
"What do you think, El?" John asked his 4-year old daughter after finally erecting the canopy of her bed

"I think it looks pretty, daddy, after you put it up right." He was proud of how smart and well-spoken his daughter was but sometimes he wished she'd cut him some slack

"Thank you. Are you hungry? What should we do for dinner?"

"We should go out."

"Any place in particular?"

"No." The little girl said blowing out a breath. "I trust you, daddy." John smiled to himself as he picked his daughter up and carried her down the stairs of their new home. He grabbed his wallet and keys from the kitchen countertop and exited through the front door

Don Pollo

"Can I have the Chop Chop?" John's eyes widened behind his menu

"Elodie, do you really want that or did you just want to say chop chop?"

"Both." He found her requested item on the menu and deemed it an acceptable choice

"Okay. Do you want some mac and cheese?"

"Mmhm." Elodie added while coloring in one of the coloring books John kept in his car for occasions like these. After the duo finished dinner, John drove them back to 3700 Dunlop Street and parked his car in the driveway. He opened the backdoor and caught Elodie as she jumped into his arms

"Please tell me you unbuckled your belt after the car was stopped." John had discovered, purely by accident, that his daughter had learned and was able to buckle and unbuckle herself because of course she could

"I did it when you got out of the car."


"Hello!" The girl yelled as she waved her little arm. The man turned to the side and saw his neighbor who looked caught off guard and grumpy

"Hello." He responded

"Hi." John said. He received a nod of the head before the other man walked off

"He's tall daddy."

"Yes he is."

"And grumpy." John laughed

Next Afternoon

John had done most of the unpacking before bringing Elodie to the house but now was left with the trivial task of hanging pictures and unpacking their knick-knacks. Right now he was measuring and making sure his marks were level before he would hang the framed pictures of his family…mostly of his El

"How come we don't have a pool, daddy?"

"They forgot to give us one, baby."

"The neighbor has one."

"He got lucky."

"Can we get one?"

"Maybe. Which one of these do you like better?" He asked showing two pictures of El from her first year of daycare. It was basically the same but with slightly different poses. He hadn't been able to make up his mind when it came time to purchase so he went with both

"This one. I look more mature."

"You what?"

"That one makes me look like a baby and here I'm a big girl." John took a deep breath

"Go play." When she bounced off he hung the baby picture

Randy had just finished a workout in his home gym when he stopped in his kitchen for a refreshing beverage. Just as he brought the drink to his lips he saw the dark-haired little girl from the evening before sitting at the edge of his pool

"Is she sunning herself?" He asked no one when he noticed that she'd removed her shoes and had her feet in the water. Since she wasn't bothering anyone Randy was going to leave her there and take a shower until he thought about the danger and pool owner liability. He turned back around and walked outside

"Little girl?" Elodie turned and looked up at the man who was even taller in person. She shielded her eyes

"Hi. I'm Elodie."

"Hi Elodie. Does your daddy know you're here?" She shook her head. "Well he might be worried about you."

"Oh yea." She said giving him a big smile and showing off her small, perfectly straight and white teeth. Dad must be a dentist Randy thought

"Let's get you back home then so he's not worried." Without another word, Elodie stood and grabbed her sandals then stuck her hand out. Randy looked at it and wondered what she was doing and then realized. He took her comically small hand into his and off they went

John was in the kitchen preparing lunch for El and himself when he heard the doorbell ring. He wiped his hands and headed to the door

"Oh my God." He said upon opening it. "Elodie!"

"I found her tanning by my pool."

"El," John sighed as he got on his knees and hugged her. "That is so dangerous for a lot of reasons. One: you went to a stranger's house, two: you need supervision around a pool," Randy tried not to laugh as John literally listed off the reasons. "Three: you don't have any sunscreen on, four: something could have happened to you on the way there," He sighed again. "I could go on and on."

"Please don't." Randy muttered

"What?" John asked standing and picking up his daughter

"Hm? I didn't say anything."

"Oh. I'm really sorry about this whole situation. I wanted to meet the neighbors but not like this. My name's John."

"Randy. Can she swim?"

"El, can you swim?"

"No…well not without my swim jacket and armies."

"So that's a no then?" The tall man asked

"It's a no." John added. "Are you ready for lunch, little girl?"

