This was written for The Dynamics Task for Music Class Assignment 1, in Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (Challenges & Assignments). The task is to write a story in which there are no dialogue tags. Enjoy!

Word Count - 599

"'Ello, Hermione." I glanced up at Fred. He was grinning widely at me, and flew just above my head. He was a stark contrast to the gloomy, grey weather around us. I went back to my book.


"I didn't think you liked Quiddich." I looked back up at him for a moment. I didn't think he would remember that. I only told him once. Ron and Harry couldn't even remember.

"I don't." He swung himself of his broom and sat next to me. He didn't seem to hear Oliver shouting at him.

"Then why are you watching our practice?"

"It really isn't your practice anymore, now is it?" He chuckled.

"Touché. What's that book you're so interested in anyway? You always seem to be reading it." I glanced back down at my book for the title. I don't know why. I had it memorized. I had the whole book memorized.

"The Giver. It's a muggle book." He seemed to find this amusing.

"I know that it's muggle, genius. You've met my dad right?" I blushed.

"Yes, of course. I'm sorry." He lightly bumped my shoulder.

"Don't be. You've just been spending so much time with Ron that it's just natural to feel the need to specify." He smiled down at me.

"He is kind of daft, isn't he?" I grinned at him. His eyes lit up.

"See, there's that smile I love so much!" He leaned closer, as if to tell a secret. I don't know why. We were the only ones there. "George will tell you. I think he finds it quite annoying how much I love it."

"Well that's never good."

"Well, I love annoying him. So I think it's pretty good." I rolled my eyes. He laughed.

"You love a lot of things, don't you?" He winked.

"There's a lot to love."

"Can you think of an example?" There was a twinkle in his eye. He wanted to laugh. I knew what I wanted. It didn't have anything to do with laughing.

"Well, I sure do love my mum's cooking, for one." I deflated a bit. He could tell.

"Anything else?"

"I love Quiddich, that's for sure." He was making fun of me. He was having fun. I could tell.

"That sure explains why you're skipping it to talk to me." He laughed, apparently finding me hilarious.

"Oh, love, are you jealous?"

"Of what, the Quiddich Pitch? Please. It should be jealous of me, if anything."

"That's the spirit, love." I glared at him. He ruffled my hair.

"Either you left something off that list or we have something serious to talk about." He laughed again.

"Of course I love you, 'Mione. I was just messing with you." He kissed me on the cheek.

"You'd better love me. We are dating."

"You know, for someone who claims that they don't care that they're best friend is Harry Potter, you seem to really love attention." I punched him in the arm. I'd say it was lightly, but then I'd be lying.

"Sometimes I really don't know how I can stand you." He laughed.

"Maybe because of this." He kissed me, then. Properly kissed me, too. None of this cheek or forehead stuff. When he pulled back, his eyes were sparkling. He still wanted to laugh.

"Hmm, yes. I suppose you're right. That is a perk." He raised an eyebrow.

"A perk?" I nodded seriously. He laughed lightly. "You're such a nerd."

"Yes, but I'm you're nerd." I collapsed on him. He laughed.

"And don't you forget it." I smiled up at the sky.

"I wouldn't dare."