"I would like to have a consultation," was what Shiranui uttered as she entered the Admiral's office, "It is a matter of the heart."

The Admiral stared at her with glassy eyes as he dropped his pen. Likewise his Secretary for the day, Akagi, froze mid-slurp of her fifty yen priced cup noodles she had painstakingly made after ten failed attempts. Now this was something interesting considering the Ship Girl asking for the consultation.

If this was just a normal discussion, the Admiral would have simply went along with it yet it was the second part of Shiranui's request which baffled his mind. Turning to his side, he exchange looks with Akagi as they engaged in a silent conversation.

"Who is this and what did she do to Shiranui?" asked the Admiral.

"I don't know! But you better talk to her now!" said Akagi with wide eyes as they turned their attention back at the stone faced Destroyer.

Clearing his throat, the Admiral decided to entertain his charge by asking for clarification, "W-What's this about, Shiranui? What do you mean matter of the heart?"

"I am in love with Kaga-san," the Destroyer put bluntl-

"PFFFFFTTTT, WHAT," squawked Akagi as she spat her noodles into her Admiral's face, "YOU'RE WHAT."

Meanwhile, the Admiral deliberately ignored the scalding hot cup noodles that has been sprayed upon his visage, "She's got some guts saying that with Akagi here."

At the first member of the 1stCarDiv's words, Shiranui couldn't help but flush deep scarlet as she brought her thumbs together while averting her gaze, "I... I am not familiar with this feeling, Admiral. Therefore I could only turn to you for counsel. Kagerou is simply clueless and I Kuroshio would simply pry... S-So... Nui..."

"Oh god she's serious," thought the Admiral as his thoughts struck him like lightning.

"Oh god she's serious!" Akagi internally screamed. She turned her gaze towards her Admiral whom was observing the bashful Shiranui whom was shuffling her feet like a school girl before him.

This was quite the situation for the Admiral! Being in charge of over a hundred Ship Girls was a big responsibility and managing each of their unique personalities was enough to drive a normal human insane. However the Admiral had endured for eight months on the job with an unbendable will of steel be it in battle or fleet organizations, raking in awards and medals not only for himself but for his girls as well!

Akagi, as a veteran of his Fleet, knew exactly how talented the Admiral was despite his age but even then he would have to think about this carefully. That's right! Unlike battles, this was a girl's heart he was faced with! As far as she knew, the Admiral was unfamiliar with a girl's heart and he knew that himself after the infamous incident in his childhood he was forced to confess while drinking with Jun'you!

His skills had no place here! Yet even then he gazed at Shiranui's blushing face with a sharp look.

Akagi most certainly marveled at how cool-headed he was in this situation!

He closed his eyes and sucked in a deep breath.

It seemed that he made up his mind!

"Y-You can count on me *wink*," said the Admiral as his sweat began to slide down his cheeks as he displayed a shaky grin.

"THAT'S NOT REASSURING AT ALL," thought a mortified Akagi.

"Is that so? I'm relieved," sighed Shiranui as she held her chest with a hand.

"AND YOU TRUST HIM SO EASILY?!" Akagi echoed internally while looking at Shiranui in horror.

"A-And it's a good thing Akagi's here too. Perhaps she could give you some information about Kaga that you might want to know," coughed the Admiral as he pointed at the Carrier with two finger guns.

"YOU TRAITOR, HOW COULD YOU?!" thought Akagi with a pained look before her eyes darted towards Shiranui whom had come dangerously close with eyes wide with expectations, "Oh god."

"I am most grateful for your help, Akagi-san," said Shiranui as she looked at the Carrier with her normally stoic and cold eyes now filled with wonderment and the excited light of a child who knew she was being supported.

To Akagi, she would have glared at her Admiral for putting her between a rock and a hard place but she wouldn't be able to say no to a Shiranui like this. It would simply be too cruel.

"I... Yes, I would be most certainly be happy to help you, Shiranui-chan," Akagi replied with a nervous smile. When Shiranui wasn't looking she sent a glare at her Admiral that could have killed an Abyssal Destroyer, "Bastard."

"Bite me," was the message the Admiral's arrogant look was saying.

