, and here I thought you forgot about me." Piper's sickly sweet voice called from behind Dylan, all four turned to face her. Piper was smiling but it was a smile that promised death and pain, Jason saw the flickering image of a demon. Jason charged Dylan at high speeds but Dylan was ready this time and he raised his hand, arcs of electricity running between his fingers, and blasted Jason in the chest. Jason found himself flat on his back. His mouth tasted like burning aluminum foil. He lifted his head and saw that his clothes were smoking. The lightning bolt had gone straight through his body and blasted off his left shoe. His toes were black with soot. The storm spirits were laughing as the winds raged then two wind spirits were sent flying as they crashed into the cliff. Piper was standing there a glare on her face, her fist smoking from the blow. Out of the corner of his eye, Jason saw Coach Hedge climbing the cliff with Leo on his back. Jason got to his feet as his stomach smoked a bit but it wasn't an unpleasant sensation, it was the opposite, his wounds were healing.

"You'll pay for that." Jason growled, Dylan spun around shocked.

"How are you alive?" Dylan's form flickered. "That was enough lightning to kill twenty men!"

"My turn," Jason said. He reached in his pocket and pulled out the gold coin. He let his instincts take over, flipping the coin in the air like he'd done it a thousand times. He caught it in his palm, and suddenly he was holding a sword, a wickedly sharp double-edged weapon. The ridged grip fit his fingers perfectly, and the whole thing was gold hilt, handle, and blade. Lightning flickered around Jason as if it was a second layer of skin and it rippled down his blade, Jason smiled as he cracked his neck.

"BEHIND YO-!" Piper shouted but Jason jumped over both incoming spirits and countered by stabbing one right where its heart should be, it instantly dissolved Jason landed on the skywalk as Dylan and the second spirit looked in horror at him.

"You've made a critical mistake." Jason smiled a bit. "Your foe is me, leave everyone else out of this."

"You got lucky." Dylan countered Jason pointed his sword at Dylan and a typhoon of power surged from within Jason a tower of blue energy flew from his skin and shot into the sky and Dylan backed up in fear.

"Impossible!" Dylan choked in fear. "Who are you, half-blood?"

"I am second to none." Jason continued, "Face me if you dare." Jason stepped forward and in a burst of speed cleaved the second Ventus in two with ease and it too dissolved into gold powder. Dylan looked down as if expecting his comrades to re-form, but their gold dust remained dispersed in the wind.

"Jason," Piper began, "how … ?" Then Coach Hedge leaped back onto the skywalk and dumped Leo like a sack of flour.

"Spirits, fear me!" Hedge bellowed, flexing his short arms. Then he looked around and realized there was only Dylan. "Curse it, boy!" he snapped at Jason. "Didn't you leave some for me? I like a challenge!" Leo got to his feet, breathing hard. He looked completely humiliated, his hands bleeding from clawing at the rocks.

"Yo, Coach Supergoat, whatever you are I just fell down the freaking Grand Canyon! Stop asking for challenges!" Dylan hissed at them, but Jason could see fear in his eyes.

"You have no idea how many enemies you've awakened, half-bloods. My mistress will destroy all demigods. This war you cannot win." Above them, the storm exploded into a full-force gale. Cracks expanded in the skywalk. Sheets of rain poured down, and Jason had to crouch to keep his balance. A hole opened in the clouds a swirling vortex of black and silver. The mistress calls me back!" Dylan shouted with glee. "And you, demigod, will come with me!" He lunged at Jason, but Piper tackled the monster from behind. Even though he was made of smoke, Piper somehow managed to connect. Both of them went sprawling. Leo, Jason, and the coach surged forward to help, but the spirit screamed with rage. He let loose a torrent that knocked them all backward. Jason and Coach Hedge landed on their butts. Jason's sword skidded across the glass. Leo hit the back of his head and curled on his side, dazed and groaning. Piper got the worst of it. She was thrown off Dylan's back and hit the railing, tumbling over the side until she was hanging by one hand over the abyss. Jason started toward her, but Dylan screamed, "I'll settle for this one!" He grabbed Leo's arm and began to rise, towing a half-conscious Leo below him. The storm spun faster, pulling them upward like a vacuum cleaner.