"Yes. Do you want to eat lunch with us, Randy?"

"Don't call him Randy. That's bad manners."

"He called me Elodie!"

"Go sit at the kitchen table." John said putting the girl on her feet. She turned and ran toward the kitchen but stopped short and ran back

"See you later!" She said to the other man before running off again

"I'm sorry. She's a handful."

"I see. You look like you might need some help. Where's her mom?" John scratched the back of his neck before answering

"Her mom walked out on us two years ago."

"Oh my God. I'm sorry. I didn't,"

"It's fine. Seeing as how it's been two years, I've gotten used to people assuming that a little girl has her mom around. It only makes sense."

"I don't mind her calling me Randy." John laughed

"You're an adult, she can't just call you Randy and she knows that. It's about respect."

"So she likes to push boundaries?"

"As a four year old does. Her especially because she knows she's cute and thinks she can get away with murder at times." Randy chuckled

"Elodie is very cute. She's got your eyes."

"Thank God. It would be hard looking at her mom's eyes every day."

"This is true."


"Coming El! I have to,"

"Yea, yea…quick question though."


"Are you a dentist by chance?" John's brow furrowed

"Yes. How did you know?"

"I know she's only four but her teeth," He laughed

"Everyone says that. Are you looking for a dentist?"

"I am actually. You're not just pediatrics are you?"

"No. I don't have a card on my person but I have a practice at the Chevy Chase center…pediatrics and big people teeth."

"Oh, okay. And you're accepting new patients?" He smiled


"Alright. Well thanks. I'll look you up."


"Have a good lunch."

"Will do." John spoke closing the door. He walked to the kitchen and plated their lunch

"Ooh, French fries." The small girl said grabbing a sweet potato fry off her plate and stuffing it in her mouth. John put down a small dish of honey and a cup of chocolate milk for his daughter. "What's this called again?" She asked pointing to her sandwich

"A sandwich?"

"No. This."

"Oh. A croissant."

"Crustant." She attempted to repeat



"I need to talk to you about what you did today."

"Am I in trouble?" Elodie asked dipping a sweet potato in the honey

"No but it wasn't a good thing what you did. Luckily, Randy was nice and brought you back home. Sometimes little girls and boys wander off and never come back home."


"Because there are some mean people out there. Daddy would be very sad if he didn't get to see you anymore."

"I would be sad too."

"Right and I don't want either of us to be sad. You also could have gotten hurt,"

"I didn't get in the water. I just put my feets in."

"You just put your feet in?!"

"Yea. I took my shoes off." John shook his head

"You were being as safe as you know how but things can happen. From today on, you don't go to any swimming pools without a grown up being with you. Do you understand me?"

"Yes daddy. You said I'm not in trouble but it sure feels like it."

"I want you to draw Mr. Randy a picture to say you're sorry and I'll take it over later, okay?"

"Okay." After lunch El drew the picture which, of course, featured a pool as John cleaned up then he put her down for a nap. He flopped down on the couch when the picture caught his eye. Huffing he stood up, grabbing the drawing, his wallet and keys then left the house

"Don't tell me Elodie's gone AWOL again. I haven't seen her." Randy spoke, opening his front door

"No," John said with a smile. "She's taking a nap right now. I don't know how you feel about kids and their drawings but she made this for you." Randy hated kids but did like little Elodie

"Her R's are backwards." Was his comment. John frowned

"She's four. Cut her some slack. At least she knows what an R is."

"Sorry. I'm not used to kids and," Randy waved his hand about. "Their things. Is that a pool?"


"I accept her apology although it wasn't necessary."

"Oh no. Her cuteness has gotten to you already."


"She's four and adorable and trespassed on your property…dipping her feet in your pool and she doesn't owe you an apology?" Randy laughed

"I guess it has."

"I also brought you this." John added handing over one of his cards. The taller man rubbed it between his fingers and tested the weight in his hand

"This is nice."


"Is this gold foil?" Randy asked bringing the card closer to his face and raising his glasses

"It is and wouldn't you actually need your glasses to see that?"

"No. The lens would cast a glare. I needed to see it up close. Where did you get these? I need to update mine."

"Vista Print."