"Well, if that's the case... Then may I explain?" offered Shiranui as she stepped away with her usual stoic expression back in place.

"By all means," urged Akagi.

"Sure, go ahead," replied the Admiral.

Clearing her throat, the pink haired Destroyer then said, "It all started during that grueling battle of the Northern Sea."

"Wait, hold on... I was in the Fleet too, wasn't I?" thought Akagi as she listened to Shiranui's story.

"It was during that battle that I sustained massive injuries but I was saved by Kaga-san just as I was about to be sunk," continued the Destroyer with a resolute expression, "I would have accepted my fate back then however it was through Kaga-san's courageous display of will and determination that I held on just in time for Yukikaze to dump a Repair Crew charm on my face. Ever since then, I looked up to Kaga-san when she still had her striking long hair and fearless expression."

"Wait... Kaga-san? Long hair?" thought Akagi as a creeping feeling began to crawl behind her back.

"This heavy feeling in my heart would simply not lighten. I've made my research and written down five page essays in regards to my feelings yet even with all the techniques and advice I have scrounged up from the Internet, this feeling would no go away. I have decided to do something about it yet my own inexperience is preventing me from taking action," continued Shiranui with a regretful tone.

Clenching her fist, the Destroyer then said, "Admiral! What is love?!"

"It's burning, yo," came the Admiral's cool reply.

"B-Burning, you say?" said Shiranui as she was taken aback by this.

"Yeah. Burning Love. Do it like Kongou does," said the Admiral with a nod.

"I... I'm afraid I don't understand. What does Kongou-san do?" asked the Destroyer with a confused look on her face. Right. Kongou had only been assigned to the base a few days ago so it was obvious that someone as serious and recluse as Shiranui wouldn't see much of the Battleship as unlikely it was to miss her.

"Do you hear that, Shiranui? Listen carefully," said the Admiral as he cupped his right ear.

Shiranui frowned and closed her eyes to open her senses.


Far into the distance...

It could be heard...


At the pier... She could be heard...




"!" with her eyes widening, Shiranui stepped back, "I hear it! I hear it Admiral!"

"Good, good," said the Admiral with a sagely nod, "Now do as she does."

"Shout 'Burning Love', Admiral?" asked the Destroyer.

"If it needs be, so be it," replied the Admiral with another nod.

"What in god's blue sea is this idiot babbling abou- Wait... Hold on, it actually makes sense," thought Akagi.

That's right!

"If you wish for yourself to be freed of that weight in your heart, why not let it out, Shiranui?" suggested the Admiral with a kind smile, "Be honest with yourself, relax and release all your inhibitions, stop worrying and move forward. Advance through the chaotic waves inside of you and sail full steam ahead to what you really desire. If only to grant yourself a peace of mind..."

Blinking, it seemed that Shiranui understood what the Admiral was trying to say. Akagi could almost say she was impressed by this.

"Besides," the Admiral then cracked a grin as he gave Akagi a sidelong glance, "You never know. The object of your affection may just hear you."

Shiranui bade Akagi and the Admiral goodbye, shutting the office door behind her as she left. This left the Carrier and Admiral alone in the office as they stared after her departing form.

Finally, it was the Admiral whom broke the silence, "You know... That day Akashi told me that Shiranui became partially color blind."

"Mhmm," mumbled Akagi.

"And perhaps... In the heat of the battle... She may have mixed up two people with each other. So misunderstandings could easily happen at that rate," coughed the Admiral, "Kaga never did sortie that day, yeah?"

"Why didn't you tell her?" asked Akagi with a raised eyebrow.

"Do you honestly think I'm cruel enough to break the girl's heart then and there?" scoffed the Admiral, "She'll find out about it herself. And when she does... You better get ready."

"That's just as bad you know, misleading her," huffed the Carrier.

"Kaga's going to be in for a shock. Don't you think that will be funny?" the Admiral sighed, "Yep. It's funny."


"You know, you actually said something very nice to her there," giggled the Carrier before she glared at the Admiral, "You're a bastard though."

"Bite me," growled the Admiral before going back to finishing his paperwork.


While the day passed over the Naval Base... At the distance... A call could be heard...