"Help!" Piper yelled. "Somebody!" Then she slipped, screaming as she fell.

"Jason, go!" Hedge yelled. "Save her!" Jason didn't hesitate the instincts he didn't know he had took over as he jumped over the edge, somehow Jason managed to catch up to Piper. He tackled her waist and closed his eyes, waiting for death. Piper screamed. The wind whistled in Jason's ears. He wondered what dying would feel like. He was thinking, probably not so good. He wished somehow they could never hit bottom. Suddenly the wind died. Piper's scream turned into a strangled gasp. Jason thought they must be dead, but he hadn't felt any impact.

"J-J-Jason," Piper managed. He opened his eyes. They weren't falling. They were floating in midair, a hundred feet above the river. He hugged Piper tight, and she repositioned herself so she was hugging him too. They were nose to nose. Her heartbeat so hard, Jason could feel it through her clothes. her breath smelled like cinnamon. "How did you—"

"I didn't," he said. "I think I would know if I could fly…" Then a thought occurred, "I don't even know who I am." Jason then imagined going up. Piper yelped as they shot a few feet higher. "We aren't exactly floating," Jason could feel pressure under his feet like they were balancing at the top of a geyser. "The air is supporting us, I don't know how but it is."

"Well, tell it to support us more! Get us out of here!" Jason looked down. The easiest thing would be to sink gently to the canyon floor. Then he looked up. The rain had stopped. The storm clouds didn't seem as bad, but they were still rumbling and flashing. There was no guarantee the spirits were gone for good. He had no idea what had happened to Coach Hedge. And he'd left Leo up there, barely conscious. "We have to help them," Piper said as if reading his thoughts. "Can you—"

"Let's see." Jason thought Up, and instantly they shot skyward. The fact he was riding the winds might've been cool under different circumstances, but he was too much in shock. As soon as they landed on the skywalk, they ran to Leo. Piper turned Leo over, and he groaned. His army coat was soaked from the rain. His curly hair glittered gold from rolling around in monster dust. But at least he wasn't dead.

"Stupid … ugly … goat," he muttered.

"Where did he go?" Piper asked. Leo pointed straight up.

"Never came down. Please tell me he didn't actually save my life."

"Twice," Jason said. Leo groaned even louder.

"What happened? The tornado guy, the gold sword…I hit my head. That's it, right? I'm hallucinating?" Jason had forgotten about the sword. He walked over to where it was lying and picked it up. The blade was well balanced. On a hunch, he flipped it. Mid spin the sword shrank back into a coin and landed in his palm. "Yep," Leo said. "Definitely hallucinating." Piper shivered in her rain-soaked clothes.

"Jason, those things—"

"Venti," he said. "Storm spirits."

"Okay. You acted like … like you'd seen them before. Who are you?" He shook his head.

"That's what I've been trying to tell you. I don't know." The storm dissipated. The other kids from the Wilderness School were staring out the glass doors in horror. Security guards were working on the locks now, but they didn't seem to be having any luck. "Coach Hedge said he had to protect three people," Jason remembered. "I think he meant us."

"And that thing Dylan turned into…" Piper shuddered. "God, I can't believe it was hitting on me." Piper clenched her fist. "If I ever see him again I'll-!" Piper took a deep breath then looked at Jason and Leo. "He called us... what, demigods?" Leo lay on his back, staring at the sky. He didn't seem anxious to get up.

"Don't know what demi means," he said. "But I'm not feeling too godly. You guys feeling godly?" There was a brittle sound like dry twigs snapping, and the cracks in the skywalk began to widen.

"We need to get off this thing," Jason said. "Maybe if we—"

"Ohhh-kay," Leo interrupted. "Look up there and tell me if those are flying horses."

"Did Leo hit his head too hard?" Jason thought then he looked up and he saw a dark shape descending from the east too slow for a plane, too large for a bird. As it got closer he could see a pair of winged animals gray, four-legged, exactly like horses except each one had a twenty-foot wingspan. And they were pulling a brightly painted box with two wheels: a chariot.