"Uh-huh. They allow you to choose different paper weights."

"No shit. I'm ordering some tonight."

"Sounds like an interesting Saturday night you're having."

"Man, I do sound lame. Well what are you doing, Mr. Excitement?"

"I have a kid remember? My Saturday night and any other night is about her."

"You can't drop her off somewhere?"

"You have no idea how this kid thing works. My mom would absolutely take her for the evening or even overnight but once you become a parent, you're always a parent. You're not a babysitter and I feel bad dropping her off. Dad guilt."

"That sounds like it sucks to me."

"If you had a child you would understand but I get it. I haven't always been a dad."

"Well I can't be a dad unless I adopt." John's eyes widened

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry. I didn't know!"


"Your – you," John stammered pointing

"Oh! No! That works! That works very well but I'm gay."

"Geez. That makes me feel a lot better."

"That my junk works? Thanks."

"That's not what I meant. Anyway, if you're not busy which I know you're not, I guess after you finish ordering those business cards, you're more than welcome to come over for dinner with El and I. I'm making burgers on the grill. El's request along with corn on the cob."

"Oh, wow. I've lived here for two years and no one has invited me over. Ever. And I know they've had parties because I could hear them."

"You look mean."

"I what?"

"You look like you're mean. Last night Elodie called you grumpy."

"Yea, I do have a less than friendly resting face."



"Resting bitch face. You've got one…a male version."

"Did you just call me a bitch!?"

"No. No I did not."

"Oh. Okay. Do I need to bring anything?"

"If you'd like. I'm making roasted vegetables, because corn isn't a vegetable, and a potato of some sort although we had sweet potatoes at lunch."

"Let me take care of the potatoes."

"Are you sure?"


"We Cena's take our potatoes seriously."

"I got it. What time should I be over?"


"Six. Got it. I'll see you guys then."

"See ya." Randy shut the door and chuckled at the picture in his hands. On the way back to his office he stopped in the kitchen and used one of the two magnets on his fridge to hang the portrait


"Daddy I put my toys away like you said."


"Can I help you?"

"Sure. Hold your arms out like this." The girl did exactly that and John placed three plates in her arms. "Is that too heavy?"


"Are you sure?"



"Daddy!" Elodie squealed with a giggle

"Take them outside for me please." The man said then opened the back door for his daughter. He made sure she didn't drop the plates and turned away. He was removing the vegetables from the oven when the doorbell rang


"Hey. The potatoes and I are here."

"Very funny. Come on in." Randy stepped inside the house and took in his surroundings. The interior wasn't at all what he expected. He hadn't been to many houses where children resided but normally there were toys all over and things haphazardly strewn about but not here. He could assume that it was because they'd just moved in though

"Daddy I," Elodie froze. "Hi Mr. Randy!"

"Hi Elodie."

"My daddy cooks good so dinner will be good."

"Did you tell her to say that?"

"No I didn't tell her to say that."


Oh, you're still here." John said upon seeing Randy in the kitchen

"Yea, I sat outside for a while then decided to start cleaning up. I didn't just want to leave things a mess."

"Thank you. Did you bring everything inside?"

"Yea. El's sleeping?"

"Finally after a bath with lavender soap and ten bedtime stories."

"What does lavender do?"

"It's soothing. Works for adults too."

"Noted. Does she know her mom isn't coming back?" John turned his head sharply. "I'm sorry. I can be really blunt and that didn't sound bad until I said it."

"You must be a lawyer or something."

"I'm an attorney."

"Mmhm. And to answer your question, when her mom left, El was only two – barely – so she hardly remembers her. She used to ask me about her when she started daycare last year and saw the moms there but now she doesn't. El," John thumbed away the tears in his eyes. "El is smart and she knows that she doesn't have a mom here. Sorry." He said wiping his face

"No, no – please don't apologize. This is real life and those are your emotions and don't say sorry for that. I really shouldn't have asked."

"You would have eventually."

"…yea, you're right." The men laughed

"Alright, enough sap, let's get this stuff cleaned up so I can have a glass of wine and pass out."

"I see you've got quite the collection in that wine fridge over there."

"I wish I could say that's a collection but I intend to drink all of it."

"All of it?"

"Every last drop."

