The first in a collection. Some may relate to this story, some may be unrelated.



"I don't understand how this is going to work," Sirius whispered, scared of ruining the moment. "The three of us together? It's... it's crazy! People will talk." His eyes moved between the pair. He had tried to act like he wasn't interested, but his heart was pounding against his ribs and his voice had wavered slightly, betraying him.

Remus, sitting so close he could feel the heat off his body, reached out, taking Sirius' hand in his. "We know," he said. "To tell you the honest truth, you aren't the first person we've made this offer to. We're not complete, Sirius. We crave someone else, but it's not often we find someone."

"You've asked other people? When?" He attempted to hide the jealousy, but failed miserably.

"The last was two years ago," Remus explained. "Lily. It was wonderful at first, but she started to see me as just a friend and started to fall for James. She only wanted him. That was a deal-breaker."

"Remus is being polite. She said it was her or Remus and forced me to choose. She forgot that we're a package deal."

"It's both of us or neither," Remus murmured.

Sirius pushed down the flicker of jealousy at this Lily girl. "What do you expect from me?"

"What anyone else expects in a relationship," Remus explained. "To be with you, to spend time with you and get to know you. To take you on dates and cuddle up on the sofa. Anything you want from this. We're not just looking for a threesome, we're looking to be in a relationship with you."

Sirius took a couple of shaky breaths. "This is crazy!"

James' hand rested on top of his and Remus'. Sirius glanced up, looking at where James was kneeling in front of him. "It is, but it's also the most sane thing ever. We didn't think you were the one at first, though we were drawn to you. You hide so much of yourself. I have too much love to give; Remus has enough space in his heart for someone else."

"And me?" Sirius asked, somehow knowing that James was waiting for the question.

"Being with one person ā€” could they give you all the love you crave?" James asked softly. "Would that be enough?"

The words hit something deep inside Sirius. He had always felt like it wasn't enough in his past relationships, though the partners would easily get overwhelmed by him.

"We both want this. There's no second guessing or any doubts for us," Remus assured him. "We know you're the one we've been looking for."

"Would we all be equal?" Sirius questioned.

James shuffled closer, and Remus reached for him with his free hand, fingers caressing his cheek.

"We would," James said. "It's hard. At the start, there was a lot of jealousy, that's why Benjy got overwhelmed and left. Me and Remus have been together since school and sometimes we might get up to dance together, or kiss. But that doesn't mean that you're left alone. If I'm working, I'm not going to be jealous if you and Remus go to the cinema ā€” unless it's a movie that I wanted to see too. Or if me and you wanted to go and watch a football game, Remus won't mind staying home. But when you're not around, it'll be me and Remus out together. We're not going to do things and leave you out. We'll all be equal members of this relationship."

"So equal, that me and James are willing to be celibate with each other until you're comfortable to take things further. We won't do with each other what you're not comfortable doing with us."

"We're not saying this will be easy, it'll take time to make this work, but we're willing to put in that time. It'll be a challenge, but I have to say, I love challenges!" James finished, tightening his grip on the other two hands as though he was scared Sirius would suddenly bolt.

Sirius' eyes moved between hazel and amber, seeing the hopeful expressions, and though he knew he was being insane, he couldn't say no.

This had the potential to be the biggest mistake of his life, yet he couldn't risk turning the offer down, because it could also be the best decision he had ever made.

"Iā€¦ I'd like to be with you both too," he admitted.

Written for:

Weekly Pairing Challenge: Poly - Sirius/Remus/James

Emotion Challenge: Hopeful (though I haven't used the word much, it's about Remus and James being hopeful that Sirius will be with them)

Restricted Section Challenge: Guideline - Write a romance story

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry: Write a story with at least two characters, in which one shows at least one trait from each used (by James Potter) Loyal, Friendly, Enjoys challenges.

Bad Movie Tuesdays: Full Circle - [word] mind

Chocolate Frog: James Potter - Write about James Potter.

Gringotts Prompt Bank

Descriptors - Whispered, Questioned

Prepositions - Against

Personality types - Friendly, Loyal, Questioning, Cautious

Sex and the City (1/4) (object) Couch

Feelings and Emotions - Attracted, Curious, Hopeful, Uncertain, Hesitant

Various Prompts: Genre Specific - Love, Date

Charmed (1/8) Truth

Secret Diary of a Call Girl (1/5) Threesome