"Reinforcements," he said. "Hedge told me an extraction squad was coming for us."

"Extraction squad?" Leo struggled to his feet. "That sounds painful."

"And where are they extracting us to?" Piper asked. Jason watched as the chariot landed on the far end of the skywalk. The flying horses tucked in their wings and cantered nervously across the glass as if they sensed it was near breaking. Two teenagers stood in the chariot, a tall blond girl maybe a little older than Jason, and a bulky dude with a shaved head and a face like a pile of bricks. They both wore jeans and orange T-shirts, with shields tossed over their backs. The girl leaped off before the chariot had even finished moving, the veins around her eyes bulged and her eyes were blue with a flower in the iris and she glared at Jason and he could feel a well of hidden power within her, Jason backed up a bit as he felt the energy she had and knew it was easily three or four times that of Piper's.

"You've got ten seconds to tell me where he is," The girl growled, "or you'll regret we ever met."

"Where who is?" Her eyes hardened and the blue energy Jason saw earlier flared to life around this girl and, unless his eyes were deceiving him, a small amount of red was there. Jason could feel her anger growing, she frowned, then she turned to Leo and Piper.

"What about Gleeson? Where is your protector, Gleeson Hedge?"

"The coach's first name was Gleeson?" Jason might've laughed if the morning hadn't been quite so weird and scary. "Gleeson Hedge: football coach, goat man, protector of demigods. Sure. Why not?" Leo cleared his throat.

"He got taken by some … tornado things."

"Venti," Jason said. "Storm spirits." The blond girl arched an eyebrow.

"You mean Anemoi Thuellai? That's the Greek term. Who are you, and what happened?" Jason did his best to explain, though it was hard to meet those intense blue eyes. About halfway through the story, the other guy from the chariot came over. He stood there glaring at them, his arms crossed. He had a tattoo of a rainbow on his biceps, which seemed a little unusual. When Jason had finished his story, the blond girl's face contorted in rage. "YOU FUCKING CUNT!" the girl screamed at the heavens, her energy exploded and was red as blood which began to form two tails that swished behind her. "WHEN I GET MY HANDS ON YOU I AM GOING TO MAKE YOU WISH HE WAS HERE SO HE COULD KICK YOUR ASS INSTEAD OF ME!"

"Annabeth." the other guy started, the blond girl rounded on him.

"Don't start with me, Butch." She growled, then she took a deep breath and the red energy subsided and the pressure in the air died down. "She told me he would be here. She told me if I came here, I'd find the answer."

"Annabeth," Butch grunted. "Check it out." He pointed at Jason's feet Jason hadn't thought much about it, but he was still missing his left shoe, which had been blown off by the lightning. His barefoot felt okay, but it looked like a lump of charcoal. "The guy with one shoe, he's the answer."

"No, Butch," Annabeth insisted. "He can't be. I was tricked." The skywalk shuddered, and the horses whinnied urgently.

"Annabeth," Butch started, "we gotta leave. Let's get these three to camp and figure it out there. Those storm spirits might come back." She fumed for a moment.

"Fine." She fixed Jason with a resentful look. "We'll settle this later." She turned on her heel and marched toward the chariot. Piper shook her head.

"What's her problem?" Piper asked. "What's going on?"

"Seriously," Leo agreed.

"We have to get you out of here," Butch said. "I'll explain on the way."

"I'm not going anywhere with her." Jason gestured toward the blonde. "She looks like she wants to kill me."

"Don't give me any ideas." She called back Butch hesitated.

"Annabeth's okay." He started. "You gotta cut her some slack. She had a vision telling her to come here, to find a guy with one shoe. That was supposed to be the answer to her problem."

"What problem?" Piper asked.

"She's been looking for one of our campers, who's been missing three days," Butch said. "She's going out of her mind with worry. She hoped he'd be here."

"Who?" Jason asked.

"Her boyfriend," Butch said. "A guy named Percy Jackson."