"Have you been to the wine bars around here? I mean, if you like wine as much as it seems."


"Are you from around here?"

"Maryland you mean? Yes, just not here. I usually just drink in my room with the door shut." Randy laughed loudly then covered his mouth. "You're not going to wake her."

"That is just about the saddest thing."

"Oh, like you ordering business cards on a Saturday night?"

"Exactly like that."

A Month Later

Perfect Smiles Dental

Randy walked into the large office and straight to the reception desk

"Hi. How can I help you today?" The woman said with a southern drawl. He hadn't expected that

"I'm Randy Orton and I have an appointment for 11."

"Alright." She responded zooming her chair across the floor. The woman zoomed back with a folder in her hand. "I know you filled out your paperwork online but we have just one more for you. Also, I need a copy of your drivers' license and insurance card." Randy handed over his identification then sat down to fill out the sheet. By the time he completed it, Wheels had copied his information and returned it to him. A minute or so later he was called to the back

"Have you come today for anything specific?"

"No. I needed a new dentist so I'm in for a check-up."

"Okay. So no pain?" London the hygienist asked


"Alright. We'll be with you in a moment." Randy nodded and relaxed as much as he was able given the fact he hated the dentist. Always had. In a moments time the door opened and in walked John

"You're going to be my dentist?"

"Not if you request another but let me tell you, you only got in today because I was the first with an opening in their schedule."

"Ah, shit. You'll do."

"Thanks. Says here you just need a check-up."


"No pain in any of your teeth?"


"Not even on the left side?"


"Well I noticed that you chew mostly on your right side. Could be habit or you could be avoiding the other side."

"Must be habit."

"Oh, right." John replied snapping on a pair of gloves. "Don't be nervous." He added tilting the chair back

"Who says I'm nervous?"

"I'm sorry. You're sweating so I assumed as much."

"Put the chair back up." He did and Randy removed the jacket to his tailored suit

"Yea, that should do it."

"This place is huge. I got lost coming in."

"Oh? They didn't tell you we were on the fourth floor when you made the appointment?"

"No. I went to pediatrics first. Do you work there too?"

"Mmhm. I should since I own all three."

"You what?"

"Sweet Tooth Pediatrics on third, Perfect Smile which is where you are now and Bright Orthodontics on the fifth. I've got Elodie covered for as long as she has teeth." Randy burst out laughing

"I don't know much about kids and parenting but I can say, for sure, without any doubt that you love that little girl with everything you have."

"That I do. You ready?" John asked already having lowered the chair

"I guess." John went in with the mouth mirror and explorer. He poked at the man's teeth which seemed to be in good shape with minimal build-up but then he needed to satisfy his curiosity. He moved over to the left side and gave the first back molar a poke. Nothing. The second and still nothing. He gave the third a poke and saw his patient tense so he stopped but Randy didn't say anything so he poked again

"Ahhgh!" John pulled his mask down

"Now why did you lie to me? You had to know I'd find it."

"I hate the dentist." He gasped

"I didn't give you this cavity. How long has it been bothering you?"

"You mean since you poked the shit out of it,"

"No. That is not what I mean."

"A few months."

"Tsk, tsk, tsk."

"Oh please."

"Do you want me to fill it now?"


"You can't keep putting this off. Let me finish the exam so I can see if there are others."

"I think we're good." John pulled his mask back up

"Open." Reluctantly the tall man did and when John poked the fourth tooth he tensed again. "Oh! Two…make that three. You have two on one tooth."

"Yourg ull uf hit." John continued on and when the initial exam was over he pulled his mask down again

"What did you say?"

"I said you're full of shit."

"Why would I make that up? I don't get paid by the cavity. Should we fill them now or later?"

"How much do dentures cost? I say we pull them."

"They're expensive and in your case completely unnecessary. You have a beautiful natural set of teeth right here. Soo…now or later?" Randy sat there contemplating before saying

"Let me call my office to make sure I'm free the rest of the afternoon. If I am we can do it today and then I'm going home and eating ice cream."

"As your dentist I don't recommend that." John removed his gloves. "I'll step out and give you a minute." He added pumping sanitizer in one hand and opening the door with the other. "London?"


"Can you go in there and set me up? Cleaning and cavities."
